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Dir : /home/trave494/ |
Server: Linux 4.18.0-553.22.1.lve.1.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Oct 8 15:52:54 UTC 2024 x86_64 IP: |
Dir : //home/trave494/ |
<?php defined( 'ABSPATH' ) or die( ); if ( ! class_exists( "cmplz_admin" ) ) { class cmplz_admin { private static $_this; public $error_message = ""; public $success_message = ""; function __construct() { if ( isset( self::$_this ) ) { wp_die( sprintf( '%s is a singleton class and you cannot create a second instance.', get_class( $this ) ) ); } self::$_this = $this; add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'enqueue_assets' ) ); add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'register_admin_page' ), 20 ); add_action( 'cmplz_activation', array( $this, 'activation' ), 20 ); $plugin = cmplz_plugin; add_filter( "plugin_action_links_$plugin", array( $this, 'plugin_settings_link' ) ); add_action( "in_plugin_update_message-{$plugin}", array( $this, 'plugin_update_message'), 10, 2 ); add_filter( "auto_update_plugin", array( $this, 'override_auto_updates'), 99, 2 ); //multisite add_filter( "network_admin_plugin_action_links_$plugin", array( $this, 'plugin_settings_link' ) ); add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'process_reset_action' ), 10, 1 ); add_action( 'cmplz_fieldvalue', array($this, 'filter_cookie_domain'), 10, 2); add_action( 'wp_ajax_cmplz_dismiss_warning', array( $this, 'dismiss_warning' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_cmplz_load_warnings', array( $this, 'ajax_load_warnings' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_cmplz_load_gridblock', array( $this, 'ajax_load_gridblock' ) ); add_filter( 'cmplz_warning_types', array( $this, 'filter_enable_dismissable_warnings' ) ); //admin notices add_action( 'wp_ajax_cmplz_dismiss_admin_notice', array( $this, 'dismiss_warning' ) ); add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, 'show_admin_notice' ) ); add_action( 'admin_print_footer_scripts', array( $this, 'insert_dismiss_admin_notice_script' ) ); add_action( 'cmplz_install_burst', array( $this, 'install_burst_html' ), 10, 1 ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_cmplz_install_plugin', array( $this, 'maybe_install_suggested_plugins' ) ); } static function this() { return self::$_this; } public function activation(){ } public function install_burst_html(){ $burst_installed = class_exists('BURST'); require_once( cmplz_path . 'class-installer.php' ); $installer = new cmplz_installer( 'burst-statistics' ); $plugin_info = $installer->get_plugin_info(); ?> <div class="cmplz-suggested-plugin"> <img class="cmplz-suggested-plugin-img" src="<?php echo cmplz_url?>/upgrade/img/burst.png"> <div class="cmplz-suggested-plugin-desc-group"> <div class="cmplz-suggested-plugin-title"><?php _e("Burst Statistics from Complianz", 'complianz-gdpr')?></div> <div class="cmplz-suggested-plugin-desc"><?php _e("Self-hosted and privacy-friendly analytics tool", 'complianz-gdpr')?></div> <div class="cmplz-suggested-plugin-rating"> <?php wp_star_rating([ 'rating' => $plugin_info->rating, 'type' => 'percent', 'number' => $plugin_info->num_ratings ] );?> </div> </div> <div class="cmplz-suggested-plugin-desc-long"> <?php _e("Get detailed insights into visitors' behavior with Burst Statistics, the privacy-friendly analytics dashboard from Really Simple Plugins", 'complianz-gdpr')?> </div> <div><button type="button" <?php echo $burst_installed ? 'disabled' : ''?> class="button-secondary cmplz-install-burst"><?php echo $burst_installed ? __("Installed","complianz-gdpr") : __("Install","complianz-gdpr")?></button> <div class="cmplz-hidden cmplz-completed-text"><?php _e("Installed", "complianz-gdpr")?></div> </div> </div> <?php } public function maybe_install_suggested_plugins(){ if (!isset($_GET['nonce'])) { return; } if (!wp_verify_nonce($_GET['nonce'], 'complianz_save')) { return; } $error = true; if ( current_user_can('install_plugins')) { $error = false; $step = isset($_GET['step']) ? sanitize_title($_GET['step']) : 'download'; require_once( cmplz_path . 'class-installer.php' ); $installer = new cmplz_installer( 'burst-statistics' ); $installer->install($step); } $response = json_encode( [ 'success' => $error ] ); header( "Content-Type: application/json" ); echo $response; exit; } /** * Check if current day falls within required date range. * * @return bool */ public function is_bf(){ if ( defined("cmplz_premium" ) ) { return false; } $start_day = 21; $end_day = 28; $current_year = date("Y");//e.g. 2021 $current_month = date("n");//e.g. 3 $current_day = date("j");//e.g. 4 return $current_year == 2022 && $current_month == 11 && $current_day >= $start_day && $current_day <= $end_day; } /** * Hooked into ajax call to dismiss a warning * @hooked wp_ajax_cmplz_dismiss_warning */ public function dismiss_warning() { $error = false; if ( !cmplz_user_can_manage() ) { $error = true; } if ( !isset($_POST['id']) ) { $error = true; } $nonce = $_POST['nonce'] ?? false; if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'complianz_save' ) && ! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'complianz_dismiss_admin_notice' ) ) { $error = true; } if ( !$error ) { $warning_id = sanitize_title($_POST['id']); $dismissed_warnings = get_option( 'cmplz_dismissed_warnings', array() ); if ( !in_array($warning_id, $dismissed_warnings) ) { $dismissed_warnings[] = $warning_id; } update_option('cmplz_dismissed_warnings', $dismissed_warnings, false ); delete_transient('complianz_warnings'); delete_transient('complianz_warnings_admin_notices'); } $out = array( 'success' => ! $error, ); die( json_encode( $out ) ); } /** * Hooked into ajax call to load the warnings * @hooked wp_ajax_cmplz_load_warnings */ public function ajax_load_warnings() { $error = false; $html = ''; $remaining_count = $all_count = 0; if ( ! cmplz_user_can_manage() ) { $error = true; } if ( !isset($_GET['status']) ) { $error = true; } if (!$error) { $all_count = count( $this->get_warnings(array( 'cache' => false ) ) ); $remaining_count = count( $this->get_warnings(array( 'cache' => false, 'status' => array('urgent', 'open'), ) ) ); $html = cmplz_get_template('dashboard/progress.php'); } $out = array( 'success' => ! $error, 'html' => $html, 'count_all' => $all_count, 'count_remaining' => $remaining_count, ); die( json_encode( $out ) ); } /** * */ public function ajax_load_gridblock() { $error = false; $html = ''; if ( ! cmplz_user_can_manage() ) { $error = true; } if (!isset($_GET['template'])) { $error = true; } if (!$error) { $template = sanitize_title($_GET['template']); $html = cmplz_get_template("dashboard/$template.php"); } $out = array( 'success' => ! $error, 'html' => $html, ); die( json_encode( $out ) ); } /** * Sanitize the cookiedomain * @param string $fieldname * @param string $fieldvalue * * @return string|string[] */ public function filter_cookie_domain( $fieldvalue, $fieldname ){ if ( ! cmplz_user_can_manage() ) { return $fieldvalue; } //sanitize the cookie domain if ( ( $fieldname === 'cmplz_cookie_domain' && !empty($fieldvalue) ) ) { $fieldvalue = str_replace(array("https://", "http://", "www."), "", $fieldvalue); } return $fieldvalue; } /** * process the reset */ public function process_reset_action() { if ( ! isset( $_POST['cmplz_reset_settings'] ) ) { return; } if ( ! cmplz_user_can_manage() ) { return; } if ( ! isset( $_POST['cmplz_nonce'] ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['cmplz_nonce'], 'complianz_save' ) ) { return; } $options = array( 'cmplz_post_scribe_required', 'cmplz_activation_time', 'cmplz_review_notice_shown', "cmplz_wizard_completed_once", 'complianz_options_settings', 'complianz_options_wizard', 'complianz_options_dataleak', 'complianz_options_processing', 'complianz_active_policy_id', 'complianz_scan_token', 'cmplz_license_notice_dismissed', 'cmplz_license_key', 'cmplz_license_status', 'cmplz_changed_cookies', 'cmplz_plugins_changed', 'cmplz_detected_stats', 'cmplz_deleted_cookies', 'cmplz_reported_cookies', 'cmplz_sync_cookies_complete', 'cmplz_sync_services_complete', 'cmplz_detected_social_media', 'cmplz_detected_thirdparty_services', 'cmplz_run_cdb_sync_once', ); foreach ( $options as $option_name ) { delete_option( $option_name ); delete_site_option( $option_name ); } global $wpdb; $table_names = array( $wpdb->prefix . 'cmplz_statistics', $wpdb->prefix . 'cmplz_cookies', $wpdb->prefix . 'cmplz_services' ); foreach ( $table_names as $table_name ) { if ( $wpdb->get_var( "SHOW TABLES LIKE '$table_name'" ) === $table_name ) { $wpdb->query( "TRUNCATE TABLE $table_name" ); } } $banners = cmplz_get_cookiebanners( array( 'status' => 'all' ) ); foreach ( $banners as $banner ) { $banner = new CMPLZ_COOKIEBANNER( $banner->ID ); $banner->delete( true ); } $this->success_message = __( 'Data successfully cleared', 'complianz-gdpr' ); } /** * Add a major changes notice to the plugin updates message * @param $plugin_data * @param $response */ public function plugin_update_message($plugin_data, $response){ if ( strpos($response->slug , 'complianz') !==false && ( version_compare($response->new_version, '7.0.0', '>=') || strpos($response->new_version, 'beta.')!==false ) ) { if (cmplz_get_value("beta", false, 'settings')) { echo '<br /><b>' . ' '.__("It is highly recommended that you back up your data before updating to the Beta version. Beta versions are not intended for production environments or critical systems. They are best suited for users who are willing to explore new features and provide feedback.", "complianz-gdpr").'</b>'; } else { echo '<br /><b>' . ' '.__("This is a major release and while tested thoroughly you might experience conflicts or lost data. We recommend you back up your data before updating and check your configuration after updating.", "complianz-gdpr").cmplz_read_more('').'</b>'; } } } /** * If this update is to 7, don't auto update * Deactivated as of 7.0 * * @param $update * @param $item * * @return false|mixed */ public function override_auto_updates( $update, $item ) { if (!$item) return $update; if (!isset($item->slug)) return $update; if ( strpos($item->slug , 'complianz' ) !==false && version_compare($item->new_version, '7.0.0', '>=') ) { return false; } return $update; } /** * Enqueue some assets * * @param $hook */ public function enqueue_assets( $hook ) { if ( ( strpos( $hook, 'complianz' ) === false ) && strpos( $hook, 'cmplz' ) === false ) { return; } $minified = ( defined( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' ) && SCRIPT_DEBUG ) ? '' : '.min'; wp_register_style( 'cmplz', trailingslashit( cmplz_url ) . "assets/css/admin$minified.css", "", cmplz_version ); wp_enqueue_style( 'cmplz' ); wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-color-picker' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'cmplz-ace', cmplz_url . "assets/vendor/ace/ace.js", array(), cmplz_version, false ); wp_enqueue_script( 'cmplz-dashboard', cmplz_url . "assets/js/dashboard$minified.js", array( 'jquery' ), cmplz_version, true ); wp_enqueue_script( 'cmplz-admin', cmplz_url . "assets/js/admin$minified.js", array( 'jquery', 'wp-color-picker' ), cmplz_version, true ); $sync_progress = COMPLIANZ::$cookie_admin->get_sync_progress(); $progress = COMPLIANZ::$cookie_admin->get_progress_count(); wp_localize_script( 'cmplz-admin', 'complianz_admin', array( 'admin_url' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ), 'nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'complianz_save' ), 'progress' => $progress, 'syncProgress' => $sync_progress, 'copy_text' => __('Copied!', 'complianz-gdpr') ) ); } /** * Add custom link to plugins overview page * * @hooked plugin_action_links_$plugin * * @param array $links * * @return array $links */ public function plugin_settings_link( $links ) { $settings_link = '<a href="' . admin_url( "admin.php?page=complianz" ) . '" class="cmplz-settings-link">' . __( "Settings", 'complianz-gdpr' ) . '</a>'; array_unshift( $links, $settings_link ); $support_link = defined( 'cmplz_free' ) ? "" : ""; $faq_link = '<a target="_blank" href="' . $support_link . '">' . __( 'Support', 'complianz-gdpr' ) . '</a>'; array_unshift( $links, $faq_link ); if ( ! defined( 'cmplz_premium' ) ) { $upgrade_link = '<a style="color:#2DAAE1;font-weight:bold" target="_blank" href="">' . __( 'Upgrade to premium', 'complianz-gdpr' ) . '</a>'; array_unshift( $links, $upgrade_link ); } return $links; } /** * Insert some ajax script to dismiss the admin notice * * @since 2.0 * * @access public * * type: dismiss, later * */ public function insert_dismiss_admin_notice_script() { $ajax_nonce = wp_create_nonce( "complianz_dismiss_admin_notice" ); ?> <script type='text/javascript'> jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { $("").on("click", ".notice-dismiss, .cmplz-btn-dismiss-notice", function (event) { var id = $('.cmplz-admin-notice').data('admin_notice_id'); var data = { 'action': 'cmplz_dismiss_admin_notice', 'id': id, 'nonce': '<?php echo $ajax_nonce; ?>' }; $.post(ajaxurl, data, function (response) { $("").remove(); }); }); }); </script> <?php } /** * Show an admin notice from our warnings list * @return void */ public function show_admin_notice(){ delete_transient( 'complianz_warnings' ); $warnings = $this->get_warnings( [ 'admin_notices' => true] ); if (count($warnings)==0) { return; } //only one admin notice at the same time. $keys = array_keys($warnings); $id = $keys[0]; $warning = $warnings[$id]; if ( !isset($warning['open'])) { return; } $dismiss_btn = '<br /><br /><button class="cmplz-btn-dismiss-notice button-secondary">'.__("Dismiss","complianz-gdpr").'</button>'; cmplz_admin_notice($warning['open'].$dismiss_btn, $id); } /** * get a list of applicable warnings. * * @param array $args * * @return array */ public function get_warnings( $args = array() ) { if ( ! cmplz_user_can_manage() ) { return []; } $defaults = array( 'cache' => true, 'status' => 'all', 'plus_ones' => false, 'progress_items_only' => false, 'admin_notices' => false, ); $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); $admin_notice = $args['admin_notices'] ? '_admin_notices' : ''; $cache = $args['cache']; if (isset($_GET['page']) && ($_GET['page']==='complianz' || strpos($_GET['page'],'cmplz') !== false ) ) { $cache = false; } $warnings = $cache ? get_transient( 'complianz_warnings'.$admin_notice ) : false; //re-check if there are no warnings, or if the transient has expired if ( ! $warnings ) { $warnings = []; $warning_type_defaults = array( 'plus_one' => false, 'warning_condition' => '_true_', 'success_conditions' => array(), 'relation' => 'OR', 'status' => 'open', 'dismissible' => true, 'include_in_progress' => false, 'admin_notice' => false, ); $warning_types = COMPLIANZ::$config->warning_types; foreach ($warning_types as $id => $warning_type) { $warning_types[$id] = wp_parse_args($warning_type, $warning_type_defaults ); } $dismissed_warnings = get_option('cmplz_dismissed_warnings', array() ); foreach ( $warning_types as $id => $warning ) { if ( in_array( sanitize_title($id), $dismissed_warnings) ) { continue; } if ( $args['admin_notices'] && !$warning['admin_notice']){ continue; } if ( !$args['admin_notices'] && $warning['admin_notice']){ continue; } $show_warning = $this->validate_function($warning['warning_condition']); if ( !$show_warning ) { continue; } $relation = $warning['relation']; if ( $relation === 'AND' ) { $success = TRUE; } else { $success = FALSE; } foreach ( $warning[ 'success_conditions'] as $func) { $condition = $this->validate_function($func); if ( $relation === 'AND' ) { $success = $success && $condition; } else { $success = $success || $condition; } } if ( !$success ) { if ( isset( $warning['open']) ) { $warning['message'] = $warning['open']; $warning['status'] = 'open'; $warnings[$id] = $warning; } else if (isset( $warning['urgent']) ) { $warning['message'] = $warning['urgent']; $warning['status'] = 'urgent'; $warnings[$id] = $warning; } else if (isset( $warning['premium']) ) { $warning['message'] = $warning['premium']; $warning['status'] = 'premium'; $warnings[$id] = $warning; } } else { if (isset( $warning['completed']) ) { $warning['message'] = $warning['completed']; $warning['status'] = 'completed'; $warning['plus_one'] = false; $warnings[$id] = $warning; } } } set_transient( 'complianz_warnings'.$admin_notice, $warnings, HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); } //filtering outside cache if, to make sure all warnings are saved for the cache. //filter by status if ($args['status'] !== 'all' ) { $filter_statuses = is_array($args['status']) ? $args['status'] : array($args['status']); foreach ($warnings as $id => $warning ) { if ( !in_array( $warning['status'], $filter_statuses) ) { unset( $warnings[$id] ); } } } //filter by plus ones if ($args['plus_ones']) { //if notifications disabled, we return an empty array when the plus ones are requested. if ( cmplz_get_value( 'disable_notifications' ) ) { return array(); } foreach ($warnings as $id => $warning ) { //prevent notices on upgrade to 5.0 if ( !isset( $warning['plus_one'])) continue; if ( !$warning['plus_one'] ){ unset($warnings[$id]); } } } //filter for progress bar if ($args['progress_items_only']) { foreach ($warnings as $id => $warning ) { //prevent notices on upgrade to 5.0 if ( !isset( $warning['include_in_progress'])) continue; if ( !$warning['include_in_progress'] ){ unset($warnings[$id]); } } } //sort so warnings are on top $completed = array(); $open = array(); $urgent = array(); if (!empty($warnings)) { foreach ( $warnings as $key => $warning ) { //prevent notices on upgrade to 5.0 if ( ! isset( $warning['status'] ) ) { continue; } if ( $warning['status'] === 'urgent' ) { $urgent[ $key ] = $warning; } else if ( $warning['status'] === 'open' ) { $open[ $key ] = $warning; } else { $completed[ $key ] = $warning; } } } $warnings = $urgent + $open + $completed; return $warnings; } /** * Enable dismissable warnings for current free users * @param $warnings * @return array * @filter cmplz_warning_types */ function filter_enable_dismissable_warnings($warnings){ if (get_option('complianz_enable_dismissible_premium_warnings') && ! defined( 'cmplz_premium' ) ){ $warnings['advertising-enabled']['dismissible'] = true; $warnings['sync-privacy-statement']['dismissible'] = true; $warnings['ecommerce-legal']['dismissible'] = true; $warnings['configure-tag-manager']['dismissible'] = true; $warnings['targeting-multiple-regions']['dismissible'] = true; } return $warnings; } /** * Get output of function, in format 'function', or 'class()->sub()->function' * We can pass one variable to the function * @param string $func * @return string|bool */ private function validate_function( $func ){ $invert = false; if (strpos($func, 'NOT ') !== FALSE ) { $func = str_replace('NOT ', '', $func); $invert = true; } if ( empty($func) ) { return true; } if ( strpos($func, 'get_option_') !== false ) { $field = str_replace( 'get_option_', '', $func ); $output = get_option( $field ); } else if ( preg_match( '/get_value_(.*)==(.*)/i', $func, $matches)) { $fieldname = $matches[1]; $value = $matches[2]; $output = cmplz_get_value( $fieldname ) === $value; } else if ( $func === '_true_') { $output = true; } else if ( $func === '_false_' ) { $output = false; } else { if ( preg_match( '/(.*)->(.*)/i', $func, $matches)) { if (preg_match( '/(.*)->(.*)\((.*)\)/i', $func, $sub_matches )) { $class = $sub_matches[1]; $function = $sub_matches[2]; $variable = $sub_matches[3]; $output = COMPLIANZ::${$class}->$function($variable); } else { $class = $matches[1]; $function = $matches[2]; $output = COMPLIANZ::${$class}->$function(); } } else if ( preg_match( '/(.*)\((.*)\)/i', $func, $matches ) ) { $func = $matches[1]; $variable = $matches[2]; $output = $func($variable); } else{ $output = $func(); } } if ( $invert ) { $output = !$output; } return $output; } /** * Register our menu's */ public function register_admin_page() { if ( ! cmplz_user_can_manage() ) { return; } $warnings = $this->get_warnings( array( 'plus_ones' => true, ) ); $warning_count = count( $warnings ); $warning_title = esc_attr( cmplz_sprintf( '%s plugin warnings', $warning_count ) ); $menu_label = cmplz_sprintf( __( 'Complianz %s', 'complianz-gdpr' ), "<span class='update-plugins count-$warning_count' title='$warning_title'><span class='update-count'>" . number_format_i18n( $warning_count ) . "</span></span>" ); global $cmplz_admin_page; $cmplz_admin_page = add_menu_page( __( 'Complianz', 'complianz-gdpr' ), $menu_label, apply_filters('cmplz_capability','manage_privacy'), 'complianz', array( $this, 'dashboard' ), cmplz_url . 'assets/images/menu-icon.svg', CMPLZ_MAIN_MENU_POSITION ); add_submenu_page( 'complianz', __( 'Dashboard', 'complianz-gdpr' ), __( 'Dashboard', 'complianz-gdpr' ), apply_filters('cmplz_capability','manage_privacy'), 'complianz', array( $this, 'dashboard' ) ); add_submenu_page( 'complianz', __( 'Wizard', 'complianz-gdpr' ), __( 'Wizard', 'complianz-gdpr' ), apply_filters('cmplz_capability','manage_privacy'), 'cmplz-wizard', array( $this, 'wizard_page' ) ); do_action( 'cmplz_cookiebanner_menu' ); do_action( 'cmplz_integrations_menu' ); add_submenu_page( 'complianz', __( 'Settings' ), __( 'Settings' ), apply_filters('cmplz_capability','manage_privacy'), "cmplz-settings", array( $this, 'settings' ) ); do_action( 'cmplz_admin_menu' ); if ( defined( 'cmplz_free' ) && cmplz_free ) { global $submenu; if ( isset($submenu['complianz']) ) { $class = 'cmplz-submenu'; $highest_index = count( $submenu['complianz'] ); $submenu['complianz'][] = array( __( 'Upgrade to premium', 'complianz-gdpr' ), apply_filters('cmplz_capability','manage_privacy'), '' ); if ( isset( $submenu['complianz'][ $highest_index ] ) ) { if ( ! isset ( $submenu['complianz'][ $highest_index ][4] ) ) { $submenu['complianz'][ $highest_index ][4] = ''; } $submenu['complianz'][ $highest_index ][4] .= ' ' . $class; } } } } /** * Show the wizard page */ public function wizard_page() { ?> <?php if ( apply_filters( 'cmplz_show_wizard_page', true ) ) { COMPLIANZ::$wizard->wizard( 'wizard' ); } else { $link_account_page = '<a href="">'; $link_admin = '<a href="'.add_query_arg(array('page'=>'cmplz-settings#license'), admin_url('admin.php')).'">'; if ( cmplz_is_multisite_plugin_on_non_multisite_installation() ) { cmplz_admin_notice( cmplz_sprintf(__( 'You have activated the Multisite plugin on a non-Multisite environment. Please download the regular Complianz Premium plugin %svia your account%s and install it instead', 'complianz-gdpr' ), $link_account_page, '</a>' )); } else { cmplz_admin_notice( cmplz_sprintf(__( 'Your license needs to be %sactivated%s to unlock the wizard', 'complianz-gdpr' ), $link_admin, '</a>' )); } } ?> <?php } /** * Get status link for plugin, depending on installed, or premium availability * @param $item * * @return string */ public function get_status_link($item){ if (!defined($item['constant_free']) && !defined($item['constant_premium'])) { $link = admin_url() . "plugin-install.php?s=".$item['search']."&tab=search&type=term"; $text = __('Install', 'complianz-gdpr'); $status = "<a href=$link>$text</a>"; } elseif (defined($item['constant_premium'] ) ) { $status = __("Installed", "complianz-gdpr"); } elseif (defined($item['constant_free']) && !defined($item['constant_premium'])) { $link = $item['website']; $text = __('Upgrade to Pro', 'complianz-gdpr'); $status = "<a href=$link>$text</a>"; } return $status; } /** * Generate the dashboard page */ public function dashboard() { $all_count = count( $this->get_warnings(array( 'cache' => false ) ) ); $remaining_count = count( $this->get_warnings(array( 'cache' => false, 'status' => array('urgent', 'open'), ) ) ); $tasks = '<div class="cmplz-task-switcher-container"><span class="cmplz-task-switcher active" href="'.add_query_arg( array('page' => 'complianz'), admin_url('admin.php') ).'">' . sprintf(__("All tasks (%s)", "complianz-gdpr"), '<span class="cmplz-task-switcher-count cmplz-all">'.$all_count.'</span>') . '</span><span class="cmplz-task-switcher" href="'.add_query_arg( array('page' => 'complianz', 'cmplz-status' => 'remaining'), admin_url('admin.php') ).'">' . sprintf(__("Remaining tasks (%s)", "complianz-gdpr"), '<span class="cmplz-task-switcher-count cmplz-remaining">'.$remaining_count .'</span>') . '</span></div>'; $grid_items = array( array( 'name' => 'progress', 'header' => __("Your progress", "complianz-gdpr"), 'class' => 'column-2 row-2', 'page' => 'dashboard', 'controls' => $tasks, ), array( 'name' => 'documents', 'header' => __("Documents", "complianz-gdpr"), 'class' => 'row-2', 'page' => 'dashboard', 'controls' => __("Last update", "complianz-gdpr"), ), array( 'name' => 'tools', 'header' => __("Tools", "complianz-gdpr"), 'class' => 'row-2', 'page' => 'dashboard', 'controls' => '', ), array( 'name' => 'tips-tricks', 'header' => __("Tips & Tricks", "complianz-gdpr"), 'class' => 'column-2', 'page' => 'dashboard', 'controls' => '', ), array( 'name' => 'other-plugins', 'header' => __("Other plugins", "complianz-gdpr"), 'class' => 'column-2 no-border no-background', 'page' => 'dashboard', 'controls' => '<div class="rsp-logo"><a href=""><img src="' . trailingslashit(cmplz_url) . 'assets/images/really-simple-plugins.svg" alt="Really Simple Plugins" /></a></div>', ), ); $grid_items = apply_filters('cmplz_grid_items', $grid_items); //give each item the key as index array_walk($grid_items, function(&$a, $b) { $a['index'] = $b; }); $grid_html = ''; foreach ($grid_items as $index => $grid_item) { $grid_html .= cmplz_grid_element($grid_item); } $args = array( 'page' => 'dashboard', 'content' => cmplz_grid_container($grid_html), ); echo cmplz_get_template('admin_wrap.php', $args ); } /** * Get dropdown for grid * @param string $name * @param array $options * * @return string */ public function grid_dropdown($name, $options, $default) { $selected = false; if (isset($_GET[$name])) { $selected = sanitize_title($_GET[$name]); } if (!$selected) $selected = $default; $html = '<select class="cmplz-grid-selector" id="'.$name.'">'; foreach ( $options as $value => $option ) { $sel = $selected === $value ? 'selected' : ''; $html .= '<option value="'.$value.'" '.$sel.'>'.$option; } $html .= '</select>'; return $html; } /** * Get the html output for a help tip * * @param $str * @param $content */ public function get_help_tip( $str, $content = false ) { $content = !$content ? cmplz_icon('help') : $content; ob_start(); ?> <span class="cmplz-tooltip" cmplz-tooltip="<?php echo esc_attr($str) ?>"> <?php echo $content ?> </span> <?php echo ob_get_clean(); } /** * General settings page * */ function settings() { // Grid $grid_items = array( 'general' => array( 'page' => 'settings', 'name' => 'general', 'header' => __('General', 'complianz-gdpr'), 'class' => 'big', 'index' => '11', 'controls' => '', ), 'data' => array( 'page' => 'settings', 'name' => 'data', 'header' => __('Data', 'complianz-gdpr'), 'class' => 'medium', 'index' => '12', 'controls' => '', ), 'cookie-blocker' => array( 'page' => 'settings', 'name' => 'cookie-blocker', 'header' => __('Cookies', 'complianz-gdpr'), 'class' => 'medium', 'index' => '14', 'controls' => '', ), 'document-styling' => array( 'page' => 'settings', 'name' => 'document-styling', 'header' => __('Advanced features', 'complianz-gdpr'), 'class' => 'big condition-check-1', 'index' => '15', 'controls' => '', 'conditions' => 'data-condition-question-1="use_custom_document_css" data-condition-answer-1="1"', ), ); $grid_items = apply_filters( 'cmplz_settings_items', $grid_items); echo cmplz_grid_container_settings(__( "Settings", 'complianz-gdpr' ), $grid_items); } } } //class closure