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Dir : /home/trave494/ |
Server: Linux 4.18.0-553.22.1.lve.1.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Oct 8 15:52:54 UTC 2024 x86_64 IP: |
Dir : /home/trave494/ |
<?php class SpacesConnect { /* An API wrapper for AWS, makes working with DigitalOcean's Spaces super easy. Written by Devang Srivastava for Dev Uncoded. Available under MIT License ( ) */ function __construct($access_key, $secret_key, $spaceName = "", $region = "nyc3", $host = "") { //Only pulled if an AWS class doesn't already exist. $non_composer_aws_lib = dirname(__FILE__)."/../s3/vendor/autoload.php"; if(!empty($spaceName)) { $endpoint = "https://".$spaceName.".".$region.".".$host; } else { $endpoint = "https://".$region.".".$host; } if(!class_exists('Aws\S3\S3Client')) { if(file_exists($non_composer_aws_lib)) { require_once($non_composer_aws_lib); } else { throw new SpacesAPIException(@json_encode(["error" => ["message" => "No AWS class loaded.", "code" => "no_aws_class", "type" => "init"]])); } } try { $this->client = Aws\S3\S3Client::factory(array( 'region' => $region, 'version' => 'latest', 'endpoint' => $endpoint, 'credentials' => array( 'key' => $access_key, 'secret' => $secret_key, ), 'bucket_endpoint' => true, )); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->HandleAWSException($e); } $this->space = $spaceName; $this->access_key = $access_key; $this->secret_key = $secret_key; $this->host = $host; $this->region = $region; } /* Creates a Space. */ function CreateSpace($spaceName, $region = "") { if(empty($region)) { $region = $this->region; } $current_space = $this->space; try { $this->SetSpace($spaceName); $success = $this->client->createBucket(array('Bucket' => $spaceName)); $this->client->waitUntil('BucketExists', array('Bucket' => $spaceName)); $this->SetSpace($current_space); return $this->ObjReturn($success->toArray()); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->HandleAWSException($e); } } /* Lists all spaces owned by you in the region. */ function ListSpaces() { $current_space = $this->space; try { $this->SetSpace(NULL); $spaceList = $this->client->listBuckets(); $this->SetSpace($current_space); return $this->ObjReturn($spaceList->toArray()); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->HandleAWSException($e); } } /* Shorthand for SetSpace - Change your current Space, Region and/or Host. */ function ChangeSpace($spaceName, $region = "", $host = "") { return SetSpace($spaceName, $region, $host); } /* Changes your current Space, Region and/or Host. */ function SetSpace($spaceName, $region = "", $host = "") { if(empty($region)) { $region = $this->region; } if(empty($host)) { $host = $this->host; } if(!empty($spaceName)) { $endpoint = "https://".$spaceName.".".$region.".".$host; $this->space = $spaceName; } else { $endpoint = "https://".$region.".".$host; $this->space = ""; } try { $this->client = Aws\S3\S3Client::factory(array( 'region' => $region, 'version' => 'latest', 'endpoint' => $endpoint, 'credentials' => array( 'key' => $this->access_key, 'secret' => $this->secret_key, ), 'bucket_endpoint' => true )); return $this->ObjReturn(true); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->HandleAWSException($e); } } /* Fetches the current Space's name. */ function GetSpaceName() { return $this->ObjReturn($this->space); } /* Downloads the whole Space to a directory. */ function DownloadSpaceToDirectory($pathToDirectory) { try { $this->client->downloadBucket($pathToDirectory, $this->space); return $this->ObjReturn(true); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->HandleAWSException($e); } } /* Deletes the current Space. */ function DestroyThisSpace() { try { $objects = $this->ListObjects(); foreach ($objects as $value) { $key = $value["Key"]; $this->DeleteObject($key); } $this->client->deleteBucket(array('Bucket' => $this->space)); $this->client->waitUntil('BucketNotExists', array('Bucket' => $this->space)); return $this->ObjReturn(true); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->HandleAWSException($e); } } /* Lists all objects. */ function ListObjects($of_directory = "") { try { $objects = $this->client->getIterator('ListObjects', array( 'Bucket' => $this->space, "Prefix" => $of_directory, )); $objectArray = array(); foreach ($objects as $object) { $objectArray[] = $object; } return $this->ObjReturn($objectArray); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->HandleAWSException($e); } } /* Checks whether an object exists. */ function DoesObjectExist($objectName) { try { return $this->ObjReturn($this->client->doesObjectExist($this->space, $objectName)); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->HandleAWSException($e); } } /* Fetches an object's details. */ function GetObject($file_name = "") { try { $result = $this->client->getObject([ 'Bucket' => $this->space, 'Key' => $file_name, ]); return $this->ObjReturn($result->toArray()); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->HandleAWSException($e); } } /* Makes an object private, (restricted) access. */ function MakePrivate($file_path = "") { try { return $this->PutObjectACL($file_path, ["ACL" => "private"]); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->HandleAWSException($e); } } /* Makes an object public anyone can access. */ function MakePublic($file_path = "") { try { return $this->PutObjectACL($file_path, ["ACL" => "public-read"]); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->HandleAWSException($e); } } /* Deletes an object. */ function DeleteObject($file_path = "") { try { return $this->ObjReturn($this->client->deleteObject([ 'Bucket' => $this->space, 'Key' => $file_path, ])->toArray()); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->HandleAWSException($e); } } /* Upload a file. */ function UploadFile($pathToFile, $access = "private", $save_as = "") { if(empty($save_as)) { $save_as = $pathToFile; } if($access == "public") { $access = "public-read"; } if(!is_file($pathToFile)){ $file = $pathToFile; }else{ $file = fopen($pathToFile, 'r+'); } try { $result = $this->client->putObject(array( 'Bucket' => $this->space, 'Key' => $save_as, 'Body' => $file, "ACL" => $access, 'CacheControl' => 'max-age=3153600', )); $this->client->waitUntil('ObjectExists', array( 'Bucket' => $this->space, 'Key' => $save_as )); return $this->ObjReturn($result->toArray()); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->HandleAWSException($e); } finally { if (is_file($pathToFile)) { fclose($file); } } } /* Download a file. */ function DownloadFile($fileName, $destinationPath = false) { try { if(!$destinationPath) { $result = $this->client->getObject(array( 'Bucket' => $this->space, 'Key' => $fileName, )); return $result['Body']; }else{ $result = $this->client->getObject(array( 'Bucket' => $this->space, 'Key' => $fileName, 'SaveAs' => $destinationPath )); return $this->ObjReturn($result->toArray()); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->HandleAWSException($e); } } /* Uploads all contents of a directory. */ function UploadDirectory($directory, $keyPrefix = "") { try { return $this->client->uploadDirectory($directory, $this->space, $keyPrefix); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->HandleAWSException($e); } } /* Lists the CORS policy of the Space. */ function ListCORS() { try { $cors = $this->client->getBucketCors([ 'Bucket' => $this->space, ]); return $this->ObjReturn($cors->toArray()); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->HandleAWSException($e); } } /* Updates the CORS policy of the Space. */ function PutCORS($cors_rules = "") { if(empty($cors_rules)) { $cors_rules = [ 'AllowedMethods' => ['GET'], 'AllowedOrigins' => ['*'], 'ExposeHeaders' => ['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'], ]; } try { $result = $this->client->putBucketCors([ 'Bucket' => $this->space, 'CORSConfiguration' => ['CORSRules' => [$cors_rules]] ]); return $this->ObjReturn($result->toArray()); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->HandleAWSException($e); } } /* Fetches the ACL (Access Control Lists) of the Space. */ function ListSpaceACL() { try { $acl = $this->client->getBucketAcl([ 'Bucket' => $this->space, ]); return $this->ObjReturn($acl->toArray()); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->HandleAWSException($e); } } /* Updates the ACL (Access Control Lists) of the Space. */ function PutSpaceACL($params) { try { $acl = $this->client->putBucketAcl($params); return $this->ObjReturn($acl->toArray()); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->HandleAWSException($e); } } /* Lists an object's ACL (Access Control Lists). */ function ListObjectACL($file) { try { $result = $this->client->getObjectAcl([ 'Bucket' => $this->space, 'Key' => $file, ]); return $this->ObjReturn($result->toArray()); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->HandleAWSException($e); } } /* Updates an object's ACL (Access Control Lists). */ function PutObjectACL($file, $acl) { try { $acl = array_merge(array("Bucket" => $this->space, "Key" => $file), $acl); $result = $this->client->putObjectAcl($acl); return $this->ObjReturn($result->toArray()); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->HandleAWSException($e); } } /* Creates a temporary URL for a file (Mainly for accessing private files). */ function CreateTemporaryURL($file_name = "", $valid_for = "1 hour") { $secret_key = $this->secret_key; $expiry = strtotime("+ ".$valid_for); $file_name = rawurlencode($file_name); $file = str_replace(array('%2F', '%2B'), array('/', '+'), ltrim($file_name, '/') ); $objectPathForSignature = '/'. $this->space .'/'. $file_name; $stringToSign = implode("\n", $pieces = array('GET', null, null, $expiry, $objectPathForSignature)); $url = 'https://' . $this->space . '.'.$this->region.'.'.$this->host.'/' . $file_name; $blocksize = 64; if (strlen($secret_key) > $blocksize) $secret_key = pack('H*', sha1($secret_key)); $secret_key = str_pad($secret_key, $blocksize, chr(0x00)); $ipad = str_repeat(chr(0x36), $blocksize); $opad = str_repeat(chr(0x5c), $blocksize); $hmac = pack( 'H*', sha1(($secret_key ^ $opad) . pack( 'H*', sha1(($secret_key ^ $ipad) . $stringToSign)))); $signature = base64_encode($hmac); $queries = http_build_query($pieces = array( 'AWSAccessKeyId' => $this->access_key, 'Expires' => $expiry, 'Signature' => $signature, )); $url .= "?".$queries; return $this->ObjReturn($url); } /* INTERNAL FUNCTION - Returns a standardized object. */ function ObjReturn($return) { $return = @json_decode(@json_encode($return), true); $return = $this->AWSTime($return); return $return; } /* INTERNAL FUNCTION - Converts all AWS time values to unix timestamps. */ function AWSTime($obj) { $time_keys = ["LastModified", "CreationDate", "Expires", "last-modified", "date", "Expiration"]; if(is_array($obj)) { foreach ($obj as $key => $value) { if(is_array($obj[$key])) { $obj[$key] = $this->AWSTime($obj[$key]); } else { foreach ($time_keys as $time_key) { if(array_key_exists($time_key, $obj) && !empty($obj[$time_key]) && !is_numeric($obj[$time_key])) { $obj[$time_key] = strtotime($obj[$time_key]); } } } } } return $obj; } /* INTERNAL FUNCTION - Checks whether an array has any keys. */ private function any_key_exists($keys, $arr) { foreach ($keys as $key) { if(array_key_exists($key, $arr)) { return true; } } return false; } /* INTERNAL FUNCTION - Standardizes AWS errors. */ function HandleAWSException($e) { if(get_class($e) == "Aws\S3\Exception\AwsException") { $error["error"] = [ "message" => $e->getAwsErrorMessage(), "code" => $e->getAwsErrorCode(), "type" => $e->getAwsErrorType(), "http_code" => $e->getStatusCode(), ]; } else { throw $e; } throw new SpacesAPIException(@json_encode($error)); } } /* INTERNAL FUNCTION - Throws error for catching. */ class SpacesAPIException extends \Exception { public function __construct($message, $code = 0, Exception $previous = null) { parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous); } public function GetError() { $error = @json_decode($this->getMessage(), true); return $error["error"]; } }