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Dir : /home/trave494/ |
Server: Linux 4.18.0-553.22.1.lve.1.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Oct 8 15:52:54 UTC 2024 x86_64 IP: |
Dir : /home/trave494/ |
(function(a) { a.fn.addBack = a.fn.addBack || a.fn.andSelf; a.fn.extend({ actual: function(b, l) { if (!this[b]) { throw '$.actual => The jQuery method "' + b + '" you called does not exist'; } var f = { absolute: false, clone: false, includeMargin: false }; var i = a.extend(f, l); var e = this.eq(0); var h, j; if (i.clone === true) { h = function() { var m = "position: absolute !important; top: -1000 !important; "; e = e.clone().attr("style", m).appendTo("body") }; j = function() { e.remove() } } else { var g = []; var d = ""; var c; h = function() { c = e.parents().addBack().filter(":hidden"); d += "visibility: hidden !important; display: block !important; "; if (i.absolute === true) { d += "position: absolute !important; " } c.each(function() { var m = a(this); g.push(m.attr("style")); m.attr("style", d) }) }; j = function() { c.each(function(m) { var o = a(this); var n = g[m]; if (n === undefined) { o.removeAttr("style") } else { o.attr("style", n) } }) } } h(); var k = /(outer)/.test(b) ? e[b](i.includeMargin) : e[b](); j(); return k } }) })(jQuery); /*! matchMedia() polyfill - Test a CSS media type/query in JS. Authors & copyright (c) 2012: Scott Jehl, Paul Irish, Nicholas Zakas, David Knight. Dual MIT/BSD license */ window.matchMedia || (window.matchMedia = function() { "use strict"; // For browsers that support matchMedium api such as IE 9 and webkit var styleMedia = (window.styleMedia ||; // For those that don't support matchMedium if (!styleMedia) { var style = document.createElement('style'), script = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0], info = null; style.type = 'text/css'; = 'matchmediajs-test'; script.parentNode.insertBefore(style, script); // 'style.currentStyle' is used by IE <= 8 and 'window.getComputedStyle' for all other browsers info = ('getComputedStyle' in window) && window.getComputedStyle(style, null) || style.currentStyle; styleMedia = { matchMedium: function(media) { var text = '@media ' + media + '{ #matchmediajs-test { width: 1px; } }'; // 'style.styleSheet' is used by IE <= 8 and 'style.textContent' for all other browsers if (style.styleSheet) { style.styleSheet.cssText = text; } else { style.textContent = text; } // Test if media query is true or false return info.width === '1px'; } }; } return function(media) { return { matches: styleMedia.matchMedium(media || 'all'), media: media || 'all' }; }; }()); /*! matchMedia() polyfill addListener/removeListener extension. Author & copyright (c) 2012: Scott Jehl. Dual MIT/BSD license */ (function(){ // Bail out for browsers that have addListener support if (window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia('all').addListener) { return false; } var localMatchMedia = window.matchMedia, hasMediaQueries = localMatchMedia('only all').matches, isListening = false, timeoutID = 0, // setTimeout for debouncing 'handleChange' queries = [], // Contains each 'mql' and associated 'listeners' if 'addListener' is used handleChange = function(evt) { // Debounce clearTimeout(timeoutID); timeoutID = setTimeout(function() { for (var i = 0, il = queries.length; i < il; i++) { var mql = queries[i].mql, listeners = queries[i].listeners || [], matches = localMatchMedia(; // Update mql.matches value and call listeners // Fire listeners only if transitioning to or from matched state if (matches !== mql.matches) { mql.matches = matches; for (var j = 0, jl = listeners.length; j < jl; j++) { listeners[j].call(window, mql); } } } }, 30); }; window.matchMedia = function(media) { var mql = localMatchMedia(media), listeners = [], index = 0; mql.addListener = function(listener) { // Changes would not occur to css media type so return now (Affects IE <= 8) if (!hasMediaQueries) { return; } // Set up 'resize' listener for browsers that support CSS3 media queries (Not for IE <= 8) // There should only ever be 1 resize listener running for performance if (!isListening) { isListening = true; window.addEventListener('resize', handleChange, true); } // Push object only if it has not been pushed already if (index === 0) { index = queries.push({ mql : mql, listeners : listeners }); } listeners.push(listener); }; mql.removeListener = function(listener) { for (var i = 0, il = listeners.length; i < il; i++){ if (listeners[i] === listener){ listeners.splice(i, 1); } } }; return mql; }; }()); ;/*! waitForImages jQuery Plugin - v1.5.0 - 2013-07-20 * * Copyright (c) 2013 Alex Dickson; Licensed MIT */ (function($) { var o = 'waitForImages'; $.waitForImages = { hasImageProperties: ['backgroundImage', 'listStyleImage', 'borderImage', 'borderCornerImage', 'cursor'] }; $.expr[':'].uncached = function(a) { if (!$(a).is('img[src!=""]')) { return false } var b = new Image(); b.src = a.src; return !b.complete }; $.fn.waitForImages = function(j, k, l) { var m = 0; var n = 0; if ($.isPlainObject(arguments[0])) { l = arguments[0].waitForAll; k = arguments[0].each; j = arguments[0].finished } j = j || $.noop; k = k || $.noop; l = !! l; if (!$.isFunction(j) || !$.isFunction(k)) { throw new TypeError('An invalid callback was supplied.'); } return this.each(function() { var e = $(this); var f = []; var g = $.waitForImages.hasImageProperties || []; var h = /url\(\s*(['"]?)(.*?)\1\s*\)/g; if (l) { e.find('*').addBack().each(function() { var d = $(this); if ('img:uncached')) { f.push({ src: d.attr('src'), element: d[0] }) } $.each(g, function(i, a) { var b = d.css(a); var c; if (!b) { return true } while (c = h.exec(b)) { f.push({ src: c[2], element: d[0] }) } }) }) } else { e.find('img:uncached').each(function() { f.push({ src: this.src, element: this }) }) } m = f.length; n = 0; if (m === 0) {[0]) } $.each(f, function(i, b) { var c = new Image(); $(c).on('load.' + o + ' error.' + o, function(a) { n++;, n, m, a.type == 'load'); if (n == m) {[0]); return false } }); c.src = b.src }) }) } }(jQuery)); ;/* Infinite Scroll */ (function(o, i, k) { i.infinitescroll = function z(D, F, E) { this.element = i(E); if (!this._create(D, F)) { this.failed = true } }; i.infinitescroll.defaults = { loading: { finished: k, finishedMsg: "<em>Congratulations, you've reached the end of the internet.</em>", img: "", msg: null, msgText: "<em>Loading the next set of posts...</em>", selector: null, speed: "fast", start: k }, state: { isDuringAjax: false, isInvalidPage: false, isDestroyed: false, isDone: false, isPaused: false, currPage: 1 }, debug: false, behavior: k, binder: i(o), nextSelector: "div.navigation a:first", navSelector: "div.navigation", contentSelector: null, extraScrollPx: 150, itemSelector: "", animate: false, pathParse: k, dataType: "html", appendCallback: true, bufferPx: 40, errorCallback: function() {}, infid: 0, pixelsFromNavToBottom: k, path: k, prefill: false }; i.infinitescroll.prototype = { _binding: function g(F) { var D = this, E = D.options; E.v = "2.0b2.120520"; if ( !! E.behavior && this["_binding_" + E.behavior] !== k) { this["_binding_" + E.behavior].call(this); return } if (F !== "bind" && F !== "unbind") { this._debug("Binding value " + F + " not valid"); return false } if (F === "unbind") { (this.options.binder).unbind("smartscroll.infscr." + D.options.infid) } else { (this.options.binder)[F]("smartscroll.infscr." + D.options.infid, function() { D.scroll() }) } this._debug("Binding", F) }, _create: function t(F, J) { var G = i.extend(true, {}, i.infinitescroll.defaults, F); this.options = G; var I = i(o); var D = this; if (!D._validate(F)) { return false } var H = i(G.nextSelector).attr("href"); if (!H) { this._debug("Navigation selector not found"); return false } G.path = G.path || this._determinepath(H); G.contentSelector = G.contentSelector || this.element; G.loading.selector = G.loading.selector || G.contentSelector; G.loading.msg = G.loading.msg || i('<div id="infscr-loading"><img alt="Loading..." src="' + G.loading.img + '" /><div>' + G.loading.msgText + "</div></div>"); (new Image()).src = G.loading.img; if (G.pixelsFromNavToBottom === k) { G.pixelsFromNavToBottom = i(document).height() - i(G.navSelector).offset().top } var E = this; G.loading.start = G.loading.start || function() { i(G.navSelector).hide(); G.loading.msg.appendTo(G.loading.selector).show(G.loading.speed, i.proxy(function() { this.beginAjax(G) }, E)) }; G.loading.finished = G.loading.finished || function() { G.loading.msg.fadeOut(G.loading.speed) }; G.callback = function(K, M, L) { if ( !! G.behavior && K["_callback_" + G.behavior] !== k) { K["_callback_" + G.behavior].call(i(G.contentSelector)[0], M, L) } if (J) {[0], M, G, L) } if (G.prefill) { I.bind("resize.infinite-scroll", K._prefill) } }; if (F.debug) { if (Function.prototype.bind && (typeof console === "object" || typeof console === "function") && typeof console.log === "object") { ["log", "info", "warn", "error", "assert", "dir", "clear", "profile", "profileEnd"].forEach(function(K) { console[K] =[K], console) }, Function.prototype.bind) } } this._setup(); if (G.prefill) { this._prefill() } return true }, _prefill: function n() { var D = this; var G = i(document); var F = i(o); function E() { return (G.height() <= F.height()) } this._prefill = function() { if (E()) { D.scroll() } F.bind("resize.infinite-scroll", function() { if (E()) { F.unbind("resize.infinite-scroll"); D.scroll() } }) }; this._prefill() }, _debug: function q() { if (true !== this.options.debug) { return } if (typeof console !== "undefined" && typeof console.log === "function") { if (( === 1 && typeof[0] === "string") { console.log(( } else { console.log( } } else { if (!Function.prototype.bind && typeof console !== "undefined" && typeof console.log === "object") {, console, } } }, _determinepath: function A(E) { var D = this.options; if ( !! D.behavior && this["_determinepath_" + D.behavior] !== k) { return this["_determinepath_" + D.behavior].call(this, E) } if ( !! D.pathParse) { this._debug("pathParse manual"); return D.pathParse(E, this.options.state.currPage + 1) } else { if (E.match(/^(.*?)\b2\b(.*?$)/)) { E = E.match(/^(.*?)\b2\b(.*?$)/).slice(1) } else { if (E.match(/^(.*?)2(.*?$)/)) { if (E.match(/^(.*?page=)2(\/.*|$)/)) { E = E.match(/^(.*?page=)2(\/.*|$)/).slice(1); return E } E = E.match(/^(.*?)2(.*?$)/).slice(1) } else { if (E.match(/^(.*?page=)1(\/.*|$)/)) { E = E.match(/^(.*?page=)1(\/.*|$)/).slice(1); return E } else { this._debug("Sorry, we couldn't parse your Next (Previous Posts) URL. Verify your the css selector points to the correct A tag. If you still get this error: yell, scream, and kindly ask for help at"); D.state.isInvalidPage = true } } } } this._debug("determinePath", E); return E }, _error: function v(E) { var D = this.options; if ( !! D.behavior && this["_error_" + D.behavior] !== k) { this["_error_" + D.behavior].call(this, E); return } if (E !== "destroy" && E !== "end") { E = "unknown" } this._debug("Error", E); if (E === "end") { this._showdonemsg() } D.state.isDone = true; D.state.currPage = 1; D.state.isPaused = false; this._binding("unbind") }, _loadcallback: function c(H, G, E) { var D = this.options, J = this.options.callback, L = (D.state.isDone) ? "done" : (!D.appendCallback) ? "no-append" : "append", K; if ( !! D.behavior && this["_loadcallback_" + D.behavior] !== k) { this["_loadcallback_" + D.behavior].call(this, H, G); return } switch (L) { case "done": this._showdonemsg(); return false; case "no-append": if (D.dataType === "html") { G = "<div>" + G + "</div>"; G = i(G).find(D.itemSelector) } break; case "append": var F = H.children(); if (F.length === 0) { return this._error("end") } K = document.createDocumentFragment(); while (H[0].firstChild) { K.appendChild(H[0].firstChild) } this._debug("contentSelector", i(D.contentSelector)[0]); i(D.contentSelector)[0].appendChild(K); G = F.get(); break }[0], D); if (D.animate) { var I = i(o).scrollTop() + i("#infscr-loading").height() + D.extraScrollPx + "px"; i("html,body").animate({ scrollTop: I }, 800, function() { D.state.isDuringAjax = false }) } if (!D.animate) { D.state.isDuringAjax = false } J(this, G, E); if (D.prefill) { this._prefill() } }, _nearbottom: function u() { var E = this.options, D = 0 + i(document).height() - (E.binder.scrollTop()) - i(o).height(); if ( !! E.behavior && this["_nearbottom_" + E.behavior] !== k) { return this["_nearbottom_" + E.behavior].call(this) } this._debug("math:", D, E.pixelsFromNavToBottom); return (D - E.bufferPx < E.pixelsFromNavToBottom) }, _pausing: function l(E) { var D = this.options; if ( !! D.behavior && this["_pausing_" + D.behavior] !== k) { this["_pausing_" + D.behavior].call(this, E); return } if (E !== "pause" && E !== "resume" && E !== null) { this._debug("Invalid argument. Toggling pause value instead") } E = (E && (E === "pause" || E === "resume")) ? E : "toggle"; switch (E) { case "pause": D.state.isPaused = true; break; case "resume": D.state.isPaused = false; break; case "toggle": D.state.isPaused = !D.state.isPaused; break } this._debug("Paused", D.state.isPaused); return false }, _setup: function r() { var D = this.options; if ( !! D.behavior && this["_setup_" + D.behavior] !== k) { this["_setup_" + D.behavior].call(this); return } this._binding("bind"); return false }, _showdonemsg: function a() { var D = this.options; if ( !! D.behavior && this["_showdonemsg_" + D.behavior] !== k) { this["_showdonemsg_" + D.behavior].call(this); return } D.loading.msg.find("img").hide().parent().find("div").html(D.loading.finishedMsg).animate({ opacity: 1 }, 2000, function() { i(this).parent().fadeOut(D.loading.speed) });[0], "done") }, _validate: function w(E) { for (var D in E) { if (D.indexOf && D.indexOf("Selector") > -1 && i(E[D]).length === 0) { this._debug("Your " + D + " found no elements."); return false } } return true }, bind: function p() { this._binding("bind") }, destroy: function C() { this.options.state.isDestroyed = true; return this._error("destroy") }, pause: function e() { this._pausing("pause") }, resume: function h() { this._pausing("resume") }, beginAjax: function B(G) { var E = this, I = G.path, F, D, K, J; G.state.currPage++; F = i(G.contentSelector).is("table") ? i("<tbody/>") : i("<div/>"); D = (typeof I === "function") ? I(G.state.currPage) : I.join(G.state.currPage); E._debug("heading into ajax", D); K = (G.dataType === "html" || G.dataType === "json") ? G.dataType : "html+callback"; if (G.appendCallback && G.dataType === "html") { K += "+callback" } switch (K) { case "html+callback": E._debug("Using HTML via .load() method"); F.load(D + " " + G.itemSelector, k, function H(L) { E._loadcallback(F, L, D) }); break; case "html": E._debug("Using " + (K.toUpperCase()) + " via $.ajax() method"); i.ajax({ url: D, dataType: G.dataType, complete: function H(L, M) { J = (typeof(L.isResolved) !== "undefined") ? (L.isResolved()) : (M === "success" || M === "notmodified"); if (J) { E._loadcallback(F, L.responseText, D) } else { E._error("end") } } }); break; case "json": E._debug("Using " + (K.toUpperCase()) + " via $.ajax() method"); i.ajax({ dataType: "json", type: "GET", url: D, success: function(N, O, M) { J = (typeof(M.isResolved) !== "undefined") ? (M.isResolved()) : (O === "success" || O === "notmodified"); if (G.appendCallback) { if (G.template !== k) { var L = G.template(N); F.append(L); if (J) { E._loadcallback(F, L) } else { E._error("end") } } else { E._debug("template must be defined."); E._error("end") } } else { if (J) { E._loadcallback(F, N, D) } else { E._error("end") } } }, error: function() { E._debug("JSON ajax request failed."); E._error("end") } }); break } }, retrieve: function b(F) { F = F || null; var D = this, E = D.options; if ( !! E.behavior && this["retrieve_" + E.behavior] !== k) { this["retrieve_" + E.behavior].call(this, F); return } if (E.state.isDestroyed) { this._debug("Instance is destroyed"); return false } E.state.isDuringAjax = true;[0], E) }, scroll: function f() { var D = this.options, E = D.state; if ( !! D.behavior && this["scroll_" + D.behavior] !== k) { this["scroll_" + D.behavior].call(this); return } if (E.isDuringAjax || E.isInvalidPage || E.isDone || E.isDestroyed || E.isPaused) { return } if (!this._nearbottom()) { return } this.retrieve() }, toggle: function y() { this._pausing() }, unbind: function m() { this._binding("unbind") }, update: function j(D) { if (i.isPlainObject(D)) { this.options = i.extend(true, this.options, D) } } }; i.fn.infinitescroll = function d(F, G) { var E = typeof F; switch (E) { case "string": var D =, 1); this.each(function() { var H =, "infinitescroll"); if (!H) { return false } if (!i.isFunction(H[F]) || F.charAt(0) === "_") { return false } H[F].apply(H, D) }); break; case "object": this.each(function() { var H =, "infinitescroll"); if (H) { H.update(F) } else { H = new i.infinitescroll(F, G, this); if (!H.failed) {, "infinitescroll", H) } } }); break } return this }; var x = i.event, s; x.special.smartscroll = { setup: function() { i(this).bind("scroll", x.special.smartscroll.handler) }, teardown: function() { i(this).unbind("scroll", x.special.smartscroll.handler) }, handler: function(G, D) { var F = this, E = arguments; G.type = "smartscroll"; if (s) { clearTimeout(s) } s = setTimeout(function() { i.event.handle.apply(F, E) }, D === "execAsap" ? 0 : 100) } }; i.fn.smartscroll = function(D) { return D ? this.bind("smartscroll", D) : this.trigger("smartscroll", ["execAsap"]) } })(window, jQuery); ; /* * DC Mega Menu - jQuery mega menu * Copyright (c) 2011 Design Chemical * */ (function($) { //define the defaults for the plugin and how to call it $.fn.dcMegaMenu = function(options) { //set default options var defaults = { classParent: 'dc-mega', classContainer: 'sub-container', classSubParent: 'mega-hdr', classSubLink: 'mega-hdr', classWidget: 'dc-extra', rowItems: 6, speed: 'fast', effect: 'fade', event: 'hover', fullWidth: false, onLoad: function() {}, beforeOpen: function() {}, beforeClose: function() {} }; //call in the default otions var mega_div_width = pacz_js.pacz_grid_width - 30; var options = $.extend(defaults, options); var $dcMegaMenuObj = this; //act upon the element that is passed into the design return $dcMegaMenuObj.each(function(options) { var clSubParent = defaults.classSubParent; var clSubLink = defaults.classSubLink; var clParent = defaults.classParent; var clContainer = defaults.classContainer; var clWidget = defaults.classWidget; //console.log(jQuery(this).parents('.pacz-header-nav-container').width()); megaSetup(); function megaOver() { var subNav = $('.sub', this); $(this).addClass('mega-hover'); if (defaults.effect === 'fade') { $(subNav).fadeIn(defaults.speed); } if (defaults.effect === 'slide') { $(subNav).show(defaults.speed); } // beforeOpen callback;; } function megaAction(obj) { var subNav = $('.sub', obj); $(obj).addClass('mega-hover'); if (defaults.effect === 'fade') { $(subNav).fadeIn(defaults.speed); } if (defaults.effect === 'slide') { $(subNav).show(defaults.speed); } // beforeOpen callback;; } function megaOut() { var subNav = $('.sub', this); $(this).removeClass('mega-hover'); $(subNav).hide(); // beforeClose callback;; } function megaActionClose(obj) { var subNav = $('.sub', obj); $(obj).removeClass('mega-hover'); $(subNav).hide(); // beforeClose callback;; } function megaReset() { $('li', $dcMegaMenuObj).removeClass('mega-hover'); $('.sub', $dcMegaMenuObj).hide(); } function megaSetup() { //$arrow = '<span class="dc-mega-icon"></span>'; var clParentLi = clParent + '-li'; var menuWidth = $dcMegaMenuObj.outerWidth(); $('> li', $dcMegaMenuObj).each(function() { //Set Width of sub var $mainSub = $('> ul', this); var $primaryLink = $('> a', this); if ($mainSub.length) { //$primaryLink.addClass(clParent).append($arrow); $mainSub.addClass('sub').wrap('<div class="' + clContainer + '" />'); var pos = $(this).position(); pl = pos.left; // checks whether its a mega menu. editd by CLASSIADSPRO if ($('ul.pacz_mega_menu', $mainSub).length) { $(this).addClass(clParentLi); $('.' + clContainer, this).addClass('mega'); $('> li', $mainSub).each(function() { if (!$(this).hasClass(clWidget)) { $(this).addClass('mega-unit'); if ($('> ul', this).length) { $(this).addClass(clSubParent); $('> a', this).addClass(clSubParent + '-a'); } else { $(this).addClass(clSubLink); $('> a', this).addClass(clSubLink + '-a'); } } }); // Create Rows var hdrs = $('.mega-unit', this); rowSize = parseInt(defaults.rowItems); for (var i = 0; i < hdrs.length; i += rowSize) { hdrs.slice(i, i + rowSize).wrapAll('<div class="row" />'); } // Get Sub Dimensions & Set Row Height $; // Get Position of Parent Item var pw = $(this).width(); var pr = pl + pw; // Check available right margin var mr = menuWidth - pr; // // Calc Width of Sub Menu var subw = $mainSub.outerWidth(); var totw = $mainSub.parent('.' + clContainer).outerWidth(); var cpad = totw - subw; if (defaults.fullWidth === true) { var fw = menuWidth - cpad; $mainSub.parent('.' + clContainer).css({ width: mega_div_width }); $dcMegaMenuObj.addClass('full-width'); } var iw = $('.mega-unit', $mainSub).outerWidth(true); var rowItems = $('.row:eq(0) .mega-unit', $mainSub).length; var inneriw = iw * rowItems; var totiw = inneriw + cpad; // Set mega header height $('.row', this).each(function() { $('.mega-unit:last', this).addClass('last'); var maxValue = undefined; $('.mega-unit > a', this).each(function() { var val = parseInt($(this).height()); if (maxValue === undefined || maxValue < val) { maxValue = val; } }); $('.mega-unit > a', this).css('height', maxValue + 'px'); $(this).css('width', inneriw + 'px'); }); // Calc Required Left Margin incl additional required for right align if(defaults.fullWidth == true){ params = {left: 0}; } else { var ml = mr < ml ? ml + ml - mr : (totiw - pw)/2; var subLeft = pl - ml; // If Left Position Is Negative Set To Left Margin var params = {left: pl+'px', marginLeft: -ml+'px'}; if(subLeft < 0){ params = {left: 0}; }else if(mr < ml){ params = {right: 0}; } } $('.'+clContainer,this).css(params); // Calculate Row Height $('.row',$mainSub).each(function(){ var rh = $(this).height(); $('.mega-unit',this).css({height: rh+'px'}); $(this).parent('.row').css({height: rh+'px'}); }); $mainSub.hide(); } else { //var classiadsproSubW = $mainSub.outerWidth(); //mega_div_width; //classiadsproOffsetOut = menuWidth - classiadsproSubW; //console.log(pl + ' ' + classiadsproSubW); $('.'+clContainer,this).addClass('non-mega').css('left',pl+'px'); } // CLASSIADSPRO edition if (!$('ul', $mainSub).hasClass('pacz_mega_menu')) { $('.' + clContainer, this).addClass('pacz-nested-sub'); //console.log($('.pacz-nested-sub > ul',this).width()); $pacz_nested_ul = $('.pacz-nested-sub > ul', this); $pacz_nested_width = $pacz_nested_ul.width(); $pacz_nested_ul.find('ul').css('left', $pacz_nested_width + 'px'); $pacz_nested_ul.find('li').each(function() { var $nested_sub = $('> ul', this); if ($nested_sub.length) { jQuery(this).append('<i class="pacz-mega-icon pacz-theme-icon-next-small"></i>'); } jQuery(this).hover(function() { jQuery(this).find('> ul').stop(true, true).delay(200).fadeIn(100); }, function() { jQuery(this).find('> ul').stop(true, true).delay(200).fadeOut(100); }); }); } } }); // Set position of mega dropdown to bottom of main menu var menuHeight = $('> li > a', $dcMegaMenuObj).outerHeight(true); $('.' + clContainer, $dcMegaMenuObj).css({ top: menuHeight + 'px' }).css('z-index', '1000'); if (defaults.event == 'hover') { // HoverIntent Configuration var config = { sensitivity: 1, interval: 30, over: megaOver, timeout: 100, out: megaOut }; $('li', $dcMegaMenuObj).hoverIntent(config); } if (defaults.event == 'click') { $('body').mouseup(function(e) { if (!$('.mega-hover').length) { megaReset(); } }); $('> li > a.' + clParent, $dcMegaMenuObj).click(function(e) { var $parentLi = $(this).parent(); if ($parentLi.hasClass('mega-hover')) { megaActionClose($parentLi); } else { megaAction($parentLi); } e.preventDefault(); }); } // onLoad callback;; } }); }; })(jQuery); ; /** * @depends jquery * @name jquery.scrollto * @package jquery-scrollto {@link} */ /** * jQuery Aliaser */ (function(window, undefined) { // Prepare var jQuery, $, ScrollTo; jQuery = $ = window.jQuery; /** * jQuery ScrollTo (balupton edition) * @version 1.2.0 * @date July 9, 2012 * @since 0.1.0, August 27, 2010 * @package jquery-scrollto {@link} * @author Benjamin "balupton" Lupton {@link} * @copyright (c) 2010 Benjamin Arthur Lupton {@link} * @license MIT License {@link} */ ScrollTo = $.ScrollTo = $.ScrollTo || { /** * The Default Configuration */ config: { duration: 400, easing: 'swing', callback: undefined, durationMode: 'each', offsetTop: 0, offsetLeft: 0 }, /** * Configure ScrollTo */ configure: function(options) { // Apply Options to Config $.extend(ScrollTo.config, options || {}); // Chain return this; }, /** * Perform the Scroll Animation for the Collections * We use $inline here, so we can determine the actual offset start for each overflow:scroll item * Each collection is for each overflow:scroll item */ scroll: function(collections, config) { // Prepare var collection, $container, container, $target, $inline, position, containerScrollTop, containerScrollLeft, containerScrollTopEnd, containerScrollLeftEnd, startOffsetTop, targetOffsetTop, targetOffsetTopAdjusted, startOffsetLeft, targetOffsetLeft, targetOffsetLeftAdjusted, scrollOptions, callback; // Determine the Scroll collection = collections.pop(); $container = collection.$container; container = $container.get(0); $target = collection.$target; // Prepare the Inline Element of the Container $inline = $('<span/>').css({ 'position': 'absolute', 'top': '0px', 'left': '0px' }); position = $container.css('position'); // Insert the Inline Element of the Container $container.css('position', 'relative'); $inline.appendTo($container); // Determine the top offset startOffsetTop = $inline.offset().top; targetOffsetTop = $target.offset().top; targetOffsetTopAdjusted = targetOffsetTop - startOffsetTop - parseInt(config.offsetTop, 10); // Determine the left offset startOffsetLeft = $inline.offset().left; targetOffsetLeft = $target.offset().left; targetOffsetLeftAdjusted = targetOffsetLeft - startOffsetLeft - parseInt(config.offsetLeft, 10); // Determine current scroll positions containerScrollTop = container.scrollTop; containerScrollLeft = container.scrollLeft; // Reset the Inline Element of the Container $inline.remove(); $container.css('position', position); // Prepare the scroll options scrollOptions = {}; // Prepare the callback callback = function(event) { // Check if (collections.length === 0) { // Callback if (typeof config.callback === 'function') { config.callback.apply(this, [event]); } } else { // Recurse ScrollTo.scroll(collections, config); } // Return true return true; }; // Handle if we only want to scroll if we are outside the viewport if (config.onlyIfOutside) { // Determine current scroll positions containerScrollTopEnd = containerScrollTop + $container.height(); containerScrollLeftEnd = containerScrollLeft + $container.width(); // Check if we are in the range of the visible area of the container if (containerScrollTop < targetOffsetTopAdjusted && targetOffsetTopAdjusted < containerScrollTopEnd) { targetOffsetTopAdjusted = containerScrollTop; } if (containerScrollLeft < targetOffsetLeftAdjusted && targetOffsetLeftAdjusted < containerScrollLeftEnd) { targetOffsetLeftAdjusted = containerScrollLeft; } } // Determine the scroll options if (targetOffsetTopAdjusted !== containerScrollTop) { scrollOptions.scrollTop = targetOffsetTopAdjusted; } if (targetOffsetLeftAdjusted !== containerScrollLeft) { scrollOptions.scrollLeft = targetOffsetLeftAdjusted; } // Perform the scroll if ($.browser.safari && container === document.body) { window.scrollTo(scrollOptions.scrollLeft, scrollOptions.scrollTop); callback(); } else if (scrollOptions.scrollTop || scrollOptions.scrollLeft) { $container.animate(scrollOptions, config.duration, config.easing, callback); } else { callback(); } // Return true return true; }, /** * ScrollTo the Element using the Options */ fn: function(options) { // Prepare var collections, config, $container, container; collections = []; // Prepare var $target = $(this); if ($target.length === 0) { // Chain return this; } // Handle Options config = $.extend({}, ScrollTo.config, options); // Fetch $container = $target.parent(); container = $container.get(0); // Cycle through the containers while (($container.length === 1) && (container !== document.body) && (container !== document)) { // Check Container for scroll differences var scrollTop, scrollLeft; scrollTop = $container.css('overflow-y') !== 'visible' && container.scrollHeight !== container.clientHeight; scrollLeft = $container.css('overflow-x') !== 'visible' && container.scrollWidth !== container.clientWidth; if (scrollTop || scrollLeft) { // Push the Collection collections.push({ '$container': $container, '$target': $target }); // Update the Target $target = $container; } // Update the Container $container = $container.parent(); container = $container.get(0); } // Add the final collection collections.push({ '$container': $( ($.browser.msie || $.browser.mozilla) ? 'html' : 'body' ), '$target': $target }); // Adjust the Config if (config.durationMode === 'all') { config.duration /= collections.length; } // Handle ScrollTo.scroll(collections, config); // Chain return this; } }; // Apply our jQuery Prototype Function $.fn.ScrollTo = $.ScrollTo.fn; })(window); ; /** * author Christopher Blum * - based on the idea of Remy Sharp, * - forked from */ (function (factory) { if (typeof define == 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD define(['jquery'], factory); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { // Node, CommonJS module.exports = factory(require('jquery')); } else { // Browser globals factory(jQuery); } }(function ($) { var inviewObjects = [], viewportSize, viewportOffset, d = document, w = window, documentElement = d.documentElement, timer; $.event.special.inview = { add: function(data) { inviewObjects.push({ data: data, $element: $(this), element: this }); // Use setInterval in order to also make sure this captures elements within // "overflow:scroll" elements or elements that appeared in the dom tree due to // dom manipulation and reflow // old: $(window).scroll(checkInView); // // By the way, iOS (iPad, iPhone, ...) seems to not execute, or at least delays // intervals while the user scrolls. Therefore the inview event might fire a bit late there // // Don't waste cycles with an interval until we get at least one element that // has bound to the inview event. if (!timer && inviewObjects.length) { timer = setInterval(checkInView, 250); } }, remove: function(data) { for (var i=0; i<inviewObjects.length; i++) { var inviewObject = inviewObjects[i]; if (inviewObject.element === this && === data.guid) { inviewObjects.splice(i, 1); break; } } // Clear interval when we no longer have any elements listening if (!inviewObjects.length) { clearInterval(timer); timer = null; } } }; function getViewportSize() { var mode, domObject, size = { height: w.innerHeight, width: w.innerWidth }; // if this is correct then return it. iPad has compat Mode, so will // go into check clientHeight/clientWidth (which has the wrong value). if (!size.height) { mode = d.compatMode; if (mode || !$.support.boxModel) { // IE, Gecko domObject = mode === 'CSS1Compat' ? documentElement : // Standards d.body; // Quirks size = { height: domObject.clientHeight, width: domObject.clientWidth }; } } return size; } function getViewportOffset() { return { top: w.pageYOffset || documentElement.scrollTop || d.body.scrollTop, left: w.pageXOffset || documentElement.scrollLeft || d.body.scrollLeft }; } function checkInView() { if (!inviewObjects.length) { return; } var i = 0, $elements = $.map(inviewObjects, function(inviewObject) { var selector =, $element = inviewObject.$element; return selector ? $element.find(selector) : $element; }); viewportSize = viewportSize || getViewportSize(); viewportOffset = viewportOffset || getViewportOffset(); for (; i<inviewObjects.length; i++) { // Ignore elements that are not in the DOM tree if (!$.contains(documentElement, $elements[i][0])) { continue; } var $element = $($elements[i]), elementSize = { height: $element[0].offsetHeight, width: $element[0].offsetWidth }, elementOffset = $element.offset(), inView = $'inview'); // Don't ask me why because I haven't figured out yet: // viewportOffset and viewportSize are sometimes suddenly null in Firefox 5. // Even though it sounds weird: // It seems that the execution of this function is interferred by the onresize/onscroll event // where viewportOffset and viewportSize are unset if (!viewportOffset || !viewportSize) { return; } if ( + elementSize.height > && < + viewportSize.height && elementOffset.left + elementSize.width > viewportOffset.left && elementOffset.left < viewportOffset.left + viewportSize.width) { if (!inView) { $'inview', true).trigger('inview', [true]); } } else if (inView) { $'inview', false).trigger('inview', [false]); } } } $(w).on("scroll resize scrollstop", function() { viewportSize = viewportOffset = null; }); // IE < 9 scrolls to focused elements without firing the "scroll" event if (!documentElement.addEventListener && documentElement.attachEvent) { documentElement.attachEvent("onfocusin", function() { viewportOffset = null; }); } })); ;/*! Copyright (c) 2011 Brandon Aaron ( * Licensed under the MIT License (LICENSE.txt). * * Thanks to: for some pointers. * Thanks to: Mathias Bank( for a scope bug fix. * Thanks to: Seamus Leahy for adding deltaX and deltaY * * Version: 3.0.6 * * Requires: 1.2.2+ */ (function($) { var types = ['DOMMouseScroll', 'mousewheel']; if ($.event.fixHooks) { for (var i = types.length; i;) { $.event.fixHooks[types[--i]] = $.event.mouseHooks; } } $.event.special.mousewheel = { setup: function() { if (this.addEventListener) { for (var i = types.length; i;) { this.addEventListener(types[--i], handler, false); } } else { this.onmousewheel = handler; } }, teardown: function() { if (this.removeEventListener) { for (var i = types.length; i;) { this.removeEventListener(types[--i], handler, false); } } else { this.onmousewheel = null; } } }; $.fn.extend({ mousewheel: function(fn) { return fn ? this.bind("mousewheel", fn) : this.trigger("mousewheel"); }, unmousewheel: function(fn) { return this.unbind("mousewheel", fn); } }); function handler(event) { var orgEvent = event || window.event, args = [], 1), delta = 0, returnValue = true, deltaX = 0, deltaY = 0; event = $.event.fix(orgEvent); event.type = "mousewheel"; // Old school scrollwheel delta if (orgEvent.wheelDelta) { delta = orgEvent.wheelDelta / 120; } if (orgEvent.detail) { delta = -orgEvent.detail / 3; } // New school multidimensional scroll (touchpads) deltas deltaY = delta; // Gecko if (orgEvent.axis !== undefined && orgEvent.axis === orgEvent.HORIZONTAL_AXIS) { deltaY = 0; deltaX = -1 * delta; } // Webkit if (orgEvent.wheelDeltaY !== undefined) { deltaY = orgEvent.wheelDeltaY / 120; } if (orgEvent.wheelDeltaX !== undefined) { deltaX = -1 * orgEvent.wheelDeltaX / 120; } // Add event and delta to the front of the arguments args.unshift(event, delta, deltaX, deltaY); return ($.event.dispatch || $.event.handle).apply(this, args); } })(jQuery);;// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.4.0 /* Easy pie chart is a jquery plugin to display simple animated pie charts for only one value Dual licensed under the MIT ( and GPL ( licenses. Built on top of the jQuery library ( @source: @autor: Robert Fleischmann @version: 1.1.0 Inspired by: Thanks to Philip Thrasher for the jquery plugin boilerplate for coffee script */ (function($) { $.easyPieChart = function(el, options) { var addScaleLine, animateLine, drawLine, easeInOutQuad, rAF, renderBackground, renderScale, renderTrack, _this = this; this.el = el; this.$el = $(el); this.$"easyPieChart", this); this.init = function() { var percent, scaleBy; _this.options = $.extend({}, $.easyPieChart.defaultOptions, options); percent = parseInt(_this.$'percent'), 10); _this.percentage = 0; _this.canvas = $("<canvas width='" + _this.options.size + "' height='" + _this.options.size + "'></canvas>").get(0); _this.$el.append(_this.canvas); if (typeof G_vmlCanvasManager !== "undefined" && G_vmlCanvasManager !== null) { G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(_this.canvas); } _this.ctx = _this.canvas.getContext('2d'); if (window.devicePixelRatio > 1) { scaleBy = window.devicePixelRatio; $(_this.canvas).css({ width: _this.options.size, height: _this.options.size }); _this.canvas.width *= scaleBy; _this.canvas.height *= scaleBy; _this.ctx.scale(scaleBy, scaleBy); } _this.ctx.translate(_this.options.size / 2, _this.options.size / 2); _this.$el.addClass('easyPieChart'); _this.$el.css({ width: _this.options.size, height: _this.options.size, lineHeight: "" + _this.options.size + "px" }); _this.update(percent); return _this; }; this.update = function(percent) { percent = parseFloat(percent) || 0; if (_this.options.animate === false) { drawLine(percent); } else { animateLine(_this.percentage, percent); } return _this; }; renderScale = function() { var i, _i, _results; _this.ctx.fillStyle = _this.options.scaleColor; _this.ctx.lineWidth = 1; _results = []; for (i = _i = 0; _i <= 24; i = ++_i) { _results.push(addScaleLine(i)); } return _results; }; addScaleLine = function(i) { var offset; offset = i % 6 === 0 ? 0 : _this.options.size * 0.017;; _this.ctx.rotate(i * Math.PI / 12); _this.ctx.fillRect(_this.options.size / 2 - offset, 0, -_this.options.size * 0.05 + offset, 1); _this.ctx.restore(); }; renderTrack = function() { var offset; offset = _this.options.size / 2 - _this.options.lineWidth / 2; if (_this.options.scaleColor !== false) { offset -= _this.options.size * 0.08; } _this.ctx.beginPath(); _this.ctx.arc(0, 0, offset, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); _this.ctx.closePath(); _this.ctx.strokeStyle = _this.options.trackColor; _this.ctx.lineWidth = _this.options.lineWidth; _this.ctx.stroke(); }; renderBackground = function() { if (_this.options.scaleColor !== false) { renderScale(); } if (_this.options.trackColor !== false) { renderTrack(); } }; drawLine = function(percent) { var offset; renderBackground(); _this.ctx.strokeStyle = $.isFunction(_this.options.barColor) ? _this.options.barColor(percent) : _this.options.barColor; _this.ctx.lineCap = _this.options.lineCap; _this.ctx.lineWidth = _this.options.lineWidth; offset = _this.options.size / 2 - _this.options.lineWidth / 2; if (_this.options.scaleColor !== false) { offset -= _this.options.size * 0.08; }; _this.ctx.rotate(-Math.PI / 2); _this.ctx.beginPath(); _this.ctx.arc(0, 0, offset, 0, Math.PI * 2 * percent / 100, false); _this.ctx.stroke(); _this.ctx.restore(); }; rAF = (function() { return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || function(callback) { return window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); }; })(); animateLine = function(from, to) { var anim, startTime;; _this.percentage = to; startTime =; anim = function() { var currentValue, process; process = - startTime; if (process < _this.options.animate) { rAF(anim); } _this.ctx.clearRect(-_this.options.size / 2, -_this.options.size / 2, _this.options.size, _this.options.size);; currentValue = [easeInOutQuad(process, from, to - from, _this.options.animate)];, currentValue);, currentValue); if (process >= _this.options.animate) { return; } }; rAF(anim); }; easeInOutQuad = function(t, b, c, d) { var easeIn, easing; easeIn = function(t) { return Math.pow(t, 2); }; easing = function(t) { if (t < 1) { return easeIn(t); } else { return 2 - easeIn((t / 2) * -2 + 2); } }; t /= d / 2; return c / 2 * easing(t) + b; }; return this.init(); }; $.easyPieChart.defaultOptions = { barColor: '#ef1e25', trackColor: '#f2f2f2', scaleColor: '#dfe0e0', lineCap: 'round', size: 110, lineWidth: 3, animate: false, onStart: $.noop, onStop: $.noop, onStep: $.noop }; $.fn.easyPieChart = function(options) { return $.each(this, function(i, el) { var $el; $el = $(el); if (!$'easyPieChart')) { return $'easyPieChart', new $.easyPieChart(el, options)); } }); }; return void 0; })(jQuery);;/** * downCount: Simple Countdown clock with offset * Author: Sonny T. <>, */ (function ($) { $.fn.downCount = function (options, callback) { var settings = $.extend({ date: null, offset: null }, options); // Throw error if date is not set if (! { $.error('Date is not defined.'); } // Throw error if date is set incorectly if (!Date.parse( { $.error('Incorrect date format, it should look like this, 12/24/2012 12:00:00.'); } // Save container var container = this; /** * Change client's local date to match offset timezone * @return {Object} Fixed Date object. */ var currentDate = function () { // get client's current date var date = new Date(); // turn date to utc var utc = date.getTime() + (date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000); // set new Date object var new_date = new Date(utc + (3600000*settings.offset)) return new_date; }; /** * Main downCount function that calculates everything */ function countdown () { var target_date = new Date(, // set target date current_date = currentDate(); // get fixed current date // difference of dates var difference = target_date - current_date; // if difference is negative than it's pass the target date if (difference < 0) { // stop timer clearInterval(interval); if (callback && typeof callback === 'function') callback(); return; } // basic math variables var _second = 1000, _minute = _second * 60, _hour = _minute * 60, _day = _hour * 24; // calculate dates var days = Math.floor(difference / _day), hours = Math.floor((difference % _day) / _hour), minutes = Math.floor((difference % _hour) / _minute), seconds = Math.floor((difference % _minute) / _second); // fix dates so that it will show two digets days = (String(days).length >= 2) ? days : '0' + days; hours = (String(hours).length >= 2) ? hours : '0' + hours; minutes = (String(minutes).length >= 2) ? minutes : '0' + minutes; seconds = (String(seconds).length >= 2) ? seconds : '0' + seconds; // based on the date change the refrence wording var ref_days = (days === 1) ? 'day' : 'days', ref_hours = (hours === 1) ? 'hour' : 'hours', ref_minutes = (minutes === 1) ? 'minute' : 'minutes', ref_seconds = (seconds === 1) ? 'second' : 'seconds'; // set to DOM container.find('.days').text(days); container.find('.hours').text(hours); container.find('.minutes').text(minutes); container.find('.seconds').text(seconds); container.find('.days_ref').text(ref_days); container.find('.hours_ref').text(ref_hours); container.find('.minutes_ref').text(ref_minutes); container.find('.seconds_ref').text(ref_seconds); }; // start var interval = setInterval(countdown, 1000); }; })(jQuery); ;/* * debouncedresize: special jQuery event that happens once after a window resize * * latest version and complete README available on Github: * * * Copyright 2012 @louis_remi * Licensed under the MIT license. * * This saved you an hour of work? * Send me music */ (function($) { var $event = $.event, $special, resizeTimeout; $special = $event.special.debouncedresize = { setup: function() { $(this).on("resize", $special.handler); }, teardown: function() { $(this).off("resize", $special.handler); }, handler: function(event, execAsap) { // Save the context var context = this, args = arguments, dispatch = function() { // set correct event type event.type = "debouncedresize"; $event.dispatch.apply(context, args); }; if (resizeTimeout) { clearTimeout(resizeTimeout); } execAsap ? dispatch() : resizeTimeout = setTimeout(dispatch, $special.threshold); }, threshold: 150 }; })(jQuery);; // // 1.1 - lite // Stephen Band // // Project home: // // // Source: // (function(jQuery, undefined) { var timer; // Timer constructor // fn - callback to call on each frame, with context set to the timer object // fd - frame duration in milliseconds function Timer(fn, fd) { var self = this, clock; function update() { self.frameCount++;; } this.frameDuration = fd || 25; this.frameCount = -1; this.start = function() { update(); clock = setInterval(update, this.frameDuration); }; this.stop = function() { clearInterval(clock); clock = null; }; } // callHandler() is the callback given to the timer object, // it makes the event object and calls the handler // context is the timer object function callHandler() { var fn = jQuery.event.special.frame.handler, event = jQuery.Event("frame"), array = this.array, l = array.length; // Give event object properties event.frameCount = this.frameCount; // Call handler on each elem in array while (l--) {[l], event); } } if (!jQuery.event.special.frame) { jQuery.event.special.frame = { // Fires the first time an event is bound per element setup: function(data, namespaces) { if (timer) { timer.array.push(this); } else { timer = new Timer(callHandler, data && data.frameDuration); timer.array = [this]; // Queue timer to start as soon as this thread has finished var t = setTimeout(function() { timer.start(); clearTimeout(t); t = null; }, 0); } return; }, // Fires last time event is unbound per element teardown: function(namespaces) { var array = timer.array, l = array.length; // Remove element from list while (l--) { if (array[l] === this) { array.splice(l, 1); break; } } // Stop and remove timer when no elems left if (array.length === 0) { timer.stop(); timer = undefined; } return; }, handler: function(event) { // let jQuery handle the calling of event handlers jQuery.event.handle.apply(this, arguments); } }; } })(jQuery);; /** * author Christopher Blum * - based on the idea of Remy Sharp, * - forked from */ (function ($) { var inviewObjects = {}, viewportSize, viewportOffset, d = document, w = window, documentElement = d.documentElement, expando = $.expando, timer; $.event.special.inview = { add: function(data) { inviewObjects[data.guid + "-" + this[expando]] = { data: data, $element: $(this) }; // Use setInterval in order to also make sure this captures elements within // "overflow:scroll" elements or elements that appeared in the dom tree due to // dom manipulation and reflow // old: $(window).scroll(checkInView); // // By the way, iOS (iPad, iPhone, ...) seems to not execute, or at least delays // intervals while the user scrolls. Therefore the inview event might fire a bit late there // // Don't waste cycles with an interval until we get at least one element that // has bound to the inview event. if (!timer && !$.isEmptyObject(inviewObjects)) { timer = setInterval(checkInView, 250); } }, remove: function(data) { try { delete inviewObjects[data.guid + "-" + this[expando]]; } catch(e) {} // Clear interval when we no longer have any elements listening if ($.isEmptyObject(inviewObjects)) { clearInterval(timer); timer = null; } } }; function getViewportSize() { var mode, domObject, size = { height: w.innerHeight, width: w.innerWidth }; // if this is correct then return it. iPad has compat Mode, so will // go into check clientHeight/clientWidth (which has the wrong value). if (!size.height) { mode = d.compatMode; if (mode || !$.support.boxModel) { // IE, Gecko domObject = mode === 'CSS1Compat' ? documentElement : // Standards d.body; // Quirks size = { height: domObject.clientHeight, width: domObject.clientWidth }; } } return size; } function getViewportOffset() { return { top: w.pageYOffset || documentElement.scrollTop || d.body.scrollTop, left: w.pageXOffset || documentElement.scrollLeft || d.body.scrollLeft }; } function checkInView() { var $elements = $(), elementsLength, i = 0; $.each(inviewObjects, function(i, inviewObject) { var selector =, $element = inviewObject.$element; $elements = $elements.add(selector ? $element.find(selector) : $element); }); elementsLength = $elements.length; if (elementsLength) { viewportSize = viewportSize || getViewportSize(); viewportOffset = viewportOffset || getViewportOffset(); for (; i<elementsLength; i++) { // Ignore elements that are not in the DOM tree if (!$.contains(documentElement, $elements[i])) { continue; } var $element = $($elements[i]), elementSize = { height: $element.height(), width: $element.width() }, elementOffset = $element.offset(), inView = $'inview'), visiblePartX, visiblePartY, visiblePartsMerged; // Don't ask me why because I haven't figured out yet: // viewportOffset and viewportSize are sometimes suddenly null in Firefox 5. // Even though it sounds weird: // It seems that the execution of this function is interferred by the onresize/onscroll event // where viewportOffset and viewportSize are unset if (!viewportOffset || !viewportSize) { return; } if ( + elementSize.height > && < + viewportSize.height && elementOffset.left + elementSize.width > viewportOffset.left && elementOffset.left < viewportOffset.left + viewportSize.width) { visiblePartX = (viewportOffset.left > elementOffset.left ? 'right' : (viewportOffset.left + viewportSize.width) < (elementOffset.left + elementSize.width) ? 'left' : 'both'); visiblePartY = ( > ? 'bottom' : ( + viewportSize.height) < ( + elementSize.height) ? 'top' : 'both'); visiblePartsMerged = visiblePartX + "-" + visiblePartY; if (!inView || inView !== visiblePartsMerged) { $'inview', visiblePartsMerged).trigger('inview', [true, visiblePartX, visiblePartY]); } } else if (inView) { $'inview', false).trigger('inview', [false]); } } } } $(w).bind("scroll resize scrollstop", function() { viewportSize = viewportOffset = null; }); // IE < 9 scrolls to focused elements without firing the "scroll" event if (!documentElement.addEventListener && documentElement.attachEvent) { documentElement.attachEvent("onfocusin", function() { viewportOffset = null; }); } })(jQuery);; function ChopScroll (handler, timeout, name) { this.timeout = timeout; this.handler = handler; = name || 'unnamed'; this.isExecuteTime = true; this.interval = ''; var _this = this; init(); function init() { //reset the execute determiner jQuery(window).scroll(function () { _this.isExecuteTime = true; }); //execute the handler based on the timeout user passed _this.interval = setInterval(function () { if (_this.isExecuteTime) { try { handler(); } catch (err) { console.log(err); } //turn off the exec time until user scroll again _this.isExecuteTime = false; } }, _this.timeout); } } // mega menu ;(function ($, window, document, undefined) { var pluginName = "MegaMenu", defaults = { propertyName: "value" }; var DELAY = 250; // the list of menus var menus = []; function CustomMenu(element, options) { this.element = element; this.options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); this._defaults = defaults; this._name = pluginName; this.init(element); } CustomMenu.prototype = { isOpen: false, timeout: null, init: function (element) { var that = this; var id = $(element).attr('id'); $("#" + id).each(function(index, menu) { that.node = menu; that.addListeners(menu); $(menu).addClass("dropdownJavascript"); menus.push(menu); $(menu).find('ul > li').each(function(index, submenu) { if ($(submenu).find('ul').length > 0 ) { $(submenu).addClass('with-menu'); } }); }); }, addListeners: function(menu) { var that = this; $(menu).mouseover(function(e) {, e); }).mouseout(function(e) {, e); }); }, handleMouseOver: function (e) { var that = this; // clear the timeout this.clearTimeout(); // find the parent list item //var item = ('target' in e ? : e.srcElement); var item = || e.srcElement; while (item.nodeName != 'LI' && item != this.node) { item = item.parentNode; } // if the target is within a list item, set the timeout if (item.nodeName == 'LI') { this.toOpen = item; this.timeout = setTimeout(function() {; }, this.options.delay); } }, handleMouseOut: function () { var that = this; // clear the timeout this.clearTimeout(); this.timeout = setTimeout(function() {; }, this.options.delay); }, clearTimeout: function () { // clear the timeout if (this.timeout) { clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.timeout = null; } }, open: function () { var that = this; // store that the menu is open this.isOpen = true; // loop over the list items with the same parent var items = $(this.toOpen).parent().children('li'); $(items).each(function(index, item) { $(item).find("ul").each(function(index, submenu) { if (item != that.toOpen) { // close the submenu $(item).removeClass("dropdownOpen"); that.close(item); } else if (!$(item).hasClass('dropdownOpen')) { // open the submenu //if ( !$(item).parents('li').hasClass('has-mega-menu') ) { $(item).addClass("dropdownOpen"); //} // determine the location of the edges of the submenu var left = 0; var node = submenu; while (node) { //abs is because when you make menus right to left //the offsetLeft would be negative left += Math.abs(node.offsetLeft); node = node.offsetParent; } var right = left + submenu.offsetWidth; //We should refactor this code to execute only when menu is vertical var menuHeight = $(submenu).outerHeight(); var parentTop = $(submenu).offset().top - $(window).scrollTop(); var totalHeight = menuHeight + parentTop; var windowHeight = window.innerHeight; /* if (totalHeight > windowHeight) { var bestTop = (windowHeight - totalHeight) - 20; $(submenu).css('margin-top', bestTop + "px"); }*/ //remove any previous classes $(item).removeClass('dropdownRightToLeft'); // move the submenu to the right of the item if appropriate if (left < 0) $(item).addClass('dropdownLeftToRight'); // move the submenu to the left of the item if appropriate if (right > document.body.clientWidth) { $(item).addClass('dropdownRightToLeft'); } } }); }); }, close: function (node) { // if no node was specified, close all menus if (!node) { this.isOpen = false; node = this.node; } // loop over the items, closing their submenus $(node).find('li').each(function(index, item) { $(item).removeClass('dropdownOpen'); }); } }; $.fn[pluginName] = function (options) { return this.each(function () { if (!$.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName)) { $.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName, new CustomMenu(this, options)); } }); }; })(jQuery, window, document); ;; (function($, window, undefined) { 'use strict'; // global var Modernizr = window.Modernizr, $body = $('body'); $.DLMenu = function(options, element) { this.$el = $(element); this._init(options); }; $.DLMenu.defaults = { animationClasses: { classin: 'pacz-vm-animate-in-' + $('body').attr('data-vm-anim'), classout: 'pacz-vm-animate-out-' + $('body').attr('data-vm-anim') }, onLevelClick: function(el, name) { return false; }, onLinkClick: function(el, ev) { return false; } }; $.DLMenu.prototype = { _init: function(options) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, $.DLMenu.defaults, options); this._config(); var animEndEventNames = { 'WebkitAnimation': 'webkitAnimationEnd', 'OAnimation': 'oAnimationEnd', 'msAnimation': 'MSAnimationEnd', 'animation': 'animationend' }, transEndEventNames = { 'WebkitTransition': 'webkitTransitionEnd', 'MozTransition': 'transitionend', 'OTransition': 'oTransitionEnd', 'msTransition': 'MSTransitionEnd', 'transition': 'transitionend' }; this.animEndEventName = animEndEventNames[Modernizr.prefixed('animation')] + '.dlmenu'; this.transEndEventName = transEndEventNames[Modernizr.prefixed('transition')] + '.dlmenu', this.supportAnimations = Modernizr.cssanimations, this.supportTransitions = Modernizr.csstransitions; this._initEvents(); }, _config: function() { = false; var $backText = $('body').attr('data-backText'); this.$trigger = this.$el.children('.pacz-vm-trigger'); this.$menu = this.$el.children('ul.pacz-vm-menu'); this.$menuitems = this.$menu.find('li:not(.pacz-vm-back)'); this.$el.find('ul.sub-menu').prepend('<li class="pacz-vm-back"><a href="#">' + $backText + '</a></li>'); this.$back = this.$menu.find('li.pacz-vm-back'); }, _initEvents: function() { var self = this; this.$trigger.on('click.dlmenu', function() { if ( { self._closeMenu(); } else { self._openMenu(); } return false; }); this.$menuitems.on('click.dlmenu', function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); var $item = $(this), $submenu = $item.children('ul.sub-menu'); if ($submenu.length > 0) { var $flyin = $submenu.clone().css('opacity', 0).insertAfter(self.$menu), onAnimationEndFn = function() { self.$'pacz-vm-subview'); $item.addClass('pacz-vm-subviewopen').parents('.pacz-vm-subviewopen:first').removeClass('pacz-vm-subviewopen').addClass('pacz-vm-subview'); $flyin.remove(); }; setTimeout(function() { $flyin.addClass(self.options.animationClasses.classin); self.$menu.addClass(self.options.animationClasses.classout); if (self.supportAnimations) { self.$menu.on(self.animEndEventName, onAnimationEndFn); } else {; } self.options.onLevelClick($item, $item.children('a:first').text()); }); return false; } else { self.options.onLinkClick($item, event); } }); this.$back.on('click.dlmenu', function(event) { var $this = $(this), $submenu = $this.parents('ul.sub-menu:first'), $item = $submenu.parent(), $flyin = $submenu.clone().insertAfter(self.$menu); var onAnimationEndFn = function() { self.$; $flyin.remove(); }; setTimeout(function() { $flyin.addClass(self.options.animationClasses.classout); self.$menu.addClass(self.options.animationClasses.classin); if (self.supportAnimations) { self.$menu.on(self.animEndEventName, onAnimationEndFn); } else {; } $item.removeClass('pacz-vm-subviewopen'); var $subview = $this.parents('.pacz-vm-subview:first'); if ($'li')) { $subview.addClass('pacz-vm-subviewopen'); } $subview.removeClass('pacz-vm-subview'); }); return false; }); }, closeMenu: function() { if ( { this._closeMenu(); } }, _closeMenu: function() { var self = this, onTransitionEndFn = function() { self.$; self._resetMenu(); }; this.$menu.removeClass('pacz-vm-menuopen'); this.$menu.addClass('pacz-vm-menu-toggle'); this.$trigger.removeClass('pacz-vm-active'); if (this.supportTransitions) { this.$menu.on(this.transEndEventName, onTransitionEndFn); } else {; } = false; }, openMenu: function() { if (! { this._openMenu(); } }, _openMenu: function() { var self = this; $'click').on('click.dlmenu', function() { self._closeMenu(); }); this.$menu.addClass('pacz-vm-menuopen pacz-vm-menu-toggle').on(this.transEndEventName, function() { $(this).removeClass('pacz-vm-menu-toggle'); }); this.$trigger.addClass('pacz-vm-active'); = true; }, _resetMenu: function() { this.$menu.removeClass('pacz-vm-subview'); this.$menuitems.removeClass('pacz-vm-subview pacz-vm-subviewopen'); } }; var logError = function(message) { if (window.console) { window.console.error(message); } }; $.fn.dlmenu = function(options) { if (typeof options === 'string') { var args =, 1); this.each(function() { var instance = $.data(this, 'dlmenu'); if (!instance) { logError("cannot call methods on dlmenu prior to initialization; " + "attempted to call method '" + options + "'"); return; } if (!$.isFunction(instance[options]) || options.charAt(0) === "_") { logError("no such method '" + options + "' for dlmenu instance"); return; } instance[options].apply(instance, args); }); } else { this.each(function() { var instance = $.data(this, 'dlmenu'); if (instance) { instance._init(); } else { instance = $.data(this, 'dlmenu', new $.DLMenu(options, this)); } }); } return this; }; })(jQuery, window);;;(function ($, window, document, undefined) { // Defaults var pluginName = "sectiontrans", defaults = { effect: "fade" }; // The actual plugin constructor function Plugin(element, options) { this.element = element; //merge options and defaults this.options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); this._defaults = defaults; this._name = pluginName; this.effectClassName = 'intro-effect-' + this.options.effect; this.init(); } Plugin.prototype = { init: function () { // refreshing the page... var pageScroll = this.scrollY(); this.noscroll = pageScroll === 0; this.disable_scroll(); $(this.element).addClass(this.effectClassName); if (pageScroll) { this.isRevealed = true; $(this.element).addClass('notrans'); $(this.element).addClass('modify'); } var that = this; window.addEventListener('scroll', function(e) {, e); }); }, keys: [32, 37, 38, 39, 40], docElem: window.document.documentElement, scrollVal: 0, isRevealed: false, noscroll: false, isAnimating: false, trigger: $('button.trigger'), preventDefault: function (e) { e = e || window.event; if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); e.returnValue = false; }, ie: (function () { var undef, rv = -1; // Return value assumes failure. var ua = window.navigator.userAgent; var msie = ua.indexOf('MSIE '); var trident = ua.indexOf('Trident/'); if (msie > 0) { // IE 10 or older => return version number rv = parseInt(ua.substring(msie + 5, ua.indexOf('.', msie)), 10); } else if (trident > 0) { // IE 11 (or newer) => return version number var rvNum = ua.indexOf('rv:'); rv = parseInt(ua.substring(rvNum + 3, ua.indexOf('.', rvNum)), 10); } return ((rv > -1) ? rv : undef); }()), wheel: function (e) { // for IE if( ) { preventDefault(e); } }, disable_scroll: function () { window.onmousewheel = document.onmousewheel = this.wheel; }, enable_scroll: function () { window.onmousewheel = document.onmousewheel = document.onkeydown = document.body.ontouchmove = null; }, scrollY: function () { return window.pageYOffset || this.docElem.scrollTop; }, scrollPage: function () { this.scrollVal = this.scrollY(); if (this.noscroll) { if (this.scrollVal < 0) return false; // keep it that way window.scrollTo(0, 0); } if ($(this.element).hasClass('notrans')) { $(this.element).removeClass('notrans'); return false; } if (this.isAnimating) { return false; } if (this.scrollVal <= 0 && this.isRevealed) { this.toggle(0); } else if (this.scrollVal > 0 && !this.isRevealed) { this.toggle(1); } }, toggle: function (reveal) { this.isAnimating = true; if (reveal) { $(this.element).addClass('pacz-intro-triggered'); $('.' + this.effectClassName).next().next().addClass('pacz-intro-triggered' + ' ' + 'page-effect-'+this.options.effect); $('body').addClass('pacz-intro-triggered').trigger('page_intro'); } else { this.noscroll = true; this.disable_scroll(); $(this.element).removeClass('pacz-intro-triggered'); $('.' + this.effectClassName).next().next().removeClass('pacz-intro-triggered' + ' ' + 'page-effect-'+this.options.effect); $('body').removeClass('pacz-intro-triggered').trigger('page_outro'); } var that = this; // simulating the end of the transition: setTimeout(function () { that.isRevealed = !that.isRevealed; that.isAnimating = false; if (reveal) { that.noscroll = false; that.enable_scroll(); } }, 1200); } }; // A really lightweight plugin wrapper around the constructor, // preventing against multiple instantiations $.fn[pluginName] = function (options) { return this.each(function () { if (!$.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName)) { $.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName, new Plugin(this, options)); } }); }; })(jQuery, window, document);; /** * Request Animation Frame Polyfill. * @author Tino Zijdel * @author Paul Irish * @see */ ;(function() { var vendors = ['webkit', 'moz', 'ms', 'o'], vp = null; for (var x = 0; x < vendors.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame && !window.cancelAnimationFrame; x++) { vp = vendors[x]; window.requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window[vp + 'RequestAnimationFrame']; window.cancelAnimationFrame = window.cancelAnimationFrame || window[vp + 'CancelAnimationFrame'] || window[vp + 'CancelRequestAnimationFrame']; } if (/iP(ad|hone|od).*OS 6/.test(window.navigator.userAgent) || !window.requestAnimationFrame || !window.cancelAnimationFrame) //iOS6 is buggy. { var lastTime = 0; window.requestAnimationFrame = function(callback, element) { var now =; var nextTime = Math.max(lastTime + 16, now); return setTimeout(function() { callback(lastTime = nextTime); }, nextTime - now); }; window.cancelAnimationFrame = clearTimeout; } }());