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Dir : /home/trave494/ |
Server: Linux 4.18.0-553.22.1.lve.1.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Oct 8 15:52:54 UTC 2024 x86_64 IP: |
Dir : //home/trave494/ |
window.imagify = window.imagify || {}; (function($, d, w, undefined) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars, no-shadow, no-shadow-restricted-names /* * Process an API key check validity. */ var busy = false, xhr = false; $( '#imagify-settings #api_key' ).on( 'blur.imagify', function() { var obj = $( this ), value = obj.val(); if ( $.trim( value ) === '' ) { return false; } if ( $( '#check_api_key' ).val() === value ) { $( '#imagify-check-api-container' ).html( '<span class="dashicons dashicons-yes"></span> ' + imagifyOptions.labels.ValidApiKeyText ); return false; } if ( true === busy ) { xhr.abort(); } else { $( '#imagify-check-api-container' ).remove(); obj.after( '<span id="imagify-check-api-container"><span class="imagify-spinner"></span>' + imagifyOptions.labels.waitApiKeyCheckText + '</span>' ); } busy = true; xhr = $.get( ajaxurl + w.imagify.concat + 'action=imagify_check_api_key_validity&api_key=' + obj.val() + '&imagifycheckapikeynonce=' + $( '#imagifycheckapikeynonce' ).val() ) .done( function( response ) { if ( ! response.success ) { $( '#imagify-check-api-container' ).html( '<span class="dashicons dashicons-no"></span> ' + ); } else { // Success, the API key is valid. $( '#imagify-check-api-container' ).remove(); swal( { title: imagifyOptions.labels.ApiKeyCheckSuccessTitle, html: imagifyOptions.labels.ApiKeyCheckSuccessText, type: 'success', padding: 0, customClass: 'imagify-sweet-alert' } ).then( function() { location.reload(); } ); } busy = false; } ); } ); /** * Check the boxes by clicking "labels" (aria-describedby items). */ $( '.imagify-options-line' ).css( 'cursor', 'pointer' ).on( 'click.imagify', function( e ) { if ( 'INPUT' === ) { return; } $( 'input[aria-describedby="' + $( this ).attr( 'id' ) + '"]' ).trigger( 'click.imagify' ); } ); $( '.imagify-settings th span' ).on( 'click.imagify', function() { var $input = $( this ).parent().next( 'td' ).find( ':checkbox' ); if ( 1 === $input.length ) { $input.trigger( 'click.imagify' ); } } ); /** * Auto check on options-line input value change. */ $( '.imagify-options-line' ).find( 'input' ).on( 'change.imagify focus.imagify', function() { var $checkbox; if ( 'checkbox' === this.type && ! this.checked ) { return; } $checkbox = $( this ).closest( '.imagify-options-line' ).prev( 'label' ).prev( ':checkbox' ); if ( $checkbox.length && ! $checkbox[0].checked ) { $checkbox.prop( 'checked', true ); } } ); /** * Imagify Backup alert. */ $( '[name="imagify_settings[backup]"]' ).on( 'change.imagify', function() { var $_this = $( this ), $backupMessage = $_this.siblings( '#backup-dir-is-writable' ), params = { 'action': 'imagify_check_backup_dir_is_writable', '_wpnonce': $ 'nonce' ) }; if ( $ ':checked' ) ) { $.getJSON( ajaxurl, params ) .done( function( r ) { if ( $.isPlainObject( r ) && r.success ) { if ( ) { // Hide the error message. $backupMessage.addClass( 'hidden' ); } else { // Show the error message. $backupMessage.removeClass( 'hidden' ); } } } ); return; } // Are you sure? No backup? swal( { title: imagifyOptions.labels.noBackupTitle, html: imagifyOptions.labels.noBackupText, type: 'warning', customClass: 'imagify-sweet-alert', padding: 0, showCancelButton: true, cancelButtonText: imagifySwal.labels.cancelButtonText, reverseButtons: true } ).then( function() { // Leave it unchecked, hide the error message. $backupMessage.addClass( 'hidden' ); }, function() { // Re-check. $_this.prop( 'checked', true ); } ); } ); /** * Fade CDN URL field. */ $( '[name="imagify_settings[display_webp_method]"]' ).on( 'change.imagify init.imagify', function( e ) { if ( 'picture' === ) { $( ).closest( '.imagify-radio-group' ).next( '.imagify-options-line' ).removeClass( 'imagify-faded' ); } else { $( ).closest( '.imagify-radio-group' ).next( '.imagify-options-line' ).addClass( 'imagify-faded' ); } } ).filter( ':checked' ).trigger( 'init.imagify' ); } )(jQuery, document, window); // Display Imagify User data ======================================================================= (function(w, d, $, undefined) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars, no-shadow, no-shadow-restricted-names if ( ! w.imagifyUser ) { return; } $.getJSON( ajaxurl, w.imagifyUser ) .done( function( r ) { if ( $.isPlainObject( r ) && r.success ) { = null; = null; = []; $.each(, function( k, v ) { var htmlClass = '.imagify-user-' + k.replace( /_/g, '-' ); if ( k.indexOf( 'is_' ) === 0 ) { if ( v ) { htmlClass ); } } else if ( 'is' !== k ) { $( htmlClass ).text( v ); } } ); 'best-plan' ); $( ',' ) ).removeClass( 'hidden' ); } } ); } )(window, document, jQuery); // Files tree for "custom folders" ================================================================= (function(w, d, $, undefined) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars, no-shadow, no-shadow-restricted-names if ( ! imagifyOptions.getFilesTree ) { return; } function imagifyInsertFolderRow( value ) { var added = false, prevPath = null, valueTest, template, $wrap, $rows, $field; if ( ! value ) { return; } $wrap = $( '#imagify-custom-folders-selected' ); $rows = $wrap.find( '.imagify-custom-folder-line' ); $field = $rows.find( '[value="' + value + '"]' ); if ( $field.length ) { // Shouldn't happen. return; } // Path #///# Label. value = value.split( '#///#' ); valueTest = value[1].replace( /\/+$/,'' ).toLowerCase(); template = w.imagify.template( 'imagify-custom-folder' ); $rows.each( function() { var $this = $( this ), thisValueTest = $ 'path' ).replace( /\/+$/,'' ).toLowerCase(); if ( '' !== thisValueTest && valueTest.indexOf( thisValueTest ) === 0 ) { // We try to add a sub-folder of an already selected folder. It shouldn't happen though, since it can't be selected. added = true; return false; } else if ( valueTest < thisValueTest ) { $this.before( template( { value: value[0], label: value[1] } ) ); $rows = $wrap.find( '.imagify-custom-folder-line' ); added = true; return false; } } ); if ( ! added ) { $wrap.append( template( { value: value[0], label: value[1] } ) ); $rows = $wrap.find( '.imagify-custom-folder-line' ); } // Remove sub-paths: if 'a/b/' and 'a/b/c/' are in the array, we keep only the "parent" 'a/b/'. if ( '' !== valueTest ) { $rows.each( function() { var $this = $( this ), thisPath = $ 'path' ).toLowerCase(); if ( null !== prevPath && thisPath.indexOf( prevPath ) === 0 ) { $this.find( '.imagify-custom-folders-remove' ).trigger( 'click.imagify' ); } else { prevPath = thisPath; } } ); } // Display a message. $ '.hidden' ).removeClass( 'hidden' ); } // Clicking the main button: fetch site's root folders and files, then display them in a modal. $( '#imagify-add-custom-folder' ).on( 'click.imagify', function() { var $button = $( this ), selected = [], $folders; if ( $button.attr( 'disabled' ) ) { return; } $button.attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' ).next( 'img' ).attr( 'aria-hidden', 'false' ); $folders = $( '#imagify-custom-folders-selected' ); $folders.find( 'input' ).each( function() { selected.push( this.value ); } ); $.post( imagifyOptions.getFilesTree, { folder: '/', selected: selected }, null, 'json' ) .done( function( response ) { if ( ! response.success ) { swal( { title: imagifyOptions.labels.error, html: || '', type: 'error', padding: 0, customClass: 'imagify-sweet-alert' } ); return; } swal( { title: imagifyOptions.labels.filesTreeTitle, html: '<div class="imagify-swal-subtitle">' + imagifyOptions.labels.filesTreeSubTitle + '</div><div class="imagify-swal-content"><p class="imagify-folders-information"><i class="dashicons dashicons-info" aria-hidden="true"></i>' + imagifyOptions.labels.cleaningInfo + '</p><ul id="imagify-folders-tree" class="imagify-folders-tree">' + + '</ul></div>', type: '', customClass: 'imagify-sweet-alert imagify-swal-has-subtitle imagify-folders-selection', showCancelButton: true, padding: 0, confirmButtonText: imagifyOptions.labels.confirmFilesTreeBtn, cancelButtonText: imagifySwal.labels.cancelButtonText, reverseButtons: true } ).then( function() { var values = $( '#imagify-folders-tree input' ).serializeArray(); // Don't do `$( '#imagify-folders-tree' ).find( 'input' )`, it won't work. if ( ! values.length ) { return; } $.each( values, function( i, v ) { imagifyInsertFolderRow( v.value ); } ); } ).catch( swal.noop ); } ) .fail( function() { swal( { title: imagifyOptions.labels.error, type: 'error', customClass: 'imagify-sweet-alert', padding: 0 } ); } ) .always( function(){ $button.removeAttr( 'disabled' ).next( 'img' ).attr( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ); } ); } ); // Clicking a folder icon in the modal: fetch the folder's sub-folders and files, then display them. $( d ).on( 'click.imagify', '#imagify-folders-tree [data-folder]', function() { var $button = $( this ), $tree = $button.nextAll( '.imagify-folders-sub-tree' ), selected = []; if ( $button.attr( 'disabled' ) || $button.siblings( ':checkbox' ).is( ':checked' ) ) { return; } $button.attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' ).addClass( 'imagify-loading' ); if ( $tree.length ) { if ( $button.hasClass( 'imagify-is-open' ) ) { $tree.addClass( 'hidden' ); $button.removeClass(' imagify-is-open' ); } else { $tree.removeClass( 'hidden' ); $button.addClass( 'imagify-is-open' ); } $button.removeAttr( 'disabled' ).removeClass( 'imagify-loading' ); return; } $( '#imagify-custom-folders-selected' ).find( 'input' ).each( function() { selected.push( this.value ); } ); $.post( imagifyOptions.getFilesTree, { folder: $ 'folder' ), selected: selected }, null, 'json' ) .done( function( response ) { if ( ! response.success ) { swal( { title: imagifyOptions.labels.error, html: || '', type: 'error', padding: 0, customClass: 'imagify-sweet-alert' } ); return; } $button.addClass( 'imagify-is-open' ).parent().append( '<ul class="imagify-folders-sub-tree">' + + '</ul>' ); } ) .fail( function(){ swal( { title: imagifyOptions.labels.error, type: 'error', padding: 0, customClass: 'imagify-sweet-alert' } ); } ) .always( function(){ $button.removeAttr( 'disabled' ).removeClass( 'imagify-loading' ); } ); } ); // Clicking a Remove folder button make it disappear. $( '#imagify-custom-folders' ).on( 'click.imagify', '.imagify-custom-folders-remove', function() { var $row = $( this ).closest( '.imagify-custom-folder-line' ).addClass( 'imagify-will-remove' ); w.setTimeout( function() { $row.remove(); // Display a message. $( '#imagify-custom-folders-selected' ).siblings( '.imagify-success.hidden' ).removeClass( 'hidden' ); }, 750 ); } ); // Clicking the "add themes to folders" button. $( '#imagify-add-themes-to-custom-folder' ).on( 'click.imagify', function() { var $this = $( this ); imagifyInsertFolderRow( $ 'theme' ) ); imagifyInsertFolderRow( $ 'theme-parent' ) ); // Remove clicked button. $this.replaceWith( '<p>' + imagifyOptions.labels.themesAdded + '</p>' ); } ); } )(window, document, jQuery); // Generate missing webp versions ================================================================== /* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle, consistent-this */ (function(w, d, $, undefined) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars, no-shadow, no-shadow-restricted-names if ( ! imagifyOptions.bulk ) { return; } w.imagify.optionsBulk = { // Properties ============================================================================== /** * When media IDs have been fetched for a context (or tried, with error), the context is removed from this list. * * @var {array} fetchQueue An array of contexts. */ fetchQueue: [], /** * Contexts in queue. * * @var {array} queue An array of objects: { * @type {string} context The context, like 'wp'. * @type {string} optimizeURL The URL to ping to optimize a file. * @type {array} mediaIDs A list of media IDs. * } */ queue: [], /** * List of medias being processed. * * @var {array} processingQueue An array of objects: { * @type {string} context The context, like 'wp'. * @type {int} mediaID The media ID. * } */ processingQueue: [], /** * Stores the first error ID or message that is occurring when fetching media IDs. * * @var {string|bool} error False if no error. */ fetchError: false, /** * The current error ID or message. * * @var {string|bool} error False if no error. */ error: false, /** * Set to true at the beginning of the process. * * @var {bool} working */ working: false, /** * Set to true to stop the whole thing. * * @var {bool} processIsStopped */ processIsStopped: true, /** * Total number of processed media. * * @var {int} */ processedMedia: 0, /** * Total number of media to process. * * @var {int} */ totalMedia: 0, /** * The button. * * @var {jQuery} */ $button: null, /** * The progress bar wrapper. * * @var {jQuery} */ $progressWrap: null, /** * The progress bar. * * @var {jQuery} */ $progressBar: null, /** * The progress bar text (the %). * * @var {jQuery} */ $progressText: null, // Methods ================================================================================= /* * Init. */ init: function () { this.$button = $( '#imagify-generate-webp-versions' ); this.$progressWrap = this.$button.siblings( '.imagify-progress' ); this.$progressBar = this.$progressWrap.find( '.bar' ); this.$progressText = this.$progressBar.find( '.percent' ); // Enable/Disable the button when the "Convert to webp" checkbox is checked/unchecked. $( '#imagify_convert_to_webp' ) .on( 'change.imagify init.imagify', { imagifyOptionsBulk: this }, this.toggleButton ) .trigger( 'init.imagify' ); // Launch optimization. this.$button.on( 'click.imagify', { imagifyOptionsBulk: this }, this.maybeLaunchAllProcesses ); // Imagifybeat for optimization queue. $( d ) .on( 'imagifybeat-send', { imagifyOptionsBulk: this }, this.addQueueImagifybeat ) .on( 'imagifybeat-tick', { imagifyOptionsBulk: this }, this.processQueueImagifybeat ) // Imagifybeat for requirements. .on( 'imagifybeat-send', this.addRequirementsImagifybeat ) .on( 'imagifybeat-tick', { imagifyOptionsBulk: this }, this.processRequirementsImagifybeat ); }, // Event callbacks ========================================================================= /** * Enable/Disable the button when the "Convert to webp" checkbox is checked/unchecked. * * @param {object} e Event object. */ toggleButton: function ( e ) { if ( ! this.checked ) {$button.attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' ); } else {$button.removeAttr( 'disabled' ); } }, /* * Build the queue and launch all processes. * * @param {object} e Event object. */ maybeLaunchAllProcesses: function ( e ) { if ( ! || ) { return; } if ( true ) ) { return; } // Reset properties. = imagifyOptions.bulk.contexts.slice(); = []; = []; = false; = false; = true; = false; = 0; = 0; // Disable the button.$button.attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' ).find( '.dashicons' ).addClass( 'rotate' ); // Add a message to be displayed when the user wants to quit the page. $( w ).on( 'beforeunload.imagify', ); // Fasten Imagifybeat: 1 tick every 15 seconds, and disable suspend. w.imagify.beat.interval( 15 ); w.imagify.beat.disableSuspend(); // Fetch IDs of media to optimize.; }, /* * Get the message displayed to the user when (s)he leaves the page. * * @return {string} */ getConfirmMessage: function () { return imagifyOptions.bulk.labels.processing; }, // Imagifybeat ============================================================================= /** * Add a Imagifybeat ID on "imagifybeat-send" event to sync the optimization queue. * * @param {object} e Event object. * @param {object} data Object containing all Imagifybeat IDs. */ addQueueImagifybeat: function ( e, data ) { if ( && ) { data[ imagifyOptions.bulk.imagifybeatIDs.queue ] =; } }, /** * Listen for the custom event "imagifybeat-tick" on $(document). * It allows to update various data periodically. * * @param {object} e Event object. * @param {object} data Object containing all Imagifybeat IDs. */ processQueueImagifybeat: function ( e, data ) { if ( && typeof data[ imagifyOptions.bulk.imagifybeatIDs.queue ] !== 'undefined' ) { $.each( data[ imagifyOptions.bulk.imagifybeatIDs.queue ], function ( i, mediaData ) { mediaData ); } ); } }, /** * Add a Imagifybeat ID for requirements on "imagifybeat-send" event. * * @param {object} e Event object. * @param {object} data Object containing all Imagifybeat IDs. */ addRequirementsImagifybeat: function ( e, data ) { data[ imagifyOptions.bulk.imagifybeatIDs.requirements ] = 1; }, /** * Listen for the custom event "imagifybeat-tick" on $(document). * It allows to update requirements status periodically. * * @param {object} e Event object. * @param {object} data Object containing all Imagifybeat IDs. */ processRequirementsImagifybeat: function ( e, data ) { if ( && typeof data[ imagifyOptions.bulk.imagifybeatIDs.requirements ] === 'undefined' ) { return; } data = data[ imagifyOptions.bulk.imagifybeatIDs.requirements ]; imagifyOptions.bulk.curlMissing = data.curl_missing; imagifyOptions.bulk.editorMissing = data.editor_missing; imagifyOptions.bulk.extHttpBlocked = data.external_http_blocked; imagifyOptions.bulk.apiDown = data.api_down; imagifyOptions.bulk.keyIsValid = data.key_is_valid; imagifyOptions.bulk.isOverQuota = data.is_over_quota; }, // Optimization ============================================================================ /* * Fetch IDs of media to optimize. */ fetchIDs: function () { var _this, context; if ( this.processIsStopped ) { return; } if ( ! this.fetchQueue.length ) { // No more IDs to fetch. if ( this.queue.length ) { // We have files to process. // Reset and display the progress bar. this.$progressBar.removeAttr( 'style' ); this.$progressText.text( '0' + ( this.totalMedia ? '/' + this.totalMedia : '' ) ); this.$progressWrap.slideDown().attr( 'aria-hidden', 'false' ); this.processQueue(); return; } if ( ! this.fetchError ) { // No files to process. this.fetchError = 'no-images'; } // Error, or no files to process. this.stopProcess( this.fetchError ); this.fetchError = false; return; } // Fetch IDs for the next context. _this = this; context = this.fetchQueue.shift(); $.get( this.getAjaxUrl( 'getMediaIds', context ) ) .done( function( response ) { var errorMessage; if ( _this.processIsStopped ) { return; } if ( && ) { errorMessage =; } else { errorMessage = imagifyOptions.bulk.ajaxErrorText; } if ( ! response.success ) { // Error. if ( ! _this.fetchError ) { _this.fetchError = errorMessage; } return; } if ( ! $.isArray( ) ) { // Error: should be an array. if ( ! _this.fetchError ) { _this.fetchError = errorMessage; } return; } if ( ! ) { // No media to process. return; } // Success. _this.totalMedia +=; _this.queue.push( { context: context, optimizeURL: _this.getAjaxUrl( 'bulkProcess', context ), mediaIDs: } ); } ) .fail( function() { // Error. if ( ! _this.fetchError ) { _this.fetchError = 'get-unoptimized-images'; } } ) .always( function() { // Fetch IDs for the next context. _this.fetchIDs(); } ); }, /* * Fill the processing queue until the buffer size is reached. */ processQueue: function () { var _this = this; if ( this.processIsStopped ) { return; } if ( ! this.queue.length && ! this.processingQueue.length ) { return; } // Optimize the files. $.each( this.queue, function ( i, item ) { if ( _this.processingQueue.length >= imagifyOptions.bulk.bufferSize ) { return false; } $.each( item.mediaIDs, function () { _this.processMedia( { context: item.context, mediaID: item.mediaIDs.shift(), optimizeURL: item.optimizeURL } ); if ( ! item.mediaIDs.length ) { _this.queue.shift(); } if ( _this.processingQueue.length >= imagifyOptions.bulk.bufferSize ) { return false; } } ); } ); }, /* * Process the next media. * * @param {object} item { * @type {string} context The context, like 'wp'. * @type {int} mediaID The media ID. * @type {string} optimizeURL The URL to ping to optimize the media. * } */ processMedia: function ( item ) { var _this = this, defaultResponse = { context: item.context, mediaID: item.mediaID }; this.processingQueue.push( { context: item.context, mediaID: item.mediaID } ); $.post( { url: item.optimizeURL, data: { media_id: item.mediaID, context: item.context }, dataType: 'json' } ) .done( function( response ) { if ( response.success ) { // Processing. return; } // Error. _this.mediaProcessed( defaultResponse ); } ) .fail( function() { // Error. _this.mediaProcessed( defaultResponse ); } ); }, /** * After a media has been processed. * * @param {object} response { * The response: * * @type {int} mediaID The media ID. * @type {string} context The context. * } */ mediaProcessed: function( response ) { var _this = this; if ( this.processIsStopped ) { return; } // Remove this media from the "being processed" list. $.each( this.processingQueue, function( i, mediaData ) { if ( response.context === mediaData.context && response.mediaID === mediaData.mediaID ) { _this.processingQueue.splice( i, 1 ); return false; } } ); ++this.processedMedia; // Update the progress bar. response.progress = Math.floor( this.processedMedia / this.totalMedia * 100 ); this.$progressBar.css( 'width', response.progress + '%' ); this.$progressText.text( this.processedMedia + '/' + this.totalMedia ); if ( this.queue.length || this.processingQueue.length ) { this.processQueue(); } else if ( this.totalMedia === this.processedMedia ) { this.queueEmpty(); } }, /* * End. */ queueEmpty: function () { var errorArgs = {}; // Maybe display an error. if ( false !== this.error ) { if ( 'invalid-api-key' === this.error ) { errorArgs = { title: imagifyOptions.bulk.labels.invalidAPIKeyTitle, type: 'info' }; } else if ( 'over-quota' === this.error ) { errorArgs = { title: imagifyOptions.bulk.labels.overQuotaTitle, html: $( '#tmpl-imagify-overquota-alert' ).html(), type: 'info', customClass: 'imagify-swal-has-subtitle imagify-swal-error-header', showConfirmButton: false }; } else if ( 'get-unoptimized-images' === this.error || 'consumed-all-data' === this.error ) { errorArgs = { title: imagifyOptions.bulk.labels.getUnoptimizedImagesErrorTitle, html: imagifyOptions.bulk.labels.getUnoptimizedImagesErrorText, type: 'info' }; } else if ( 'no-images' === this.error ) { errorArgs = { title: imagifyOptions.bulk.labels.nothingToDoTitle, html: imagifyOptions.bulk.labels.nothingToDoText, type: 'info' }; } else if ( 'no-backup' === this.error ) { errorArgs = { title: imagifyOptions.bulk.labels.nothingToDoTitle, html: imagifyOptions.bulk.labels.nothingToDoNoBackupText, type: 'info' }; } else { errorArgs = { title: imagifyOptions.bulk.labels.error, html: this.error, type: 'info' }; } this.displayError( errorArgs ); // Reset the error. this.error = false; } // Reset. this.fetchQueue = []; this.queue = []; this.processingQueue = []; this.fetchError = false; this.working = false; this.processIsStopped = false; this.processedMedia = 0; this.totalMedia = 0; // Reset Imagifybeat interval and enable suspend. w.imagify.beat.resetInterval(); w.imagify.beat.enableSuspend(); // Unlink the message displayed when the user wants to quit the page. $( w ).off( 'beforeunload.imagify', this.getConfirmMessage ); // Reset the progress bar. this.$progressWrap.slideUp().attr( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ); this.$progressBar.removeAttr( 'style' ); this.$progressText.text( '0' ); // Enable the button. this.$button.removeAttr( 'disabled' ).find( '.dashicons' ).removeClass( 'rotate' ); }, // Tools =================================================================================== /* * Tell if we have a blocking error. Can also display an error message in a swal. * * @param {bool} displayErrorMessage False to not display any error message. * @return {bool} */ hasBlockingError: function ( displayErrorMessage ) { displayErrorMessage = undefined !== displayErrorMessage && displayErrorMessage; if ( imagifyOptions.bulk.curlMissing ) { if ( displayErrorMessage ) { this.displayError( { html: imagifyOptions.bulk.labels.curlMissing } ); } return true; } if ( imagifyOptions.bulk.editorMissing ) { if ( displayErrorMessage ) { this.displayError( { html: imagifyOptions.bulk.labels.editorMissing } ); } return true; } if ( imagifyOptions.bulk.extHttpBlocked ) { if ( displayErrorMessage ) { this.displayError( { html: imagifyOptions.bulk.labels.extHttpBlocked } ); } return true; } if ( imagifyOptions.bulk.apiDown ) { if ( displayErrorMessage ) { this.displayError( { html: imagifyOptions.bulk.labels.apiDown } ); } return true; } if ( ! imagifyOptions.bulk.keyIsValid ) { if ( displayErrorMessage ) { this.displayError( { title: imagifyOptions.bulk.labels.invalidAPIKeyTitle, type: 'info' } ); } return true; } if ( imagifyOptions.bulk.isOverQuota ) { if ( displayErrorMessage ) { this.displayError( { title: imagifyOptions.bulk.labels.overQuotaTitle, html: $( '#tmpl-imagify-overquota-alert' ).html(), type: 'info', customClass: 'imagify-swal-has-subtitle imagify-swal-error-header', showConfirmButton: false } ); } return true; } return false; }, /* * Display an error message in a modal. * * @param {string} title The modal title. * @param {string} text The modal text. * @param {object} args Other less common args. */ displayError: function ( title, text, args ) { var def = { title: '', html: '', type: 'error', customClass: '', width: 620, padding: 0, showCloseButton: true, showConfirmButton: true }; if ( $.isPlainObject( title ) ) { args = $.extend( {}, def, title ); } else { args = args || {}; args = $.extend( {}, def, { title: title || '', html: text || '' }, args ); } args.title = args.title || imagifyOptions.bulk.labels.error; args.customClass += ' imagify-sweet-alert'; swal( args ).catch( swal.noop ); }, /* * Get the URL used for ajax requests. * * @param {string} action An ajax action, or part of it. * @param {string} context The context. * @return {string} */ getAjaxUrl: function ( action, context ) { var url; url = ajaxurl + w.imagify.concat + '_wpnonce=' + imagifyOptions.bulk.ajaxNonce; url += '&action=' + imagifyOptions.bulk.ajaxActions[ action ]; url += '&context=' + context; url += '&imagify_action=generate_webp'; return url; }, /* * Stop everything and set an error. * * @param {string} errorId An error ID. */ stopProcess: function ( errorId ) { this.processIsStopped = true; this.error = errorId; this.queueEmpty(); } }; w.imagify.optionsBulk.init(); } )(window, document, jQuery); /* eslint-enable no-underscore-dangle, consistent-this */ // "Select all" checkboxes ========================================================================= (function(w, d, $, undefined) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars, no-shadow, no-shadow-restricted-names var jqPropHookChecked = $.propHooks.checked; // Force `.prop()` to trigger a `change` event. $.propHooks.checked = { set: function( elem, value, name ) { var ret; if ( undefined === jqPropHookChecked ) { ret = ( elem[ name ] = value ); } else { ret = jqPropHookChecked( elem, value, name ); } $( elem ).trigger( 'change.imagify' ); return ret; } }; // Check all checkboxes. $( '.imagify-select-all' ).on( 'click.imagify', function() { var $_this = $(this), action = $ 'action' ), $btns = $_this.closest( '.imagify-select-all-buttons' ), $group = $btns.prev( '.imagify-check-group' ), inactive = 'imagify-is-inactive'; if ( $_this.hasClass( inactive ) ) { return false; } $btns.find( '.imagify-select-all' ).removeClass( inactive ).attr( 'aria-disabled', 'false' ); $_this.addClass( inactive ).attr( 'aria-disabled', 'true' ); $group.find( '.imagify-row-check' ) .prop( 'checked', function() { var $this = $( this ); if ( $ ':hidden,:disabled' ) ) { return false; } if ( action === 'select' ) { return true; } return false; } ); } ); // Change buttons status on checkboxes interation. $( '.imagify-check-group .imagify-row-check' ).on( 'change.imagify', function() { var $group = $( this ).closest( '.imagify-check-group' ), $checks = $group.find( '.imagify-row-check' ), could_be = $checks.filter( ':visible:enabled' ).length, are_checked = $checks.filter( ':visible:enabled:checked' ).length, $btns = $ '.imagify-select-all-buttons' ), inactive = 'imagify-is-inactive'; // Toggle status of "check all" buttons. if ( are_checked === 0 ) { $btns.find( '[data-action="unselect"]' ).addClass( inactive ).attr( 'aria-disabled', 'true' ); } if ( are_checked === could_be ) { $btns.find( '[data-action="select"]' ).addClass( inactive ).attr( 'aria-disabled', 'true' ); } if ( are_checked !== could_be && are_checked > 0 ) { $btns.find( '.imagify-select-all' ).removeClass( inactive ).attr( 'aria-disabled', 'false' ); } } ); } )(window, document, jQuery);