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Dir : /home/trave494/ |
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Dir : /home/trave494/ |
<?php /* * jQuery File Upload Plugin PHP Example 5.2.2 * * * Copyright 2010, Sebastian Tschan * * * Licensed under the MIT license: * */ //session_start(); class UploadHandlerMan_penny_theme { private $options; function __construct($options=null) { $uploads = wp_upload_dir(); if(!file_exists($uploads['path'])) mkdir($uploads['path'],777); $this->options = array( 'script_url' => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'upload_dir' => $uploads['path']."/", 'upload_url' => $uploads['url']."/", 'param_name' => 'files', // The php.ini settings upload_max_filesize and post_max_size // take precedence over the following max_file_size setting: 'max_file_size' => null, 'min_file_size' => 1, 'accept_file_types' => '/.+$/i', 'max_number_of_files' => null, 'discard_aborted_uploads' => true, 'image_versions' => array( // Uncomment the following version to restrict the size of // uploaded images. You can also add additional versions with // their own upload directories: /* 'large' => array( 'upload_dir' => dirname(__FILE__).'/files/', 'upload_url' => dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']).'/files/', 'max_width' => 1920, 'max_height' => 1200 ), */ /* 'thumbnail' => array( 'upload_dir' => dirname(__FILE__).'/thumbnails/', 'upload_url' => dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']).'/thumbnails/', 'max_width' => 80, 'max_height' => 80 )*/ ) ); if ($options) { $this->options = array_merge_recursive($this->options, $options); } } private function get_file_object($pid) { $post = get_post($pid); $file = new stdClass(); $file->name = $post->post_title; $file->size = filesize($file_path); $file->url = PennyTheme_generate_thumb(wp_get_attachment_url($pid),70,70); $file->{'thumbnail_url'} = PennyTheme_generate_thumb(wp_get_attachment_url($pid),70,70); $file->delete_url = get_bloginfo('siteurl')."/?_ad_delete_pid=".$pid; $file->delete_type = 'DELETE'; return $file; } private function get_file_objects() { $pid = $_GET['pid']; $args = array( 'order' => 'ASC', 'orderby' => 'menu_order', 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_parent' => $pid, 'post_mime_type' => 'image', 'post_status' => null, 'numberposts' => -1, ); $arr = array(); $attachments = get_posts($args); if ($attachments) { foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { array_push($arr,$attachment->ID); } } return array_values(array_filter(array_map( array($this, 'get_file_object'), $arr ))); } private function create_scaled_image($file_name, $options) { $file_path = $this->options['upload_dir'].$file_name; $new_file_path = $options['upload_dir'].$file_name; list($img_width, $img_height) = @getimagesize($file_path); if (!$img_width || !$img_height) { return false; } $scale = min( $options['max_width'] / $img_width, $options['max_height'] / $img_height ); if ($scale > 1) { $scale = 1; } $new_width = $img_width * $scale; $new_height = $img_height * $scale; $new_img = @imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height); switch (strtolower(substr(strrchr($file_name, '.'), 1))) { case 'jpg': case 'jpeg': $src_img = @imagecreatefromjpeg($file_path); $write_image = 'imagejpeg'; break; case 'gif': $src_img = @imagecreatefromgif($file_path); $write_image = 'imagegif'; break; case 'png': $src_img = @imagecreatefrompng($file_path); $write_image = 'imagepng'; break; default: $src_img = $image_method = null; } $success = $src_img && @imagecopyresampled( $new_img, $src_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $img_width, $img_height ) && $write_image($new_img, $new_file_path); // Free up memory (imagedestroy does not delete files): @imagedestroy($src_img); @imagedestroy($new_img); return $success; } private function has_error($uploaded_file, $file, $error) { if ($error) { return $error; } if (!preg_match($this->options['accept_file_types'], $file->name)) { return 'acceptFileTypes'; } if ($uploaded_file && is_uploaded_file($uploaded_file)) { $file_size = filesize($uploaded_file); } else { $file_size = $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH']; } if ($this->options['max_file_size'] && ( $file_size > $this->options['max_file_size'] || $file->size > $this->options['max_file_size']) ) { return 'maxFileSize'; } if ($this->options['min_file_size'] && $file_size < $this->options['min_file_size']) { return 'minFileSize'; } if (is_int($this->options['max_number_of_files']) && ( count($this->get_file_objects()) >= $this->options['max_number_of_files']) ) { return 'maxNumberOfFiles'; } return $error; } private function count_the_number_pics($pid) { $args = array( 'order' => 'ASC', 'orderby' => 'menu_order', 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_parent' => $pid, 'post_mime_type' => 'image', 'post_status' => null, 'numberposts' => -1, ); $attachments = get_posts($args); return count($attachments); } function multiple(array $_files, $top = TRUE) { $new_array = array(); $new_array['name'] = $_files['name'][0]; $new_array['type'] = $_files['type'][0]; $new_array['tmp_name'] = $_files['tmp_name'][0]; $new_array['error'] = $_files['error'][0]; $new_array['size'] = $_files['size'][0]; return $new_array; } private function handle_file_upload($uploaded_file, $name, $size, $type, $error) { $file = new stdClass(); $pid = $_POST['pid']; $cid = $_POST['cid']; session_start(); if(isset($_SESSION['sitemile_max_picture_number'])): $nr = $_SESSION['sitemile_max_picture_number']; $cnt = $this->count_the_number_pics($pid); if($nr < ($cnt+1)): $file->error = 'maxNumberOfFiles'; return $file; endif; endif; require_once(ABSPATH . "wp-admin" . '/includes/file.php'); $new_FILES = $this->multiple($_FILES['files']); $upload_overrides = array( 'test_form' => false ); $uploaded_file = wp_handle_upload($new_FILES, $upload_overrides); $file->url = $uploaded_file; $file_name_and_location = $uploaded_file['file']; $file_title_for_media_library = $new_FILES['name']; $arr_file_type = wp_check_filetype(basename($new_FILES['name'])); $uploaded_file_type = $arr_file_type['type']; $file_size = $new_FILES['size']; $attachment = array( 'post_mime_type' => $uploaded_file_type, 'post_title' => 'Uploaded image ' . addslashes($file_title_for_media_library), 'post_content' => '', 'post_status' => 'inherit', 'post_author' => $cid, ); require_once(ABSPATH . "wp-admin" . '/includes/image.php'); $attach_id = wp_insert_attachment( $attachment, $file_name_and_location, $pid ); $attach_data = wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $attach_id, $file_name_and_location ); wp_update_attachment_metadata($attach_id, $attach_data); $go = AuctionTheme_generate_thumb(wp_get_attachment_url($attach_id),70,70); $file->id = $attach_id; $file->url = wp_get_attachment_url($attach_id); $file->size = $new_FILES['size']; $file->delete_url = get_bloginfo('siteurl')."/?_ad_delete_pid=".$attach_id; $file->delete_type = 'DELETE'; $file->name = $new_FILES['name']; $file->type = $new_FILES['type']; $file->thumbnail_url = $go; return $file; } public function get() { $file_name = isset($_REQUEST['file']) ? basename(stripslashes($_REQUEST['file'])) : null; if ($file_name) { $info = $this->get_file_object($file_name); } else { $info = $this->get_file_objects(); } header('Content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode($info); } public function post() { $upload = isset($_FILES[$this->options['param_name']]) ? $_FILES[$this->options['param_name']] : array( 'tmp_name' => null, 'name' => null, 'size' => null, 'type' => null, 'error' => null ); $info = array(); if (is_array($upload['tmp_name'])) { foreach ($upload['tmp_name'] as $index => $value) { $info[] = $this->handle_file_upload( $upload['tmp_name'][$index], isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_NAME'] : $upload['name'][$index], isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_SIZE']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_SIZE'] : $upload['size'][$index], isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_TYPE']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_TYPE'] : $upload['type'][$index], $upload['error'][$index] ); } } else { $info[] = $this->handle_file_upload( $upload['tmp_name'], isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_NAME'] : $upload['name'], isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_SIZE']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_SIZE'] : $upload['size'], isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_TYPE']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILE_TYPE'] : $upload['type'], $upload['error'] ); } header('Vary: Accept'); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']) && (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'], 'application/json') !== false)) { header('Content-type: application/json'); } else { header('Content-type: text/plain'); } $json = json_encode($info); echo $json; } public function delete() { $file_name = isset($_REQUEST['file']) ? basename(stripslashes($_REQUEST['file'])) : null; $file_path = $this->options['upload_dir'].$file_name; $success = is_file($file_path) && $file_name[0] !== '.' && unlink($file_path); if ($success) { foreach($this->options['image_versions'] as $version => $options) { $file = $options['upload_dir'].$file_name; if (is_file($file)) { unlink($file); } } } header('Content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode($success); } } if(isset($_GET['_ad_delete_pid'])) { if(is_user_logged_in()) { $pid = $_GET['_ad_delete_pid']; $pstpst = get_post($pid); global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); if($pstpst->post_author == $current_user->ID) { wp_delete_post($_GET['_ad_delete_pid']); echo "done"; } } exit; } //------------------------------------------------------------- if(isset($_GET['uploady_thing'])) { $upload_handler = new UploadHandlerMan_penny_theme(); header('Pragma: no-cache'); header('Cache-Control: private, no-cache'); header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="files.json"'); switch ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) { case 'HEAD': case 'GET': $upload_handler->get(); break; case 'POST': $upload_handler->post(); break; case 'DELETE': $upload_handler->delete(); break; default: header('HTTP/1.0 405 Method Not Allowed'); } exit; } ?>