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Dir : /home/trave494/ |
Server: Linux 4.18.0-553.22.1.lve.1.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Oct 8 15:52:54 UTC 2024 x86_64 IP: |
Dir : /home/trave494/ |
// Woocommerce Category Filter ( function( theme, $ ) { /** Copyright (c) 2010, All Right Reserved, Wong Shek Hei @ License: GNU Lesser General Public License ( **/ var expr = /[.#\w].([\S]*)/g, classexpr = /(?!(\[))(\.)[^.#[]*/g, idexpr = /(#)[^.#[]*/, tagexpr = /^[\w]+/, varexpr = /(\w+?)=(['"])([^\2$]*?)\2/, simpleselector = /^[\w]+$/, parseSelector = function( d ) { for ( var c = { sel: [], val: [] }, a = [], j = !1, h = "", e = [], f = 0, m = d.length; f < m; f++ ) { var g = d.charAt( f ); if ( j ) if ( "\\" === g && f + 1 < d.length ) e.push( d.charAt( ++f ) ); else if ( h === g ) h = "", e.push( g ); else if ( ( "'" === g || '"' === g ) && "" === h ) h = g, e.push( g ); else if ( "]" === g && "" === h ) c.val.push( e.join( "" ) ), e = [], j = !1; else { if ( "]" !== g || "" !== h ) "" === h && "," === g ? ( c.val.push( e.join( "" ) ), e = [] ) : e.push( g ) } else "\\" === g && f + 1 < d.length ? j && e.push( d.charAt( ++f ) ) : "[" === g && "" === h ? j = !0 : " " === g || "+" === g ? ( c.sel = c.sel.join( "" ), a.push( c ), "+" === g && a.push( { sel: "+", val: "" } ), c = { sel: [], val: [] } ) : " " !== g && "]" !== g && c.sel.push( g ) } if ( 0 != c.sel.length || 0 != c.val.length ) c.sel = c.sel.join( "" ), a.push( c ); for ( f = 0; f < a.length; f++ ) { c = a[f].sel; if ( "+" === c ) b.tag = c; else { var b = []; b.tag = tagexpr.exec( c ); = idexpr.exec( c ); && Array.isArray( ) && ( =[0].substr( 1 ) ); b.tag || ( b.tag = "div" ); b.vars = []; for ( d = 0; d < a[f].val.length; d++ )h = a[f].val[d].indexOf( "=" ), j = a[f].val[d].substr( 0, h ), h = a[f].val[d].substr( h + 1 ), h = h.replace( /^[\s]*[\"\']*|[\"\']*[\s]*$/g, "" ), "text" === j ? b.text = h : b.vars.push( [j, h] ); c = c.match( classexpr ); j = []; if ( c ) { for ( d = 0; d < c.length; d++ )j.push( c[d].substr( 1 ) ); b.className = j.join( " " ) } } a[f] = b } return a }, rmFromParent = function( d ) { var c = d.parentNode, a = d.nextSibling; c.removeChild( d ); return a ? function() { c.insertBefore( d, a ) } : function() { c.appendChild( d ) } }, nonArrVer = function( d, c ) { var a = [], a = simpleselector.test( d ) ? [ { tag: d } ] : parseSelector( d ), j = []; "undefined" === typeof c && ( c = 1 ); for ( var h = [], e = [], f = [], m = document.createElement( "div" ), g = 0, b = 0; b < a.length; b++ ) { if ( "+" == a[b].tag ) e = f.slice(), --g; else { for ( var l = 0; l < c; l++ ) { var k; if ( "input" == a[b].tag ) { k = []; k.push( "<" + a[b].tag ); a[b].id && k.push( "id='" + a[b].id + "'" ); a[b].className && ( k.push( "class='" + a[b].className ), b + 1 === a.length && k.push( lastClass ), k.push( "'" ) ); if ( a[b].vars ) for ( var n = 0; n < a[b].vars.length; n++ )k.push( a[b].vars[n][0] + "='" + a[b].vars[n][1] + "'" ); a[b].text && k.push( "value='" + a[b].text + "'" ); k.push( "/>" ); f[l] = e[l]; e[l] ? ( e[l].innerHTML += k.join( " " ), e[l] = e[l].lastChild ) : ( m.innerHTML = k.join( " " ), e[l] = m.removeChild( m.firstChild ) ) } else { k = document.createElement( a[b].tag ); if ( a[b].vars ) for ( var n = 0; n < a[b].vars.length; n++ )k.setAttribute( a[b].vars[n][0], a[b].vars[n][1] ); a[b].id && ( = a[b].id ); a[b].className && ( k.className = a[b].className ); a[b].text && k.appendChild( document.createTextNode( a[b].text ) ); f[l] = e[l]; e[l] = e[l] ? e[l].appendChild( k ) : k } } g++ || Array.prototype.push.apply( h, e ); } j = $.merge( j, e ); } return $( h ) }, arrVer = function( d, c, a ) { for ( var j = d.match( /%[^%]*%/g ) || [], h = [], e = 0; e < c.length; e++ ) { for ( var f = d, m = 0; m < j.length; m++ )var g = j[m].substr( 1, j[m].length - 2 ), f = f.replace( j[m], c[e][g] ); h = $.merge( h, nonArrVer( f, a ) ) } return $( h ) }; $.porto_jseldom = function( d ) { if ( 2 == arguments.length && $.isPlainObject( arguments[1] ) ) return arrVer.apply( this, [arguments[0], [arguments[1]]] ); if ( 1 == arguments.length || 2 == arguments.length && !Array.isArray( arguments[1] ) ) return nonArrVer.apply( this, arguments ); if ( 2 == arguments.length ) return arrVer.apply( this, arguments ) }; var refreshPriceSlider = function() { var $price_slider = $( '.price_slider' ); if ( $price_slider.length ) { // woocommerce_price_slider_params is required to continue, ensure the object exists if ( typeof woocommerce_price_slider_params === 'undefined' ) { return false; } // Get markup ready for slider $( 'input#min_price, input#max_price' ).hide(); $( '.price_slider, .price_label' ).show(); // Price slider uses jquery ui var min_price = $( '.price_slider_amount #min_price' ).data( 'min' ), max_price = $( '.price_slider_amount #max_price' ).data( 'max' ), current_min_price = parseInt( $( '.price_slider_amount #min_price' ).val() ? $( '.price_slider_amount #min_price' ).val() : min_price, 10 ), current_max_price = parseInt( $( '.price_slider_amount #max_price' ).val() ? $( '.price_slider_amount #max_price' ).val() : max_price, 10 ); $( '.price_slider' ).slider( { range: true, animate: true, min: min_price, max: max_price, values: [current_min_price, current_max_price], create: function() { $( '.price_slider_amount #min_price' ).val( current_min_price ); $( '.price_slider_amount #max_price' ).val( current_max_price ); $( document.body ).trigger( 'price_slider_create', [current_min_price, current_max_price] ); }, slide: function( event, ui ) { $( 'input#min_price' ).val( ui.values[0] ); $( 'input#max_price' ).val( ui.values[1] ); $( document.body ).trigger( 'price_slider_slide', [ui.values[0], ui.values[1]] ); }, change: function( event, ui ) { $( document.body ).trigger( 'price_slider_change', [ui.values[0], ui.values[1]] ); } } ); } // remove filter loading $( '.yith-woo-ajax-navigation, .yith-wcan-list-price-filter' ).removeClass( 'loading' ); }; var categoryAjaxProcess = function( href, updateSelect2, updateStyle ) { if ( 'undefined' != typeof window.parent && 'undefined' != typeof ) { // prevent for WPBakery frontend preview return; } var shop_before = '.shop-loop-before', $shop_before = $( shop_before ), shop_after = '.shop-loop-after:not(.is-shortcode)', shop_container = '.archive-products .products:not(.is-shortcode)', shop_info = '.archive-products .woocommerce-info', //$wrapper = $(''), $shop_parent = $shop_before.parent(), $shop_container = $( shop_container ), $sticky_sidebar = $( '.sidebar [data-plugin-sticky]' ), show_toolbar = $ 'show' ), horizontal_filter = '.porto-product-filters:not(.style2)'; if ( show_toolbar ) $( shop_before + ',' + shop_after ).stop( true ).fadeTo( 400, 1 ).block( { message: null, overlayCSS: { opacity: 0.2 } } ); if ( js_porto_vars.use_skeleton_screen.indexOf( 'shop' ) == -1 ) { if ( $shop_container.length ) { $shop_container.addClass( 'yith-wcan-loading' ); if ( !$shop_container.children( '.porto-loading-icon' ).length ) { $shop_container.append( '<i class="porto-loading-icon"></i>' ); } } else { $( shop_info ).html( '' ).addClass( 'yith-wcan-loading products' ); if ( !$( shop_info ).children( '.porto-loading-icon' ).length ) { $( shop_info ).append( '<i class="porto-loading-icon"></i>' ); } } } else { if ( $shop_container.length ) { $shop_container.addClass( 'skeleton-body' ); var lg_cols, other_col_cls = $ ( $shop_container.hasClass( 'list' ) ? 'list' : 'grid' ) + '_col_cls' ); if ( $shop_container.hasClass( 'list' ) && !other_col_cls ) { lg_cols = 4; } else { for ( var i = 1; i <= 8; i++ ) { if ( $shop_container.hasClass( 'pcols-lg-' + i ) ) { lg_cols = i; break; } } if ( !lg_cols ) { if ( $shop_container.hasClass( 'has-ccols' ) ) { var clses; if ( other_col_cls ) { clses = $shop_container.attr( 'class' ).split( ' ' ); var new_cls = []; for ( var i = 0; i < clses.length; i++ ) { if ( 0 !== clses[i].indexOf( 'ccols-' ) && 'has-ccols' != clses[i] ) { new_cls.push( clses[i] ); } } $shop_container.attr( 'class', new_cls.join( ' ' ) + ' ' + other_col_cls ); clses = other_col_cls.split( ' ' ); } else { clses = $shop_container.attr( 'class' ).split( ' ' ); } for ( var i = 0; i < clses.length; i++ ) { if ( 0 === clses[i].indexOf( 'ccols-' ) ) { lg_cols = clses[i].replace( /ccols-[sm|md|lg|xl|xxl]*[-]*([\d])/, '$1' ); break; } } } } } if ( lg_cols ) { var product_class = 'product product-col'; $shop_container.empty(); if ( $ 'product_layout' ) ) { product_class += ' ' + escape( $ 'product_layout' ) ); } for ( var i = 0; i < lg_cols * 3; i++ ) { $shop_container.append( '<li class="' + product_class + '"></li>' ); } } else { $shop_container.find( '.product-col' ).empty(); } if ( $shop_container.hasClass( 'owl-loaded' ) ) { $shop_container.removeClass( 'owl-loaded' ); } } } if ( $( horizontal_filter ).length ) { $( horizontal_filter ).block( { message: null, overlayCSS: { opacity: 0.2 } } ); } if ( $sticky_sidebar.get( 0 ) ) { //$shop_parent.css('min-height', $sticky_sidebar.height()); theme.refreshStickySidebar( false ); } theme.scrolltoContainer( show_toolbar ? ( $shop_before.hasClass( 'sticky' ) && $shop_before.prev( '.filter-placeholder' ).length ? $shop_before.prev( '.filter-placeholder' ) : $shop_before ) : $shop_container ); $( '.yith-woo-ajax-navigation, .yith-wcan-list-price-filter' ).addClass( 'loading' ); var cart_content, widget_cart; if ( widget_cart = $( '.sidebar-content .widget_shopping_cart' ).get( 0 ) ) { cart_content = $( widget_cart ).html(); } $.ajax( { url: href, data: { portoajax: true, load_posts_only: true }, type: "POST", success: function( response ) { var $parent = $shop_container.parent(), $response = $( response ); if ( $sticky_sidebar.get( 0 ) ) $shop_parent.css( 'min-height', 0 ); var $response_container = $response.find( shop_container ); // products container if ( $response_container.length ) { if ( $shop_container.length && $ 'infinitescroll' ) ) { try { $ 'infinitescroll' ).destroy(); var ins = $ '__postsinfinite' ); if ( ins ) { ins.destroy(); } } catch ( e ) { } } // update style if ( typeof updateStyle != 'undefined' && updateStyle && $parent.hasClass( 'porto-posts-grid' ) ) { var old_style = $shop_container.siblings( 'style' ), new_style = $response_container.siblings( 'style' ); if ( old_style.length && new_style.length ) { old_style.replaceWith( new_style ); } } //$parent.html( $response_container ); $( $response_container ).addClass( 'animated fadeInUp' ); $shop_container.replaceWith( $response_container[0].outerHTML ); $shop_container = $( shop_container ); } else if ( $parent.hasClass( 'porto-posts-grid' ) ) { $shop_container.empty(); } else { $parent.html( $response.find( '.woocommerce-info' ) ); $parent.find( '.woocommerce-info' ).addClass( 'products' ); } if ( $( shop_before + ',' + shop_after ).get( 0 ) ) $( shop_before + ',' + shop_after ).stop( true ).css( 'opacity', '1' ).unblock(); // top toolbar if ( $response.find( shop_before ).length ) { if ( $( shop_before ).length == 0 ) { $.porto_jseldom( shop_before ).insertBefore( $( shop_container ) ); } $( shop_before ).each( function( index ) { var $res_shop_before = $response.find( shop_before ).eq( index ); if ( $res_shop_before.length ) { $( this ).html( $res_shop_before.html() ).show(); } } ); } else { $( shop_before ).empty(); } // reset variations form porto_woocommerce_variations_init( $parent ); // horizontal filter if ( $response.find( horizontal_filter ).length ) { $( horizontal_filter ).html( $response.find( horizontal_filter ).html() ); } $( horizontal_filter ).unblock(); // bottom toolbar if ( $response.find( shop_after ).length ) { if ( $( shop_after ).length == 0 ) { $.porto_jseldom( shop_after ).insertAfter( $( shop_container ) ); } $( shop_after ).html( $response.find( shop_after ).html() ).show(); } else { if ( $( shop_after ).length == 0 && $response.find( '.woocommerce-pagination' ).length ) { var $responsePg = $response.find( '.woocommerce-pagination' ); $( '.content-area#primary .woocommerce-pagination' ).each( function( index ) { var $responseContent = $responsePg.eq( index ); if ( $responseContent.length ) { $( this ).html( $responseContent.html() ); } } ); } else { $( shop_after ).empty(); } } // update pagination in shop builder var $pagination = $parent.children( '.pagination-wrap' ), $newPagination = $response_container.siblings( '.pagination-wrap' ); if ( $parent.hasClass( 'yit-wcan-container' ) ) { $pagination = $parent.siblings( '.pagination-wrap' ); } if ( $pagination.length ) { $pagination[0].outerHTML = $newPagination.length ? $newPagination[0].outerHTML : ''; } else { $newPagination.length && $parent.append( $newPagination ); } // update result count var $count = $( '.woocommerce-result-count' ); if ( $count.length ) { var $newCount = $response.find( '.woocommerce-result-count' ).eq( 0 ); $count[0].outerHTML = $newCount.length ? $newCount[0].outerHTML : ''; } // update category filter in shop builder /*var $filter = $parent.children( '.product-filter' ), $newFilter = $response_container.siblings( '.product-filter' ); if ( $filter.length ) { if ( $newFilter.length ) { $filter.replaceWith( $newFilter ); } else { $filter.remove(); } } else if ( $newFilter.length ) { $newFilter = $newFilter.insertBefore( $shop_container ); } if ( $newFilter.length && $newFilter.hasClass( 'porto-ajax-filter' ) ) { }*/ // infinite scroll if ( $parent.hasClass( 'porto-posts-grid' ) ) { if ( $ '.porto-ajax-load.load-infinite, .porto-ajax-load.load-more' ) ) { $parent.portoInfiniteScroll(); } } else if ( typeof theme.PostsInfinite !== 'undefined' && typeof porto_infinite_scroll !== 'undefined' ) { new theme.PostsInfinite( $( shop_container ) ); } $( '.sidebar-content' ).each( function( index ) { var $this = $( this ), $that = $( $response.find( '.sidebar-content' ).get( index ) ); $this.html( $that.html() ); if ( typeof updateSelect2 != 'undefined' && updateSelect2 ) { // Use Select2 enhancement if possible if ( jQuery().selectWoo ) { var porto_wc_layered_nav_select = function() { $this.find( 'select.woocommerce-widget-layered-nav-dropdown' ).each( function() { $( this ).selectWoo( { placeholder: $( this ).find( 'option' ).eq( 0 ).text(), minimumResultsForSearch: 5, width: '100%', allowClear: typeof $( this ).attr( 'multiple' ) != 'undefined' && $( this ).attr( 'multiple' ) == 'multiple' ? 'false' : 'true' } ); } ); }; porto_wc_layered_nav_select(); } $( 'body' ).children( 'span.select2-container' ).remove(); } } ); var $sidebar_menu = $( '.sidebar-content .sidebar-menu:not(.side-menu-accordion)' ); if ( $sidebar_menu.length ) { $sidebar_menu ); } var $script = $response.filter( 'script:contains("var woocommerce_price_slider_params")' ).first(); if ( $script && $script.length && $script.text().indexOf( '{' ) !== -1 && $script.text().indexOf( '}' ) !== -1 ) { var arrStr = $script.text().substring( $script.text().indexOf( '{' ), $script.text().indexOf( '}' ) + 1 ); window.woocommerce_price_slider_params = JSON.parse( arrStr ); }/* else { window.woocommerce_price_slider_params = undefined; }*/ //update browser history (IE doesn't support it) if ( !navigator.userAgent.match( /msie/i ) ) { window.history.pushState( { "pageTitle": response.pageTitle }, "", href ); } if ( $parent.hasClass( 'yit-wcan-container' ) ) { $parent.parent().removeClass( 'porto-ajax-loading' ); } else { $parent.removeClass( 'porto-ajax-loading' ); } //trigger ready event $( document ).trigger( "yith-wcan-ajax-filtered" ); if ( widget_cart = $( '.sidebar-content .widget_shopping_cart' ).get( 0 ) ) { $( '.sidebar-content .widget_shopping_cart' ).html( cart_content ); if ( $.cookie( 'woocommerce_items_in_cart' ) > 0 ) { $( '.hide_cart_widget_if_empty' ).closest( '.widget_shopping_cart' ).show(); } else { $( '.hide_cart_widget_if_empty' ).closest( '.widget_shopping_cart' ).hide(); } } if ( ( 'undefined' !== typeof yith_wcwl_l10n ) && yith_wcwl_l10n.enable_ajax_loading ) { $parent.trigger( 'yith_wcwl_reload_fragments' ); } // init CountDown $( document.body ).trigger( 'porto_init_countdown', [$parent] ); $( window ).trigger( 'porto_posts_updated' ); } } ); }; function porto_update_url_param( uri, key, value ) { var re = new RegExp( "([?&])" + key + "=.*?(&|$)", "i" ); var separator = uri.indexOf( '?' ) !== -1 ? "&" : "?"; if ( uri.match( re ) ) { return uri.replace( re, '$1' + key + "=" + value + '$2' ); } else { return uri + separator + key + "=" + value; } } var categoryAjax = function() { // add class in price filter widget $( '.widget_price_filter' ).addClass( 'yith-wcan-list-price-filter' ); if ( theme.category_ajax ) { // order by ajax $( '.woocommerce-ordering' ).off( 'change', 'select.orderby' ).on( 'change', 'select.orderby', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var $this = $( this ), $form = $this.closest( 'form' ), href = '?' + $form.serialize(); categoryAjaxProcess( href ); } ); // view ajax $( '.woocommerce-viewing' ).off( 'change', 'select.count' ).on( 'change', 'select.count', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var $this = $( this ), $form = $this.closest( 'form' ), href = '?' + $form.serialize(); categoryAjaxProcess( href ); } ); // pagination ajax $( '.woocommerce-pagination:not(.load-more)' ).each( function() { if ( $( this ).closest( '.porto-products' ).length || $( this ).closest( '#comments' ).length ) { return; } $( this ).off( 'click', '' ).on( 'click', '', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var href = this.href; categoryAjaxProcess( href ); } ); } ); // yith filter $( document ).off( 'click', '.yith-wcan a' ).on( 'click', '.yith-wcan a', function( e ) { $( this ).yith_wcan_ajax_filters( e, this ); } ); // price filter ajax $( '.widget_price_filter .price_slider_wrapper' ).off( 'click', '.button' ).on( 'click', '.button', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var $this = $( this ), $form = $this.closest( 'form' ), action = $form.attr( 'action' ), href = action + ( -1 === action.indexOf( '?' ) ? '?' : '&' ) + $form.serialize(), $count = $( '.woocommerce-viewing select.count' ); if ( $count.length ) { var count = $( '.woocommerce-viewing select.count' ).val(); if ( count != $count.find( 'option:not([disabled]):first' ).val() ) { href += '&count=' + count; } } $( '.widget_price_filter' ).removeClass( 'yith-wcan-list-price-filter' ); categoryAjaxProcess( href ); } ); $( '.porto_widget_price_filter' ).off( 'click', '.button' ).on( 'click', '.button', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var $this = $( this ), $form = $this.closest( 'form' ), action = $form.attr( 'action' ), $count = $( '.woocommerce-viewing select.count' ), hrefArr = $form.serializeArray(), href = action; $.each( hrefArr, function( i, field ) { if ( $.trim( field.value ) ) { if ( action.indexOf( '?' ) == -1 && href == action ) { href += '?'; } else { href += '&'; } href += ( + "=" + $.trim( field.value ) ); } } ); if ( $count.length ) { var count = $( '.woocommerce-viewing select.count' ).val(); if ( count != $count.find( 'option:not([disabled]):first' ).val() ) { if ( href.indexOf( '?' ) == -1 ) { href += '?count=' + count; } else { href += '&count=' + count; } } } categoryAjaxProcess( href ); } ); // layerd nav filter $( '.widget_layered_nav, .widget_rating_filter, .widget_layered_nav_filters' ).off( 'click', 'a' ).on( 'click', 'a', function( e ) { if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'yit-wcan-select-open' ) ) return; e.preventDefault(); var $this = $( this ), href = $this.attr( 'href' ), $count = $( '.woocommerce-viewing select.count' ); if ( $this.hasClass( 'yith-wcan-reset-navigation' ) && !$( '.archive-products .products:not(.is-shortcode)' ).length ) { window.location.href = href; return false; } if ( $count.length ) { var count = $( '.woocommerce-viewing select.count' ).val(); if ( count != $count.find( 'option:not([disabled]):first' ).val() ) { //href += '&count=' + count; href = porto_update_url_param( href, 'count', count ); } } var yith_select = $this.closest( '.yith-wcan-select' ); if ( yith_select.get( 0 ) ) { yith_select.parent().css( { "opacity": 0, "z-index": -1 } ); } categoryAjaxProcess( href ); return false; } ); $( '.widget_layered_nav select' ).off( 'change' ).on( 'change', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var $this = $( this ), name = $this.closest( 'form' ).find( 'input[type=hidden]' ).length ? $this.closest( 'form' ).find( 'input[type=hidden]' ).attr( 'name' ).replace( 'filter_', '' ) : $this.attr( 'class' ).replace( 'dropdown_layered_nav_', '' ), slug = $this.val(), href, $count = $( '.woocommerce-viewing select.count' ); href = window.location.href; href = href.replace( /\/page\/\d+/, "" ).replace( "&", '&' ).replace( "%2C", ',' ); href = porto_update_url_param( href, 'filtering', '1' ); href = porto_update_url_param( href, 'filter_' + name, slug ); if ( $count.length ) { var count = $( '.woocommerce-viewing select.count' ).val(); if ( count != $count.find( 'option:not([disabled]):first' ).val() ) { href = porto_update_url_param( href, 'count', count ); } } categoryAjaxProcess( href, name ); return false; } ); } else { $( document ).on( 'change', '.woocommerce-viewing select.count', function() { $( this ).closest( 'form' ).trigger( 'submit' ); } ); } }; var ajaxFiltered = function( initLoad ) { var shop_before = '.shop-loop-before', shop_after = '.shop-loop-after', shop_container = '.archive-products .products', $shop_before = $( shop_before ), $shop_parent = $shop_before.parent(), $shop_toolbox = $( shop_before + ',' + shop_after ), $sticky_sidebar = $( '.sidebar [data-plugin-sticky]' ); if ( $sticky_sidebar.get( 0 ) ) { $shop_parent.css( 'min-height', 0 ); } if ( $shop_toolbox.length ) { $shop_toolbox.stop( true ).fadeTo( 400, 1 ).unblock(); } if ( $( shop_container ).find( '.product' ).length || $( shop_after ).closest( '.porto-products' ).length || $shop_before.hasClass( 'shop-builder' ) ) { $ 'show', true ); } else { $shop_toolbox.hide().data( 'show', false ); if ( $shop_before.find( '.porto-product-filters.style2' ).length ) { $ 'show', true ); } } if ( typeof initLoad == 'undefined' || !initLoad ) { porto_init(); porto_woocommerce_init(); } $( '.woocommerce-ordering' ).off( 'change', 'select.orderby' ).on( 'change', 'select.orderby', function() { $( this ).closest( 'form' ).trigger( 'submit' ); } ); // category ajax refreshPriceSlider(); categoryAjax(); }; // initialize woocommerce actions after skeleton loading var skeletonLoadingTrigger; $( '.skeleton-loading' ).on( 'skeleton-loaded', function() { var $this = $( this ); if ( skeletonLoadingTrigger ) { theme.deleteTimeout( skeletonLoadingTrigger ); } porto_woocommerce_variations_init( $this ); // yith wishlist pro compatibility if ( $this.hasClass( 'products' ) || $this.hasClass( 'product' ) ) { $( document ).trigger( 'yith_infs_added_elem' ); } skeletonLoadingTrigger = theme.requestTimeout( function() { porto_woocommerce_init(); refreshPriceSlider(); if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'single-product' ) ) { theme.WooVariationForm.init(); var $image_slider = $( '.product-image-slider' ); if ( $image_slider.length && $ 'owl.carousel' ) ) { $image_slider.trigger( 'refresh.owl.carousel' ); } else { theme.WooProductImageSlider.initialize(); } $( '.wc-tabs-wrapper, .woocommerce-tabs, #rating' ).trigger( 'init' ); // compatibility issue with Yith WooCommerce Booking form if ( $( document.body ).hasClass( 'yith-booking' ) ) { $( document ).trigger( 'yith-wcbk-init-booking-form' ); } } // refresh cart content if ( $this.find( '.widget_shopping_cart_content' ).length ) { $( document.body ).trigger( 'wc_fragment_refresh' ); } }, 100 ); } ); $( function() { // yith woo ajax filter events if ( typeof yith_wcan != 'undefined' ) { yith_wcan.container = '.archive-products .products'; yith_wcan.pagination = '.shop-loop-before'; yith_wcan.result_count = '.shop-loop-after'; } $( document ).on( 'click', '.yith-wcan a', function( e ) { // add price filter loading var shop_before = '.shop-loop-before', $shop_before = $( shop_before ), shop_after = '.shop-loop-after', shop_container = '.archive-products .products', shop_info = '.archive-products .woocommerce-info', //$shop_parent = $shop_before.parent(), $sticky_sidebar = $( '.sidebar [data-plugin-sticky]' ), show_toolbar = $ 'show' ); if ( show_toolbar ) $( shop_before + ',' + shop_after ).stop( true ).show().fadeTo( 400, 0.8 ).block( { message: null, overlayCSS: { opacity: 0.2 } } ); if ( $( shop_container ).length ) { $( shop_container ).html( '' ).addClass( 'yith-wcan-loading' ); if ( !$( shop_container ).children( '.porto-loading-icon' ).length ) { $( shop_container ).append( '<i class="porto-loading-icon"></i>' ); } } else { $( shop_info ).html( '' ).addClass( 'yith-wcan-loading products' ); if ( !$( shop_info ).children( '.porto-loading-icon' ).length ) { $( shop_info ).append( '<i class="porto-loading-icon"></i>' ); } } if ( $sticky_sidebar.get( 0 ) ) { //$shop_parent.css('min-height', $sticky_sidebar.height()); theme.refreshStickySidebar( false ); } $( '.yith-woo-ajax-navigation, .yith-wcan-list-price-filter' ).addClass( 'loading' ); theme.scrolltoContainer( show_toolbar ? ( $shop_before.hasClass( 'sticky' ) && $shop_before.prev( '.filter-placeholder' ).length ? $shop_before.prev( '.filter-placeholder' ) : $shop_before ) : $( shop_container ) ); } ); $( document ).ready( function() { ajaxFiltered( true ); } ); $( document ).on( 'yith-wcan-ajax-filtered', function() { ajaxFiltered(); } ); //categoryAjax(); // product filter ajax if ( theme.prdctfltr_ajax ) { // select count $( document ).on( 'change', '.woocommerce-viewing select.count', function() { $( this ).closest( 'form' ).trigger( 'submit' ); } ); // page number $( document ).on( 'click', '.woocommerce-pagination:not(.load-more)', function( e ) { var $shop_before = $( '.shop-loop-before' ); theme.scrolltoContainer( $shop_before.hasClass( 'sticky' ) && $shop_before.prev( '.filter-placeholder' ).length ? $shop_before.prev( '.filter-placeholder' ) : $shop_before ); } ); } // woocommerce grid / list $( document ).on( 'click', '.gridlist-toggle #grid, .gridlist-toggle #list', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var $this = $( this ); if ( $this.hasClass( 'active' ) ) { return false; } $( '.gridlist-toggle #grid, .gridlist-toggle #list' ).removeClass( 'active' ); $this.addClass( 'active' ); if ( $.cookie ) { $.cookie( 'gridcookie', $this.attr( 'id' ), { path: '/' } ); } if ( theme.category_ajax ) { if ( js_porto_vars.use_skeleton_screen.indexOf( 'shop' ) != -1 ) { $( '.archive-products ul.products, .archive-products .products-container' ).removeClass( 'grid' ).removeClass( 'list' ).addClass( $this.attr( 'id' ) ); } else { $( '.archive-products' ).addClass( 'porto-ajax-loading' ); } categoryAjaxProcess( window.location.href, undefined, true ); } else { location.reload(); } return false; } ); } ); } ).apply( this, [window.theme, jQuery] );