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Dir : /home/trave494/ |
Server: Linux 4.18.0-553.22.1.lve.1.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Oct 8 15:52:54 UTC 2024 x86_64 IP: |
Dir : /home/trave494/ |
<?php /*************************************************************************** * * AuctionTheme - copyright (c) - * The most popular auction theme for wordress on the internet. Launch your * auction site in minutes from purchasing. Turn-key solution. * * Coder: Andrei Dragos Saioc * Email: sitemile[at] | andreisaioc[at] * More info about the theme here: * since v4.4.7.1 * ***************************************************************************/ function auctionTheme_colorbox_stuff() { echo '<link media="screen" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="'.get_template_directory_uri().'/css/colorbox.css" />'; /*echo '<script src=""></script>'; */ echo '<script src="'.get_template_directory_uri().'/js/jquery.colorbox.js" type="text/javascript"></script>'; echo '<script src="'.get_template_directory_uri().'/js/jquery.confirm.js" type="text/javascript"></script>'; echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.get_template_directory_uri().'/css/jquery.confirm.css" />'; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var $ = jQuery; var my_post_ok = 0; function precise_round(num,decimals){ return Math.round(num*Math.pow(10,decimals))/Math.pow(10,decimals); } function add_my_currency(num){ <?php if(get_option('AuctionTheme_currency_position') == "front"): ?> return '<?php echo auctiontheme_get_currency(); ?>' + num; <?php else: ?> return num + '<?php echo auctiontheme_get_currency(); ?>'; <?php endif; ?> } Number.prototype.formatMoney = function(c, d, t){ var n = this, c = isNaN(c = Math.abs(c)) ? 2 : c, d = d == undefined ? "." : d, t = t == undefined ? "," : t, s = n < 0 ? "-" : "", i = parseInt(n = Math.abs(+n || 0).toFixed(c)) + "", j = (j = i.length) > 3 ? j % 3 : 0; return s + (j ? i.substr(0, j) + t : "") + i.substr(j).replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, "$1" + t) + (c ? d + Math.abs(n - i).toFixed(c).slice(2) : ""); }; function confirm_my_bid() { if(my_post_ok == 1) return true; var comma_comma = ','; var point_point = '.'; var bid_am1 = parseFloat(jQuery("#bids_val").val()); var bid_am = add_my_currency(bid_am1.formatMoney(2, point_point, comma_comma)); var bid_fee_en = <?php echo (get_option('AuctionTheme_add_fee_to_bid_enable') == "yes" ? 1 : 0 ); ?>; var bid_fee_percent = <?php $zg = get_option('AuctionTheme_add_fee_to_bid'); echo (empty($zg) ? 0 : $zg ); ?>; if(bid_fee_en == 1) { var bid_fee = parseFloat(precise_round(bid_am1 * 0.01 * bid_fee_percent, 2)); bid_fee_ens = '<tr>'+ '<td><?php _e('Bid Fee:','AuctionTheme'); ?></td>'+ '<td>' + add_my_currency((parseFloat(bid_fee)).formatMoney(2, point_point, comma_comma)) + '</td>' + '</tr>'; bid_fee_ens2 = '<tr>'+ '<td><?php _e('Total:','AuctionTheme'); ?></td>'+ '<td>' + add_my_currency((parseFloat(precise_round(bid_fee + bid_am1,2))).formatMoney(2, point_point, comma_comma)) + '</td>' + '</tr>'; bid_fee_ens = bid_fee_ens + bid_fee_ens2; } else bid_fee_ens = ''; var mess = '<table width="100%" class="sitemile-table">'+ '<tr>'+ '<td><?php _e('Your bid amount:','AuctionTheme'); ?></td>'+ '<td>'+ bid_am + '</td>' + '</tr>' + bid_fee_ens + '</table>'; if(isNaN(bid_am1)) mess = '<?php _e('Please type in a bid value.','AuctionTheme'); ?>'; jQuery.confirm({ 'title' : '<?php _e('Bid Confirmation','AuctionTheme'); ?>', 'message' : mess , 'buttons' : { '<?php _e('Yes, Place Bid','AuctionTheme'); ?>' : { 'class' : 'blue', 'action': function(){ my_post_ok = 1; jQuery("#my_bid_form_1").submit(); return true; } }, '<?php _e('No','AuctionTheme'); ?>' : { 'class' : 'gray', 'action': function(){ return false; } // Nothing to do in this case. You can as well omit the action property. } } }); return false; } jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery("a[rel='image_gal1']").colorbox(); jQuery("a[rel='image_gal2']").colorbox(); jQuery("#report-this-link").click( function() { if(jQuery("#report-this").css('display') == 'none') jQuery("#report-this").show('slow'); else jQuery("#report-this").hide('slow'); return false; }); jQuery("#contact_seller-link").click( function() { if(jQuery("#contact-seller").css('display') == 'none') jQuery("#contact-seller").show('slow'); else jQuery("#contact-seller").hide('slow'); return false; }); }); </script> <?php } add_action('wp_head','auctionTheme_colorbox_stuff'); //============================= global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); $uid = $current_user->ID; global $wpdb; /***************************************************** * * Post bid for reverse auction type. * Auction Theme since v4.3 - * ******************************************************/ if(isset($_POST['bid_now_reverse'])) { if(is_user_logged_in()): if(isset($_POST['control_id'])) { $pid = base64_decode($_POST['control_id']); $post = get_post($pid); $bid = trim($_POST['bid']); $bid = str_replace(',', '.', $_POST['bid']); $post = get_post($pid); $reverse = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), "reverse", true); $tm = current_time('timestamp',0); if($reverse == 'yes' || $reverse == '1'): $query = "select * from ".$wpdb->prefix."auction_bids where uid='$uid' AND pid='$pid'"; $r = $wpdb->get_results($query); if(!is_numeric($bid)): $bid_posted = "0"; $errors['numeric_bid_tp'] = __("Your bid must be numeric type. Eg: 9.99",'AuctionTheme'); elseif($uid == $post->post_author): $bid_posted = "0"; $errors['not_yours'] = __("You cannot bid your own auctions.",'AuctionTheme'); elseif(count($r) > 0): $row = $r[0]; $id = $row->id; $query = "update ".$wpdb->prefix."auction_bids set bid='$bid',date_made='$tm',uid='$uid' where id='$id'"; $wpdb->query($query); $bid_posted = 1; add_post_meta($pid,'bid',$uid); else: $query = "insert into ".$wpdb->prefix."auction_bids (bid, uid, pid, date_made) values('$bid','$uid','$pid','$tm')"; $wpdb->query($query); $bid_posted = 1; add_post_meta($pid,'bid',$uid); endif; // endif has bid already endif; //endif yes reverse } if($bid_posted == 1): //--------------------- wp_redirect(get_permalink(get_the_ID()) . "/?bid_posted=1"); exit; endif; //endif bid posted else: //$pid = base64_decode($_POST['control_id']); //wp_redirect(get_bloginfo('siteurl')."/wp-login.php"); //$_SESSION['redirect_me_back'] = get_permalink($pid); //exit; $bid_posted = "0"; $reeg = get_bloginfo('siteurl')."/wp-login.php?action=register"; $loog = get_bloginfo('siteurl')."/wp-login.php"; $errors['reg_bid'] = sprintf(__("You need to <a href='%s'>register</a> or <a href='%s'>login</a> to bid.",'AuctionTheme'),$reeg, $loog); endif; } /***************************************************** * * buy now for normal auction type. * Auction Theme since v4.3 - * ******************************************************/ if(isset($_POST['make_offer'])) { if(!is_user_logged_in()) { $bid_posted = "0"; $reeg = get_bloginfo('siteurl')."/wp-login.php?action=register"; $loog = get_bloginfo('siteurl')."/wp-login.php"; $errors['reg_bid'] = sprintf(__("You need to <a href='%s'>register</a> or <a href='%s'>login</a> to submit an offer.",'AuctionTheme'),$reeg, $loog); } elseif(isset($_POST['control_id'])) { $pid = base64_decode($_POST['control_id']); $post = get_post($pid); $closed = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), "closed", true); if($closed == "0"): if($uid == $post->post_author): $bid_posted = "0"; $errors['not_yours'] = __("You cannot submit an offer for your own auctions.",'AuctionTheme'); else: wp_redirect(get_bloginfo('siteurl')."/?a_action=make_offer&pid=".$pid."&offered_price=" . $_POST['offered_price']); exit; endif; endif; } } if(isset($_POST['buy_now'])) { if(!is_user_logged_in()) { $bid_posted = "0"; $reeg = get_bloginfo('siteurl')."/wp-login.php?action=register"; $loog = get_bloginfo('siteurl')."/wp-login.php"; $errors['reg_bid'] = sprintf(__("You need to <a href='%s'>register</a> or <a href='%s'>login</a> to bid.",'AuctionTheme'),$reeg, $loog); } elseif(isset($_POST['control_id'])) { $pid = base64_decode($_POST['control_id']); $post = get_post($pid); $closed = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), "closed", true); if($closed == "0"): if($uid == $post->post_author): $bid_posted = "0"; $errors['not_yours'] = __("You cannot bid your own auctions.",'AuctionTheme'); else: wp_redirect(get_bloginfo('siteurl')."/?a_action=buy_now_commit&pid=".$pid); exit; endif; endif; } } /***************************************************** * * Post bid for normal auction type. * Auction Theme since v4.3 - * ******************************************************/ if(isset($_POST['bid_now']) or isset($_POST['bid_now_cc'])) { if(!is_user_logged_in()) { $bid_posted = "0"; $reeg = get_bloginfo('siteurl')."/wp-login.php?action=register"; $loog = get_bloginfo('siteurl')."/wp-login.php"; $errors['reg_bid'] = sprintf(__("You need to <a href='%s'>register</a> or <a href='%s'>login</a> to bid.",'AuctionTheme'),$reeg, $loog); } elseif(isset($_POST['control_id'])) { $pid = base64_decode($_POST['control_id']); $bid = trim($_POST['bid']); $bid = str_replace(',', '.', $_POST['bid']); $post = get_post($pid); $reverse = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), "reverse", true); $tm = current_time('timestamp',0); $closed = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), "closed", true); $reserve = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), "reserve", true); $bid_posted = 1; $AuctionTheme_add_fee_to_bid = get_option('AuctionTheme_add_fee_to_bid'); $AuctionTheme_add_fee_to_bid_enable = get_option('AuctionTheme_add_fee_to_bid_enable'); if($AuctionTheme_add_fee_to_bid_enable == "yes") { $bid = $bid + round(($AuctionTheme_add_fee_to_bid * 0.01 * $bid), 2); } $isOK_to_bid = 1; $auctionTheme_enable_custom_bidding = get_option('auctionTheme_enable_custom_bidding'); if($auctionTheme_enable_custom_bidding == "yes"): $credits = auctiontheme_get_credits($uid); $auctionTheme_get_bidding_fee = auctionTheme_get_bidding_fee($pid); if($auctionTheme_get_bidding_fee > $credits) { $lnk1 = AuctionTheme_get_payments_page_url('deposit'); $errors['no_credts_bids'] = sprintf(__("You do not have enough balance for this action. The bidding fee for this item is %s. <a href='%s' >Click here </a> to deposit more.","AuctionTheme"), auctiontheme_get_show_price($auctionTheme_get_bidding_fee), $lnk1); $bid_posted = "0"; $has_credits_ok_ok = 0; } else { $has_credits_ok_ok = 1; } endif; if($isOK_to_bid == 1): //--------------------------------------- global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); $uid = $current_user->ID; $max_bidding = get_option('AuctionTheme_automatic_bid_enable'); if($max_bidding == "yes") { $tb = "auction_max_bids"; $sr = "select * from ".$wpdb->prefix.$tb." where uid='$uid' and pid='$pid' and reached='0'"; $rr = $wpdb->get_results($sr); if(count($rr) > 0) { $ctsn = 1; $row_kk = $rr[0]; } } //---------------------- $buy_now = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'buy_now',true); if($closed == "0"): $highest_bid = auctionTheme_get_highest_bid($pid); $ownera = auctionTheme_get_highest_bid_owner($pid); $AuctionTheme_enable_increase_bid_limit = get_option('AuctionTheme_enable_increase_bid_limit'); if($AuctionTheme_enable_increase_bid_limit == "yes" and $reverse != "yes") { $AuctionTheme_increase_bid_limit = get_option('AuctionTheme_increase_bid_limit'); if(empty($AuctionTheme_increase_bid_limit)) $AuctionTheme_increase_bid_limit = 1; $AuctionTheme_enable_next_bid_custom_leves = get_option('AuctionTheme_enable_next_bid_custom_leves'); if($AuctionTheme_enable_next_bid_custom_leves == "yes") { $highest_bid_temp = auctiontheme_get_custom_increase_value(auctionTheme_get_current_price($pid)); if($highest_bid_temp != false) $AuctionTheme_increase_bid_limit = $highest_bid_temp; } $highest_bid = $AuctionTheme_increase_bid_limit + $highest_bid; } if(!is_numeric($bid) and $bid_posted != 0): $bid_posted = "0"; $errors['numeric_bid_tp'] = __("Your bid must be numeric type. Eg: 9.99",'AuctionTheme'); elseif($uid == $post->post_author and $bid_posted != 0): $bid_posted = "0"; $errors['not_yours'] = __("You cannot bid your own auctions.",'AuctionTheme'); elseif(!empty($buy_now) && $bid >= $buy_now and $bid_posted != 0): $bid_posted = "0"; $errors['big_bigger'] = __("Your bid is greater than the buy now price. Use buy now instead.",'AuctionTheme'); elseif(trim($uid) == trim($ownera) and empty($reserve) and $bid_posted != 0 and $ctsn == 1 and $bid > $row_kk->bid): $mp = $row_kk->id; $sk = "update `".$wpdb->prefix."auction_max_bids` set bid='$bid' where id='$mp'"; $wpdb->query($sk); $prm = AuctionTheme_using_permalinks(); if($prm == true) wp_redirect(get_permalink(get_the_ID()) . "/?bid_posted2=1"); else { wp_redirect(get_permalink(get_the_ID()) . "&bid_posted2=1"); } die(); elseif(trim($uid) == trim($ownera) and empty($reserve) and $bid_posted != 0 and $ctsn == 1 and $bid < $row_kk->bid): $prm = AuctionTheme_using_permalinks(); if($prm == true) wp_redirect(get_permalink(get_the_ID()) . "/?bid_not_posted3=1&bid=" . $row_kk->bid); else { wp_redirect(get_permalink(get_the_ID()) . "&bid_not_posted3=1&bid=" . $row_kk->bid); } die(); elseif(trim($uid) == trim($ownera) and empty($reserve) and $bid_posted != 0 ): $bid_posted = "0"; if($reverse == "yes" or $reverse == "1") $errors['own_bid'] = __("Your bid is already the lowest bid.",'AuctionTheme'); else $errors['own_bid'] = __("Your bid is already the highest bid.",'AuctionTheme'); elseif($highest_bid > $bid and $reverse == 'yes' and $bid_posted != 0): $opt = get_option('AuctionTheme_last_min_bid_ext'); if($opt == "yes") { $extend_by = get_option('AuctionTheme_ext_time_by') * 60; $if_ending_time = get_option('AuctionTheme_ext_time_last') * 60; $ending = get_post_meta($pid, 'ending', true); $tmleft = $ending - current_time('timestamp',0); if($tmleft < $if_ending_time) update_post_meta($pid,'ending', ($ending + $extend_by )); } $query = "insert into ".$wpdb->prefix."auction_bids (bid, uid, pid, date_made) values('$bid','$uid','$pid','$tm')"; $wpdb->query($query); $bid_posted = 1; add_post_meta($pid,'bid',$uid); update_post_meta($pid,'current_bid',$bid); AuctionTheme_send_email_when_bid_item_bidder($pid, $uid, $bid); AuctionTheme_send_email_when_bid_item_owner($pid, $uid, $bid); $post_auts = get_post($pid); $uids_to_avoid = $post_auts->post_author; global $wpdb; $s_o = "select distinct uid from ".$wpdb->prefix."auction_bids where uid!='$uids_to_avoid' AND pid='$pid' order by bid asc limit 2"; $r_0 = $wpdb->get_results($s_o); foreach($r_0 as $row_0) { AuctionTheme_send_email_when_bid_item_outbid($pid, $row_0->uid, $bid); } if($has_credits_ok_ok == 1) auctiontheme_charge_user_for_bidding($pid, $uid); $prm = AuctionTheme_using_permalinks(); if($prm == true) wp_redirect(get_permalink(get_the_ID()) . "/?bid_posted=1"); else { wp_redirect(get_permalink(get_the_ID()) . "&bid_posted=1"); } elseif($highest_bid < $bid and $reverse != 'yes'): //bid ok, lets put it in DB /************************** * * Addition since v4.4.8.3 * AuctionTheme - * **************************/ $automatic_bid_enable = get_option('AuctionTheme_automatic_bid_enable'); if($automatic_bid_enable == "yes"): $query1 = "select * from ".$wpdb->prefix."auction_max_bids where reached='0' AND pid='$pid' order by bid desc "; $res1 = $wpdb->get_results($query1); if($res1[0]->bid == $bid): $bid_posted = "0"; $errors['bid_max'] = __("You need to bid higher. Your bid is already maximum bid of another user.",'AuctionTheme'); else: $qq = "update ".$wpdb->prefix."auction_max_bids set reached='1' where uid='$uid' AND pid='$pid' "; $wpdb->query($qq); $query = "insert into ".$wpdb->prefix."auction_max_bids (bid, uid, pid, date_made) values('$bid','$uid','$pid','$tm')"; $wpdb->query($query); $query = "select * from ".$wpdb->prefix."auction_max_bids where reached='0' AND pid='$pid' order by bid asc, date_made desc "; $res = $wpdb->get_results($query); $first = count($res) - 1; $i = 0; //-------------------------- $opt = get_option('AuctionTheme_last_min_bid_ext'); if($opt == "yes") { $extend_by = get_option('AuctionTheme_ext_time_by') * 60; $if_ending_time = get_option('AuctionTheme_ext_time_last') * 60; $ending = get_post_meta($pid, 'ending', true); $tmleft = $ending - current_time('timestamp',0); if($tmleft < $if_ending_time) update_post_meta($pid,'ending', ($ending + $extend_by )); } //------------------------- foreach($res as $row) { $uid = $row->uid; $tm = current_time('timestamp',0); $bid = $row->bid; if($i == $first) { //is the highest get_costPrice_gen2 $current_bid = get_post_meta($pid,'current_bid', $bid); $diff = 1; // get_costPrice_gen2($current_bid); //echo $diff; $AuctionTheme_enable_increase_bid_limit = get_option('AuctionTheme_enable_increase_bid_limit'); if($AuctionTheme_enable_increase_bid_limit == "yes") { $AuctionTheme_increase_bid_limit = get_option('AuctionTheme_increase_bid_limit'); if(empty($AuctionTheme_increase_bid_limit)) $AuctionTheme_increase_bid_limit = 1; $AuctionTheme_enable_next_bid_custom_leves = get_option('AuctionTheme_enable_next_bid_custom_leves'); if($AuctionTheme_enable_next_bid_custom_leves == "yes") { $highest_bid_temp = auctiontheme_get_custom_increase_value(auctionTheme_get_current_price($pid)); if($highest_bid_temp != false) $AuctionTheme_increase_bid_limit = $highest_bid_temp; } } else $AuctionTheme_increase_bid_limit = 1; if(($current_bid + $AuctionTheme_increase_bid_limit) < $bid) { $bid = $current_bid + $AuctionTheme_increase_bid_limit; } else { $wpdb->query("update ".$wpdb->prefix."auction_max_bids set reached='1' where id='{$row->id}'"); } } else { $wpdb->query("update ".$wpdb->prefix."auction_max_bids set reached='1' where id='{$row->id}'"); } //------- $query = "insert into ".$wpdb->prefix."auction_bids (bid, uid, pid, date_made) values('$bid','$uid','$pid','$tm')"; $wpdb->query($query); $bid_posted = 1; add_post_meta($pid,'bid',$uid); update_post_meta($pid, 'current_bid', $bid); AuctionTheme_send_email_when_bid_item_bidder($pid, $uid, $bid); AuctionTheme_send_email_when_bid_item_owner($pid, $uid, $bid); //-----email to the other lower bidders----- global $wpdb; $s_o = "select distinct uid from ".$wpdb->prefix."auction_bids where uid!='$uid' AND pid='$pid' order by bid desc limit 2"; $r_o = $wpdb->get_results($s_o); foreach($r_o as $row_o) { AuctionTheme_send_email_when_bid_item_outbid($pid, $row_o->uid, $bid); } $i++; } endif; //---------- elseif($bid_posted != "0"): if($has_credits_ok_ok == 1) auctiontheme_charge_user_for_bidding($pid, $uid); $opt = get_option('AuctionTheme_last_min_bid_ext'); if($opt == "yes") { $extend_by = get_option('AuctionTheme_ext_time_by') * 60; $if_ending_time = get_option('AuctionTheme_ext_time_last') * 60; $ending = get_post_meta($pid, 'ending', true); $tmleft = $ending - current_time('timestamp',0); if($tmleft < $if_ending_time) update_post_meta($pid,'ending', ($ending + $extend_by )); } $query = "insert into ".$wpdb->prefix."auction_bids (bid, uid, pid, date_made) values('$bid','$uid','$pid','$tm')"; $wpdb->query($query); $bid_posted = 1; add_post_meta($pid,'bid',$uid); update_post_meta($pid,'current_bid',$bid); AuctionTheme_send_email_when_bid_item_bidder($pid, $uid, $bid); AuctionTheme_send_email_when_bid_item_owner($pid, $uid, $bid); global $wpdb; $s_o = "select distinct uid from ".$wpdb->prefix."auction_bids where uid!='$uid' AND pid='$pid'"; $r_0 = $wpdb->get_results($s_o); foreach($r_0 as $row_0) { AuctionTheme_send_email_when_bid_item_outbid($pid, $row_0->uid, $bid); } endif; if($bid_posted != "0"): $prm = AuctionTheme_using_permalinks(); if($prm == true) wp_redirect(get_permalink(get_the_ID()) . "/?bid_posted=1"); else { wp_redirect(get_permalink(get_the_ID()) . "&bid_posted=1"); } exit; endif; elseif($reverse != "yes"): $errors['higher_bid'] = sprintf(__("Your bid must be higher than %s.","AuctionTheme"), auctiontheme_get_show_price($highest_bid)); $bid_posted = "0"; elseif($reverse != "no"): $errors['lower_bid'] = __("Your bid must be lower than the last bid.","AuctionTheme"); $bid_posted = "0"; endif; // endif has bid already endif; //endif yes reverse endif; } } //============================= get_header(); ?> <?php $AuctionTheme_adv_code_auction_page_above_content = get_option('AuctionTheme_adv_code_auction_page_above_content'); if(!empty($AuctionTheme_adv_code_auction_page_above_content)) echo '<div class="full_conts">'.stripslashes($AuctionTheme_adv_code_auction_page_above_content).'</div>'; ?> <?php if ( have_posts() ) while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?> <div id="content"> <?php if(function_exists('bcn_display')) { echo '<div class="my_box3"> <div class="padd10"> '; bcn_display(); echo '</div></div> <div class="clear10"></div>'; } ?> <?php $reverse = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), "reverse", true); $location = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), "Location", true); $ending = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), "ending", true); $views = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), "views", true); $views = $views + 1; if(!AuctionTheme_is_owner_of_post()) update_post_meta(get_the_ID(), "views", $views); global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); $uid = $current_user->ID; $pid = get_the_ID(); //$bid = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'bid'); //print_r($bid); ?> <?php if(isset($_POST['report_this'])) { $ss = $_SESSION['reported_id_' . get_the_ID()]; if(empty($ss)) { $_SESSION['reported_id_' . get_the_ID()] = 'done'; AuctionTheme_send_email(get_bloginfo('admin_email'), 'Reported item: '.get_the_title(), $_POST['reason_report']); echo '<div class="saved_thing">'.__('Item was reported to the administrator of the website.','AuctionTheme').'</div>'; echo '<div class="clear10"></div>'; } } ?> <div id="report-this" style="display:none"> <div class="my_box3"> <div class="box_title"><?php echo __("Report this auction",'AuctionTheme'); ?></div> <div class="box_content"> <?php if(is_user_logged_in()): ?> <form method="post"><input type="hidden" value="<?php the_ID(); ?>" name="pid_rep" /> <ul class="post-new5"> <li> <h2><?php echo __('Reason for reporting','AuctionTheme'); ?>:</h2> <p><textarea rows="4" cols="40" class="do_input" name="reason_report"></textarea></p> </li> <li> <h2> </h2> <p><input type="submit" name="report_this" value="<?php _e('Submit Report','AuctionTheme'); ?>" /></p> </li> </ul> </form> <?php else: echo __('You need to be logged in to report.','AuctionTheme'); ?> <?php endif; ?> </div> </div> <div class="clear10"></div> </div> <?php do_action('AuctionTheme_auction_page_before_title_div'); ?> <div class="my_box3"> <div class="box_title auction_page_title"><h1><?php the_title() ?></h1></div> <div class="box_content"> <div class="ad-page-image-holder"> <?php echo AuctionTheme_get_first_post_image(get_the_ID(), 250, 170, 'img_class'); ?> <?php $arr = AuctionTheme_get_post_images(get_the_ID(), 4); if($arr) { echo '<ul class="image-gallery" style="padding-top:10px">'; foreach($arr as $image) { echo '<li><a href="'.AuctionTheme_wp_get_attachment_image($image, array(900, 700)).'" rel="image_gal1">'.wp_get_attachment_image( $image, array(50, 50) ).'</a></li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } //else { echo __('No images.') ;} ?> </div> <?php $start_price = auctionTheme_get_start_price(get_the_ID()); $current = auctionTheme_get_current_price(get_the_ID()); $buy_now = auctionTheme_get_buy_it_now_price(get_the_ID()); $closed = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'closed',true); ?> <div class="auction-page-details-holder"> <?php if(AuctionTheme_is_owner_of_post()): ?> <div class="owner_act"> <div class="padd10"> <?php if($closed == "1"): ?> <?php printf(__('You are the owner of this auction. <a href="%s">Relist Auction</a>.','AuctionTheme'), get_bloginfo('siteurl').'/?a_action=relist_auction&pid='.get_the_ID()); ?> <?php else: ?> <?php if(auctionTheme_number_of_bid_see_and_buy_now(get_the_ID()) != false) { $mms = 1; ?> <?php printf(__('You are the owner of this auction. <a href="%s">Edit auction</a>.','AuctionTheme'), get_bloginfo('siteurl').'/?a_action=edit_auction&pid='.get_the_ID()); ?> <?php } if($mms != 1){ if( get_option('AuctionTheme_enable_editing_when_bid_placed') == "yes"){ ?> <?php printf(__('You are the owner of this auction. <a href="%s">Edit auction</a>.','AuctionTheme'), get_bloginfo('siteurl').'/?a_action=edit_auction&pid='.get_the_ID()); ?> <?php }} endif; ?> </div> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php if($closed == "0") : if($bid_posted == "0"): ?> <div class="bid_panel_err"> <div class="padd10"> <?php _e("Your bid has not been posted. Please correct the errors and try again.","AuctionTheme"); echo '<br/>'; foreach($errors as $err) echo $err.'<br/>'; ?> </div> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php if($_GET['bid_not_posted3'] == 1): ?> <div class="bid_panel_err"> <div class="padd10"> <?php echo sprintf(__("You cannot bid lower than your max bid: %s.","AuctionTheme"), auctiontheme_get_show_price($_GET['bid'])); ?> </div> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php if($_GET['bid_posted2'] == 1): ?> <div class="bid_panel_ok"> <div class="padd10"> <?php _e("Your max bid has been increased.","AuctionTheme"); ?> </div> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php if($_GET['rejected_offer'] == 1): ?> <div class="bid_panel_ok"> <div class="padd10"> <?php _e("You have rejected the offer.","AuctionTheme"); ?> </div> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php if($_GET['accepted_offer'] == 1): ?> <div class="bid_panel_ok"> <div class="padd10"> <?php _e("You have accepted the offer.","AuctionTheme"); ?> </div> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php if($_GET['offer_posted'] == 1): ?> <div class="bid_panel_ok"> <div class="padd10"> <?php _e("Your offer has been submitted to the buyer.","AuctionTheme"); ?> </div> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php if($_GET['bid_posted'] == 1): ?> <div class="bid_panel_ok"> <div class="padd10"> <?php _e("Your bid has been posted.","AuctionTheme"); ?> </div> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php $shipping = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'shipping', true); if(is_numeric($shipping) && $shipping > 0 && !empty($shipping)) $shp = '<b>'.auctionTheme_get_show_price($shipping).'</b><br/>'; else $shipping = 0; $shipping_type = get_post_meta($pid, 'shipping_type', true); if(empty($shipping_type)) $shipping_type = "flat"; if($shipping != 0 and $shipping_type == "flat"): ?> <div class="bid_panel"> <div class="padd10"> <ul class="auction-details"> <li> <h3><?php echo __("Shipping","AuctionTheme"); ?>:</h3> <p><?php echo $shp; ?></p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <?php elseif($shipping_type != "flat"): ?> <?php $args = "orderby=name&order=ASC&hide_empty=0&parent=0"; $terms = get_terms( 'auction_location', $args ); if(count($terms) > 0): foreach($terms as $term): $sh = auctiontheme_get_shipping_charge($pid, $term->term_id); if(!empty($sh)): ?> <div class="bid_panel"> <div class="padd10"> <ul class="auction-details"> <li> <h3 class="fnks1"><?php printf(__('Ship to %s:','AuctionTheme'), $term->name); ?></h3> <p class="fnks2"><?php echo auctiontheme_get_show_price($sh) ?></p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <?php endif; endforeach; endif; endif; ?> <?php $only_buy_now = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'only_buy_now', true); if($only_buy_now != '1'): ?> <!-- ######### --> <div class="bid_panel"> <div class="padd10"> <form method="post" id="my_bid_form_1" onsubmit="return confirm_my_bid();"> <input type="hidden" value="1" name="bid_now_cc" /> <ul class="auction-details"> <li> <h3><?php echo __("Current Bid","AuctionTheme"); ?>:</h3> <p><?php echo auctionTheme_get_show_price(auctionTheme_get_current_price(get_the_ID())); ?></p> </li> <li> <h3> </h3> <p><input type="text" name="bid" id="bids_val" size="10" /> <input type="hidden" name="control_id" value="<?php echo base64_encode(get_the_ID()); ?>" /> <input class="submit_bottom" type="submit" id="place_bid" name="bid_now" value="<?php _e("Place Bid","AuctionTheme"); ?>" /></p> </li> </ul> </form> </div> </div> <?php endif; ?> <!-- ######### --> <?php $buynow = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'buy_now',true); if(!empty($buynow)): ?> <div class="bid_panel"> <div class="padd10"> <form method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="control_id" value="<?php echo base64_encode(get_the_ID()); ?>" /> <ul class="auction-details"> <?php if($only_buy_now == '1'): ?> <li> <h3><?php echo __("Quantity","AuctionTheme"); ?>:</h3> <p><?php echo get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'quant', true); ?> <?php echo __("items", 'AuctionTheme'); ?></p> </li> <?php endif; ?> <li> <h3><?php echo __("Buy It Now","AuctionTheme"); ?>:</h3> <p><?php echo auctionTheme_get_show_price(auctionTheme_get_buy_it_now_price(get_the_ID())); ?></p> </li> <li> <h3> </h3> <p><input type="submit" class="submit_bottom" name="buy_now" value="<?php _e("Buy Now!","AuctionTheme"); ?>" /></p> </li> </ul> </form> </div> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php $allow_offers = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'allow_offers',true); if(!auctiontheme_see_if_offer_posted(get_the_ID(), $uid) and $allow_offers == "1"): $AuctionTheme_currency_position = get_option('AuctionTheme_currency_position'); ?> <div class="bid_panel"> <div class="padd10"> <form method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="control_id" value="<?php echo base64_encode(get_the_ID()); ?>" /> <ul class="auction-details"> <li> <h3><?php echo __("Make an Offer","AuctionTheme"); ?>:</h3> <p> <?php if($AuctionTheme_currency_position == "front") echo auctiontheme_get_currency(); ?> <input type="text" size="5" name="offered_price" /> <?php if($AuctionTheme_currency_position != "front") echo auctiontheme_get_currency(); ?></p> </li> <li> <h3> </h3> <p><input type="submit" class="my-buttons2" name="make_offer" value="<?php _e("Submit Offer","AuctionTheme"); ?>" /></p> </li> </ul> </form> </div> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php $offr = auctiontheme_waiting_to_answer_offer(get_the_ID(), $uid); if( $offr != false): ?> <div class="bid_panel"> <div class="padd10"> <ul class="auction-details"> <li> <?php if($offr->counteroffer_sent == 0 and $offr->counteroffer_accepted == 0 and $offr->counteroffer_rejected == 0) echo sprintf(__("Your offer of %s was submitted. Waiting the seller's answer.","AuctionTheme"), auctiontheme_get_sumitted_offer_price(get_the_ID(),$uid)); ?> <?php if($offr->counteroffer_sent == 1 and $offr->counteroffer_accepted == 0 and $offr->counteroffer_rejected == 0) { if(get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'closed', true) == 0) { echo '<br/>' . sprintf(__('Seller sent counter offer of: %s','AuctionTheme'), auctiontheme_get_show_price($offr->counteroffer_price)); echo '<br/>' . '<a href="'.get_bloginfo('siteurl').'/?a_action=accept_counter_offer&pid='.get_the_ID().'&ids='.$offr->id.'">'.__('Accept Offer','AuctionTheme').'</a> | <a href="'.get_bloginfo('siteurl').'/?a_action=reject_counter_offer&pid='.get_the_ID().'&ids='.$offr->id.'">'.__('Reject Offer','AuctionTheme').'</a> '; } } ?> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php else: // auction closed ?> <div class="bid_panel"> <div class="padd10"> <?php $pid = get_the_ID(); $winner = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'winner', true); if(!empty($winner)) { global $wpdb; $q = "select bid from ".$wpdb->prefix."auction_bids where pid='$pid' and winner='1'"; $r = $wpdb->get_results($q); $r = $r[0]; _e("Auction closed for price: ","AuctionTheme"); echo auctionTheme_get_show_price($r->bid); } ?> </div> </div> <?php endif; ?> <div class="clear10"></div> <ul class="auction-details"> <li> <img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/cal.png" width="20" height="20" /> <h3><?php echo __("Auction ID","AuctionTheme"); ?>:</h3> <p>#<?php the_ID(); ?></p> </li> <?php $reserve = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'reserve',true); if(!empty($reserve)): ?> <li> <img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/price.png" width="20" height="20" /> <h3><?php echo __("Reserve","AuctionTheme"); ?>:</h3> <p><?php $prc = auctionTheme_get_current_price(get_the_ID()); if($prc >= $reserve) echo __('Reserve price met.',"AuctionTheme"); else echo __('Reserve price not met.',"AuctionTheme"); ?></p> </li> <?php endif; ?> <li> <img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/location.png" width="20" height="20" /> <h3><?php echo __("Location","AuctionTheme"); ?>:</h3> <p><?php echo get_the_term_list( get_the_ID(), 'auction_location', '', ', ', '' ); ?></p> </li> <li> <img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/cal.png" width="20" height="20" /> <h3><?php echo __("Posted on","AuctionTheme"); ?>:</h3> <p><?php the_time("jS \o\\f F Y \a\\t g:i A"); ?></p> </li> <?php if($closed == "0"): $AuctionTheme_no_time_on_buy_now = get_option('AuctionTheme_no_time_on_buy_now'); if($only_buy_now == "1" and $AuctionTheme_no_time_on_buy_now == "yes"): //asd else: ?> <li> <img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/clock.png" width="20" height="20" /> <h3><?php echo __("Time Left","AuctionTheme"); ?>:</h3> <p class="expiration_auction_p"><?php echo ($closed == "0" ? ($ending - current_time('timestamp',0)) : __("Expired/Closed","AuctionTheme")); ?></p> <!-- <p><?php echo ($closed == "0" ? AuctionTheme_prepare_seconds_to_words($ending - current_time('timestamp',0)) : __("Expired/Closed","AuctionTheme")); ?></p> --> </li> <?php endif; endif; ?> <li> <img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/watch.png" width="20" height="20" /> <h3><?php echo __("Watch List","AuctionTheme"); ?>:</h3> <p><div class="watch-list"><?php if(AuctionTheme_check_if_pid_is_in_watchlist(get_the_ID(), $uid) == true): ?> <a class="rem-to-watchlist" rel="<?php the_ID(); ?>" href="#"><?php _e('- watchlist','AuctionTheme'); ?></a> <?php else: ?> <a class="add-to-watchlist" rel="<?php the_ID(); ?>" href="#"><?php _e('+ watchlist','AuctionTheme'); ?></a> <?php endif; ?> </div></p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <?php $arrms = get_auction_fields_values($post->ID); if(count($arrms) > 0) { ?> <div class="clear10"></div> <div class="my_box3"> <div class="box_title"><?php echo __("Item Specifics","AuctionTheme"); ?></div> <div class="box_content"> <?php if(count($arrms) > 0) { ?> <table width="100%"> <?php for($i=0;$i<count($arrms);$i++) { ?> <tr> <th class="gold_thing_th"><?php echo $arrms[$i]['field_name'];?></th> <th><?php if(is_array($arrms[$i]['field_value'][0])) { foreach($arrms[$i]['field_value'][0] as $vl) { echo $vl .'<br/>'; } } else echo $arrms[$i]['field_value'][0]; ?></th> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="clear10"></div> <?php do_action('AuctionTheme_auction_page_before_description_div'); ?> <!-- ####################### --> <div class="my_box3"> <div class="box_title"><?php echo __("Description","AuctionTheme"); ?></div> <div class="box_content"> <p><?php the_content(); ?></p> </div> </div> <div class="tags-placeholder"> <div class="tg1"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/tag.png" width="20" height="20" /> </div> <div class="tg2"> <?php the_tags(__('Tags', 'AuctionTheme').": ", ', ', ', '); ?></div> <div class="tg3"> <!-- AddThis Button BEGIN --> <div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style addthis_24x24_style"> <a class="addthis_button_preferred_1"></a> <a class="addthis_button_preferred_2"></a> <a class="addthis_button_preferred_3"></a> <a class="addthis_button_preferred_4"></a> <a class="addthis_button_compact"></a> <a class="addthis_counter addthis_bubble_style"></a> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <!-- AddThis Button END --> </div> </div> <div class="clear10"></div> <?php do_action('AuctionTheme_auction_page_before_bids_div'); $post = get_post(get_the_ID()); $allow_offers = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'allow_offers',true); global $wpdb; if($allow_offers == "1" and $uid == $post->post_author): ?> <!-- ####################### --> <div class="my_box3"> <div class="box_title"><?php echo __("Received Offers",'AuctionTheme'); ?></div> <div class="box_content"> <?php $s = "select * from ".$wpdb->prefix."auction_offers where pid='".get_the_ID()."'"; $r = $wpdb->get_results($s); if(count($r) > 0) { echo '<table width="100%">'; echo '<thead><tr>'; echo '<th>'.__('Username','AuctionTheme').'</th>'; echo '<th>'.__('Offer Price','AuctionTheme').'</th>'; echo '<th>'.__('Date Made','AuctionTheme').'</th>'; echo '<th>'.__('Options','AuctionTheme').'</th>'; echo '</tr></thead><tbody>'; foreach($r as $row) { $user = $row->uid; $user = get_userdata($user); echo '<tr>'; echo '<th>'.$user->user_login.'</th>'; echo '<th>'.auctiontheme_get_show_price($row->price).'</th>'; echo '<th>'.date_i18n("d-m-Y H:i:s", $row->datemade).'</th>'; $off_prc = sprintf(__('Counter Offer of %s sent', 'AuctionTheme'), auctiontheme_get_show_price($row->counteroffer_price)); echo '<th>'.(($row->approved == 0 and $row->rejected == 0) ? ( $row->counteroffer_sent == 1 ? ( ($row->counteroffer_accepted == 0 and $row->counteroffer_rejected == 0) ? $off_prc : ($row->counteroffer_accepted == 1 ? __('Counter Offer Accepted','AuctionTheme') : __('Counter Offer Rejected','AuctionTheme')) ) : ( '<a href="'.get_bloginfo('siteurl').'/?a_action=accept_offer&pid='.get_the_ID().'&ids='.$row->id.'">'.__('Accept Offer','AuctionTheme').'</a> | <a href="'.get_bloginfo('siteurl').'/?a_action=reject_offer&pid='.get_the_ID().'&ids='.$row->id.'">'.__('Reject Offer','AuctionTheme').'</a> | '. '<a href="'.get_bloginfo('siteurl').'/?a_action=counter_offer&pid='.get_the_ID().'&ids='.$row->id.'">'.__('CounterOffer','AuctionTheme').'</a>' )) : auctiontheme_show_status_offer($row->approved, $row->rejected) ).'</th>'; echo '</tr> '; } echo '</tbody></table>'; } else _e('You have not received any offers yet.','AuctionTheme'); ?> </div> </div> <div class="clear10"></div> <?php endif; $private_bids = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'private_bids', true); $only_buy_now = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'only_buy_now', true); if($only_buy_now != "1"): ?> <div class="my_box3"> <div class="box_title"><?php echo __("Posted Bids",'AuctionTheme'); ?> <?php if($private_bids == 'yes') _e('[auction has private bids]','AuctionTheme'); ?></div> <div class="box_content"> <?php $pid = get_the_ID(); $bids = "select * from ".$wpdb->prefix."auction_bids where pid='$pid' order by id DESC"; $res = $wpdb->get_results($bids); if($post->post_author == $uid) $owner = 1; else $owner = 0; if(count($res) > 0) { if($private_bids == 'yes') { if ($owner == 1) $show_stuff = 1; else if(auctionTheme_current_user_has_bid($uid, $res)) $show_stuff = 1; else $show_stuff = 0; } else $show_stuff = 1; //------------ if($show_stuff == 1): echo '<table width="100%">'; echo '<thead><tr>'; echo '<th>'.__('Username','AuctionTheme').'</th>'; echo '<th>'.__('Bid Amount','AuctionTheme').'</th>'; echo '<th>'.__('Date Made','AuctionTheme').'</th>'; if ($owner == 1): if($reverse == 'yes' || $reverse == '1') echo '<th>'.__('Choose Winner','AuctionTheme').'</th>'; echo '<th>'.__('Messaging','AuctionTheme').'</th>'; endif; if($closed == "1") echo '<th>'.__('Winner','AuctionTheme').'</th>'; echo '</tr></thead><tbody>'; endif; //------------- $using_perm = AuctionTheme_using_permalinks(); if($using_perm) $privurl_m = get_permalink(get_option('AuctionTheme_my_account_priv_mess_page_id')). "?"; else $privurl_m = get_bloginfo('siteurl'). "/?page_id=". get_option('AuctionTheme_my_account_priv_mess_page_id'). "&"; foreach($res as $row) { if ($owner == 1) $show_this_around = 1; else { if($private_bids == 'yes') { if($uid == $row->uid) $show_this_around = 1; else $show_this_around = 0; } else $show_this_around = 1; } if($show_this_around == 1): $user = get_userdata($row->uid); echo '<tr>'; echo '<th>'.$user->user_login.'</th>'; echo '<th>'.auctionTheme_get_show_price($row->bid).'</th>'; echo '<th>'.date_i18n("d-M-Y H:i:s", $row->date_made).'</th>'; if ($owner == 1 ) { //if($reverse == 'yes' || $reverse == '1') //echo '<th><a href="'.get_bloginfo('siteurl').'/choose-winner/'.get_the_ID().'/'.$row->id.'">'.__('Select','AuctionTheme').'</a></th>'; echo '<th><a href="'.$privurl_m.'priv_act=send&uid='.$row->uid.'&pid='.get_the_ID().'">'.__('Send Message','AuctionTheme').'</a></th>'; } if($closed == "1") { if($row->winner == 1) echo '<th>'.__('Yes','AuctionTheme').'</th>'; else echo '<th> </th>'; } echo '</tr>'; endif; } echo '</tbody></table>'; } else _e("No bids placed yet.",'AuctionTheme'); ?> </div> </div> <div class="clear10"></div> <?php endif; ?> <!-- ####################### --> <?php do_action('AuctionTheme_auction_page_before_image_gallery_div'); ?> <div class="my_box3"> <div class="box_title"><?php echo __("Image Gallery",'AuctionTheme'); ?></div> <div class="box_content"> <?php $arr = AuctionTheme_get_post_images(get_the_ID()); if($arr) { echo '<ul class="image-gallery">'; foreach($arr as $image) { echo '<li><a href="'.AuctionTheme_wp_get_attachment_image($image, array(900, 700)).'" rel="image_gal2">'.wp_get_attachment_image( $image, array(100, 80) ).'</a></li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } else { echo __('No images.','AuctionTheme') ;} ?> </div> </div> <div class="clear10"></div> <!-- ####################### --> <?php do_action('AuctionTheme_auction_page_before_map_div'); ?> <?php $AuctionTheme_enable_locations = get_option('AuctionTheme_enable_locations'); if($AuctionTheme_enable_locations != 'no'): ?> <div class="my_box3"> <div class="box_title"><?php echo __("Map Location",'AuctionTheme'); ?></div> <div class="box_content"> <div id="map" style="width: 655px; 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} }); } initialize(); codeAddress("<?php global $post; $pid = $post->ID; $terms = wp_get_post_terms($pid,'auction_location'); foreach($terms as $term) { echo $term->name.","; } $location = get_post_meta($pid, "Location", true); echo $location; ?>"); </script> </div> </div> <!-- ####################### --> <?php endif; global $post; $pid = $post->ID; function AuctionTheme_add_comments_before() { ?> <div class="clear10"></div> <!-- ####################### --> <?php do_action('AuctionTheme_auction_page_before_comments_div'); ?> <div class="my_box3"> <div class="box_title"><?php echo __("Comments",'AuctionTheme'); ?></div> <div class="box_content"> <?php } function AuctionTheme_add_comments_after() { echo '</div></div> '; do_action('AuctionTheme_auction_page_after_comments_div'); } add_filter('sitemile_before_comments', 'AuctionTheme_add_comments_before'); add_filter('sitemile_after_comments', 'AuctionTheme_add_comments_after'); ?> <?php $opt = get_option('AuctionTheme_enable_comments'); if($opt == "yes") { AuctionTheme_add_comments_before(); comments_template(); AuctionTheme_add_comments_after(); } ?> </div> <?php echo '<div id="right-sidebar" class="page-sidebar">'; echo '<ul class="xoxo">'; ?> <li class="widget-container widget_text" id="ad-other-details"> <h3 class="widget-title"><?php _e("Seller Details",'AuctionTheme'); ?></h3> <div class="my-only-widget-content"> <p> <ul class="other-dets5"> <li> <h3><?php _e("Posted by",'AuctionTheme');?>:</h3> <p><a href="<?php echo AuctionTheme_get_user_profile_link($post->post_author);?>"><?php the_author() ?></a></p> </li> <?php _e('Feedback','AuctionTheme'); ?>: <?php echo auction_get_star_rating($post->post_author); ?><br/><br/> <a href="<?php echo AuctionTheme_get_user_profile_link($post->post_author);?>"><?php _e('See More Auctions by this user','AuctionTheme'); ?></a><br/> <a href="<?php echo AuctionTheme_get_user_feedback_link($post->post_author);?>"><?php _e('User Feedback','AuctionTheme'); ?></a><br/> </ul> </p> </div> </li> <?php $do_not_require_shipping = get_post_meta($pid,'do_not_require_shipping',true); if($do_not_require_shipping == 1) { } else { ?> <li class="widget-container widget_text" id="ad-other-details"> <h3 class="widget-title"><?php _e("Shipping Charges",'AuctionTheme'); ?></h3> <div class="my-only-widget-content"> <p> <?php $shipping_type = get_post_meta($post->ID,'shipping_type',true); if($shipping_type == "flat") { $shipping = get_post_meta($pid,'shipping',true); echo sprintf(__('Flat Shipping: %s','AuctionTheme'), auctiontheme_get_show_price($shipping) ); } else { ?> <ul class="other-dets6"> <?php $args = "orderby=id&order=ASC&hide_empty=0&parent=0"; $terms = get_terms( 'auction_shipping', $args ); foreach($terms as $term): $auctiontheme_get_shipping_charge = auctiontheme_get_shipping_charge($pid, $term->term_id); if(!empty($auctiontheme_get_shipping_charge) or $auctiontheme_get_shipping_charge == "0") { ?> <li> <h3><?php echo $term->name;?>:</h3> <p><?php echo $auctiontheme_get_shipping_charge == "0" ? __('FREE','AuctionTheme') : auctiontheme_get_show_price($auctiontheme_get_shipping_charge) ?></p> </li> <?php } endforeach; ?> </ul> <?php } ?> </p> </div> </li> <?php } ?> <li class="widget-container widget_text" id="ad-other-details"> <h3 class="widget-title"><?php _e("Other Details",'AuctionTheme'); ?></h3> <div class="my-only-widget-content"> <p> <ul class="other-dets5"> <?php if($only_buy_now != "1"): ?> <li> <img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/posted.png" width="15" height="15" /> <h3><?php _e("Bids",'AuctionTheme');?>:</h3> <p><?php echo auctionTheme_number_of_bid($post->ID); ?></p> </li> <?php endif; ?> <li> <img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/category.png" width="15" height="15" /> <h3><?php _e("Category",'AuctionTheme');?>:</h3> <p><?php echo get_the_term_list( $post->ID, 'auction_cat', '', ', ', '' ); ?></p> </li> <?php do_action('AuctionTheme_small_thing_after_categories_single_page'); ?> <li> <img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/location.png" width="15" height="15" /> <h3><?php _e("Address",'AuctionTheme');?>:</h3> <p><?php echo $location; ?></p> </li> <?php $rt = get_option('auctionTheme_show_auction_views'); if($rt != 'no'): ?> <li> <img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/viewed.png" width="15" height="15" /> <h3><?php _e("Viewed",'AuctionTheme');?>:</h3> <p><?php echo $views; ?> <?php _e("times",'AuctionTheme');?></p> </li> <?php endif; ?> </ul> <?php if(!AuctionTheme_is_owner_of_post()) {?> <a href="<?php $using_perm = AuctionTheme_using_permalinks(); if($using_perm) $privurl_m = get_permalink(get_option('AuctionTheme_my_account_priv_mess_page_id')). "?"; else $privurl_m = get_bloginfo('siteurl'). "/?page_id=". get_option('AuctionTheme_my_account_priv_mess_page_id'). "&"; echo $privurl_m."priv_act=send&"; $post = get_post(get_the_ID()); echo 'pid='.get_the_ID().'&uid='.$post->post_author; ?>" class="nice_link"><?php _e("Contact Seller",'AuctionTheme'); ?></a> <?php } ?> <a href="" class="nice_link" id="report-this-link"><?php _e("Report Auction",'AuctionTheme'); ?></a> </p> </li> </li> <?php dynamic_sidebar( 'auction-widget-area' ); echo '</ul>'; echo '</div>'; endwhile; // end of the loop. $AuctionTheme_adv_code_auction_page_below_content = get_option('AuctionTheme_adv_code_auction_page_below_content'); if(!empty($AuctionTheme_adv_code_auction_page_below_content)) echo '<div class="full_conts">'.stripslashes($AuctionTheme_adv_code_auction_page_below_content) . '</div>'; get_footer(); ?>