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Dir : /home/trave494/ |
Server: Linux 4.18.0-553.22.1.lve.1.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Oct 8 15:52:54 UTC 2024 x86_64 IP: |
Dir : /home/trave494/ |
<?php /** * @package WordPress * @subpackage Traveler * @since 1.0 * * Class STAttribute * * Created by ShineTheme * */ if (!class_exists('STAttribute')) { class STAttribute extends STAdmin { public static $inst; private $option_holder_name = 'st_attribute_taxonomy'; function __construct() { self::$inst = &$this; add_action('admin_init', [$this, 'copy_option_from_default']); add_action('admin_init', [$this, '_coppy_default_options_to_all_option']); } static function get_inst() { return self::$inst; } function init() { //Check delete when availabe $this->delete_attributes(); $attr_list = $this->get_attributes(); if (!empty($attr_list)) { if (is_array($attr_list) || is_object($attr_list)){ foreach ($attr_list as $key => $value) { // Add columns add_filter('manage_edit-' . $key . '_columns', [ $this, 'product_cat_columns' ]); add_filter('manage_' . $key . '_custom_column', [ $this, 'product_cat_column' ], 10, 3); } } } $this->add_meta_field(); //Enqueue font Icons add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', [ $this, 'add_font_icons' ]); //Atribute $this->save_attributes(); } function add_font_icons() { } public function get_key_by_language() { if (TravelHelper::is_wpml()) { global $sitepress; return $this->option_holder_name . '_' . ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE; } return $this->option_holder_name; } public function copy_option_from_default() { $option = get_option('st_attribute_taxonomy', []); if (TravelHelper::is_wpml()) { $langs = icl_get_languages('skip_missing=N&orderby=KEY&order=DIR&link_empty_to=str'); if (!empty($langs)) { foreach ($langs as $lang => $data) { $old_option = get_option($this->option_holder_name . '_' . $lang, []); if (empty($old_option)) { update_option($this->option_holder_name . '_' . $lang, $option); } } } } } public function product_cat_column($columns, $column, $id) { if ($column == 'icon') { $icon = get_tax_meta($id, 'st_icon'); $icon_new = get_tax_meta($id, 'st_icon_new'); $new_layout = st()->get_option('st_theme_style', 'modern'); if (!$icon_new || $new_layout != 'modern') { $columns .= '<i style="font-size:24px" class="' . TravelHelper::handle_icon($icon) . '"></i>'; } else { $columns .= TravelHelper::getNewIcon($icon_new, '', '24px', '24px'); } } return $columns; } public function _coppy_default_options_to_all_option() { if (!TravelHelper::is_wpml()) { return false; } global $sitepress; if ($sitepress) { $default_lang = $sitepress->get_default_language(); $options = get_option($this->option_holder_name . "_" . $default_lang); if (ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE == 'all') { update_option($this->option_holder_name . '_' . 'all', $options); } } } public function product_cat_columns($columns) { $new_columns = []; $new_columns['cb'] = $columns['cb']; $new_columns['icon'] = __('Icon', 'traveler'); unset($columns['cb']); return array_merge($new_columns, $columns); } function fonicon_list() { $fonicon = [ 'glass', 'music', 'search', 'envelope-o', 'heart', 'star', 'star-o', 'user', 'film', 'th-large', 'th', 'th-list', 'check', 'times', 'search-plus', 'search-minus', 'power-off', 'signal', 'gear', 'cog', 'trash-o', 'home', 'file-o', 'clock-o', 'road', 'download', 'arrow-circle-o-down', 'arrow-circle-o-up', 'inbox', 'play-circle-o', 'rotate-right', 'repeat', 'refresh', 'list-alt', 'lock', 'flag', 'headphones', 'volume-off', 'volume-down', 'volume-up', 'qrcode', 'barcode', 'tag', 'tags', 'book', 'bookmark', 'print', 'camera', 'font', 'bold', 'italic', 'text-height', 'text-width', 'align-left', 'align-center', 'align-right', 'align-justify', 'list', 'dedent', 'outdent', 'indent', 'video-camera', 'picture-o', 'pencil', 'map-marker', 'adjust', 'tint', 'edit', 'pencil-square-o', 'share-square-o', 'check-square-o', 'move', 'step-backward', 'fast-backward', 'backward', 'play', 'pause', 'stop', 'forward', 'fast-forward', 'step-forward', 'eject', 'chevron-left', 'chevron-right', 'plus-circle', 'minus-circle', 'times-circle', 'check-circle', 'question-circle', 'info-circle', 'crosshairs', 'times-circle-o', 'check-circle-o', 'ban', 'arrow-left', 'arrow-right', 'arrow-up', 'arrow-down', 'mail-forward', 'share', 'resize-full', 'resize-small', 'plus', 'minus', 'asterisk', 'exclamation-circle', 'gift', 'leaf', 'fire', 'eye', 'eye-slash', 'warning', 'exclamation-triangle', 'plane', 'calendar', 'random', 'comment', 'magnet', 'chevron-up', 'chevron-down', 'retweet', 'shopping-cart', 'folder', 'folder-open', 'resize-vertical', 'resize-horizontal', 'bar-chart-o', 'twitter-square', 'facebook-square', 'camera-retro', 'key', 'gears', 'cogs', 'comments', 'thumbs-o-up', 'thumbs-o-down', 'star-half', 'heart-o', 'sign-out', 'linkedin-square', 'thumb-tack', 'external-link', 'sign-in', 'trophy', 'github-square', 'upload', 'lemon-o', 'phone', 'square-o', 'bookmark-o', 'phone-square', 'twitter', 'facebook', 'github', 'unlock', 'credit-card', 'rss', 'hdd-o', 'bullhorn', 'bell', 'certificate', 'hand-o-right', 'hand-o-left', 'hand-o-up', 'hand-o-down', 'arrow-circle-left', 'arrow-circle-right', 'arrow-circle-up', 'arrow-circle-down', 'globe', 'wrench', 'tasks', 'filter', 'briefcase', 'fullscreen', 'group', 'chain', 'link', 'cloud', 'flask', 'cut', 'scissors', 'copy', 'files-o', 'paperclip', 'save', 'floppy-o', 'square', 'reorder', 'list-ul', 'list-ol', 'strikethrough', 'underline', 'table', 'magic', 'truck', 'pinterest', 'pinterest-square', 'google-plus-square', 'google-plus', 'money', 'caret-down', 'caret-up', 'caret-left', 'caret-right', 'columns', 'unsorted', 'sort', 'sort-down', 'sort-asc', 'sort-up', 'sort-desc', 'envelope', 'linkedin', 'rotate-left', 'undo', 'legal', 'gavel', 'dashboard', 'tachometer', 'comment-o', 'comments-o', 'flash', 'bolt', 'sitemap', 'umbrella', 'paste', 'clipboard', 'lightbulb-o', 'exchange', 'cloud-download', 'cloud-upload', 'user-md', 'stethoscope', 'suitcase', 'bell-o', 'coffee', 'cutlery', 'file-text-o', 'building', 'hospital', 'ambulance', 'medkit', 'fighter-jet', 'beer', 'h-square', 'plus-square', 'angle-double-left', 'angle-double-right', 'angle-double-up', 'angle-double-down', 'angle-left', 'angle-right', 'angle-up', 'angle-down', 'desktop', 'laptop', 'tablet', 'mobile-phone', 'mobile', 'circle-o', 'quote-left', 'quote-right', 'spinner', 'circle', 'mail-reply', 'reply', 'github-alt', 'folder-o', 'folder-open-o', 'expand-o', 'collapse-o', 'smile-o', 'frown-o', 'meh-o', 'gamepad', 'keyboard-o', 'flag-o', 'flag-checkered', 'terminal', 'code', 'reply-all', 'mail-reply-all', 'star-half-empty', 'star-half-full', 'star-half-o', 'location-arrow', 'crop', 'code-fork', 'unlink', 'chain-broken', 'question', 'info', 'exclamation', 'superscript', 'subscript', 'eraser', 'puzzle-piece', 'microphone', 'microphone-slash', 'shield', 'calendar-o', 'fire-extinguisher', 'rocket', 'maxcdn', 'chevron-circle-left', 'chevron-circle-right', 'chevron-circle-up', 'chevron-circle-down', 'html5', 'css3', 'anchor', 'unlock-o', 'bullseye', 'ellipsis-horizontal', 'ellipsis-vertical', 'rss-square', 'play-circle', 'ticket', 'minus-square', 'minus-square-o', 'level-up', 'level-down', 'check-square', 'pencil-square', 'external-link-square', 'share-square', 'compass', 'toggle-down', 'caret-square-o-down', 'toggle-up', 'caret-square-o-up', 'toggle-right', 'caret-square-o-right', 'euro', 'eur', 'gbp', 'dollar', 'usd', 'rupee', 'inr', 'cny', 'rmb', 'yen', 'jpy', 'ruble', 'rouble', 'rub', 'won', 'krw', 'bitcoin', 'btc', 'file', 'file-text', 'sort-alpha-asc', 'sort-alpha-desc', 'sort-amount-asc', 'sort-amount-desc', 'sort-numeric-asc', 'sort-numeric-desc', 'thumbs-up', 'thumbs-down', 'youtube-square', 'youtube', 'xing', 'xing-square', 'youtube-play', 'dropbox', 'stack-overflow', 'instagram', 'flickr', 'adn', 'bitbucket', 'bitbucket-square', 'tumblr', 'tumblr-square', 'long-arrow-down', 'long-arrow-up', 'long-arrow-left', 'long-arrow-right', 'apple', 'windows', 'android', 'linux', 'dribbble', 'skype', 'foursquare', 'trello', 'female', 'male', 'gittip', 'sun-o', 'moon-o', 'archive', 'bug', 'vk', 'weibo', 'renren', 'pagelines', 'stack-exchange', 'arrow-circle-o-right', 'arrow-circle-o-left', 'toggle-left', 'caret-square-o-left', 'dot-circle-o', 'wheelchair', 'vimeo-square', 'turkish-lira', 'try' ]; sort($fonicon); return $fonicon; } function add_meta_field() { if (is_admin()) { $attr_list = $this->get_attributes(); $pages = []; if (!empty($attr_list)) { if (is_array($attr_list) || is_object($attr_list)){ foreach ($attr_list as $key => $value) { $pages[] = $key; } } } /* * prefix of meta keys, optional */ $prefix = 'st_'; /* * configure your meta box */ $config = [ 'id' => 'st_extra_infomation', // meta box id, unique per meta box 'title' => __('Extra Information', 'traveler'), // meta box title 'pages' => $pages, // taxonomy name, accept categories, post_tag and custom taxonomies 'context' => 'normal', // where the meta box appear: normal (default), advanced, side; optional 'fields' => [], // list of meta fields (can be added by field arrays) 'local_images' => false, // Use local or hosted images (meta box images for add/remove) 'use_with_theme' => false //change path if used with theme set to true, false for a plugin or anything else for a custom path(default false). ]; if (!class_exists('Tax_Meta_Class')) { STFramework::write_log('Tax_Meta_Class not found in class.attribute.php line 121'); return; } /* * Initiate your meta box */ $my_meta = new Tax_Meta_Class($config); /* * Add fields to your meta box */ //select field if(!check_using_elementor()){ $my_meta->addText($prefix . 'icon', [ 'name' => __('Icon', 'traveler'), 'desc' => __('You can search icon in here:', 'traveler') ]); } $my_meta->addText($prefix . 'icon_new', [ 'name' => __('Icon New', 'traveler'), 'desc' => __('You can search icon in here:', 'traveler') ]); $my_meta->Finish(); } } function delete_attributes() { if (isset($_REQUEST['delete']) and $_REQUEST['delete']) { $tax = $_REQUEST['delete']; check_admin_referer('st_delete_attribute'); $all = $this->get_attributes(); unset($all[$tax]); update_option($this->get_key_by_language(), $all); if (TravelHelper::is_wpml()) { $langs = icl_get_languages('skip_missing=N&orderby=KEY&order=DIR&link_empty_to=str'); if (!empty($langs)) { foreach ($langs as $lang => $data) { if ($lang != ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE) { $options = get_option($this->option_holder_name . '_' . $lang, []); unset($options[$tax]); update_option($this->option_holder_name . '_' . $lang, $options); } } } } wp_safe_redirect(admin_url('admin.php?page=hotel_attributes')); die; } } public static function slugify($text) { // replace non letter or digits by - $text = preg_replace('~[^\pL\d]+~u', '-', $text); // transliterate $text = iconv('utf-8', 'us-ascii//TRANSLIT', $text); // remove unwanted characters $text = preg_replace('~[^-\w]+~', '', $text); // trim $text = trim($text, '-'); // remove duplicate - $text = preg_replace('~-+~', '-', $text); // lowercase $text = strtolower($text); if (empty($text)) { return 'n-a'; } return $text; } function st_slug($str, $limit = null) { if ($limit) { $str = mb_substr($str, 0, $limit, "utf-8"); } $text = html_entity_decode($str, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); // replace non letter or digits by - $text = preg_replace('~[^\\pL\d]+~u', '-', $text); // trim $text = trim($text, '-'); return $text; } function save_attributes() { //Save Attribute if (isset($_REQUEST['st_save_attribute'])) { check_admin_referer('st_save_attribute'); $action = isset($_REQUEST['edit']) ? 'edit' : 'add'; $all = $this->get_attributes(); if (!is_array($all)) { $all = []; } if (is_array($all)) { $attribute_label = ( isset($_POST['attribute_label']) ) ? (string) stripslashes($_POST['attribute_label']) : ''; $attribute_name = ( isset($_POST['attribute_name']) ) ? stripslashes((string) $_POST['attribute_name']) : ''; $attribute_type = ( isset($_POST['attribute_type']) ) ? (string) stripslashes($_POST['attribute_type']) : 0; $attribute_post_type = ( isset($_POST['attribute_post_type']) ) ? $_POST['attribute_post_type'] : ''; // Auto-generate the label or slug if only one of both was provided if (!$attribute_label) { $attribute_label = ucfirst($attribute_name); } if (!$attribute_name) { //$attribute_name = self::convert_vi_to_en( $attribute_label ); $attribute_name = sanitize_title_with_dashes(stripslashes($attribute_name)); $attribute_name = str_replace('-', '_', $attribute_name); $attribute_name = mb_strtolower($attribute_name); } elseif ($action == 'add' or ( $action = 'edit' and ! $attribute_name )) { //$attribute_name = self::convert_vi_to_en( $attribute_label ); $attribute_name = sanitize_title_with_dashes(stripslashes($attribute_name)); $attribute_name = mb_strtolower($attribute_name); } else { $attribute_name = mb_strtolower($attribute_name); } // Forbidden attribute names // $reserved_terms = [ 'attachment', 'attachment_id', 'author', 'author_name', 'calendar', 'cat', 'category', 'category__and', 'category__in', 'category__not_in', 'category_name', 'comments_per_page', 'comments_popup', 'cpage', 'day', 'debug', 'error', 'exact', 'feed', 'hour', 'link_category', 'm', 'minute', 'monthnum', 'more', 'name', 'nav_menu', 'nopaging', 'offset', 'order', 'orderby', 'p', 'page', 'page_id', 'paged', 'pagename', 'pb', 'perm', 'post', 'post__in', 'post__not_in', 'post_format', 'post_mime_type', 'post_status', 'post_tag', 'post_type', 'posts', 'posts_per_archive_page', 'posts_per_page', 'preview', 'robots', 's', 'search', 'second', 'sentence', 'showposts', 'static', 'subpost', 'subpost_id', 'tag', 'tag__and', 'tag__in', 'tag__not_in', 'tag_id', 'tag_slug__and', 'tag_slug__in', 'taxonomy', 'tb', 'term', 'type', 'w', 'withcomments', 'withoutcomments', 'year' ]; // Error checking if (!$attribute_name || !$attribute_label) { $error = __('Please, provide an attribute name, slug and type.', 'traveler'); } elseif (strlen($attribute_name) >= 28) { $error = sprintf(__('Slug “%s” is too long (28 characters max). Shorten it, please.', 'traveler'), sanitize_title($attribute_name)); } elseif (in_array($attribute_name, $reserved_terms)) { $error = sprintf(__('Slug “%s” is not allowed because it is a reserved term. Change it, please.', 'traveler'), sanitize_title($attribute_name)); } else { $taxonomy_exists = taxonomy_exists($attribute_name); if ( !$attribute_name ) { //$attribute_name = self::convert_vi_to_en( $attribute_label ); $attribute_name = self::st_slug( stripslashes( $attribute_name ) ); $attribute_name = str_replace( '-', '_', $attribute_name ); $attribute_name = mb_strtolower( $attribute_name ); } elseif ( $action == 'add' or ( $action = 'edit' and !$attribute_name ) ) { //$attribute_name = self::convert_vi_to_en( $attribute_label ); $attribute_name = self::st_slug( stripslashes( $attribute_name ) ); $attribute_name = mb_strtolower( $attribute_name ); } else { $attribute_name = mb_strtolower( $attribute_name ); } // Forbidden attribute names // $reserved_terms = [ 'attachment', 'attachment_id', 'author', 'author_name', 'calendar', 'cat', 'category', 'category__and', 'category__in', 'category__not_in', 'category_name', 'comments_per_page', 'comments_popup', 'cpage', 'day', 'debug', 'error', 'exact', 'feed', 'hour', 'link_category', 'm', 'minute', 'monthnum', 'more', 'name', 'nav_menu', 'nopaging', 'offset', 'order', 'orderby', 'p', 'page', 'page_id', 'paged', 'pagename', 'pb', 'perm', 'post', 'post__in', 'post__not_in', 'post_format', 'post_mime_type', 'post_status', 'post_tag', 'post_type', 'posts', 'posts_per_archive_page', 'posts_per_page', 'preview', 'robots', 's', 'search', 'second', 'sentence', 'showposts', 'static', 'subpost', 'subpost_id', 'tag', 'tag__and', 'tag__in', 'tag__not_in', 'tag_id', 'tag_slug__and', 'tag_slug__in', 'taxonomy', 'tb', 'term', 'type', 'w', 'withcomments', 'withoutcomments', 'year' ]; // Error checking if ( empty($attribute_name) || !$attribute_label ) { if(empty($attribute_name)){ $error = __( 'Unique slug/reference for the attribute; must be shorter than 28 characters and type Alphabet.', 'traveler' ); } else { $error = __( 'Please, provide an attribute name, slug and type.', 'traveler' ); } } elseif ( strlen( $attribute_name ) >= 28 ) { $error = sprintf( __( 'Slug “%s” is too long (28 characters max). Shorten it, please.', 'traveler' ), sanitize_title( $attribute_name ) ); } elseif ( in_array( $attribute_name, $reserved_terms ) ) { $error = sprintf( __( 'Slug “%s” is not allowed because it is a reserved term. Change it, please.', 'traveler' ), sanitize_title( $attribute_name ) ); } else { $taxonomy_exists = taxonomy_exists( $attribute_name ); if ( 'add' === $action && $taxonomy_exists ) { $error = sprintf( __( 'Slug “%s” is already in use. Change it, please.', 'traveler' ), sanitize_title( $attribute_name ) ); } if ( 'edit' === $action ) { $old_attribute_name = $_GET[ 'edit' ]; if ( $old_attribute_name != $attribute_name && $old_attribute_name != $attribute_name && $taxonomy_exists ) { $error = sprintf( __( 'Slug “%s” is already in use. Change it, please.', 'traveler' ), sanitize_title( $attribute_name ) ); } } if (!isset($error) or ! $error) { $all[$attribute_name] = [ 'name' => $attribute_label, 'post_type' => $attribute_post_type, 'hierarchical' => absint((int) $attribute_type) ]; update_option($this->get_key_by_language(), $all); if (TravelHelper::is_wpml()) { $langs = icl_get_languages('skip_missing=N&orderby=KEY&order=DIR&link_empty_to=str'); if (!empty($langs)) { foreach ($langs as $lang => $data) { if ($lang != ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE) { $options = get_option($this->option_holder_name . '_' . $lang, []); $options[$attribute_name] = [ 'name' => ( $options[$attribute_name] != null && $action == 'edit' ) ? $options[$attribute_name]['name'] : $attribute_label, 'post_type' => $attribute_post_type, 'hierarchical' => absint((int) $attribute_type) ]; update_option($this->option_holder_name . '_' . $lang, $options); } } } } } if (isset($error) and $error) { wp_die($error); } } } if ( isset( $error ) and $error ) { wp_die( $error ); } } } } function convert_vi_to_en($str) { $str = preg_replace('/(à|á|ạ|ả|ã|â|ầ|ấ|ậ|ẩ|ẫ|ă|ằ|ắ|ặ|ẳ|ẵ)/', 'a', $str); $str = preg_replace('/(è|é|ẹ|ẻ|ẽ|ê|ề|ế|ệ|ể|ễ)/', 'e', $str); $str = preg_replace('/(ì|í|ị|ỉ|ĩ)/', 'i', $str); $str = preg_replace('/(ò|ó|ọ|ỏ|õ|ô|ồ|ố|ộ|ổ|ỗ|ơ|ờ|ớ|ợ|ở|ỡ)/', 'o', $str); $str = preg_replace('/(ù|ú|ụ|ủ|ũ|ư|ừ|ứ|ự|ử|ữ)/', 'u', $str); $str = preg_replace('/(ỳ|ý|ỵ|ỷ|ỹ)/', 'y', $str); $str = preg_replace('/(đ)/', 'd', $str); $str = preg_replace('/(À|Á|Ạ|Ả|Ã|Â|Ầ|Ấ|Ậ|Ẩ|Ẫ|Ă|Ằ|Ắ|Ặ|Ẳ|Ẵ)/', 'A', $str); $str = preg_replace('/(È|É|Ẹ|Ẻ|Ẽ|Ê|Ề|Ế|Ệ|Ể|Ễ)/', 'E', $str); $str = preg_replace('/(Ì|Í|Ị|Ỉ|Ĩ)/', 'I', $str); $str = preg_replace('/(Ò|Ó|Ọ|Ỏ|Õ|Ô|Ồ|Ố|Ộ|Ổ|Ỗ|Ơ|Ờ|Ớ|Ợ|Ở|Ỡ)/', 'O', $str); $str = preg_replace('/(Ù|Ú|Ụ|Ủ|Ũ|Ư|Ừ|Ứ|Ự|Ử|Ữ)/', 'U', $str); $str = preg_replace('/(Ỳ|Ý|Ỵ|Ỷ|Ỹ)/', 'Y', $str); $str = preg_replace('/(Đ)/', 'D', $str); $str = str_replace(' ', '-', $str); // Replaces all spaces with hyphens. $str = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\-]/', '', $str); // Removes special chars. $str = preg_replace('/-+/', '-', $str); // Replaces multiple hyphens with single one. return $str; } function get_attributes() { return get_option($this->get_key_by_language(), []); } function content() { if (isset($_GET['edit']) and $_GET['edit']) { $tax = $_GET['edit']; $all = $this->get_attributes(); if (isset($all[$tax])) { $all[$tax]['tax'] = $tax; return $this->load_view('attributes/edit', false, [ 'row' => $all[$tax], 'class_tax' => $this ]); } else { wp_safe_redirect(admin_url('admin.php?page=hotel_attributes')); die; } } return $this->load_view('attributes/index', false, ['class_tax' => $this]); } function find_attribute($attr, $return_type = 'bool') { $all = $this->get_attributes(); switch ($return_type) { case "bool": if (isset($all[$attr])) return true; return false; break; case "array"; return isset($all[$attr]) ? $all[$attr] : []; break; } } } $a = new STAttribute(); $a->init(); }