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Dir : /home/trave494/ |
Server: Linux 4.18.0-553.22.1.lve.1.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Oct 8 15:52:54 UTC 2024 x86_64 IP: |
Dir : /home/trave494/ |
/* ========================================================= * composer-atts.js v0.2.1 * ========================================================= * Copyright 2013 Wpbakery * * Visual composer backbone/underscore shortcodes attributes * form field and parsing controls * ========================================================= */ if ( _.isUndefined( ) ) { var vc = {}; } = { templates: [] }; = function ( callback ) { if ( _.isFunction( callback ) ) { this.filters.templates.push( callback ); } }; (function ( $ ) { var wpb_change_tab_title, wpb_change_accordion_tab_title, vc_activeMce; wpb_change_tab_title = function ( $element, field ) { $( '.tabs_controls a[href=#tab-' + $( field ).val() + ']' ).text( $( '.wpb-edit-form [name=title].wpb_vc_param_value' ).val() ); }; wpb_change_accordion_tab_title = function ( $element, field ) { var $section_title = $element.prev(); $section_title.find( 'a' ).text( $( field ).val() ); }; window.init_textarea_html = function ( $element ) { var $wp_link, textfield_id, $form_line, $content_holder; /* Simple version without all this buttons from Wordpress tinyMCE.init({ mode : "textareas", theme: 'advanced', editor_selector: $element.attr('name') + '_tinymce' }); */ $wp_link = $( '#wp-link' ); if ( $wp_link.parent().hasClass( 'wp-dialog' ) ) { $wp_link.wpdialog( 'destroy' ); } textfield_id = $element.attr( "id" ); $form_line = $element.closest( '.edit_form_line' ); $content_holder = $form_line.find( '.vc_textarea_html_content' ); try { // Init Quicktag if ( _.isUndefined( tinyMCEPreInit.qtInit[ textfield_id ] ) ) { window.tinyMCEPreInit.qtInit[ textfield_id ] = _.extend( {}, window.tinyMCEPreInit.qtInit[ window.wpActiveEditor ], { id: textfield_id } ) } // Init tinymce if ( window.tinyMCEPreInit && window.tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit[ window.wpActiveEditor ] ) { window.tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit[ textfield_id ] = _.extend( {}, window.tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit[ window.wpActiveEditor ], { resize: 'vertical', height: 200, id: textfield_id, setup: function ( ed ) { if ( typeof(ed.on) != 'undefined' ) { ed.on( 'init', function ( ed ) {; window.wpActiveEditor = textfield_id; } ); } else { ed.onInit.add( function ( ed ) { ed.focus(); window.wpActiveEditor = textfield_id; } ); } } } ); window.tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit[ textfield_id ].plugins = window.tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit[ textfield_id ].plugins.replace( /,?wpfullscreen/, '' ); window.tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit[ textfield_id ].wp_autoresize_on = false; } $element.val( $content_holder.val() ); quicktags( window.tinyMCEPreInit.qtInit[ textfield_id ] ); QTags._buttonsInit(); if ( window.tinymce ) { window.switchEditors && window.switchEditors.go( textfield_id, 'tmce' ); if ( tinymce.majorVersion === "4" ) { tinymce.execCommand( 'mceAddEditor', true, textfield_id ); } } vc_activeMce = textfield_id; window.wpActiveEditor = textfield_id; } catch ( e ) { $ 'vcTinyMceDisabled', true ).appendTo( $form_line ); $( '#wp-' + textfield_id + '-wrap' ).remove(); if ( console && console.error ) { console.error( 'VC: Tinymce error! Compatibility problem with other plugins.' ); console.error( e ); } } }; function init_textarea_html_old( $element ) { var textfield_id = $element.attr( "id" ), $form_line = $element.closest( '.edit_form_line' ), $content_holder = $form_line.find( '.vc_textarea_html_content' ); $( '#' + textfield_id + '-html' ).trigger( 'click' ); var $tmce = $( '.switch-tmce' ); $tmce.trigger( 'click' ); $form_line.find( '.wp-switch-editor' ).removeAttr( "onclick" ); $tmce.trigger( 'click' ); $element.closest( '.edit_form_line' ).find( '.switch-tmce' ).click( function () { window.tinyMCE.execCommand( "mceAddControl", true, textfield_id ); window.switchEditors.go( textfield_id, 'tmce' ); $element.closest( '.edit_form_line' ).find( '.wp-editor-wrap' ).removeClass( 'html-active' ).addClass( 'tmce-active' ); var val = window.switchEditors.wpautop( $( this ).closest( '.edit_form_line' ).find( "textarea.visual_composer_tinymce" ).val() ); $( "textarea.visual_composer_tinymce" ).val( val ); // Add tinymce window.tinyMCE.execCommand( "mceAddControl", true, textfield_id ); } ); $element.closest( '.edit_form_line' ).find( '.switch-html' ).click( function () { $element.closest( '.edit_form_line' ).find( '.wp-editor-wrap' ).removeClass( 'tmce-active' ).addClass( 'html-active' ); window.tinyMCE.execCommand( "mceRemoveControl", true, textfield_id ); } ); $( '#wpb_tinymce_content-html' ).trigger( 'click' ); $( '#wpb_tinymce_content-tmce' ).trigger( 'click' ); // Fix hidden toolbar } // TODO: unsecure. Think about it Color.prototype.toString = function () { if ( this._alpha < 1 ) { return this.toCSS( 'rgba', this._alpha ).replace( /\s+/g, '' ); } var hex = parseInt( this._color, 10 ).toString( 16 ); if ( this.error ) { return ''; } // maybe left pad it if ( hex.length < 6 ) { for ( var i = 6 - hex.length - 1; i >= 0; i -- ) { hex = '0' + hex; } } return '#' + hex; }; var template_options = { evaluate: /<#([\s\S]+?)#>/g, interpolate: /\{\{\{([\s\S]+?)\}\}\}/g, escape: /\{\{([^\}]+?)\}\}(?!\})/g }; /** * Loop param for shortcode with magic query posts constructor. * ==================================== */ vc.loop_partial = function ( template_name, key, loop, settings ) { var data = _.isObject( loop ) && ! _.isUndefined( loop[ key ] ) ? loop[ key ] : ''; return _.template( $( '#_vcl-' + template_name ).html(), { name: key, data: data, settings: settings }, template_options ); }; vc.loop_field_not_hidden = function ( key, loop ) { return ! (_.isObject( loop[ key ] ) && _.isBoolean( loop[ key ].hidden ) && loop[ key ].hidden === true); }; vc.is_locked = function ( data ) { return _.isObject( data ) && _.isBoolean( data.locked ) && data.locked === true; }; var Suggester = function ( element, options ) { this.el = element; this.$el = $( this.el ); this.$el_wrap = ''; this.$block = ''; this.suggester = ''; this.selected_items = []; this.options = _.isObject( options ) ? options : {}; _.defaults( this.options, { css_class: 'vc_suggester', limit: false, source: {}, predefined: [], locked: false, select_callback: function ( label, data ) { }, remove_callback: function ( label, data ) { }, update_callback: function ( label, data ) { }, check_locked_callback: function ( el, data ) { return false; } } ); this.init(); }; Suggester.prototype = { constructor: Suggester, init: function () { _.bindAll( this, 'buildSource', 'itemSelected', 'labelClick', 'setFocus', 'resize' ); var that = this; this.$el.wrap( '<ul class="' + this.options.css_class + '"><li class="input"/></ul>' ); this.$el_wrap = this.$el.parent(); this.$block = this.$el_wrap.closest( 'ul' ).append( $( '<li class="clear"/>' ) ); this.$el.focus( this.resize ).blur( function () { $( this ).parent().width( 170 ); $( this ).val( '' ); } ); this.$ this.setFocus ); this.suggester = this.$ 'suggest' ); // Remove form here this.$el.autocomplete( { source: this.buildSource, select: this.itemSelected, minLength: 2, focus: function ( event, ui ) { return false; } } ).data( "ui-autocomplete" )._renderItem = function ( ul, item ) { return $( '<li data-value="' + item.value + '">' ) .append( "<a>" + + "</a>" ) .appendTo( ul ); }; this.$el.autocomplete( "widget" ).addClass( 'vc_ui-front' ); if ( _.isArray( this.options.predefined ) ) { _.each( this.options.predefined, function ( item ) { this.create( item ); }, this ); } }, resize: function () { var position = this.$el_wrap.position(), block_position = this.$block.position(); this.$el_wrap.width( parseFloat( this.$block.width() ) - (parseFloat( position.left ) - parseFloat( block_position.left ) + 4) ); }, setFocus: function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var $target = $( ); if ( $target.hasClass( this.options.css_class ) ) { this.$el.trigger( 'focus' ); } }, itemSelected: function ( event, ui ) { this.$el.blur(); this.create( ui.item ); this.$el.focus(); return false; }, create: function ( item ) { var index = (this.selected_items.push( item ) - 1), remove = this.options.check_locked_callback( this.$el, item ) === true ? '' : ' <a class="remove">×</a>', $label, exclude_css = ''; if ( _.isUndefined( this.selected_items[ index ].action ) ) { this.selected_items[ index ].action = '+'; } exclude_css = this.selected_items[ index ].action === '-' ? ' exclude' : ' include'; $label = $( '<li class="vc_suggest-label' + exclude_css + '" data-index="' + index + '" data-value="' + item.value + '"><span class="label">' + + '</span>' + remove + '</li>' ); $label.insertBefore( this.$el_wrap ); if ( ! _.isEmpty( remove ) ) { $ this.labelClick ); } this.options.select_callback( $label, this.selected_items ); }, labelClick: function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var $label = $( e.currentTarget ), index = parseInt( $ 'index' ), 10 ), $target = $( ); if ( $ '.remove' ) ) { delete this.selected_items[ index ]; this.options.remove_callback( $label, this.selected_items ); $label.remove(); return false; } this.selected_items[ index ].action = this.selected_items[ index ].action === '+' ? '-' : '+'; if ( this.selected_items[ index ].action == '+' ) { $label.removeClass( 'exclude' ).addClass( 'include' ); } else { $label.removeClass( 'include' ).addClass( 'exclude' ); } this.options.update_callback( $label, this.selected_items ); }, buildSource: function ( request, response ) { var exclude = this.selected_items, function ( item ) { return item.value; } ).join( ',' ); $.ajax( { type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: window.ajaxurl, data: { action: 'wpb_get_loop_suggestion', field: this.suggester, exclude: exclude, query: request.term } } ).done( function ( data ) { response( data ); } ); } }; $.fn.suggester = function ( option ) { return this.each( function () { var $this = $( this ), data = $ 'suggester' ), options = _.isObject( option ) ? option : {}; if ( ! data ) { $ 'suggester', (data = new Suggester( this, option )) ); } if ( typeof option == 'string' ) { data[ option ](); } } ); }; var VcLoopEditorView = Backbone.View.extend( { className: 'loop_params_holder', events: { 'click input, select': 'save', 'change input, select': 'save', 'change :checkbox[data-input]': 'updateCheckbox' }, query_options: {}, return_array: {}, controller: '', initialize: function () { _.bindAll( this, 'save', 'updateSuggestion', 'suggestionLocked' ); }, render: function ( controller ) { var that = this, template = _.template( $( '#vcl-loop-frame' ).html(), this.model, _.extend( {}, template_options, { variable: 'loop' } ) ); this.controller = controller; this.$el.html( template ); this.controller.$el.append( this.$el ); _.each( $( '[data-suggest]' ), function ( object ) { var $field = $( object ), current_value = window.decodeURIComponent( $( '[data-suggest-prefill=' + $ 'suggest' ) + ']' ).val() ); $field.suggester( { predefined: $.parseJSON( current_value ), select_callback: this.updateSuggestion, update_callback: this.updateSuggestion, remove_callback: this.updateSuggestion, check_locked_callback: this.suggestionLocked } ); }, this ); return this; }, show: function () { this.$el.slideDown(); }, save: function ( e ) { this.return_array = {}; _.each( this.model, function ( value, key ) { var value = this.getValue( key, value ); if ( _.isString( value ) && ! _.isEmpty( value ) ) { this.return_array[ key ] = value; } }, this ); this.controller.setInputValue( this.return_array ); }, getValue: function ( key, default_value ) { var value = $( '[name=' + key + ']', this.$el ).val(); return value; }, hide: function () { this.$el.slideUp(); }, toggle: function () { if ( ! this.$ ':animated' ) ) { this.$el.slideToggle(); } }, updateCheckbox: function ( e ) { var $checkbox = $( e.currentTarget ), input_name = $ 'input' ), $input = $( '[data-name=' + input_name + ']', this.$el ), value = []; $( '[data-input=' + input_name + ']:checked' ).each( function () { value.push( $( this ).val() ); } ); $input.val( value );; }, updateSuggestion: function ( $elem, data ) { var value, $suggestion_block = $elem.closest( '[data-block=suggestion]' ); value = _.reduce( data, function ( memo, label ) { if ( ! _.isEmpty( label ) ) { return memo + (_.isEmpty( memo ) ? '' : ',') + (label.action === '-' ? '-' : '') + label.value; } }, '' ); $suggestion_block.find( '[data-suggest-value]' ).val( value ).trigger( 'change' ); }, suggestionLocked: function ( $elem, data ) { var value = data.value, field = $elem.closest( '[data-block=suggestion]' ).find( '[data-suggest-value]' ).data( 'suggest-value' ); return this.controller.settings[ field ] && _.isBoolean( this.controller.settings[ field ].locked ) && this.controller.settings[ field ].locked == true && _.isString( this.controller.settings[ field ].value ) && _.indexOf( this.controller.settings[ field ].value.replace( '-', '' ).split( /\,/ ), '' + value ) >= 0; } } ); var VcLoop = Backbone.View.extend( { events: { 'click .vc_loop-build': 'showEditor' }, initialize: function () { _.bindAll( this, 'createEditor' ); this.$input = $( '.wpb_vc_param_value', this.$el ); this.$button = this.$el.find( '.vc_loop-build' ); = this.$input.val(); this.settings = $.parseJSON( window.decodeURIComponent( this.$ 'settings' ) ) ); }, render: function () { return this; }, showEditor: function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); if ( _.isObject( this.loop_editor_view ) ) { this.loop_editor_view.toggle(); return false; } $.ajax( { type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: window.ajaxurl, data: { action: 'wpb_get_loop_settings', value:, settings: this.settings, post_id: vc.post_id } } ).done( this.createEditor ); }, createEditor: function ( data ) { this.loop_editor_view = new VcLoopEditorView( { model: ! _.isEmpty( data ) ? data : {} } ); this.loop_editor_view.render( this ).show(); }, setInputValue: function ( value ) { this.$input.val( value, function ( value, key ) { return key + ':' + value; } ).join( '|' ) ); } } ); var VcOptionsField = Backbone.View.extend( { events: { 'click .vc_options-edit': 'showEditor', 'click .vc_close-button': 'showEditor', 'click input, select': 'save', 'change input, select': 'save', 'keyup input': 'save' }, data: {}, fields: {}, initialize: function () { this.$button = this.$el.find( '.vc_options-edit' ); this.$form = this.$el.find( '.vc_options-fields' ); this.$input = this.$el.find( '.wpb_vc_param_value' ); this.settings = this.$ 'settings' ); this.parseData(); this.render(); }, render: function () { var html = ''; _.each( this.settings, function ( field ) { if ( ! _.isUndefined([ ] ) ) { field.value =[ ]; } else if ( ! _.isUndefined( field.value ) ) { field.value = field.value.toString().split( ',' );[ ] = field.value; } this.fields[ ] = field; var $field = $( '#vcl-options-field-' + field.type ); if ( $ 'script' ) ) { html += _.template( $field.html(), $.extend( { name: '', label: '', value: [], options: '', description: '' }, field ), _.extend( {}, template_options ) ); } }, this ); this.$form.html( html + this.$form.html() ); return this; }, parseData: function () { _.each( this.$input.val().split( "|" ), function ( data ) { if ( data.match( /\:/ ) ) { var split = data.split( ':' ), name = split[ 0 ], value = split[ 1 ];[ name ] = value.split( ',' ), function ( v ) { return window.decodeURIComponent( v ); } ); } }, this ); }, saveData: function () { var data_string =, function ( value, key ) { return key + ':' + value, function ( v ) { return window.encodeURIComponent( v ); } ).join( ',' ); } ).join( '|' ); this.$input.val( data_string ); }, showEditor: function () { this.$form.slideToggle(); }, save: function ( e ) { var $field = $( e.currentTarget ); if ( $ ':checkbox' ) ) { var value = []; this.$el.find( 'input[name=' + $field.attr( 'name' ) + ']' ).each( function () { if ( $( this ).is( ':checked' ) ) { value.push( $( this ).val() ); } } );[ $field.attr( 'name' ) ] = value; } else {[ $field.attr( 'name' ) ] = [ $field.val() ]; } this.saveData(); } } ); /** * VC_link power code. */ var VcSortedList = function ( element, settings ) { this.el = element; this.$el = $( this.el ); this.$data_field = this.$el.find( '.wpb_vc_param_value' ); this.$toolbar = this.$el.find( '.vc_sorted-list-toolbar' ); this.$current_control = this.$el.find( '.vc_sorted-list-container' ); _.defaults( this.options, {} ); this.init(); }; VcSortedList.prototype = { constructor: VcSortedList, init: function () { var that = this; _.bindAll( this, 'controlEvent', 'save' ); this.$toolbar.on( 'change', 'input', this.controlEvent ); var selected_data = this.$data_field.val().split( ',' ); for ( var i in selected_data ) { var control_settings = selected_data[ i ].split( '|' ), $control = control_settings.length ? this.$toolbar.find( '[data-element=' + decodeURIComponent( control_settings[ 0 ] ) + ']' ) : false; if ( $control !== false && $ 'input' ) ) { $control.prop( 'checked', true ); this.createControl( { value: $control.val(), label: $control.parent().text(), sub: $ 'subcontrol' ), sub_value: control_settings.slice( 1 ), function ( item ) { return window.decodeURIComponent( item ) } ) } ); } } this.$current_control.sortable( { stop: } ).on( 'change', 'select', ); }, createControl: function ( data ) { var sub_control = '', selected_sub_value = _.isUndefined( data.sub_value ) ? [] : data.sub_value; if ( _.isArray( data.sub ) ) { _.each( data.sub, function ( sub, index ) { sub_control += ' <select>'; _.each( sub, function ( item ) { sub_control += '<option value="' + item[ 0 ] + '"' + (_.isString( selected_sub_value[ index ] ) && selected_sub_value[ index ] === item[ 0 ] ? ' selected="true"' : '') + '>' + item[ 1 ] + '</option>'; } ); sub_control += '</select>'; }, this ); } this.$current_control.append( '<li class="vc_control-' + data.value + '" data-name="' + data.value + '">' + data.label + sub_control + '</li>' ); }, controlEvent: function ( e ) { var $control = $( e.currentTarget ); if ( $ ':checked' ) ) { this.createControl( { value: $control.val(), label: $control.parent().text(), sub: $ 'subcontrol' ) } ); } else { this.$current_control.find( '.vc_control-' + $control.val() ).remove(); }; }, save: function () { var value = this.$current_control.find( '[data-name]' ), function ( element ) { var return_string = encodeURIComponent( $( element ).data( 'name' ) ); $( element ).find( 'select' ).each( function () { var $sub_control = $( this ); if ( $ 'select' ) && $sub_control.val() !== '' ) { return_string += '|' + encodeURIComponent( $sub_control.val() ); } } ); return return_string; } ).join( ',' ); this.$data_field.val( value ); } }; $.fn.VcSortedList = function ( option ) { return this.each( function () { var $this = $( this ), data = $ 'vc_sorted_list' ), options = _.isObject( option ) ? option : {}; if ( ! data ) { $ 'vc_sorted_list', (data = new VcSortedList( this, option )) ); } if ( typeof option == 'string' ) { data[ option ](); } } ); }; /** * Google fonts element methods */ var GoogleFonts = Backbone.View.extend( { preview_el: ".vc_google_fonts_form_field-preview-container > span", font_family_dropdown_el: ".vc_google_fonts_form_field-font_family-container > select", font_style_dropdown_el: ".vc_google_fonts_form_field-font_style-container > select", font_style_dropdown_el_container: ".vc_google_fonts_form_field-font_style-container", status_el: ".vc_google_fonts_form_field-status-container > span", events: { 'change .vc_google_fonts_form_field-font_family-container > select': 'fontFamilyDropdownChange', 'change .vc_google_fonts_form_field-font_style-container > select': 'fontStyleDropdownChange' }, initialize: function ( attr ) { _.bindAll( this, 'previewElementInactive', 'previewElementActive', 'previewElementLoading' ); this.$preview_el = $( this.preview_el, this.$el ); this.$font_family_dropdown_el = $( this.font_family_dropdown_el, this.$el ); this.$font_style_dropdown_el = $( this.font_style_dropdown_el, this.$el ); this.$font_style_dropdown_el_container = $( this.font_style_dropdown_el_container, this.$el ); this.$status_el = $( this.status_el, this.$el ); this.fontFamilyDropdownRender(); }, render: function () { return this; }, previewElementRender: function () { this.$preview_el.css( { "font-family": this.font_family, "font-style": this.font_style, "font-weight": this.font_weight } ); return this; }, previewElementInactive: function () { this.$status_el.text( window.i18nLocale.gfonts_loading_google_font_failed || "Loading google font failed." ).css( 'color', '#FF0000' ); }, previewElementActive: function () { this.$preview_el.text( "Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack." ).css( 'color', 'inherit' ); this.fontStyleDropdownRender(); }, previewElementLoading: function () { this.$preview_el.text( window.i18nLocale.gfonts_loading_google_font || "Loading Font..." ); }, fontFamilyDropdownRender: function () { this.fontFamilyDropdownChange(); return this; }, fontFamilyDropdownChange: function () { var $font_family_selected = this.$font_family_dropdown_el.find( ':selected' ); this.font_family_url = $font_family_selected.val(); this.font_family = $font_family_selected.attr( 'data[font_family]' ); this.font_types = $font_family_selected.attr( 'data[font_types]' ); this.$font_style_dropdown_el_container.parent().hide(); if ( this.font_family_url && this.font_family_url.length > 0 ) { WebFont.load( { google: { families: [ this.font_family_url ] }, inactive: this.previewElementInactive, active: this.previewElementActive, loading: this.previewElementLoading } ); } return this; }, fontStyleDropdownRender: function () { var str = this.font_types; var str_arr = str.split( ',' ); var oel = ''; var default_f_style = this.$font_family_dropdown_el.attr( 'default[font_style]' ); for ( var str_inner in str_arr ) { var str_arr_inner = str_arr[ str_inner ].split( ':' ); var sel = ""; if ( _.isString( default_f_style ) && default_f_style.length > 0 && str_arr[ str_inner ] == default_f_style ) { sel = 'selected="selected"'; } oel = oel + '<option ' + sel + ' value="' + str_arr[ str_inner ] + '" data[font_weight]="' + str_arr_inner[ 1 ] + '" data[font_style]="' + str_arr_inner[ 2 ] + '" class="' + str_arr_inner[ 2 ] + '_' + str_arr_inner[ 1 ] + '" >' + str_arr_inner[ 0 ] + '</option>'; } this.$font_style_dropdown_el.html( oel ); this.$font_style_dropdown_el_container.parent().show(); this.fontStyleDropdownChange(); return this; }, fontStyleDropdownChange: function () { var $font_style_selected = this.$font_style_dropdown_el.find( ':selected' ); this.font_weight = $font_style_selected.attr( 'data[font_weight]' ); this.font_style = $font_style_selected.attr( 'data[font_style]' ); this.previewElementRender(); return this; } } ); /** * Auto Complete PARAMETER * */ var VC_AutoComplete = Backbone.View.extend( { min_length: 2, delay: 500, auto_focus: true, ajax_url: window.ajaxurl, source_data: function () { return {}; }, replace_values_on_select: false, initialize: function ( params ) { _.bindAll( this, 'sortableChange', 'resize', 'labelRemoveHook', 'updateItems', 'sortableCreate', 'sortableUpdate', 'source', 'select', 'labelRemoveClick', 'createBox', 'focus', 'response', 'change', 'close', 'open', 'create', 'search', '_renderItem', '_renderMenu', '_renderItemData', '_resizeMenu' ); params = $.extend( { min_length: this.min_length, delay: this.delay, auto_focus: this.auto_focus, replace_values_on_select: this.replace_values_on_select }, params ); this.options = params; this.param_name = this.options.param_name; this.$el = this.options.$el; this.$el_wrap = this.$el.parent(); this.$sortable_wrapper = this.$el_wrap.parent(); this.$input_param = this.options.$param_input; this.selected_items = []; this.isMultiple = false; this.render(); }, resize: function () { var position = this.$el_wrap.position(), block_position = this.$block.position(); var widget = this.$el.autocomplete( "widget" ); widget.width( parseFloat( this.$block.width() ) - (parseFloat( position.left ) - parseFloat( block_position.left ) + 4 ) + 11 ); }, enableMultiple: function () { this.isMultiple = true; this.$; this.$el.focus(); }, enableSortable: function () { this.sortable = this.$sortable_wrapper.sortable( { items: ".vc_data", axis: 'y', change: this.sortableChange, create: this.sortableCreate, update: this.sortableUpdate } ); }, updateItems: function () { if ( this.selected_items.length ) { this.$input_param.val( this.getSelectedItems().join( ", " ) ); } else { this.$input_param.val( "" ); } }, sortableChange: function ( event, ui ) { }, itemsCreate: function () { var sel_items = []; this.$block.find( '.vc_data' ).each( function ( key, item ) { sel_items.push( { label: item.dataset.label, value: item.dataset.value } ); } ); this.selected_items = sel_items; }, sortableCreate: function ( event, ui ) { }, sortableUpdate: function ( event, ui ) { var elems = this.$sortable_wrapper.sortable( 'toArray', { attribute: 'data-index' } ); var items = []; _.each( elems, function ( index ) { items.push( this.selected_items[ index ] ); }, this ); var index = 0; $( 'li.vc_data', this.$sortable_wrapper ).each( function () { $( this ).attr( 'data-index', index ++ ); } ); this.selected_items = items; this.updateItems(); }, getWidget: function () { return this.$el.autocomplete( 'widget' ); }, render: function () { this.$el.focus( this.resize ); = this.$el.autocomplete( { source: this.source, minLength: this.options.min_length, delay: this.options.delay, autoFocus: this.options.auto_focus, select:, focus: this.focus, response: this.response, change: this.change, close: this.close, open:, create: this.create, search: } ); "ui-autocomplete" )._renderItem = this._renderItem; "ui-autocomplete" )._renderMenu = this._renderMenu; "ui-autocomplete" )._resizeMenu = this._resizeMenu; if ( this.$input_param.val().length > 0 ) { if ( ! this.isMultiple ) { this.$el.hide(); } else { this.$el.focus(); } var that = this; $( '.vc_autocomplete-label.vc_data', this.$sortable_wrapper ).each( function () { that.labelRemoveHook( $( this ) ); } ); } this.getWidget().addClass( 'vc_ui-front' ).addClass( 'vc_ui-auotocomplete' ); this.$block = this.$el_wrap.closest( 'ul' ).append( $( '<li class="clear"/>' ) ); this.itemsCreate(); return this; }, close: function ( event, ui ) { if ( this.selected && this.options.no_hide ) { this.getWidget().show(); this.selected ++; if ( this.selected > 2 ) { this.selected = undefined; } } }, open: function ( event, ui ) { var widget = this.getWidget().menu(); var widget_position = widget.position(); widget.css( 'left', widget_position.left - 6 ); widget.css( 'top', + 2 ); }, focus: function ( event, ui ) { if ( ! this.options.replace_values_on_select ) { event.preventDefault(); return false; } }, create: function ( event, ui ) { }, change: function ( event, ui ) { }, response: function ( event, ui ) { }, search: function ( event, ui ) { }, select: function ( event, ui ) { this.selected = 1; if ( ui.item ) { if ( this.options.unique_values ) { var $li_el = this.getWidget().data( 'uiMenu' ).active; if ( this.options.groups ) { var $prev_el = $li_el.prev(); var $next_el = $; if ( $prev_el.hasClass( 'vc_autocomplete-group' ) && ! $next_el.hasClass( 'vc_autocomplete-item' ) ) { $prev_el.remove(); } } $li_el.remove(); var that = this; if ( ! $( 'li.ui-menu-item', this.getWidget() ).length ) { that.selected = undefined; } } this.createBox( ui.item ); if ( ! this.isMultiple ) { this.$el.hide(); } else { this.$el.focus(); } } return false; }, createBox: function ( item ) { var index = (this.selected_items.push( item ) - 1), remove = '<a class="vc_autocomplete-remove">×</a>', $label; this.updateItems(); $label = $( '<li class="vc_autocomplete-label vc_data" data-index="' + index + '" data-value="' + item.value + '" data-label="' + item.label + '"><span class="vc_autocomplete-label"><a>' + item.label + '</a></span>' + remove + '</li>' ); $label.insertBefore( this.$el_wrap ); this.labelRemoveHook( $label ); }, labelRemoveHook: function ( $label ) { this.$el.blur(); this.$el.val( '' ); $ this.labelRemoveClick ); }, labelRemoveClick: function ( e, ui ) { e.preventDefault(); var $label = $( e.currentTarget ), index = parseInt( $ 'index' ), 10 ), $target = $( ); if ( $ '.vc_autocomplete-remove' ) ) { delete this.selected_items[ index ]; $label.remove(); this.updateItems(); this.$; return false; } }, getSelectedItems: function () { if ( this.selected_items.length ) { var results = []; _.each( this.selected_items, function ( item ) { results.push( item[ 'value' ] ); } ); return results; } return false; }, _renderMenu: function ( ul, items ) { var that = this; var group = null; if ( this.options.groups ) { items.sort( function ( a, b ) { return >; } ); } $.each( items, function ( index, item ) { if ( that.options.groups ) { if ( != group ) { group =; ul.append( "<li class='ui-autocomplete-group vc_autocomplete-group' aria-label='" + group + "'>" + group + "</li>" ); } } that._renderItemData( ul, item ); } ); }, _renderItem: function ( ul, item ) { return $( '<li data-value="' + item.value + '" class="vc_autocomplete-item">' ) .append( '<a>' + item.label + '</a>' ) .appendTo( ul ); }, _renderItemData: function ( ul, item ) { return this._renderItem( ul, item ).data( "ui-autocomplete-item", item ); }, _resizeMenu: function () { }, /** * Used to remove all data in the list. */ clearValue: function () { this.selected_items = []; this.updateItems(); $( '.vc_autocomplete-label.vc_data', this.$sortable_wrapper ).remove(); }, source: function ( request, response ) { var that = this; if ( this.options.values && this.options.values.length > 0 ) { if ( this.options.unique_values ) { response( $.ui.autocomplete.filter( _.difference( this.options.values, this.selected_items ), request.term ) ); } else { response( $.ui.autocomplete.filter( this.options.values, request.term ) ); } } else { $.ajax( { type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: this.ajax_url, data: $.extend( { action: 'vc_get_autocomplete_suggestion', shortcode: vc.active_panel.model.get( 'shortcode' ), // get current shortcode? param: this.param_name, query: request.term }, this.source_data( request, response ) ) } ).done( function ( data ) { if ( that.options.unique_values ) { response( _.filter( data, function ( obj ) { return ! _.findWhere( that.selected_items, obj ); } ) ); } else { response( data ); } } ); } } } ); /** * Param initializer * */ var Vc_ParamInitializer = Backbone.View.extend( { $content: {}, initialize: function () { _.bindAll( this, 'content' ); this.$content = this.$el; this.model = vc.active_panel.model; }, setContent: function ( $el ) { this.$content = $el; }, content: function () { return this.$content; }, render: function () { var self; self = this; $( '.vc_shortcode-param', this.content() ).each( function () { var param, $field; param = {}; $field = $( this ); param.type = $ 'param_type' ); param.param_name = $ 'param_name' ); self, param, $field ); } ); return this; } } ); /** * Param group */ var VC_ParamGroup = Backbone.View.extend( { options: { max_items: 0, sortable: true, deletable: true, collapsible: true }, items: 0, $ul: false, initializer: {}, events: { 'click > .edit_form_line > .vc_param_group-list > .vc_param_group-add_content': 'addNew' }, initialize: function () { var $elParam, settings, self; this.$ul = this.$el.find( '> .edit_form_line > .vc_param_group-list' ); $elParam = $( '> .wpb_vc_row', this.$ul ); this.initializer = new Vc_ParamInitializer( { el: this.$el } ); this.model = vc.active_panel.model; settings = this.$ 'settings' ); this.options = _.defaults( {}, settings[ 'settings' ], this.options ); this.items = 0; self = this; if ( $elParam.length ) { $elParam.each( function () { new VC_ParamGroup_Param( { el: $( this ), parent: self } ); self.items ++; self.afterAdd(); } ); } if ( this.options.sortable ) { this.$ul.sortable( { handle: '.vc_control.column_move', items: '> .wpb_vc_row:not(vc_param_group-add_content-wrapper)' } ); } }, addNew: function ( ev ) { ev.preventDefault(); if ( this.addAllowed() ) { var $newEl; $newEl = $( JSON.parse( this.$ '.vc_param_group-template' ).html() ) ); $newEl.removeClass( 'vc_param_group-add_content-wrapper' ); $newEl.insertBefore( ev.currentTarget ); $; this.initializer.setContent( $newEl.find( '> .wpb_element_wrapper' ) ); this.initializer.render(); this.items ++; new VC_ParamGroup_Param( { el: $newEl, parent: this } ); this.afterAdd(); } }, /** * If you want to disable adding just add max_items = 1 * * @returns {boolean} */ addAllowed: function () { return (this.options.max_items > 0 && this.items + 1 <= this.options.max_items) || this.options.max_items <= 0; }, afterAdd: function () { if ( ! this.addAllowed() ) { this.$ul.find( '> .wpb_vc_row > .vc_param_group-controls > .vc_row_edit_clone_delete > .vc_control.column_clone' ).hide(); this.$ul.find( '> .vc_param_group-add_content' ).hide(); } if ( ! this.options.sortable ) { this.$ul.find( '> .wpb_vc_row > .vc_param_group-controls > .vc_control.column_move' ).hide(); } if ( ! this.options.deletable ) { this.$ul.find( '> .wpb_vc_row > .vc_param_group-controls > .vc_row_edit_clone_delete > .vc_control.column_delete' ).hide(); } if ( ! this.options.collapsible ) { this.$ul.find( '> .wpb_vc_row > .vc_param_group-controls > .vc_row_edit_clone_delete > .vc_control.column_toggle' ).hide(); } }, afterDelete: function () { if ( this.addAllowed() ) { this.$ul.find( '> .wpb_vc_row > .vc_param_group-controls > .vc_row_edit_clone_delete > .vc_control.column_clone' ).show(); this.$ul.find( '> .vc_param_group-add_content' ).show(); } } } ); var VC_ParamGroup_Param = Backbone.View.extend( { events: { 'click > .controls > .vc_row_edit_clone_delete > .vc_control.column_toggle': 'toggle', 'click > .controls > .vc_row_edit_clone_delete > .vc_control.column_delete': 'deleteParam', 'click > .controls > .vc_row_edit_clone_delete > .vc_control.column_clone': 'clone' }, initialize: function ( options ) { this.options = options; this.$content = this.options.parent.$ul; this.model = vc.active_panel.model; }, deleteParam: function ( ev ) { _.isObject( ev ) && ev.preventDefault && ev.preventDefault(); var answer = confirm( window.i18nLocale.press_ok_to_delete_section ); if ( answer === true ) { this.options.parent.items --; this.options.parent.afterDelete(); this.$el.remove(); //todo check memleaks everywhere this.unbind(); // Unbind all local event bindings this.remove(); // Remove view from DOM } }, content: function () { return this.$content; }, clone: function ( ev ) { ev.preventDefault(); if ( this.options.parent.addAllowed() ) { var param = this.options.parent.$ 'settings' ); var $content = this.$content; this.$content = this.$el; var value = this, param ); $.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: window.ajaxurl, data: { action: 'vc_param_group_clone', param: encodeURIComponent( JSON.stringify( param ) ), shortcode: vc.active_panel.model.get( 'shortcode' ), value: value, vc_inline: true }, dataType: 'html', context: this } ).done( function ( html ) { var $newEl; $newEl = $( html ); $newEl.insertAfter( this.$el ); this.$content = $content; this.options.parent.initializer.$content = $( '> .wpb_element_wrapper', $newEl ); this.options.parent.initializer.render(); new VC_ParamGroup_Param( { el: $newEl, parent: this.options.parent } ); this.options.parent.items ++; this.options.parent.afterAdd(); } ); } }, toggle: function ( ev ) { ev.preventDefault(); var $elem = this.$el.find( '> .wpb_element_wrapper' ); $elem.slideToggle(); $elem.parent().toggleClass( 'vc_param_group-collapsed' ); } } ); var i18n = window.i18nLocale; vc.edit_form_callbacks = []; vc.atts = { parse: function ( param ) { var value; var $field = this.content().find( '.wpb_vc_param_value[name=' + param.param_name + ']' ); if ( ! _.isUndefined( vc.atts[ param.type ] ) && ! _.isUndefined( vc.atts[ param.type ].parse ) ) { value = vc.atts[ param.type ] this, param ); } else { value = $field.length ? $field.val() : null; } if ( $ 'js-function' ) !== undefined && typeof(window[ $ 'js-function' ) ]) !== 'undefined' ) { var fn = window[ $ 'js-function' ) ]; fn( this.$el, this, param ); } return value; }, parseFrame: function ( param ) { var value; var $field = this.content().find( '.wpb_vc_param_value[name=' + param.param_name + ']' ); if ( ! _.isUndefined( vc.atts[ param.type ] ) && ! _.isUndefined( vc.atts[ param.type ].parse ) ) { value = vc.atts[ param.type ] this, param ); } else { value = $field.length ? $field.val() : null; } if ( $ 'js-function' ) !== undefined && typeof(window[ $ 'js-function' ) ]) !== 'undefined' ) { var fn = window[ $ 'js-function' ) ]; fn( this.$el, this, param ); } return value; }, init: function ( param, $field ) { if ( ! _.isUndefined( vc.atts[ param.type ] ) && ! _.isUndefined( vc.atts[ param.type ].init ) ) { vc.atts[ param.type ] this, param, $field ); } } }; // Default atts vc.atts.textarea_html = { parse: function ( param ) { var _window = this.window(), $field = this.content().find( '.textarea_html.' + param.param_name + '' ); try { if ( _window.tinyMCE && _.isArray( _window.tinyMCE.editors ) ) { _.each( _window.tinyMCE.editors, function ( _editor ) { if ( 'wpb_tinymce_content' === ) {; } } ); } } catch ( e ) { console && console.error && console.error( e ); } return $field.val(); }, render: function ( param, value ) { return _.isUndefined( value ) ? value : vc_wpautop( value ); } }; vc.atts.textarea_safe = { parse: function ( param ) { var $field = this.content().find( '.wpb_vc_param_value[name=' + param.param_name + ']' ), new_value = $field.val(); return new_value.match( /"/ ) ? '#E-8_' + base64_encode( rawurlencode( new_value ) ) : new_value; }, render: function ( param, value ) { return value && value.match( /^#E\-8_/ ) ? $( "<div/>" ).text( rawurldecode( base64_decode( value.replace( /^#E\-8_/, '' ) ) ) ).html() : value; } }; vc.atts.checkbox = { parse: function ( param ) { var arr = [], new_value = ""; if ( _.isUndefined( param.save_always ) ) { param.save_always = true; // fix #1239 } $( 'input[name=' + param.param_name + ']', this.content() ).each( function () { var self = $( this ); if ( ':checked' ) ) { arr.push( self.attr( "value" ) ); } } ); if ( arr.length > 0 ) { new_value = arr.join( ',' ); } return new_value; }, defaults: function ( param ) { return ''; } }; vc.atts.el_id = { /** * Called when shortcode cloning happens * Resets el_id value * * @param clonedModel * @param paramValue * @param paramSettings * @param shortcodeParams * @param eventType */ clone: function ( clonedModel, paramValue, paramSettings ) { var shortcodeParams; shortcodeParams = clonedModel.get( 'params' ); shortcodeParams[ paramSettings.param_name ] = ""; // just reset a value clonedModel.set( { params: shortcodeParams }, { silent: true } ); }, /** * Called when shortcode being created, used to generate new Id or remove it * * @param shortcodeModel * @param paramValue * @param paramSettings * @param shortcodeParams * @param eventType */ create: function ( shortcodeModel, paramValue, paramSettings ) { if ( shortcodeModel.get( 'cloned' ) ) { vc.atts.el_id.clone( shortcodeModel, paramValue, paramSettings ); } if ( _.isEmpty( paramValue ) && ! _.isUndefined( paramSettings ) && ! _.isUndefined( paramSettings.settings ) && ! _.isUndefined( paramSettings.settings.auto_generate ) && true == paramSettings.settings.auto_generate ) { var shortcodeParams; shortcodeParams = shortcodeModel.get( 'params' ); shortcodeParams[ paramSettings.param_name ] = + new Date() + '-' + vc_guid(); shortcodeModel.set( { params: shortcodeParams }, { silent: true } ); } // shortcode_params is passed by reference (due to object) and this will saved after add/clone being } }; // Adding event listener on shortcode being created having param_type el_id 'shortcodes:add:param:type:el_id', vc.atts.el_id.create ); vc.atts.posttypes = { parse: function ( param ) { var posstypes_arr = [], new_value = ''; $( 'input[name=' + param.param_name + ']', this.content() ).each( function () { var self = $( this ); if ( ':checked' ) ) { posstypes_arr.push( self.attr( "value" ) ); } } ); if ( posstypes_arr.length > 0 ) { new_value = posstypes_arr.join( ',' ); } return new_value; } }; vc.atts.taxonomies = { parse: function ( param ) { var posstypes_arr = [], new_value = ''; $( 'input[name=' + param.param_name + ']', this.content() ).each( function () { var self = $( this ); if ( ':checked' ) ) { posstypes_arr.push( self.attr( "value" ) ); } } ); if ( posstypes_arr.length > 0 ) { new_value = posstypes_arr.join( ',' ); } return new_value; } }; vc.atts.exploded_textarea = { parse: function ( param ) { var $field = this.content().find( '.wpb_vc_param_value[name=' + param.param_name + ']' ); return $field.val().replace( /\n/g, "," ); } }; vc.atts.textarea_raw_html = { parse: function ( param ) { var $field = this.content().find( '.wpb_vc_param_value[name=' + param.param_name + ']' ), new_value = $field.val(); return base64_encode( rawurlencode( new_value ) ); }, render: function ( param, value ) { return $( "<div/>" ).text( rawurldecode( base64_decode( value ) ) ).html(); } }; vc.atts.dropdown = { render: function ( param, value ) { return value; }, init: function ( param, $field ) { $( '.wpb_vc_param_value.dropdown', $field ).change( function () { var $this = $( this ), $options = $this.find( ':selected' ), prev_option_class = $ 'option' ), option_class = $options.length ? $options.attr( 'class' ).replace( /\s/g, '_' ) : ''; prev_option_class != undefined && $this.removeClass( prev_option_class ); option_class != undefined && $ 'option', option_class ) && $this.addClass( option_class ); } ); }, defaults: function ( param ) { var values; if ( ! _.isArray( param.value ) && ! _.isString( param.value ) ) { values = _.values( param.value )[ 0 ]; return values.label ? values.value : values; } else if ( _.isArray( param.value ) ) { values = param.value[ 0 ]; return _.isArray( values ) && values.length ? values[ 0 ] : values; } return ''; } }; vc.atts.attach_images = { parse: function ( param ) { var $field = this.content().find( '.wpb_vc_param_value[name=' + param.param_name + ']' ), thumbnails_html = ''; // TODO: Check image search with Wordpress $field.parent().find( 'li.added' ).each( function () { thumbnails_html += '<li><img src="' + $( this ).find( 'img' ).attr( 'src' ) + '" alt=""></li>'; } ); $( '[data-model-id=' + + ']' ).data( 'field-' + param.param_name + '-attach-images', thumbnails_html ); return $field.length ? $field.val() : null; }, render: function ( param, value ) { var $thumbnails = this.$el.find( '.attachment-thumbnails[data-name=' + param.param_name + ']' ), thumbnails_html = this.$ 'field-' + param.param_name + '-attach-images' ); if ( _.isUndefined( thumbnails_html ) && ! _.isEmpty( value ) ) { $.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: window.ajaxurl, data: { action: 'wpb_gallery_html', content: value }, dataType: 'html', context: this } ).done( function ( html ) { vc.atts.attach_images.updateImages( $thumbnails, html ); } ); } else if ( ! _.isUndefined( thumbnails_html ) ) { this.$el.removeData( 'field-' + param.param_name + '-attach-images' ); vc.atts.attach_images.updateImages( $thumbnails, thumbnails_html ); } return value; }, updateImages: function ( $thumbnails, thumbnails_html ) { $thumbnails.html( thumbnails_html ); if ( thumbnails_html.length ) { $thumbnails.removeClass( 'image-exists' ).next().addClass( 'image-exists' ); } else { $thumbnails.addClass( 'image-exists' ).next().removeClass( 'image-exists' ); } } }; vc.atts.href = { parse: function ( param ) { var $field = this.content().find( '.wpb_vc_param_value[name=' + param.param_name + ']' ), val = ''; if ( $field.length && $field.val() != 'http://' ) { val = $field.val(); } return val; } }; vc.atts.attach_image = { parse: function ( param ) { var $field = this.content().find( '.wpb_vc_param_value[name=' + param.param_name + ']' ), image_src = ''; if ( $field.parent().find( 'li.added' ).length ) { image_src = $field.parent().find( 'li.added img' ).attr( 'src' ); } $( '[data-model-id=' + + ']' ).data( 'field-' + param.param_name + '-attach-image', image_src ); return $field.length ? $field.val() : null; }, render: function ( param, value ) { var $model = $( '[data-model-id=' + + ']' ); var image_src = $ 'field-' + param.param_name + '-attach-image' ); var $thumbnail = this.$el.find( '.attachment-thumbnail[data-name=' + param.param_name + ']' ); if ( _.isUndefined( image_src ) && ! _.isEmpty( value ) ) { $.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: window.ajaxurl, data: { action: 'wpb_single_image_src', content: value }, dataType: 'html', context: this } ).done( function ( src ) { vc.atts[ 'attach_image' ].updateImage( $thumbnail, src ); } ); } else if ( ! _.isUndefined( image_src ) ) { $model.removeData( 'field-' + param.param_name + '-attach-image' ); vc.atts[ 'attach_image' ].updateImage( $thumbnail, image_src ); } return value; }, updateImage: function ( $thumbnail, image_src ) { if ( _.isEmpty( image_src ) ) { $thumbnail.attr( 'src', '' ).hide(); $ 'image-exists' ).next().removeClass( 'image-exists' ); } else { $thumbnail.attr( 'src', image_src ).show(); $ 'image-exists' ).next().addClass( 'image-exists' ); } } }; vc.atts.google_fonts = { parse: function ( param ) { var $field = this.content().find( '.wpb_vc_param_value[name=' + param.param_name + ']' ); var $block = $field.parent(); var options = {}, string_pieces, string; options.font_family = $block.find( '.vc_google_fonts_form_field-font_family-select > option:selected' ).val(); options.font_style = $block.find( '.vc_google_fonts_form_field-font_style-select > option:selected' ).val(); string_pieces = options, function ( value, key ) { if ( _.isString( value ) && value.length > 0 ) { return key + ':' + encodeURIComponent( value ); } } ); string = $.grep( string_pieces, function ( value ) { return _.isString( value ) && value.length > 0; } ).join( '|' ); return string; }, init: function ( param, $field ) { var $g_fonts = $field; if ( $g_fonts.length ) { if ( typeof WebFont != "undefined" ) { new GoogleFonts( { el: $g_fonts } ); } else { $g_fonts.find( '> .edit_form_line' ).html( window.i18nLocale.gfonts_unable_to_load_google_fonts || "Unable to load Google Fonts" ); } } } }; vc.atts.font_container = { parse: function ( param ) { var $field = this.content().find( '.wpb_vc_param_value[name=' + param.param_name + ']' ); var $block = $field.parent(); var options = {}, string_pieces, string; options.tag = $block.find( '.vc_font_container_form_field-tag-select > option:selected' ).val(); options.font_size = $block.find( '.vc_font_container_form_field-font_size-input' ).val(); options.text_align = $block.find( '.vc_font_container_form_field-text_align-select > option:selected' ).val(); options.font_family = $block.find( '.vc_font_container_form_field-font_family-select > option:selected' ).val(); options.color = $block.find( '.vc_font_container_form_field-color-input' ).val(); options.line_height = $block.find( '.vc_font_container_form_field-line_height-input' ).val(); options.font_style_italic = $block.find( '.vc_font_container_form_field-font_style-checkbox.italic' ).is( ':checked' ) ? "1" : ""; options.font_style_bold = $block.find( '.vc_font_container_form_field-font_style-checkbox.bold' ).is( ':checked' ) ? "1" : ""; string_pieces = options, function ( value, key ) { if ( _.isString( value ) && value.length > 0 ) { return key + ':' + encodeURIComponent( value ); } } ); string = $.grep( string_pieces, function ( value ) { return _.isString( value ) && value.length > 0; } ).join( '|' ); return string; }, init: function ( param, $field ) { this, param, $field ); } }; vc.atts.param_group = { parse: function ( param ) { var $content, $block, $list; $content = this.content(); $block = $content.find( '.wpb_el_type_param_group.vc_shortcode-param[data-param_name="' + param[ 'param_name' ] + '"]' ); $list = $block.find( '> .edit_form_line > .vc_param_group-list' ); data = this, param, $( '>.wpb_vc_row:not(".vc_param_group-add_content-wrapper")', $list ) ); // return back content to be correct on next save this.$content = $content; return encodeURIComponent( JSON.stringify( data ) ); }, extractValues: function ( param, $el ) { var data, self; data = []; self = this; $el.each( function () { var innerData; innerData = {}; self.$content = $( this ); _.each( param[ 'params' ], function ( par ) { var innerParam, innerParamName, value; innerParam = $.extend( {}, par ); innerParamName = innerParam[ 'param_name' ]; innerParam[ 'param_name' ] = param[ 'param_name' ] + '_' + innerParamName; value = self, innerParam ); if ( value.length || innerParam.save_always ) { innerData[ innerParamName ] = value; } } ); data.push( innerData ); } ); return data; }, parseOne: function ( param ) { var $content, data; $content = this.content(); data = this, param, $content ); this.$content = $content; return encodeURIComponent( JSON.stringify( data ) ); }, init: function ( param, $field ) { new VC_ParamGroup( { el: $field } ); } }; vc.atts.colorpicker = { init: function ( param, $field ) { var $content = $field; $( '.vc_color-control', $content ).each( function () { var $control = $( this ), value = $control.val().replace( /\s+/g, '' ), alpha_val = 100, $alpha, $alpha_output; if ( value.match( /rgba\(\d+\,\d+\,\d+\,([^\)]+)\)/ ) ) { alpha_val = parseFloat( value.match( /rgba\(\d+\,\d+\,\d+\,([^\)]+)\)/ )[ 1 ] ) * 100; } $control.wpColorPicker( { clear: function ( event, ui ) { $alpha.val( 100 ); $alpha_output.val( 100 + '%' ); } } ); $( '<div class="vc_alpha-container">' + '<label>Alpha: <output class="rangevalue">' + alpha_val + '%</output></label>' + '<input type="range" min="1" max="100" value="' + alpha_val + '" name="alpha" class="vc_alpha-field">' + '</div>' ).appendTo( $control.parents( '.wp-picker-container:first' ).addClass( 'vc_color-picker' ).find( '.iris-picker' ) ); $alpha = $control.parents( '.wp-picker-container:first' ).find( '.vc_alpha-field' ); $alpha_output = $control.parents( '.wp-picker-container:first' ).find( '.vc_alpha-container output' ); $alpha.bind( 'change keyup', function () { var alpha_val = parseFloat( $alpha.val() ), iris = $ 'a8c-iris' ), color_picker = $ 'wp-wpColorPicker' ); $alpha_output.val( $alpha.val() + '%' ); iris._color._alpha = alpha_val / 100.0; $control.val( iris._color.toString() ); color_picker.toggler.css( { backgroundColor: $control.val() } ); } ).val( alpha_val ).trigger( 'change' ); } ); } }; vc.atts.autocomplete = { init: function ( param, $field ) { var $el_type_autocomplete = $field; if ( $el_type_autocomplete.length ) { $el_type_autocomplete.each( function () { var $param = $( '.wpb_vc_param_value', this ); var param_name = $param.attr( 'name' ); var $el = $( '.vc_auto_complete_param', this ); var options = {}; options = $.extend( { $param_input: $param, $el: $el, param_name: param_name }, $ 'settings' ) ); var ac = new VC_AutoComplete( options ); if ( options.multiple ) { ac.enableMultiple(); } if ( options.sortable ) { ac.enableSortable(); } $ 'object', ac ); } ); } } }; vc.atts.loop = { init: function ( param, $field ) { new VcLoop( { el: $field } ); } }; vc.atts.vc_link = { init: function ( param, $field ) { $( '.vc_link-build', $field ).click( function ( e ) { var $block, $input, $url_label, $title_label, value_object, $link_submit, $vc_link_submit, dialog; e.preventDefault(); $block = $( this ).closest( '.vc_link' ); $input = $block.find( '.wpb_vc_param_value' ); $url_label = $block.find( '.url-label' ); $title_label = $block.find( '.title-label' ); value_object = $ 'json' ); $link_submit = $( '#wp-link-submit' ); $vc_link_submit = $( '<input type="submit" name="vc_link-submit" id="vc_link-submit" class="button-primary" value="Set Link">' ); $link_submit.hide(); $( "#vc_link-submit" ).remove(); $vc_link_submit.insertBefore( $link_submit ); if ( ! window.wpLink && $.fn.wpdialog && $( '#wp-link' ).length ) { dialog = { $link: false, open: function () { this.$link = $( '#wp-link' ).wpdialog( { title: wpLinkL10n.title, width: 480, height: 'auto', modal: true, dialogClass: 'wp-dialog', zIndex: 300000 } ); }, close: function () { this.$link.wpdialog( 'close' ); } }; } else { dialog = window.wpLink; } // window.wpLink.textarea = this;'content'); if ( _.isString( value_object.url ) ) { $( '#wp-link-url' ).length ? $( '#wp-link-url' ).val( value_object.url ) : $( '#url-field' ).val( value_object.url ); } if ( _.isString( value_object.title ) ) { $( '#wp-link-text' ).length ? $( '#wp-link-text' ).val( value_object.title ) : $( '#link-title-field' ).val( value_object.title ); } if ( $( '#wp-link-target' ).length ) { $( '#wp-link-target' ).prop( 'checked', ! _.isEmpty( ) ); } else { $( '#link-target-checkbox' ).prop( 'checked', ! _.isEmpty( ) ); } $vc_link_submit.unbind( 'click.vcLink' ).bind( 'click.vcLink', function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); var options = {}, string = ''; options.url = $( '#wp-link-url' ).length ? $( '#wp-link-url' ).val() : $( '#url-field' ).val(); options.title = $( '#wp-link-text' ).length ? $( '#wp-link-text' ).val() : $( '#link-title-field' ).val(); var $checkbox = $( '#wp-link-target' ).length ? $( '#wp-link-target' ) : $( '#link-target-checkbox' ); = $ ':checked' ) ? ' _blank' : ''; string = options, function ( value, key ) { if ( _.isString( value ) && value.length > 0 ) { return key + ':' + encodeURIComponent( value ); } } ).join( '|' ); $input.val( string ); $ 'json', options ); $url_label.html( options.url + ); $title_label.html( options.title ); // $dialog.wpdialog('close'); dialog.close(); $; $vc_link_submit.unbind( 'click.vcLink' ); $vc_link_submit.remove(); // remove vc_link hooks for wpLink $( '#wp-link-cancel' ).unbind( 'click.vcLink' ); window.wpLink.textarea = ''; $checkbox.attr( 'checked', false ); return false; } ); $( '#wp-link-cancel' ).unbind( 'click.vcLink' ).bind( 'click.vcLink', function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); dialog.close(); // remove vc_link hooks for wpLink $vc_link_submit.unbind( 'click.vcLink' ); $vc_link_submit.remove(); // remove vc_link hooks for wpLink $( '#wp-link-cancel' ).unbind( 'click.vcLink' ); window.wpLink.textarea = ''; } ); } ); } }; vc.atts.sorted_list = { init: function ( param, $field ) { $( '.vc_sorted-list', $field ).VcSortedList(); } }; vc.atts.options = { init: function ( param, $field ) { new VcOptionsField( { el: $field } ); } }; vc.atts.iconpicker = { change: function ( param, $field ) { var $select = $field.find( '.vc-iconpicker' ); $select.val( this.value ); $ 'vc-no-check', true ); $select.find( '[value="' + this.value + '"]' ).attr( 'selected', 'selected' ); $ 'vcFontIconPicker' ).loadIcons(); // this methods actualy reload "active icon" and triggers event change }, parse: function ( param ) { var $field = this.content().find( '.wpb_vc_param_value[name=' + param.param_name + ']' ); var $block = $field.parent(); var val = $block.find( '.vc-iconpicker' ).val(); return val; }, init: function ( param, $field ) { var $el = $field.find( '.wpb_vc_param_value' ); var settings = $.extend( { iconsPerPage: 100, // default icons per page for iconpicker iconDownClass: 'fip-fa fa fa-arrow-down', iconUpClass: 'fip-fa fa fa-arrow-up', iconLeftClass: 'fip-fa fa fa-arrow-left', iconRightClass: 'fip-fa fa fa-arrow-right', iconSearchClass: 'fip-fa fa fa-search', iconCancelClass: 'fip-fa fa fa-remove', iconBlockClass: 'fip-fa fa fa-minus-circle' }, $ 'settings' ) ); $field.find( '.vc-iconpicker' ).vcFontIconPicker( settings ).on( 'change', function ( e ) { var $select = $( this ); if ( ! $ 'vc-no-check' ) ) { //event.extra_type = true; $ 'vc-no-check', true ).val( this.value ).trigger( 'change' ); } $ 'vc-no-check', false ); } ); $el.on( 'change', function ( e ) { if ( ! $ 'vc-no-check' ) ) { this, param, $field ); } $ 'vc-no-check', false ); } ); } }; vc.atts.animation_style = { init: function ( param, $field ) { var content = $field; var $field_input = $( '.wpb_vc_param_value[name=' + param.param_name + ']', content ); $( 'option[value="' + $field_input.val() + '"]', content ).attr( 'selected', true ); var animation_style_test = function ( el, x ) { $( el ).removeClass().addClass( x + ' animated' ).one( 'webkitAnimationEnd mozAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd oanimationend animationend', function () { $( this ).removeClass().addClass( 'vc_param-animation-style-preview' ); } ); }; $( '.vc_param-animation-style-trigger', content ).click( function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var animation = $( '.vc_param-animation-style', content ).val(); if ( animation != 'none' ) { animation_style_test( this.parentNode, 'vc_param-animation-style-preview ' + animation ); } } ); $( '.vc_param-animation-style', content ).change( function () { var animation = $( this ).val(); $field_input.val( animation ); if ( animation != 'none' ) { var el = $( '.vc_param-animation-style-preview', content ); animation_style_test( el, 'vc_param-animation-style-preview ' + animation ); } } ); } }; vc.atts.vc_grid_id = { /** * Called in backend when element being save by edit form * @returns {string} */ parse: function () { var value = 'vc_gid:' + (+ new Date() + '-' + this.model.get( 'id' ) + '-' + Math.floor( Math.random() * 11 )); return value; } }; /** * * @type {{addShortcode: Function}} */ vc.atts.addShortcodeIdParam = function ( model ) { var params, settings; params = model.get( 'params' ); settings =[ model.get( 'shortcode' ) ]; if ( _.isArray( settings.params ) ) { _.each( settings.params, function ( p ) { if ( 'tab_id' === p.type && _.isEmpty( params[ p.param_name ] ) ) { params[ p.param_name ] = vc_guid() + '-' + Math.floor( Math.random() * 11 ); } else if ( 'vc_grid_id' === p.type ) { params[ p.param_name ] = { model: model } ); } } ); } 'params', params, { silent: true } ); }; vc.getMapped = function ( tag ) { return[ tag ] || {}; } })( window.jQuery );