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Dir : /home/trave494/ |
Server: Linux 4.18.0-553.22.1.lve.1.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Oct 8 15:52:54 UTC 2024 x86_64 IP: |
Dir : //home/trave494/ |
! function(e, t) { "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = t() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(t) : e.Sweetalert2 = t() }(this, function() { "use strict"; var e = { title: "", titleText: "", text: "", html: "", type: null, customClass: "", target: "body", animation: !0, allowOutsideClick: !0, allowEscapeKey: !0, allowEnterKey: !0, showConfirmButton: !0, showCancelButton: !1, preConfirm: null, confirmButtonText: "OK", confirmButtonAriaLabel: "", confirmButtonColor: "#3085d6", confirmButtonClass: null, cancelButtonText: "Cancel", cancelButtonAriaLabel: "", cancelButtonColor: "#aaa", cancelButtonClass: null, buttonsStyling: !0, reverseButtons: !1, focusConfirm: !0, focusCancel: !1, showCloseButton: !1, closeButtonAriaLabel: "Close this dialog", showLoaderOnConfirm: !1, imageUrl: null, imageWidth: null, imageHeight: null, imageAlt: "", imageClass: null, timer: null, width: 500, padding: 20, background: "#fff", input: null, inputPlaceholder: "", inputValue: "", inputOptions: {}, inputAutoTrim: !0, inputClass: null, inputAttributes: {}, inputValidator: null, progressSteps: [], currentProgressStep: null, progressStepsDistance: "40px", onOpen: null, onClose: null, useRejections: !0 }, t = function(e) { var t = {}; for (var n in e) t[e[n]] = "WooZoneSwal2-" + e[n]; return t }, n = t(["container", "shown", "iosfix", "modal", "overlay", "fade", "show", "hide", "noanimation", "close", "title", "content", "buttonswrapper", "confirm", "cancel", "icon", "image", "input", "file", "range", "select", "radio", "checkbox", "textarea", "inputerror", "validationerror", "progresssteps", "activeprogressstep", "progresscircle", "progressline", "loading", "styled"]), o = t(["success", "warning", "info", "question", "error"]), r = function(e, t) { (e = String(e).replace(/[^0-9a-f]/gi, "")).length < 6 && (e = e[0] + e[0] + e[1] + e[1] + e[2] + e[2]), t = t || 0; for (var n = "#", o = 0; o < 3; o++) { var r = parseInt(e.substr(2 * o, 2), 16); n += ("00" + (r = Math.round(Math.min(Math.max(0, r + r * t), 255)).toString(16))).substr(r.length) } return n }, i = function(e) { var t = []; for (var n in e) - 1 === t.indexOf(e[n]) && t.push(e[n]); return t }, a = function(e) { console.warn("SweetAlert2: " + e) }, l = function(e) { console.error("SweetAlert2: " + e) }, s = { previousWindowKeyDown: null, previousActiveElement: null, previousBodyPadding: null }, u = function(e) { var t = d(); t && t.parentNode.removeChild(t); { if ("undefined" != typeof document) { var o = document.createElement("div"); o.className = n.container, o.innerHTML = c, ("string" == typeof ? document.querySelector( :; var r = p(), i = L(r, n.input), a = L(r, n.file), s = r.querySelector("." + n.range + " input"), u = r.querySelector("." + n.range + " output"), f = L(r,, m = r.querySelector("." + n.checkbox + " input"), v = L(r, n.textarea); return i.oninput = function() { J.resetValidationError() }, i.onkeydown = function(t) { setTimeout(function() { 13 === t.keyCode && e.allowEnterKey && (t.stopPropagation(), J.clickConfirm()) }, 0) }, a.onchange = function() { J.resetValidationError() }, s.oninput = function() { J.resetValidationError(), u.value = s.value }, s.onchange = function() { J.resetValidationError(), s.previousSibling.value = s.value }, f.onchange = function() { J.resetValidationError() }, m.onchange = function() { J.resetValidationError() }, v.oninput = function() { J.resetValidationError() }, r } l("SweetAlert2 requires document to initialize") } }, c = ('\n <div role="dialog" aria-labelledby="' + n.title + '" aria-describedby="' + n.content + '" class="' + n.modal + '" tabindex="-1">\n <ul class="' + n.progresssteps + '"></ul>\n <div class="' + n.icon + " " + o.error + '">\n <span class="WooZoneSwal2-x-mark"><span class="WooZoneSwal2-x-mark-line-left"></span><span class="WooZoneSwal2-x-mark-line-right"></span></span>\n </div>\n <div class="' + n.icon + " " + o.question + '">?</div>\n <div class="' + n.icon + " " + o.warning + '">!</div>\n <div class="' + n.icon + " " + + '">i</div>\n <div class="' + n.icon + " " + o.success + '">\n <div class="WooZoneSwal2-success-circular-line-left"></div>\n <span class="WooZoneSwal2-success-line-tip"></span> <span class="WooZoneSwal2-success-line-long"></span>\n <div class="WooZoneSwal2-success-ring"></div> <div class="WooZoneSwal2-success-fix"></div>\n <div class="WooZoneSwal2-success-circular-line-right"></div>\n </div>\n <img class="' + n.image + '" />\n <h2 class="' + n.title + '" id="' + n.title + '"></h2>\n <div id="' + n.content + '" class="' + n.content + '"></div>\n <input class="' + n.input + '" />\n <input type="file" class="' + n.file + '" />\n <div class="' + n.range + '">\n <output></output>\n <input type="range" />\n </div>\n <select class="' + + '"></select>\n <div class="' + + '"></div>\n <label for="' + n.checkbox + '" class="' + n.checkbox + '">\n <input type="checkbox" />\n </label>\n <textarea class="' + n.textarea + '"></textarea>\n <div class="' + n.validationerror + '" id="' + n.validationerror + '"></div>\n <div class="' + n.buttonswrapper + '">\n <button type="button" class="' + n.confirm + '">OK</button>\n <button type="button" class="' + n.cancel + '">Cancel</button>\n </div>\n <button type="button" class="' + n.close + '">×</button>\n </div>\n').replace(/(^|\n)\s*/g, ""), d = function() { return document.body.querySelector("." + n.container) }, p = function() { return d() ? d().querySelector("." + n.modal) : null }, f = function() { return p().querySelectorAll("." + n.icon) }, m = function(e) { return d() ? d().querySelector("." + e) : null }, v = function() { return m(n.title) }, h = function() { return m(n.content) }, b = function() { return m(n.image) }, g = function() { return m(n.buttonswrapper) }, y = function() { return m(n.progresssteps) }, w = function() { return m(n.validationerror) }, C = function() { return m(n.confirm) }, k = function() { return m(n.cancel) }, x = function() { return m(n.close) }, S = function() { var e = Array.from(p().querySelectorAll('[tabindex]:not([tabindex="-1"]):not([tabindex="0"])')).sort(function(e, t) { return e = parseInt(e.getAttribute("tabindex")), t = parseInt(t.getAttribute("tabindex")), e > t ? 1 : e < t ? -1 : 0 }), t ='button, input:not([type=hidden]), textarea, select, a, [tabindex="0"]')); return i(e.concat(t)) }, A = function(e, t) { return !!e.classList && e.classList.contains(t) }, B = function(e) { if (e.focus(), "file" !== e.type) { var t = e.value; e.value = "", e.value = t } }, E = function(e, t) { e && t && t.split(/\s+/).filter(Boolean).forEach(function(t) { e.classList.add(t) }) }, P = function(e, t) { e && t && t.split(/\s+/).filter(Boolean).forEach(function(t) { e.classList.remove(t) }) }, L = function(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < e.childNodes.length; n++) if (A(e.childNodes[n], t)) return e.childNodes[n] }, T = function(e, t) { t || (t = "block"), = "", = t }, q = function(e) { = "", = "none" }, V = function(e) { for (; e.firstChild;) e.removeChild(e.firstChild) }, M = function(e) { return e.offsetWidth || e.offsetHeight || e.getClientRects().length }, O = function(e, t) { ? : }, H = function() { var e = document.createElement("div"), t = { WebkitAnimation: "webkitAnimationEnd", OAnimation: "oAnimationEnd oanimationend", animation: "animationend" }; for (var n in t) if (t.hasOwnProperty(n) && void 0 !==[n]) return t[n]; return !1 }(), N = function() { if (window.onkeydown = s.previousWindowKeyDown, s.previousActiveElement && s.previousActiveElement.focus) { var e = window.scrollX, t = window.scrollY; s.previousActiveElement.focus(), e && t && window.scrollTo(e, t) } }, j = function() { if ("ontouchstart" in window || navigator.msMaxTouchPoints) return 0; var e = document.createElement("div"); = "50px", = "50px", = "scroll", document.body.appendChild(e); var t = e.offsetWidth - e.clientWidth; return document.body.removeChild(e), t }, I = function(e, t) { var n = void 0; return function() { clearTimeout(n), n = setTimeout(function() { n = null, e() }, t) } }, R = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) { return typeof e } : function(e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e }, K = (function() { function e(e) { this.value = e } function t(t) { function n(r, i) { try { var a = t[r](i), l = a.value; l instanceof e ? Promise.resolve(l.value).then(function(e) { n("next", e) }, function(e) { n("throw", e) }) : o(a.done ? "return" : "normal", a.value) } catch (e) { o("throw", e) } } function o(e, t) { switch (e) { case "return": r.resolve({ value: t, done: !0 }); break; case "throw": r.reject(t); break; default: r.resolve({ value: t, done: !1 }) }(r = ? n(r.key, r.arg): i = null } var r, i; this._invoke = function(e, t) { return new Promise(function(o, a) { var l = { key: e, arg: t, resolve: o, reject: a, next: null }; i ? i = = l : (r = i = l, n(e, t)) }) }, "function" != typeof t.return && (this.return = void 0) } "function" == typeof Symbol && Symbol.asyncIterator && (t.prototype[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function() { return this }), = function(e) { return this._invoke("next", e) }, t.prototype.throw = function(e) { return this._invoke("throw", e) }, t.prototype.return = function(e) { return this._invoke("return", e) } }(), Object.assign || function(e) { for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { var n = arguments[t]; for (var o in n), o) && (e[o] = n[o]) } return e }), W = K({}, e), D = [], U = void 0; "undefined" == typeof Promise && l("This package requires a Promise library, please include a shim to enable it in this browser (See:"); var z = function(e) { ("string" == typeof && !document.querySelector( || "string" != typeof && ! && (a('Target parameter is not valid, defaulting to "body"'), = "body"); var t = void 0, r = p(), i = "string" == typeof ? document.querySelector( :; t = r && i && r.parentNode !== i.parentNode ? u(e) : r || u(e); for (var s in e) J.isValidParameter(s) || a('Unknown parameter "' + s + '"'); = "number" == typeof e.width ? e.width + "px" : e.width, = e.padding + "px", = e.background; for (var c = t.querySelectorAll("[class^=WooZoneSwal2-success-circular-line], .WooZoneSwal2-success-fix"), d = 0; d < c.length; d++) c[d].style.background = e.background; var m = v(), w = h(), S = g(), A = C(), B = k(), L = x(); if (e.titleText ? m.innerText = e.titleText : m.innerHTML = e.title.split("\n").join("<br />"), e.text || e.html) { if ("object" === R(e.html)) if (w.innerHTML = "", 0 in e.html) for (var M = 0; M in e.html; M++) w.appendChild(e.html[M].cloneNode(!0)); else w.appendChild(e.html.cloneNode(!0)); else e.html ? w.innerHTML = e.html : e.text && (w.textContent = e.text); T(w) } else q(w); e.showCloseButton ? (L.setAttribute("aria-label", e.closeButtonAriaLabel), T(L)) : q(L), t.className = n.modal, e.customClass && E(t, e.customClass); var H = y(), N = parseInt(null === e.currentProgressStep ? J.getQueueStep() : e.currentProgressStep, 10); e.progressSteps.length ? (T(H), V(H), N >= e.progressSteps.length && a("Invalid currentProgressStep parameter, it should be less than progressSteps.length (currentProgressStep like JS arrays starts from 0)"), e.progressSteps.forEach(function(t, o) { var r = document.createElement("li"); if (E(r, n.progresscircle), r.innerHTML = t, o === N && E(r, n.activeprogressstep), H.appendChild(r), o !== e.progressSteps.length - 1) { var i = document.createElement("li"); E(i, n.progressline), = e.progressStepsDistance, H.appendChild(i) } })) : q(H); for (var j = f(), I = 0; I < j.length; I++) q(j[I]); if (e.type) { var K = !1; for (var W in o) if (e.type === W) { K = !0; break } if (!K) return l("Unknown alert type: " + e.type), !1; var D = t.querySelector("." + n.icon + "." + o[e.type]); if (T(D), e.animation) switch (e.type) { case "success": E(D, "WooZoneSwal2-animate-success-icon"), E(D.querySelector(".WooZoneSwal2-success-line-tip"), "WooZoneSwal2-animate-success-line-tip"), E(D.querySelector(".WooZoneSwal2-success-line-long"), "WooZoneSwal2-animate-success-line-long"); break; case "error": E(D, "WooZoneSwal2-animate-error-icon"), E(D.querySelector(".WooZoneSwal2-x-mark"), "WooZoneSwal2-animate-x-mark") } } var U = b(); e.imageUrl ? (U.setAttribute("src", e.imageUrl), U.setAttribute("alt", e.imageAlt), T(U), e.imageWidth ? U.setAttribute("width", e.imageWidth) : U.removeAttribute("width"), e.imageHeight ? U.setAttribute("height", e.imageHeight) : U.removeAttribute("height"), U.className = n.image, e.imageClass && E(U, e.imageClass)) : q(U), e.showCancelButton ? = "inline-block" : q(B), e.showConfirmButton ? O(A, "display") : q(A), e.showConfirmButton || e.showCancelButton ? T(S) : q(S), A.innerHTML = e.confirmButtonText, B.innerHTML = e.cancelButtonText, A.setAttribute("aria-label", e.confirmButtonAriaLabel), B.setAttribute("aria-label", e.cancelButtonAriaLabel), e.buttonsStyling && ( = e.confirmButtonColor, = e.cancelButtonColor), A.className = n.confirm, E(A, e.confirmButtonClass), B.className = n.cancel, E(B, e.cancelButtonClass), e.buttonsStyling ? (E(A, n.styled), E(B, n.styled)) : (P(A, n.styled), P(B, n.styled), = = = "", = = = ""), !0 === e.animation ? P(t, n.noanimation) : E(t, n.noanimation), e.showLoaderOnConfirm && !e.preConfirm && a("showLoaderOnConfirm is set to true, but preConfirm is not defined.\nshowLoaderOnConfirm should be used together with preConfirm, see usage example:\n") }, _ = function(e, t) { var o = d(), r = p(); e ? (E(r,, E(o, n.fade), P(r, n.hide)) : P(r, n.fade), T(r), = "hidden", H && !A(r, n.noanimation) ? r.addEventListener(H, function e() { r.removeEventListener(H, e), = "auto" }) : = "auto", E(document.documentElement, n.shown), E(document.body, n.shown), E(o, n.shown), Z(), Y(), s.previousActiveElement = document.activeElement, null !== t && "function" == typeof t && setTimeout(function() { t(r) }) }, Z = function() { null === s.previousBodyPadding && document.body.scrollHeight > window.innerHeight && (s.previousBodyPadding =, = j() + "px") }, Q = function() { null !== s.previousBodyPadding && ( = s.previousBodyPadding, s.previousBodyPadding = null) }, Y = function() { if (/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.MSStream && !A(document.body, n.iosfix)) { var e = document.body.scrollTop; = -1 * e + "px", E(document.body, n.iosfix) } }, $ = function() { if (A(document.body, n.iosfix)) { var e = parseInt(, 10); P(document.body, n.iosfix), = "", document.body.scrollTop = -1 * e } }, J = function e() { for (var t = arguments.length, o = Array(t), i = 0; i < t; i++) o[i] = arguments[i]; if (void 0 === o[0]) return l("SweetAlert2 expects at least 1 attribute!"), !1; var a = K({}, W); switch (R(o[0])) { case "string": a.title = o[0], a.html = o[1], a.type = o[2]; break; case "object": K(a, o[0]), a.extraParams = o[0].extraParams, "email" === a.input && null === a.inputValidator && (a.inputValidator = function(e) { return new Promise(function(t, n) { /^[a-zA-Z0-9.+_-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}$/.test(e) ? t() : n("Invalid email address") }) }), "url" === a.input && null === a.inputValidator && (a.inputValidator = function(e) { return new Promise(function(t, n) { /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._+~#=]{2,256}\.[a-z]{2,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+.~#?&//=]*)$/.test(e) ? t() : n("Invalid URL") }) }); break; default: return l('Unexpected type of argument! Expected "string" or "object", got ' + R(o[0])), !1 } z(a); var u = d(), c = p(); return new Promise(function(t, o) { a.timer && (c.timeout = setTimeout(function() { e.closeModal(a.onClose), a.useRejections ? o("timer") : t({ dismiss: "timer" }) }, a.timer)); var i = function(e) { if (!(e = e || a.input)) return null; switch (e) { case "select": case "textarea": case "file": return L(c, n[e]); case "checkbox": return c.querySelector("." + n.checkbox + " input"); case "radio": return c.querySelector("." + + " input:checked") || c.querySelector("." + + " input:first-child"); case "range": return c.querySelector("." + n.range + " input"); default: return L(c, n.input) } }, f = function() { var e = i(); if (!e) return null; switch (a.input) { case "checkbox": return e.checked ? 1 : 0; case "radio": return e.checked ? e.value : null; case "file": return e.files.length ? e.files[0] : null; default: return a.inputAutoTrim ? e.value.trim() : e.value } }; a.input && setTimeout(function() { var e = i(); e && B(e) }, 0); for (var m = function(n) { a.showLoaderOnConfirm && e.showLoading(), a.preConfirm ? a.preConfirm(n, a.extraParams).then(function(o) { e.closeModal(a.onClose), t(o || n) }, function(t) { e.hideLoading(), t && e.showValidationError(t) }) : (e.closeModal(a.onClose), t(a.useRejections ? n : { value: n })) }, A = function(n) { var i = n || window.event, l = || i.srcElement, s = C(), u = k(), c = s && (s === l || s.contains(l)), d = u && (u === l || u.contains(l)); switch (i.type) { case "mouseover": case "mouseup": a.buttonsStyling && (c ? = r(a.confirmButtonColor, -.1) : d && ( = r(a.cancelButtonColor, -.1))); break; case "mouseout": a.buttonsStyling && (c ? = a.confirmButtonColor : d && ( = a.cancelButtonColor)); break; case "mousedown": a.buttonsStyling && (c ? = r(a.confirmButtonColor, -.2) : d && ( = r(a.cancelButtonColor, -.2))); break; case "click": if (c && e.isVisible()) if (e.disableButtons(), a.input) { var p = f(); a.inputValidator ? (e.disableInput(), a.inputValidator(p, a.extraParams).then(function() { e.enableButtons(), e.enableInput(), m(p) }, function(t) { e.enableButtons(), e.enableInput(), t && e.showValidationError(t) })) : m(p) } else m(!0); else d && e.isVisible() && (e.disableButtons(), e.closeModal(a.onClose), a.useRejections ? o("cancel") : t({ dismiss: "cancel" })) } }, V = c.querySelectorAll("button"), O = 0; O < V.length; O++) V[O].onclick = A, V[O].onmouseover = A, V[O].onmouseout = A, V[O].onmousedown = A; x().onclick = function() { e.closeModal(a.onClose), a.useRejections ? o("close") : t({ dismiss: "close" }) }, u.onclick = function(n) { === u && a.allowOutsideClick && (e.closeModal(a.onClose), a.useRejections ? o("overlay") : t({ dismiss: "overlay" })) }; var H = g(), N = C(), j = k(); a.reverseButtons ? N.parentNode.insertBefore(j, N) : N.parentNode.insertBefore(N, j); var K = function(e, t) { for (var n = S(a.focusCancel), o = 0; o < n.length; o++) { (e += t) === n.length ? e = 0 : -1 === e && (e = n.length - 1); var r = n[e]; if (M(r)) return r.focus() } }, W = function(n) { var r = n || window.event, i = r.keyCode || r.which; if (-1 !== [9, 13, 32, 27, 37, 38, 39, 40].indexOf(i)) { for (var l = || r.srcElement, s = S(a.focusCancel), u = -1, c = 0; c < s.length; c++) if (l === s[c]) { u = c; break } 9 === i ? (r.shiftKey ? K(u, -1) : K(u, 1), r.stopPropagation(), r.preventDefault()) : 37 === i || 38 === i || 39 === i || 40 === i ? document.activeElement === N && M(j) ? j.focus() : document.activeElement === j && M(N) && N.focus() : 27 === i && !0 === a.allowEscapeKey && (e.closeModal(a.onClose), a.useRejections ? o("esc") : t({ dismiss: "esc" })) } }; window.onkeydown && window.onkeydown.toString() === W.toString() || (s.previousWindowKeyDown = window.onkeydown, window.onkeydown = W), a.buttonsStyling && ( = a.confirmButtonColor, = a.confirmButtonColor), e.hideLoading = e.disableLoading = function() { a.showConfirmButton || (q(N), a.showCancelButton || q(g())), P(H, n.loading), P(c, n.loading), c.removeAttribute("aria-busy"), N.disabled = !1, j.disabled = !1 }, e.getTitle = function() { return v() }, e.getContent = function() { return h() }, e.getInput = function() { return i() }, e.getImage = function() { return b() }, e.getButtonsWrapper = function() { return g() }, e.getConfirmButton = function() { return C() }, e.getCancelButton = function() { return k() }, e.enableButtons = function() { N.disabled = !1, j.disabled = !1 }, e.disableButtons = function() { N.disabled = !0, j.disabled = !0 }, e.enableConfirmButton = function() { N.disabled = !1 }, e.disableConfirmButton = function() { N.disabled = !0 }, e.enableInput = function() { var e = i(); if (!e) return !1; if ("radio" === e.type) for (var t = e.parentNode.parentNode.querySelectorAll("input"), n = 0; n < t.length; n++) t[n].disabled = !1; else e.disabled = !1 }, e.disableInput = function() { var e = i(); if (!e) return !1; if (e && "radio" === e.type) for (var t = e.parentNode.parentNode.querySelectorAll("input"), n = 0; n < t.length; n++) t[n].disabled = !0; else e.disabled = !0 }, e.recalculateHeight = I(function() { var e = p(); if (e) { var t =; = "", T(e), = e.scrollHeight + 1 + "px", = t } }, 50), e.showValidationError = function(e) { var t = w(); t.innerHTML = e, T(t); var o = i(); o && (o.setAttribute("aria-invalid", !0), o.setAttribute("aria-describedBy", n.validationerror), B(o), E(o, n.inputerror)) }, e.resetValidationError = function() { var t = w(); q(t), e.recalculateHeight(); var o = i(); o && (o.removeAttribute("aria-invalid"), o.removeAttribute("aria-describedBy"), P(o, n.inputerror)) }, e.getProgressSteps = function() { return a.progressSteps }, e.setProgressSteps = function(e) { a.progressSteps = e, z(a) }, e.showProgressSteps = function() { T(y()) }, e.hideProgressSteps = function() { q(y()) }, e.enableButtons(), e.hideLoading(), e.resetValidationError(); for (var D = ["input", "file", "range", "select", "radio", "checkbox", "textarea"], Z = void 0, Q = 0; Q < D.length; Q++) { var Y = n[D[Q]], $ = L(c, Y); if (Z = i(D[Q])) { for (var J in Z.attributes) if (Z.attributes.hasOwnProperty(J)) { var X = Z.attributes[J].name; "type" !== X && "value" !== X && Z.removeAttribute(X) } for (var F in a.inputAttributes) Z.setAttribute(F, a.inputAttributes[F]) } $.className = Y, a.inputClass && E($, a.inputClass), q($) } var G = void 0; switch (a.input) { case "text": case "email": case "password": case "number": case "tel": case "url": (Z = L(c, n.input)).value = a.inputValue, Z.placeholder = a.inputPlaceholder, Z.type = a.input, T(Z); break; case "file": (Z = L(c, n.file)).placeholder = a.inputPlaceholder, Z.type = a.input, T(Z); break; case "range": var ee = L(c, n.range), te = ee.querySelector("input"), ne = ee.querySelector("output"); te.value = a.inputValue, te.type = a.input, ne.value = a.inputValue, T(ee); break; case "select": var oe = L(c,; if (oe.innerHTML = "", a.inputPlaceholder) { var re = document.createElement("option"); re.innerHTML = a.inputPlaceholder, re.value = "", re.disabled = !0, re.selected = !0, oe.appendChild(re) } G = function(e) { for (var t in e) { var n = document.createElement("option"); n.value = t, n.innerHTML = e[t], a.inputValue === t && (n.selected = !0), oe.appendChild(n) } T(oe), oe.focus() }; break; case "radio": var ie = L(c,; ie.innerHTML = "", G = function(e) { for (var t in e) { var o = document.createElement("input"), r = document.createElement("label"), i = document.createElement("span"); o.type = "radio", =, o.value = t, a.inputValue === t && (o.checked = !0), i.innerHTML = e[t], r.appendChild(o), r.appendChild(i), r.for =, ie.appendChild(r) } T(ie); var l = ie.querySelectorAll("input"); l.length && l[0].focus() }; break; case "checkbox": var ae = L(c, n.checkbox), le = i("checkbox"); le.type = "checkbox", le.value = 1, = n.checkbox, le.checked = Boolean(a.inputValue); var se = ae.getElementsByTagName("span"); se.length && ae.removeChild(se[0]), (se = document.createElement("span")).innerHTML = a.inputPlaceholder, ae.appendChild(se), T(ae); break; case "textarea": var ue = L(c, n.textarea); ue.value = a.inputValue, ue.placeholder = a.inputPlaceholder, T(ue); break; case null: break; default: l('Unexpected type of input! Expected "text", "email", "password", "number", "tel", "select", "radio", "checkbox", "textarea", "file" or "url", got "' + a.input + '"') } "select" !== a.input && "radio" !== a.input || (a.inputOptions instanceof Promise ? (e.showLoading(), a.inputOptions.then(function(t) { e.hideLoading(), G(t) })) : "object" === R(a.inputOptions) ? G(a.inputOptions) : l("Unexpected type of inputOptions! Expected object or Promise, got " + R(a.inputOptions))), _(a.animation, a.onOpen), a.allowEnterKey ? a.focusCancel && M(j) ? j.focus() : a.focusConfirm && M(N) ? N.focus() : K(-1, 1) : document.activeElement && document.activeElement.blur(), d().scrollTop = 0, "undefined" == typeof MutationObserver || U || (U = new MutationObserver(e.recalculateHeight)).observe(c, { childList: !0, characterData: !0, subtree: !0 }) }) }; return J.isVisible = function() { return !!p() }, J.queue = function(e) { D = e; var t = function() { D = [], document.body.removeAttribute("data-WooZoneSwal2-queue-step") }, n = []; return new Promise(function(e, o) { ! function r(i, a) { i < D.length ? (document.body.setAttribute("data-WooZoneSwal2-queue-step", i), J(D[i]).then(function(e) { n.push(e), r(i + 1, a) }, function(e) { t(), o(e) })) : (t(), e(n)) }(0) }) }, J.getQueueStep = function() { return document.body.getAttribute("data-WooZoneSwal2-queue-step") }, J.insertQueueStep = function(e, t) { return t && t < D.length ? D.splice(t, 0, e) : D.push(e) }, J.deleteQueueStep = function(e) { void 0 !== D[e] && D.splice(e, 1) }, J.close = J.closeModal = function(e) { var t = d(), o = p(); if (o) { P(o,, E(o, n.hide), clearTimeout(o.timeout), N(); var r = function() { t.parentNode && t.parentNode.removeChild(t), P(document.documentElement, n.shown), P(document.body, n.shown), Q(), $() }; H && !A(o, n.noanimation) ? o.addEventListener(H, function e() { o.removeEventListener(H, e), A(o, n.hide) && r() }) : r(), null !== e && "function" == typeof e && setTimeout(function() { e(o) }) } }, J.clickConfirm = function() { return C().click() }, J.clickCancel = function() { return k().click() }, J.showLoading = J.enableLoading = function() { var e = p(); e || J(""), e = p(); var t = g(), o = C(), r = k(); T(t), T(o, "inline-block"), E(t, n.loading), E(e, n.loading), o.disabled = !0, r.disabled = !0, e.setAttribute("aria-busy", !0), e.focus() }, J.isValidParameter = function(t) { return e.hasOwnProperty(t) || "extraParams" === t }, J.setDefaults = function(e) { if (!e || "object" !== (void 0 === e ? "undefined" : R(e))) return l("the argument for setDefaults() is required and has to be a object"); for (var t in e) J.isValidParameter(t) || (a('Unknown parameter "' + t + '"'), delete e[t]); K(W, e) }, J.resetDefaults = function() { W = K({}, e) }, J.noop = function() {}, J.version = "6.10.1", J.default = J, J }), window.Sweetalert2 && (window.sweetAlert = window.swal = window.Sweetalert2);