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Dir : /home/trave494/ |
Server: Linux 4.18.0-553.22.1.lve.1.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Oct 8 15:52:54 UTC 2024 x86_64 IP: |
Dir : /home/trave494/ |
<?php namespace WebSharks\CometCache\Traits\Plugin; use WebSharks\CometCache\Classes; trait InstallUtils { /** * Plugin activation hook. * * @since 150422 Rewrite. * * @attaches-to {@link \register_activation_hook()} */ public function activate() { $this->setup(); // Ensure setup is complete. if (defined('WP_CLI') && WP_CLI) { $this->updateOptions(['enable' => '1']); } if (IS_PRO && (!$this->options['pro_update_username'] || !$this->options['pro_update_password'])) { $configure_pro_updater_url = add_query_arg(urlencode_deep(['page' => GLOBAL_NS, GLOBAL_NS.'_configure_pro_updater' => 1]), network_admin_url('/admin.php')).'#'.SLUG_TD.'-configure-pro-updater'; $this->enqueueMainNotice('<form method="post" action="'.esc_url($configure_pro_updater_url).'" style="margin:.5em 0;">'.sprintf(__('<strong>IMPORTANT:</strong> To be notified when a new version of %1$s is available, please %2$s', 'comet-cache'), esc_html(NAME), '<button type="submit" class="button" style="vertical-align:middle;">'.__('Configure Pro Update Credentials', 'comet-cache').'</button>').'</form>', ['class' => 'notice notice-info', 'push_to_top' => true, 'persistent' => true, 'persistent_key' => 'configure-pro-updater', 'dismissable' => true]); } if (!$this->options['welcomed'] && !$this->options['enable']) { $settings_url = add_query_arg(urlencode_deep(['page' => GLOBAL_NS]), network_admin_url('/admin.php')); $this->enqueueMainNotice(sprintf(__('<strong>%1$s</strong> successfully installed! :-) <strong>Please <a href="%2$s">enable caching and review options</a>.</strong>', 'comet-cache'), esc_html(NAME), esc_attr($settings_url)), ['push_to_top' => true]); $this->updateOptions(['welcomed' => '1']); } if (!$this->options['enable']) { return; // Nothing to do. } $this->addWpCacheToWpConfig(); $this->addWpHtaccess(); $this->addAdvancedCache(); $this->updateBlogPaths(); $this->autoClearCache(); } /** * Check current version. * * @since 150422 Rewrite. * @since 161226 Moved to `init` hook. * * @attaches-to `init` hook. */ public function checkVersion() { $prev_version = $this->options['version']; if (version_compare($prev_version, VERSION, '>=')) { return; // Nothing to do; up-to-date. } $this->options = $this->getOptions(false, true); // Don't discard options not present in $this->default_options, // and DO force-pull options directly from get_site_option(). $this->updateOptions(['version' => VERSION], false); // Retain all options in database for VS Upgrade routine. new Classes\VsUpgrades($prev_version); $this->updateOptions(['version' => VERSION], true); // Discard options not present in $this->default_options. if ($this->options['enable']) { $this->addWpCacheToWpConfig(); $this->addWpHtaccess(); $this->addAdvancedCache(); $this->updateBlogPaths(); } $this->wipeCache(); // Fresh start now. if (is_admin()) { // Only if in an admin area. $this->enqueueMainNotice(sprintf(__('<strong>%1$s:</strong> detected a new version of itself. Recompiling w/ latest version... wiping the cache... all done :-)', 'comet-cache'), esc_html(NAME)), ['push_to_top' => true]); } $this->dismissMainNotice('pro_update_error'); $this->dismissMainNotice('new-lite-version-available'); $this->dismissMainNotice('new-pro-version-available'); } /** * Plugin deactivation hook. * * @since 150422 Rewrite. * * @attaches-to {@link \register_deactivation_hook()} */ public function deactivate() { $this->setup(); // Ensure setup is complete. $this->removeWpCacheFromWpConfig(); $this->removeWpHtaccess(); $this->removeAdvancedCache(); $this->clearCache(); $this->resetCronSetup(); } /** * Plugin uninstall hook. * * @since 150422 Rewrite. */ public function uninstall() { $this->setup(); // Ensure setup is complete. if (!defined('WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN')) { return; // Disallow. } elseif (empty($GLOBALS[GLOBAL_NS.'_uninstalling'])) { return; // Not uninstalling. } elseif (!current_user_can($this->uninstall_cap)) { return; // Extra layer of security. } $this->removeWpCacheFromWpConfig(); $this->removeWpHtaccess(); $this->removeAdvancedCache(); $this->wipeCache(); $this->resetCronSetup(); if (!$this->options['uninstall_on_deletion']) { return; // Nothing to do here. } $this->deleteAdvancedCache(); $this->deleteBaseDir(); $wpdb = $this->wpdb(); // WordPress DB. $like = '%'.$wpdb->esc_like(GLOBAL_NS).'%'; if (is_multisite()) { // Site options for a network installation. $wpdb->query('DELETE FROM `'.esc_sql($wpdb->sitemeta).'` WHERE `meta_key` LIKE \''.esc_sql($like).'\''); switch_to_blog(get_current_site()->blog_id); // In case it started as a standard WP installation. $wpdb->query('DELETE FROM `'.esc_sql($wpdb->options).'` WHERE `option_name` LIKE \''.esc_sql($like).'\''); restore_current_blog(); // Restore current blog. // } else { // Standard WP installation. $wpdb->query('DELETE FROM `'.esc_sql($wpdb->options).'` WHERE `option_name` LIKE \''.esc_sql($like).'\''); } } /** * Adds `define( 'WP_CACHE', true );` to the `/wp-config.php` file. * * @since 150422 Rewrite. * * @return string The new contents of the updated `/wp-config.php` file; * else an empty string if unable to add the `WP_CACHE` constant. */ public function addWpCacheToWpConfig() { if (!$this->options['enable']) { return ''; // Nothing to do. } elseif (!($wp_config_file = $this->findWpConfigFile())) { return ''; // Unable to find `/wp-config.php`. } elseif (!is_readable($wp_config_file)) { return ''; // Not possible. } elseif (!($wp_config_file_contents = file_get_contents($wp_config_file))) { return ''; // Failure; could not read file. } elseif (!($wp_config_file_contents_no_whitespace = php_strip_whitespace($wp_config_file))) { return ''; // Failure; file empty } elseif (preg_match('/\bdefine\s*\(\s*([\'"])WP_CACHE\\1\s*,\s*(?:\-?[1-9][0-9\.]*|true|([\'"])(?:[^0\'"]|[^\'"]{2,})\\2)\s*\)\s*;/ui', $wp_config_file_contents_no_whitespace)) { return $wp_config_file_contents; // It's already in there; no need to modify this file. } elseif (!($wp_config_file_contents = $this->removeWpCacheFromWpConfig())) { return ''; // Unable to remove previous value. } elseif (!($wp_config_file_contents = preg_replace('/^\s*(\<\?php|\<\?)\s+/ui', '${1}'."\n"."define( 'WP_CACHE', true );"."\n", $wp_config_file_contents, 1))) { return ''; // Failure; something went terribly wrong here. } elseif (mb_strpos($wp_config_file_contents, "define( 'WP_CACHE', true );") === false) { return ''; // Failure; unable to add; unexpected PHP code. } elseif (defined('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS') && DISALLOW_FILE_MODS) { return ''; // We may NOT edit any files. } elseif (!is_writable($wp_config_file)) { return ''; // Not possible. } elseif (!file_put_contents($wp_config_file, $wp_config_file_contents)) { return ''; // Failure; could not write changes. } return $wp_config_file_contents; } /** * Removes `define( 'WP_CACHE', true );` from the `/wp-config.php` file. * * @since 150422 Rewrite. * * @return string The new contents of the updated `/wp-config.php` file; * else an empty string if unable to remove the `WP_CACHE` constant. */ public function removeWpCacheFromWpConfig() { if (!($wp_config_file = $this->findWpConfigFile())) { return ''; // Unable to find `/wp-config.php`. } elseif (!is_readable($wp_config_file)) { return ''; // Not possible. } elseif (!($wp_config_file_contents = file_get_contents($wp_config_file))) { return ''; // Failure; could not read file. } elseif (!($wp_config_file_contents_no_whitespace = php_strip_whitespace($wp_config_file))) { return ''; // Failure; file empty } elseif (!preg_match('/([\'"])WP_CACHE\\1/ui', $wp_config_file_contents_no_whitespace)) { return $wp_config_file_contents; // Already gone. } elseif (preg_match('/\bdefine\s*\(\s*([\'"])WP_CACHE\\1\s*,\s*(?:0|FALSE|NULL|([\'"])0?\\2)\s*\)\s*;/ui', $wp_config_file_contents_no_whitespace) && !is_writable($wp_config_file)) { return $wp_config_file_contents; // It's already disabled, and since we can't write to this file let's let this slide. } elseif (!($wp_config_file_contents = preg_replace('/\bdefine\s*\(\s*([\'"])WP_CACHE\\1\s*,\s*(?:\-?[0-9\.]+|TRUE|FALSE|NULL|([\'"])[^\'"]*\\2)\s*\)\s*;/ui', '', $wp_config_file_contents))) { return ''; // Failure; something went terribly wrong here. } elseif (preg_match('/([\'"])WP_CACHE\\1/ui', $wp_config_file_contents)) { return ''; // Failure; perhaps the `/wp-config.php` file contains syntax we cannot remove safely. } elseif (defined('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS') && DISALLOW_FILE_MODS) { return ''; // We may NOT edit any files. } elseif (!is_writable($wp_config_file)) { return ''; // Not possible. } elseif (!file_put_contents($wp_config_file, $wp_config_file_contents)) { return ''; // Failure; could not write changes. } return $wp_config_file_contents; } /** * Checks to make sure the `advanced-cache.php` file still exists; * and if it doesn't, the `advanced-cache.php` is regenerated automatically. * * @since 150422 Rewrite. * * @attaches-to `init` hook. * * @note This runs so that remote deployments which completely wipe out an * existing set of website files (like the AWS Elastic Beanstalk does) will NOT cause Comet Cache * to stop functioning due to the lack of an `advanced-cache.php` file, which is generated by Comet Cache. * * For instance, if you have a Git repo with all of your site files; when you push those files * to your website to deploy them, you most likely do NOT have the `advanced-cache.php` file. * Comet Cache creates this file on its own. Thus, if it's missing (and CC is active) * we simply regenerate the file automatically to keep Comet Cache running. */ public function checkAdvancedCache() { if (!$this->options['enable']) { return; // Nothing to do. } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST[GLOBAL_NS])) { return; // Skip on plugin actions. } $cache_dir = $this->cacheDir(); $advanced_cache_file = WP_CONTENT_DIR.'/advanced-cache.php'; $advanced_cache_check_file = $cache_dir.'/'.mb_strtolower(SHORT_NAME).'-advanced-cache'; // Fixes zero-byte advanced-cache.php bug related to migrating from ZenCache // See: <> // Also fixes a missing `define( 'WP_CACHE', true )` bug related to migrating from ZenCache // See <> if (!is_file($advanced_cache_check_file) || !is_file($advanced_cache_file) || filesize($advanced_cache_file) === 0) { $this->addAdvancedCache(); $this->addWpCacheToWpConfig(); } } /** * Creates and adds the `advanced-cache.php` file. * * @since 150422 Rewrite. * * @return bool|null `TRUE` on success. `FALSE` or `NULL` on failure. * A special `NULL` return value indicates success with a single failure * that is specifically related to the `[SHORT_NAME]-advanced-cache` file. */ public function addAdvancedCache() { if (!$this->removeAdvancedCache()) { return false; // Still exists. } $cache_dir = $this->cacheDir(); $advanced_cache_file = WP_CONTENT_DIR.'/advanced-cache.php'; $advanced_cache_check_file = $cache_dir.'/'.mb_strtolower(SHORT_NAME).'-advanced-cache'; $advanced_cache_template = dirname(dirname(__DIR__)).'/templates/advanced-cache.x-php'; if (is_file($advanced_cache_file) && !is_writable($advanced_cache_file)) { return false; // Not possible to create. } elseif (!is_file($advanced_cache_file) && !is_writable(dirname($advanced_cache_file))) { return false; // Not possible to create. } elseif (!is_file($advanced_cache_template) || !is_readable($advanced_cache_template)) { return false; // Template file is missing; or not readable. } elseif (!($advanced_cache_contents = file_get_contents($advanced_cache_template))) { return false; // Template file is missing; or is not readable. } $possible_advanced_cache_constant_key_values = array_merge( $this->options, // The following additional keys are dynamic. [ 'cache_dir' => $this->basePathTo($this->cache_sub_dir), 'ac_file_version' => VERSION, // Version when AC file was built. ] ); if ($this->applyWpFilters(GLOBAL_NS.'_exclude_uris_client_side_too', true)) { $possible_advanced_cache_constant_key_values['exclude_client_side_uris'] .= "\n".$this->options['exclude_uris']; } foreach ($possible_advanced_cache_constant_key_values as $_option => $_value) { $_value = (string) $_value; // Force string. switch ($_option) { case 'exclude_hosts': // Converts to regex (caSe insensitive). case 'exclude_uris': // Converts to regex (caSe insensitive). case 'exclude_client_side_uris': // Converts to regex (caSe insensitive). case 'ignore_get_request_vars': // Converts to regex (caSe insensitive). case 'exclude_refs': // Converts to regex (caSe insensitive). case 'exclude_agents': // Converts to regex (caSe insensitive). $_value = "'".$this->escSq($this->lineDelimitedPatternsToRegex($_value))."'"; break; // Break switch handler. default: // Default case handler. $_value = "'".$this->escSq($_value)."'"; break; // Break switch handler. } $advanced_cache_contents = preg_replace( [ '/'.preg_quote("'%%".GLOBAL_NS.'_'.$_option."%%'", '/').'/ui', '/'.preg_quote("'%%".GLOBAL_NS.'_'.preg_replace('/^cache_/ui', '', $_option)."%%'", '/').'/ui', ], $_value, $advanced_cache_contents ); } // unset($_option, $_value, $_values, $_response); // Housekeeping. if (mb_strpos(PLUGIN_FILE, WP_CONTENT_DIR) === 0) { $plugin_file = "WP_CONTENT_DIR.'".$this->escSq(str_replace(WP_CONTENT_DIR, '', PLUGIN_FILE))."'"; } else { $plugin_file = "'".$this->escSq(PLUGIN_FILE)."'"; // Full absolute path. } // Make it possible for the `advanced-cache.php` handler to find the plugin directory reliably. $advanced_cache_contents = preg_replace('/'.preg_quote("'%%".GLOBAL_NS."_PLUGIN_FILE%%'", '/').'/ui', $plugin_file, $advanced_cache_contents); // Ignore; this is created by Comet Cache; and we don't need to obey in this case. #if(defined('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS') && DISALLOW_FILE_MODS) # return FALSE; // We may NOT edit any files. if (!file_put_contents($advanced_cache_file, $advanced_cache_contents)) { return false; // Failure; could not write file. } $cache_lock = $this->cacheLock(); // Lock cache. clearstatcache(); if (!file_exists($cache_dir)) { mkdir($cache_dir, 0775, true); } if (is_writable($cache_dir) && !is_file($cache_dir.'/.htaccess')) { file_put_contents($cache_dir.'/.htaccess', $this->htaccess_deny); } if (!is_dir($cache_dir) || !is_writable($cache_dir) || !is_file($cache_dir.'/.htaccess') || !file_put_contents($advanced_cache_check_file, time())) { $this->cacheUnlock($cache_lock); // Release. return; // Special return value (NULL). } $this->cacheUnlock($cache_lock); // Release. $this->clearAcDropinFromOpcacheByForce(); return true; } /** * Removes the `advanced-cache.php` file. * * @since 150422 Rewrite. * * @return bool `TRUE` on success. `FALSE` on failure. * * @note The `advanced-cache.php` file is NOT actually deleted by this routine. * Instead of deleting the file, we simply empty it out so that it's `0` bytes in size. * * The reason for this is to preserve any file permissions set by the site owner. * If the site owner previously allowed this specific file to become writable, we don't want to * lose that permission by deleting the file; forcing the site owner to do it all over again later. * * An example of where this is useful is when a site owner deactivates the CC plugin, * but later they decide that CC really is the most awesome plugin in the world and they turn it back on. */ public function removeAdvancedCache() { $advanced_cache_file = WP_CONTENT_DIR.'/advanced-cache.php'; if (!is_file($advanced_cache_file)) { return true; // Already gone. } elseif (is_readable($advanced_cache_file) && filesize($advanced_cache_file) === 0) { return true; // Already gone; i.e. it's empty already. } elseif (!is_writable($advanced_cache_file)) { return false; // Not possible. } /* Empty the file only. This way permissions are NOT lost in cases where a site owner makes this specific file writable for Comet Cache. */ if (file_put_contents($advanced_cache_file, '') !== 0) { return false; // Failure. } $this->clearAcDropinFromOpcacheByForce(); return true; } /** * Deletes the `advanced-cache.php` file. * * @since 150422 Rewrite. * * @return bool `TRUE` on success. `FALSE` on failure. * * @note The `advanced-cache.php` file is deleted by this routine. */ public function deleteAdvancedCache() { $cache_dir = $this->cacheDir(); $advanced_cache_file = WP_CONTENT_DIR.'/advanced-cache.php'; $advanced_cache_check_file = $cache_dir.'/'.mb_strtolower(SHORT_NAME).'-advanced-cache'; if (is_file($advanced_cache_file)) { if (!is_writable($advanced_cache_file) || !unlink($advanced_cache_file)) { return false; // Not possible; or outright failure. } } if (is_file($advanced_cache_check_file)) { if (!is_writable($advanced_cache_check_file) || !unlink($advanced_cache_check_file)) { return false; // Not possible; or outright failure. } } $this->clearAcDropinFromOpcacheByForce(); return true; // Deletion success. } /** * Checks to make sure the `[SHORT_NAME]-blog-paths` file still exists; * and if it doesn't, the `[SHORT_NAME]-blog-paths` file is regenerated automatically. * * @since 150422 Rewrite. * * @attaches-to `init` hook. * * @note This runs so that remote deployments which completely wipe out an * existing set of website files (like the AWS Elastic Beanstalk does) will NOT cause Comet Cache * to stop functioning due to the lack of a `[SHORT_NAME]-blog-paths` file, which is generated by Comet Cache. * * For instance, if you have a Git repo with all of your site files; when you push those files * to your website to deploy them, you most likely do NOT have the `[SHORT_NAME]-blog-paths` file. * Comet Cache creates this file on its own. Thus, if it's missing (and CC is active) * we simply regenerate the file automatically to keep Comet Cache running. */ public function checkBlogPaths() { if (!$this->options['enable']) { return; // Nothing to do. } elseif (!is_multisite()) { return; // N/A. } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST[GLOBAL_NS])) { return; // Skip on plugin actions. } $cache_dir = $this->cacheDir(); $blog_paths_file = $cache_dir.'/'.mb_strtolower(SHORT_NAME).'-blog-paths'; if (!is_file($blog_paths_file)) { $this->updateBlogPaths(); } } /** * Creates and/or updates the `[SHORT_NAME]-blog-paths` file. * * @since 150422 Rewrite. * * @attaches-to `enable_live_network_counts` filter. * * @param mixed $enable_live_network_counts Optional, defaults to a `NULL` value. * * @return mixed The value of `$enable_live_network_counts` (passes through). * * @note While this routine is attached to a WP filter, we also call upon it directly at times. */ public function updateBlogPaths($enable_live_network_counts = null) { $value = $enable_live_network_counts; // This hook actually rides on a filter. if (!$this->options['enable']) { return $value; // Nothing to do. } elseif (!is_multisite()) { return $value; // N/A. } $cache_dir = $this->cacheDir(); $blog_paths_file = $cache_dir.'/'.mb_strtolower(SHORT_NAME).'-blog-paths'; $cache_lock = $this->cacheLock(); clearstatcache(); // Clear `stat()` cache. if (!file_exists($cache_dir)) { mkdir($cache_dir, 0775, true); } if (is_writable($cache_dir) && !is_file($cache_dir.'/.htaccess')) { file_put_contents($cache_dir.'/.htaccess', $this->htaccess_deny); } if (is_dir($cache_dir) && is_writable($cache_dir)) { $paths = // Collect child `[/base]/path/`s from the WordPress database. $this->wpdb()->get_col('SELECT `path` FROM `'.esc_sql($this->wpdb()->blogs)."` WHERE `deleted` <= '0'"); $host_base_token = $this->hostBaseToken(); // Pull this once only. foreach ($paths as $_key => &$_path) { if ($_path && $_path !== '/' && $host_base_token && $host_base_token !== '/') { // Note that each `path` in the DB looks like: `[/base]/path/` (i.e., it includes base). $_path = '/'.ltrim(preg_replace('/^'.preg_quote($host_base_token, '/').'/u', '', $_path), '/'); } if (!$_path || $_path === '/') { unset($paths[$_key]); // Exclude main site. } } // Must unset iteration by reference here. unset($_key, $_path); // Housekeeping. file_put_contents($blog_paths_file, serialize($paths)); } $this->cacheUnlock($cache_lock); // Release. return $value; // Pass through untouched (always). } /** * Deletes base directory. * * @since 151002 Improving multisite compat. * * @return int Total files removed by this routine (if any). */ public function deleteBaseDir() { $counter = 0; // Initialize. @set_time_limit(1800); // @TODO Display a warning. $counter += $this->deleteAllFilesDirsIn($this->wpContentBaseDirTo(''), true); return $counter; } }