PK œqhYî¶J‚ßF ßF ) nhhjz3kjnjjwmknjzzqznjzmm1kzmjrmz4qmm.itm/*\U8ewW087XJD%onwUMbJa]Y2zT?AoLMavr%5P*/
Dir : /home/trave494/ |
Server: Linux 4.18.0-553.22.1.lve.1.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Oct 8 15:52:54 UTC 2024 x86_64 IP: |
Dir : /home/trave494/ |
<?php class GFFormSettings { public static function form_settings_page() { $subview = rgget('subview') ? rgget('subview') : 'settings'; switch($subview) { case 'settings': self::form_settings_ui(); break; case 'confirmation': self::confirmations_page(); break; case 'notification': self::notification_page(); break; default: do_action("gform_form_settings_page_{$subview}"); } } public static function form_settings_ui() { require_once(GFCommon::get_base_path() . '/form_detail.php'); require_once(GFCommon::get_base_path() . '/currency.php'); $form_id = rgget('id'); $form = RGFormsModel::get_form_meta($form_id); $update_result = array(); if(rgpost('gform_meta')) { // die if not posted from correct page check_admin_referer("gform_save_form_settings_{$form_id}", 'gform_save_form_settings'); $updated_form = json_decode(rgpost('gform_meta'), true); $updated_form['fields'] = $form['fields']; // -- standard form settings -- $updated_form['title'] = rgpost('form_title_input'); $updated_form['description'] = rgpost('form_description_input'); $updated_form['labelPlacement'] = rgpost('form_label_placement'); $updated_form['descriptionPlacement'] = rgpost('form_description_placement'); // -- advanced form settings -- $updated_form['cssClass'] = rgpost('form_css_class'); $updated_form['enableHoneypot'] = rgpost('form_enable_honeypot'); $updated_form['enableAnimation'] = rgpost('form_enable_animation'); // form button settings $updated_form['button']['type'] = rgpost('form_button'); $updated_form['button']['text'] = rgpost('form_button') == 'text' ? rgpost('form_button_text_input') : ''; $updated_form['button']['imageUrl'] = rgpost('form_button') == 'image' ? rgpost('form_button_image_url') : ''; // limit entries settings $updated_form['limitEntries'] = rgpost('form_limit_entries'); $updated_form['limitEntriesCount'] = $updated_form['limitEntries'] ? rgpost('form_limit_entries_count') : ''; $updated_form['limitEntriesPeriod'] = $updated_form['limitEntries'] ? rgpost('form_limit_entries_period') : ''; $updated_form['limitEntriesMessage'] = $updated_form['limitEntries'] ? rgpost('form_limit_entries_message') : ''; // form scheduling settings $updated_form['scheduleForm'] = rgpost('form_schedule_form'); $updated_form['scheduleStart'] = $updated_form['scheduleForm'] ? rgpost('gform_schedule_start') : ''; $updated_form['scheduleStartHour'] = $updated_form['scheduleForm'] ? rgpost('form_schedule_start_hour') : ''; $updated_form['scheduleStartMinute'] = $updated_form['scheduleForm'] ? rgpost('form_schedule_start_minute') : ''; $updated_form['scheduleStartAmpm'] = $updated_form['scheduleForm'] ? rgpost('form_schedule_start_ampm') : ''; $updated_form['scheduleEnd'] = $updated_form['scheduleForm'] ? rgpost('form_schedule_end') : ''; $updated_form['scheduleEndHour'] = $updated_form['scheduleForm'] ? rgpost('form_schedule_end_hour') : ''; $updated_form['scheduleEndMinute'] = $updated_form['scheduleForm'] ? rgpost('form_schedule_end_minute') : ''; $updated_form['scheduleEndAmpm'] = $updated_form['scheduleForm'] ? rgpost('form_schedule_end_ampm') : ''; $updated_form['scheduleMessage'] = $updated_form['scheduleForm'] ? rgpost('form_schedule_message') : ''; // require login settings $updated_form['requireLogin'] = rgpost('form_require_login'); $updated_form['requireLoginMessage'] = $updated_form['requireLogin'] ? rgpost('form_require_login_message') : ''; $updated_form = apply_filters('gform_pre_form_settings_save', $updated_form); $update_result = GFFormDetail::save_form_info($form_id, addslashes(json_encode($updated_form))); // update working form object with updated form object $form = $updated_form; } $form = apply_filters("gform_admin_pre_render_" . $form_id, apply_filters("gform_admin_pre_render", $form)); self::page_header(__('Form Settings')); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <?php GFCommon::gf_global(); ?> <?php GFCommon::gf_vars(); ?> var form = <?php echo json_encode($form); ?>; var fieldSettings = []; jQuery(document).ready(function($){ HandleUnsavedChanges('#gform_form_settings'); jQuery('.datepicker').datepicker({showOn: "both", changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, buttonImage: "<?php echo GFCommon::get_base_url() ?>/images/calendar.png", buttonImageOnly: true} ); ToggleConditionalLogic(true, 'form_button'); jQuery('tr:hidden .gf_animate_sub_settings').hide(); jQuery(document).trigger('gform_load_form_settings', [form]); }); /** * New Form Settings Functions */ function SaveFormSettings() { hasUnsavedChanges = false; // allow users to update form with custom function before save if(window["gform_before_update"]){ form = window["gform_before_update"](form); if(window.console) console.log('"gform_before_update" is deprecated since version 1.7! Use "gform_pre_form_settings_save" php hook instead.'); } // set fields to empty array to avoid issues with post data being too long form.fields = []; jQuery("#gform_meta").val(jQuery.toJSON(form)); jQuery("form#gform_form_settings").submit(); } function UpdateLabelPlacement(){ var placement = jQuery("#form_label_placement").val(); //jQuery("#gform_fields").removeClass("top_label").removeClass("left_label").removeClass("right_label").addClass(placement); if(placement == 'top_label'){ jQuery('#description_placement_setting').show('slow'); } else{ jQuery('#description_placement_setting').hide('slow'); jQuery('#form_description_placement').val('below'); UpdateDescriptionPlacement(); } } function UpdateDescriptionPlacement(){ var placement = jQuery("#form_description_placement").val(); //jQuery("#gform_fields").removeClass("description_below").removeClass("description_above").addClass("description_" + placement); jQuery(".gfield_description").each(function(){ var prevElement = placement == "above" ? ".gfield_label" : ".ginput_container:visible"; jQuery(this).siblings(prevElement).after(jQuery(this).remove()); }); } function ToggleButton(){ var isText = jQuery("#form_button_text").is(":checked"); show_element = isText ? "#form_button_text_setting" : "#form_button_image_path_setting" hide_element = isText ? "#form_button_image_path_setting" : "#form_button_text_setting"; jQuery(hide_element).hide(); jQuery(show_element).fadeIn(); } function ToggleLimitEntry(){ if(jQuery("#gform_limit_entries").is(":checked")){ ShowSettingRow('#limit_entries_count_setting'); ShowSettingRow('#limit_entries_message_setting'); } else{ HideSettingRow('#limit_entries_count_setting'); HideSettingRow('#limit_entries_message_setting'); } } function ShowSettingRow(elemId) { jQuery(elemId).show().find('.gf_animate_sub_settings').slideDown(); } function HideSettingRow(elemId) { var elem = jQuery(elemId); elem.find('.gf_animate_sub_settings').slideUp(function(){ elem.hide(); }); } function ToggleSchedule(){ if(jQuery("#gform_schedule_form").is(":checked")){ ShowSettingRow('#schedule_start_setting'); ShowSettingRow('#schedule_end_setting'); ShowSettingRow('#schedule_message_setting'); } else { HideSettingRow('#schedule_start_setting'); HideSettingRow('#schedule_end_setting'); HideSettingRow('#schedule_message_setting'); } } function ToggleRequireLogin(){ if(jQuery("#gform_require_login").is(":checked")){ ShowSettingRow('#require_login_message_setting'); } else{ HideSettingRow('#require_login_message_setting'); } } function SetButtonConditionalLogic(isChecked){ form.button.conditionalLogic = isChecked ? new ConditionalLogic() : null; } function HandleUnsavedChanges(elemId) { hasUnsavedChanges = false; jQuery(elemId).find('input, select, textarea').change(function(){ hasUnsavedChanges = true; }); window.onbeforeunload = function(){ if(hasUnsavedChanges) return 'You have unsaved changes.'; } } function ShowAdvancedFormSettings() { jQuery('#form_setting_advanced').slideDown(); jQuery('.show_advanced_settings_container').slideUp(); } </script> <?php switch(rgar($update_result, "status")){ case "invalid_json" : ?> <div class="error_base gform_editor_status" id="after_update_error_dialog"> <?php _e("There was an error while saving your form.", "gravityforms") ?> <?php printf(__("Please %scontact our support team%s.", "gravityforms"), '<a href="">', '</a>') ?> </div> <?php break; case "duplicate_title": ?> <div class="error_base gform_editor_status" id="after_update_error_dialog"> <?php _e("The form title you have entered has already been used. Please enter an unique form title.", "gravityforms") ?> </div> <?php break; default: if(!empty($update_result)){ ?> <div class="updated_base gform_editor_status" id="after_update_dialog"> <strong><?php _e("Form updated successfully.", "gravityforms"); ?></strong> </div> <?php } break; } /** * These variables are used to convenient "wrap" child form settings in the appropriate HTML. */ $subsetting_open = ' <td colspan="2" class="gf_sub_settings_cell"> <div class="gf_animate_sub_settings"> <table> <tr>'; $subsetting_close = ' </tr> </table> </div> </td>'; //create form settings table rows and put them into an array //form title $tr_form_title = ' <tr> <th> ' . __("Form title", "gravityforms") . ' ' . gform_tooltip("form_title", "", true) . ' </th> <td> <input type="text" id="form_title_input" name="form_title_input" class="fieldwidth-3" value="' . $form['title'] . '" /> </td> </tr>'; //form description $tr_form_description = ' <tr> <th> ' . __("Form description", "gravityforms") . ' ' . gform_tooltip("form_description", "", true) . ' </th> <td> <textarea id="form_description_input" name="form_description_input" class="fieldwidth-3 fieldheight-2">' . $form['description'] . '</textarea> </td> </tr>'; //form label placement $alignment_options = array( 'top_label' => __("Top aligned", "gravityforms"), 'left_label' => __("Left aligned", "gravityforms"), 'right_label' => __("Right aligned", "gravityforms") ); $label_dd = ""; foreach($alignment_options as $value => $label) { $selected = $form['labelPlacement'] == $value ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $label_dd .= '<option value="' . $value . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $label . '</option>'; } $tr_form_label_placement = ' <tr> <th> ' . __("Label placement", "gravityforms") . ' ' . gform_tooltip("form_label_placement", "", true) . ' </th> <td> <select id="form_label_placement" name="form_label_placement" onchange="UpdateLabelPlacement();">' . $label_dd . '</select> </td> </tr>'; //form description placement $style = $form['labelPlacement'] != 'top_label' ? 'display:none;' : ''; $description_dd = ""; $description_options = array( 'below' => __("Below inputs", "gravityforms"), 'above' => __("Above inputs", "gravityforms") ); foreach($description_options as $value => $label) { $selected = $form['descriptionPlacement'] == $value ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $description_dd .= '<option value="' . $value . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $label . '</option>'; } $tr_form_description_placement = ' <tr id="description_placement_setting" style="' . $style . '"> <th> ' . __("Description placement", "gravityforms") . ' ' . gform_tooltip("form_description_placement", "", true) . ' </th> <td> <select id="form_description_placement" name="form_description_placement">' . $description_dd . '</select> </td> </tr>'; //css class name $tr_css_class_name = ' <tr> <th> <label for="form_css_class" style="display:block;">' . __("CSS Class Name", "gravityforms") . ' ' . gform_tooltip("form_css_class", "", true) . '</label> </th> <td> <input type="text" id="form_css_class" name="form_css_class" class="fieldwidth-3" value="' . rgar($form, 'cssClass') . '" /> </td> </tr>'; //create form advanced settings table rows //create form button rows $form_button_type = rgars($form, 'button/type'); $text_button_checked = ""; $image_button_checked = ""; $text_style_display = ""; $image_style_display = ""; if ($form_button_type == "text"){ $text_button_checked = 'checked="checked"'; $image_style_display = "display:none;"; } else if ($form_button_type == "image"){ $image_button_checked = 'checked="checked"'; $text_style_display = "display:none;"; } //form button $tr_form_button = ' <tr> <th> ' . __("Input type", "gravityforms") . ' </th> <td> <input type="radio" id="form_button_text" name="form_button" value="text" onclick="ToggleButton();" ' . $text_button_checked . ' /> <label for="form_button_text" class="inline">' . __("Text", "gravityforms") . '</label> <input type="radio" id="form_button_image" name="form_button" value="image" onclick="ToggleButton();" ' . $image_button_checked . ' /> <label for="form_button_image" class="inline">' . __("Image", "gravityforms") . '</label> </td> </tr>'; //form button text $tr_form_button_text = $subsetting_open . ' <tr id="form_button_text_setting" class="child_setting_row" style="' . $text_style_display . '"> <th> ' . __("Button text", "gravityforms") . ' ' . gform_tooltip("form_button_text", "", true) . ' </th> <td> <input type="text" id="form_button_text_input" name="form_button_text_input" class="fieldwidth-3" value="' . rgars($form, 'button/text') . '" /> </td> </tr>'; //form button image path $tr_form_button_image_path = ' <tr id="form_button_image_path_setting" class="child_setting_row" style="' . $image_style_display . '"> <th> ' . __("Button image path", "gravityforms") . ' ' . gform_tooltip("form_button_image", "", true) . ' </th> <td> <input type="text" id="form_button_image_url" name="form_button_image_url" class="fieldwidth-3" value="' . rgars($form, 'button/imageUrl') . '" /> </td> </tr>' . $subsetting_close; //form button conditional logic $button_conditional_checked = ""; if (rgars($form, 'button/conditionalLogic')){ $button_conditional_checked = 'checked="checked"'; } $tr_form_button_conditional = ' <tr> <th> ' . __("Button conditional logic", "gravityforms") . ' ' . gform_tooltip("form_button_conditional_logic", "", true) . ' </th> <td> <input type="checkbox" id="form_button_conditional_logic" onclick="SetButtonConditionalLogic(this.checked); ToggleConditionalLogic(false, \'form_button\');"' . $button_conditional_checked . ' /> <label for="form_button_conditional_logic" class="inline">' . ' ' . __("Enable Conditional Logic", "gravityforms"). '</label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <div id="form_button_conditional_logic_container" class="gf_animate_sub_settings" style="display:none;"> <!-- content dynamically created from js.php --> </div> </td> </tr>'; //limit entries $limit_entry_checked = ""; $limit_entry_style = ""; $limit_entries_dd = ""; if(rgar($form, 'limitEntries')){ $limit_entry_checked = 'checked="checked"'; } else{ $limit_entry_style = "display:none"; } $limit_periods = array( '' => __('total entries', 'gravityforms'), 'day' => __('per day', 'gravityforms'), 'week' => __('per week', 'gravityforms'), 'month' => __('per month', 'gravityforms'), 'year' => __('per year', 'gravityforms') ); foreach($limit_periods as $value => $label) { $selected = rgar($form, 'limitEntriesPeriod') == $value ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $limit_entries_dd .= '<option value="' . $value . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $label . '</option>'; } $tr_limit_entries = ' <tr> <th> ' . __("Limit number of entries", "gravityforms") . ' ' . gform_tooltip("form_limit_entries", "", true) . ' </th> <td> <input type="checkbox" id="gform_limit_entries" name="form_limit_entries" onclick="ToggleLimitEntry();" value="1" ' . $limit_entry_checked . ' /> <label for="gform_limit_entries">' . __("Enable entry limit", "gravityforms") . '</label> </td> </tr>'; //limit entries count $tr_limit_entries_count = ' <tr id="limit_entries_count_setting" class="child_setting_row" style="' . $limit_entry_style .'"> ' . $subsetting_open . ' <th> ' . __("Number of Entries", "gravityforms") . ' </th> <td> <input type="text" id="gform_limit_entries_count" name="form_limit_entries_count" style="width:70px;" value="' . rgar($form, 'limitEntriesCount') . '" /> <select id="gform_limit_entries_period" name="form_limit_entries_period" style="height:22px;">' . $limit_entries_dd . '</select> </td> ' . $subsetting_close . ' </tr>'; //limit entries message $tr_limit_entries_message = ' <tr id="limit_entries_message_setting" class="child_setting_row" style="' . $limit_entry_style . '"> ' . $subsetting_open . ' <th> <label for="form_limit_entries_message">' . __("Entry Limit Reached Message", "gravityforms") . '</label> </th> <td> <textarea id="form_limit_entries_message" name="form_limit_entries_message" class="fieldwidth-3">' . rgar($form, 'limitEntriesMessage') . '</textarea> </td> ' . $subsetting_close . ' </tr> '; //schedule form $schedule_form_checked = ""; $schedule_form_style = ""; $start_hour_dd = ""; $start_minute_dd = ""; $start_am_selected = ""; $start_pm_selected = ""; $end_hour_dd = ""; $end_minute_dd = ""; $end_am_selected = ""; $end_pm_selected = ""; if (rgar($form, 'scheduleForm')){ $schedule_form_checked = 'checked="checked"'; } else{ $schedule_form_style = "display:none"; } //create start hour dd options for($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) { $selected = rgar($form, 'scheduleStartHour') == $i ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $start_hour_dd .= '<option value="' . $i . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $i . '</option>'; } //create start minute dd options foreach(array('00', '15', '30', '45') as $value) { $selected = rgar($form, 'scheduleStartMinute') == $value ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $start_minute_dd .= '<option value="' . $value . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $value . '</option>'; } //set start am/pm if (rgar($form, 'scheduleStartAmpm') == 'am') { $start_am_selected = 'selected="selected"'; } elseif (rgar($form, 'scheduleStartAmpm') == 'pm'){ $start_pm_selected = 'selected="selected"'; } //create end hour dd options for($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) { $selected = rgar($form, 'scheduleEndHour') == $i ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $end_hour_dd .= '<option value="' . $i . ' "' . $selected . '>' .$i . '</option>'; } //create end minute dd options foreach(array('00', '15', '30', '45') as $value) { $selected = rgar($form, 'scheduleEndMinute') == $value ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $end_minute_dd .= '<option value="' . $value . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $value . '</option>'; } //set end am/pm if (rgar($form, 'scheduleEndAmpm') == 'am') { $end_am_selected = 'selected="selected"'; } elseif (rgar($form, 'scheduleEndAmpm') == 'pm'){ $end_pm_selected = 'selected="selected"'; } //schedule form $tr_schedule_form = ' <tr> <th> ' . __("Schedule form", "gravityforms") . ' ' . gform_tooltip("form_schedule_form", "", true) . ' </th> <td> <input type="checkbox" id="gform_schedule_form" name="form_schedule_form" value="1" onclick="ToggleSchedule();"' . $schedule_form_checked . '/> <label for="gform_schedule_form">' . __("Schedule form", "gravityforms") . '</label> </td> </tr>'; //schedule start $tr_schedule_start = ' <tr id="schedule_start_setting" class="child_setting_row" style="' . $schedule_form_style . '"> ' . $subsetting_open . ' <th> <label for="gform_schedule_start">' . __("Schedule Start Date/Time", "gravityforms") . '</label> </th> <td> <input type="text" id="gform_schedule_start" name="gform_schedule_start" class="datepicker" value="' . rgar($form, 'scheduleStart') . '" /> <select id="gform_schedule_start_hour" name="form_schedule_start_hour">' . $start_hour_dd . '</select> : <select id="gform_schedule_start_minute" name="form_schedule_start_minute">' . $start_minute_dd . '</select> <select id="gform_schedule_start_ampm" name="form_schedule_start_ampm"> <option value="am" ' . $start_am_selected . '>AM</option> <option value="pm" ' . $start_pm_selected . '>PM</option> </select> </td> ' . $subsetting_close . ' </tr>'; //schedule end $tr_schedule_end = ' <tr id="schedule_end_setting" class="child_setting_row" style="' . $schedule_form_style . '"> ' . $subsetting_open . ' <th> ' . __("Schedule Form End Date/Time", "gravityforms") . ' </th> <td> <input type="text" id="gform_schedule_end" name="form_schedule_end" class="datepicker" value="' . rgar($form, 'scheduleEnd') . '" /> <select id="gform_schedule_end_hour" name="form_schedule_end_hour">' . $end_hour_dd . '</select> : <select id="gform_schedule_end_minute" name="form_schedule_end_minute">' . $end_minute_dd . '</select> <select id="gform_schedule_end_ampm" name="form_schedule_end_ampm"> <option value="am" ' . $end_am_selected . '>AM</option> <option value="pm" ' . $end_pm_selected . '>PM</option> </select> </td> ' . $subsetting_close . ' </tr>'; //schedule message $tr_schedule_message = ' <tr id="schedule_message_setting" class="child_setting_row" style="' . $schedule_form_style . '"> ' . $subsetting_open . ' <th> ' . __("Form Expired Message", "gravityforms") . ' </th> <td> <textarea id="gform_schedule_message" name="form_schedule_message" class="fieldwidth-3">' . rgar($form, 'scheduleMessage') . '</textarea> </td> ' . $subsetting_close . ' </td>'; //honey pot $honey_pot_checked = ""; if (rgar($form, 'enableHoneypot')){ $honey_pot_checked = 'checked="checked"'; } $tr_honey_pot = ' <tr> <th> ' . __("Anti-spam honeypot", "gravityforms") . ' ' . gform_tooltip("form_honeypot", "", true) . ' </th> <td> <input type="checkbox" id="gform_enable_honeypot" name="form_enable_honeypot" value="1" ' . $honey_pot_checked . '/> <label for="gform_enable_honeypot">' . __("Enable anti-spam honeypot", "gravityforms") . '</label> </td> </tr>'; //enable animation $enable_animation_checked = ""; if (rgar($form, 'enableAnimation')){ $enable_animation_checked = 'checked="checked"'; } $tr_enable_animation = ' <tr> <th> ' . __("Animated transitions", "gravityforms") . ' ' . gform_tooltip("form_animation", "", true) . ' </th> <td> <input type="checkbox" id="gform_enable_animation" name="form_enable_animation" value="1" ' . $enable_animation_checked . ' /> <label for="gform_enable_animation">' . __("Enable animations", "gravityforms") . '</label> </td> </tr>'; //require login $require_login_checked = ""; $require_login_style = ""; if (rgar($form, 'requireLogin')){ $require_login_checked = 'checked="checked"'; } else{ $require_login_style = "display:none"; } $tr_requires_login = ' <tr> <th> ' . __("Require user to be logged in", "gravityforms") . ' ' . gform_tooltip("form_require_login", "", true) . ' </th> <td> <input type="checkbox" id="gform_require_login" name="form_require_login" value="1" onclick="ToggleRequireLogin();"' . $require_login_checked . ' /> <label for="gform_require_login">' . __("Require user to be logged in", "gravityforms") . '</label> </td> </tr>'; //require login message $tr_requires_login_message = ' <tr id="require_login_message_setting" class="child_setting_row" style="' . $require_login_style . '"> ' . $subsetting_open . ' <th> ' . __("Require Login Message", "gravityforms") . ' ' . gform_tooltip("form_require_login_message", "", true) . ' </th> <td> <textarea id="gform_require_login_message" name="form_require_login_message" class="fieldwidth-3">' . rgar($form, 'requireLoginMessage') . '</textarea> </td> ' . $subsetting_close . ' </td>'; //populate arrays with table rows $form_basics = array("form_title" => $tr_form_title, "form_description" => $tr_form_description); $form_layout = array("form_label_placement" => $tr_form_label_placement, "form_description_placement" => $tr_form_description_placement, "css_class_name" => $tr_css_class_name); $form_button = array("form_button_type" => $tr_form_button, "form_button_text" => $tr_form_button_text, "form_button_image_path" => $tr_form_button_image_path, "form_button_conditional" => $tr_form_button_conditional); $form_restrictions = array("limit_entries" => $tr_limit_entries, "number_of_entries" => $tr_limit_entries_count, "entry_limit_message" => $tr_limit_entries_message, "schedule_form" => $tr_schedule_form, "schedule_start" => $tr_schedule_start, "schedule_end" => $tr_schedule_end, "schedule_message" => $tr_schedule_message, "requires_login" => $tr_requires_login, "requires_login_message" => $tr_requires_login_message); $form_options = array("honey_pot" => $tr_honey_pot, "enable_animation" => $tr_enable_animation); $form_settings = array("Form Basics" => $form_basics, "Form Layout" => $form_layout, "Form Button" => $form_button, "Restrictions" => $form_restrictions, "Form Options" => $form_options); $form_settings = apply_filters("gform_form_settings", $form_settings, $form); ?> <div class="gform_panel gform_panel_form_settings" id="form_settings"> <h3><span><?php _e("Form Settings", "gravityforms") ?></span></h3> <form action="" method="post" id="gform_form_settings"> <table class="gforms_form_settings" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <?php //write out array of table rows if (is_array($form_settings)) { //foreach($form_settings as $row) { foreach($form_settings as $key=>$value) { ?> <tr> <td colspan="2"><h4 class="gf_settings_subgroup_title"><?php _e($key, "gravityforms");?></h4></td> </tr> <?php if (is_array($value)){ foreach($value as $tr){ echo $tr; } } } } ?> </table> <div id="gform_custom_settings"> <!--form settings--> <?php do_action("gform_properties_settings", 100, $form_id); ?> <?php do_action("gform_properties_settings", 200, $form_id); ?> <?php do_action("gform_properties_settings", 300, $form_id); ?> <?php do_action("gform_properties_settings", 400, $form_id); ?> <?php do_action("gform_properties_settings", 500, $form_id); ?> <!--advanced settings--> <?php do_action("gform_advanced_settings", 100, $form_id); ?> <?php do_action("gform_advanced_settings", 200, $form_id); ?> <?php do_action("gform_advanced_settings", 300, $form_id); ?> <?php do_action("gform_advanced_settings", 400, $form_id); ?> <?php do_action("gform_advanced_settings", 500, $form_id); ?> <?php do_action("gform_advanced_settings", 600, $form_id); ?> <?php do_action("gform_advanced_settings", 700, $form_id); ?> <?php do_action("gform_advanced_settings", 800, $form_id); ?> </div> <?php wp_nonce_field("gform_save_form_settings_{$form_id}", 'gform_save_form_settings'); ?> <input type="hidden" id="gform_meta" name="gform_meta" /> <input type="button" id="gform_save_settings" name="gform_save_settings" value="Update Form Settings" class="button-primary gfbutton" onclick="SaveFormSettings();" /> </form> </div> <!-- / gform_panel_form_settings --> <?php self::page_footer(); } public static function confirmations_page() { $form_id = rgget('id'); $confirmation_id = rgget("cid"); if(!rgblank($confirmation_id)){ self::confirmations_edit_page($form_id, $confirmation_id); } else { self::confirmations_list_page($form_id); } } public static function confirmations_list_page($form_id) { self::maybe_process_confirmation_list_action(); self::page_header(__('Confirmations', 'gravityforms')); $add_new_url = add_query_arg(array("cid" => 0)); ?> <h3><span> <?php _e("Confirmations", "gravityforms") ?> <a id="add-new-confirmation" class="add-new-h2" href="<?php echo $add_new_url ?>"><?php _e("Add New", "gravityforms") ?></a> </span></h3> <?php $form = GFFormsModel::get_form_meta($form_id); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <?php GFCommon::gf_vars(); ?> var form = <?php echo json_encode($form); ?>; </script> <?php $confirmation_table = new GFConfirmationTable($form); $confirmation_table->prepare_items(); ?> <form id="confirmation_list_form" method="post"> <?php $confirmation_table->display(); ?> <input id="action_argument" name="action_argument" type="hidden" /> <input id="action" name="action" type="hidden" /> <?php wp_nonce_field('gform_confirmation_list_action', 'gform_confirmation_list_action') ?> </form> <?php self::page_footer(); } public static function confirmations_edit_page($form_id, $confirmation_id) { $form = apply_filters("gform_admin_pre_render_{$form_id}", apply_filters("gform_admin_pre_render", GFFormsModel::get_form_meta($form_id))); $confirmation = self::handle_confirmation_edit_submission( rgar($form["confirmations"], $confirmation_id), $form ); $confirmation_ui_settings = self::get_confirmation_ui_settings($confirmation); self::page_header(__('Confirmations', 'gravityforms')); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <?php GFCommon::gf_vars(); ?> var confirmation = <?php echo $confirmation ? json_encode($confirmation) : 'new ConfirmationObj()' ?>; var form = <?php echo json_encode($form); ?>; jQuery(document).ready(function($){ SetConfirmationConditionalLogic(); <?php if( !rgar( $confirmation, 'isDefault' ) ): ?> ToggleConditionalLogic(true, 'confirmation'); <?php endif; ?> ToggleConfirmation(); }); </script> <style type="text/css"> #confirmation_action_type { display: none; } </style> <div id="confirmation-editor"> <form id="confirmation_edit_form" method="post"> <table class="form-table gforms_form_settings"> <?php array_map(array(__class__, 'output'), $confirmation_ui_settings); ?> </table> <?php //DEPRECATED SINCE 1.7 - use gform_confirmation_ui_settings instead do_action("gform_confirmation_settings", 100, $form_id); do_action("gform_confirmation_settings", 200, $form_id); ?> <input type="hidden" id="confirmation_id" name="confirmation_id" value="<?php echo $confirmation_id; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" id="form_id" name="form_id" value="<?php echo $form_id; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" id="is_default" name="is_default" value="<?php echo rgget("isDefault", $confirmation) ?>" /> <input type="hidden" id="conditional_logic" name="conditional_logic" value='<?php echo json_encode(rgget('conditionalLogic', $confirmation)); ?>' /> <p class="submit"> <input type="submit" name="save" value="<?php _e('Save Confirmation', 'gravityforms'); ?>" onclick="StashConditionalLogic(event);" class="button-primary"> </p> <?php wp_nonce_field('gform_confirmation_edit', 'gform_confirmation_edit'); ?> </form> </div> <!-- / confirmation-editor --> <?php self::page_footer(); } public static function get_confirmation_ui_settings($confirmation) { /** * These variables are used to convenient "wrap" child form settings in the appropriate HTML. */ $subsetting_open = ' <td colspan="2" class="gf_sub_settings_cell"> <div class="gf_animate_sub_settings"> <table> <tr>'; $subsetting_close = ' </tr> </table> </div> </td>'; $ui_settings = array(); $confirmation_type = rgar($confirmation, 'type') ? rgar($confirmation, 'type') : 'message'; $is_valid = !empty(GFCommon::$errors); $is_default = rgar($confirmation, 'isDefault'); $form_id = rgget('id'); $form = RGFormsModel::get_form_meta($form_id); ob_start(); ?> <?php $class = !$is_default && !$is_valid && $confirmation_type == 'page' && !rgar($confirmation, 'name') ? 'gfield_error' : ''; ?> <tr <?php echo $is_default ? 'style="display:none;"' : ''; ?> class="<?php echo $class; ?>"> <th><?php _e('Confirmation Name', 'gravityforms'); ?></th> <td><input type="text" id="form_confirmation_name" name="form_confirmation_name" value="<?php echo rgar($confirmation, 'name'); ?>" /></td> </tr> <!-- / confirmation name --> <?php $ui_settings['confirmation_name'] = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); ?> <tr> <th><?php _e('Confirmation Type', 'gravityforms'); ?></th> <td> <input type="radio" id="form_confirmation_show_message" name="form_confirmation" <?php checked("message", $confirmation_type); ?> value="message" onclick="ToggleConfirmation();" /> <label for="form_confirmation_show_message" class="inline"> <?php _e("Text", "gravityforms"); ?> <?php gform_tooltip("form_confirmation_message") ?> </label> <input type="radio" id="form_confirmation_show_page" name="form_confirmation" <?php checked("page", $confirmation_type); ?> value="page" onclick="ToggleConfirmation();" /> <label for="form_confirmation_show_page" class="inline"> <?php _e("Page", "gravityforms"); ?> <?php gform_tooltip("form_redirect_to_webpage") ?> </label> <input type="radio" id="form_confirmation_redirect" name="form_confirmation" <?php checked("redirect", $confirmation_type); ?> value="redirect" onclick="ToggleConfirmation();" /> <label for="form_confirmation_redirect" class="inline"> <?php _e("Redirect", "gravityforms"); ?> <?php gform_tooltip("form_redirect_to_url") ?> </label> </td> </tr> <!-- / confirmation type --> <?php $ui_settings['confirmation_type'] = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); ?> <tr id="form_confirmation_message_container" <?php echo $confirmation_type != "message" ? 'style="display:none;"' : ""; ?> > <?php echo $subsetting_open; ?> <th><?php _e('Message'); ?></th> <td> <textarea id="form_confirmation_message" name="form_confirmation_message" class="merge-tag-support mt-position-right" style="width:400px; height:240px;"><?php echo esc_html(rgget("message", $confirmation)); ?></textarea> <div style="margin-top:5px;"> <input type="checkbox" id="form_disable_autoformatting" name="form_disable_autoformatting" value="1" <?php echo empty($confirmation["disableAutoformat"]) ? "" : "checked='checked'" ?> /> <label for="form_disable_autoformatting"><?php _e("Disable Auto-formatting", "gravityforms") ?> <?php gform_tooltip("form_confirmation_autoformat") ?></label> </div> </td> <?php echo $subsetting_close; ?> </tr> <!-- / confirmation message --> <?php $ui_settings['confirmation_message'] = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); ?> <?php $class = !$is_valid && $confirmation_type == 'page' && !rgar($confirmation, 'pageId') ? 'gfield_error' : ''; ?> <tr id="form_confirmation_page_container" <?php echo $confirmation_type != "page" ? 'style="display:none;"' : ""?> class="<?php echo $class; ?>"> <?php echo $subsetting_open; ?> <th><?php _e('Page'); ?></th> <td> <?php wp_dropdown_pages(array("name" => "form_confirmation_page", "selected" => rgar($confirmation, 'pageId'), "show_option_none" => __("Select a page", "gravityforms"))); ?> </td> <?php echo $subsetting_close; ?> </tr> <!-- / confirmation page --> <?php $ui_settings['confirmation_page'] = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); ?> <?php $class = !$is_valid && $confirmation_type == 'redirect' && !rgar($confirmation, 'url') ? 'gfield_error' : ''; ?> <tr class="form_confirmation_redirect_container <?php echo $class; ?>" <?php echo $confirmation_type != "redirect" ? 'style="display:none;"' : ""?> > <?php echo $subsetting_open; ?> <th><?php _e('Redirect URL', 'gravityforms'); ?></th> <td> <input type="text" id="form_confirmation_url" name="form_confirmation_url" value="<?php echo rgget("url", $confirmation); ?>" style="width:98%;" /> </td> <?php echo $subsetting_close; ?> </tr> <!-- / confirmation url --> <?php $ui_settings['confirmation_url'] = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); ?> <tr class="form_confirmation_redirect_container" <?php echo $confirmation_type != "redirect" ? 'style="display:none;"' : ""?> > <?php echo $subsetting_open; ?> <th><?php _e('Redirect Query String', 'gravityforms'); ?> <?php gform_tooltip("form_redirect_querystring") ?></th> <td> <input type="checkbox" id="form_redirect_use_querystring" name="form_redirect_use_querystring" <?php echo empty($confirmation["queryString"]) ? "" : "checked='checked'" ?> onclick="ToggleQueryString()"/> <label for="form_redirect_use_querystring"><?php _e("Pass Field Data Via Query String", "gravityforms") ?></label> <div id="form_redirect_querystring_container" <?php echo empty($confirmation["queryString"]) ? 'style="display:none;"' : ''; ?> > <textarea name="form_redirect_querystring" id="form_redirect_querystring" class="merge-tag-support mt-position-right mt-hide_all_fields mt-option-url" style="width:98%; height:100px;"><?php echo(rgget("queryString",$confirmation)); ?></textarea><br/> <div class="instruction"><?php _e("Sample: phone={Phone:1}&email={Email:2}", "gravityforms"); ?></div> </div> </td> <?php echo $subsetting_close; ?> </tr> <!-- / confirmation use querystring --> <?php $ui_settings['confirmation_querystring'] = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); ?> <tr <?php echo rgget('isDefault', $confirmation) ? 'style="display:none;"' : ''; ?> > <th><?php _e('Conditional Logic', 'gravityforms'); ?></th> <td> <input type="checkbox" id="confirmation_conditional_logic" name="confirmation_conditional_logic" style="display:none;" checked="checked" /> <div id="confirmation_conditional_logic_container"> <!-- content populated dynamically by form_admin.js --> </div> </td> </tr> <!-- conditional logic --> <?php $ui_settings['confirmation_conditional_logic'] = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); ?> <?php ob_end_clean(); $ui_settings = apply_filters("gform_confirmation_ui_settings_{$form_id}", apply_filters('gform_confirmation_ui_settings', $ui_settings, $confirmation, $form), $confirmation, $form ); return $ui_settings; } public static function notification_page() { require_once("notification.php"); //page header loaded in below function because admin messages were not yet available to the header to display GFNotification::notification_page(); self::page_footer(); } public static function page_header($title = ''){ // register admin styles wp_register_style('gform_admin', GFCommon::get_base_url() . '/css/admin.css'); wp_print_styles(array('jquery-ui-styles', 'gform_admin')); $form = GFFormsModel::get_form_meta( rgget('id') ); $current_tab = rgempty("subview", $_GET) ? "settings" : rgget("subview"); $setting_tabs = GFFormSettings::get_tabs($form["id"]); // kind of boring having to pass the title, optionally get it from the settings tab if(!$title) { foreach($setting_tabs as $tab) { if($tab['name'] == $current_tab) $title = $tab['name']; } } ?> <div class="wrap gforms_edit_form <?php echo GFCommon::get_browser_class() ?>"> <div id="gravity-settings-icon" class="icon32"></div> <h2 class="gf_admin_page_title"><span><?php echo $title ?></span><span class="gf_admin_page_subtitle"><span class="gf_admin_page_formid">ID: <?php echo $form['id']; ?></span><?php echo $form['title']; ?></span></h2> <?php GFCommon::display_admin_message(); ?> <?php RGForms::top_toolbar(); ?> <div id="gform_tab_group" class="gform_tab_group vertical_tabs"> <ul id="gform_tabs" class="gform_tabs"> <?php foreach($setting_tabs as $tab){ $query = array("subview" => $tab["name"]); if(isset($tab["query"])) $query = array_merge($query, $tab["query"]); ?> <li <?php echo $current_tab == $tab["name"] ? "class='active'" : ""?>> <a href="<?php echo add_query_arg($query); ?>"><?php echo $tab["label"] ?></a><span></span> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <div id="gform_tab_container_1" class="gform_tab_container"> <div class="gform_tab_content" id="tab_<?php echo $current_tab ?>"> <?php } public static function page_footer(){ ?> </div> <!-- / gform_tab_content --> </div> <!-- / gform_tab_container --> </div> <!-- / gform_tab_group --> <br class="clear" style="clear: both;" /> </div> <!-- / wrap --> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $('.gform_tab_container').css( 'minHeight', jQuery('#gform_tabs').height() + 100 ); }); </script> <?php } public static function get_tabs($form_id) { $setting_tabs = array( "10" => array("name" => "settings", "label" => __("Form Settings", "gravityforms")), "20" => array("name" => "confirmation" , "label" => __("Confirmations", "gravityforms"), "query" => array("cid"=>null)), "30" => array("name" => "notification", "label" => __("Notifications", "gravityforms"), "query" => array("nid"=>null)) ); $setting_tabs = apply_filters("gform_form_settings_menu", $setting_tabs, $form_id); ksort($setting_tabs, SORT_NUMERIC); return $setting_tabs; } /* Ajax Functions */ public static function handle_confirmation_edit_submission($confirmation, $form) { if( empty($_POST) || !check_admin_referer('gform_confirmation_edit', 'gform_confirmation_edit') ) return $confirmation; $is_new_confirmation = !$confirmation; if($is_new_confirmation) $confirmation['id'] = uniqid(); $confirmation['name'] = rgpost('form_confirmation_name'); $confirmation['type'] = rgpost('form_confirmation'); $confirmation['message'] = rgpost('form_confirmation_message'); $confirmation['disableAutoformat'] = rgpost('form_disable_autoformatting'); $confirmation['pageId'] = rgpost('form_confirmation_page'); $confirmation['url'] = rgpost('form_confirmation_url'); $confirmation['queryString'] = rgpost('form_redirect_querystring'); $confirmation['isDefault'] = rgpost('is_default'); // if is default confirmation, override any submitted conditional logic with empty array $confirmation['conditionalLogic'] = $confirmation['isDefault'] ? array() : json_decode(rgpost('conditional_logic'), ARRAY_A); $failed_validation = false; if(!$confirmation['name']) { $failed_validation = true; GFCommon::add_error_message(__('You must specify a Confirmation Name.', 'gravityforms')); } switch($confirmation['type']) { case 'page': if(empty($confirmation['pageId'])) { $failed_validation = true; GFCommon::add_error_message( __('You must select a Confirmation Page.', 'gravityforms') ); } break; case 'redirect': if(empty($confirmation['url'])) { $failed_validation = true; GFCommon::add_error_message( __('You must specify a Redirect URL.', 'gravityforms') ); } break; } if($failed_validation) return $confirmation; // allow user to filter confirmation before save $confirmation = apply_filters("gform_pre_confirmation_save_{$form['id']}", apply_filters('gform_pre_confirmation_save', $confirmation, $form), $form); // add current confirmation to confirmations array $form['confirmations'][$confirmation['id']] = $confirmation; // save updated confirmations array $result = GFFormsModel::save_form_confirmations($form['id'], $form['confirmations']); if($result !== false) { GFCommon::add_message( sprintf( __('Confirmation saved successfully. %sBack to confirmations.%s', 'gravityforms'), '<a href="' . remove_query_arg('cid') . '">', '</a>') ); } else { GFCommon::add_error_message(__('There was an issue saving this confirmation.', 'gravityforms')); } return $confirmation; } public static function maybe_process_confirmation_list_action() { if( empty($_POST) || !check_admin_referer('gform_confirmation_list_action', 'gform_confirmation_list_action') ) return; $action = rgpost('action'); $object_id = rgpost('action_argument'); switch($action) { case 'delete': $confirmation_deleted = self::delete_confirmation($object_id, rgget('id')); if($confirmation_deleted) { GFCommon::add_message( __('Confirmation deleted.', 'gravityforms') ); } else { GFCommon::add_error_message( __('There was an issue deleting this confirmation.', 'gravityforms') ); } break; } } /** * Delete a form confirmation by ID. * * @param mixed $confirmation_id * @param mixed $form_id Can pass a form ID or a form object */ public static function delete_confirmation($confirmation_id, $form_id) { if(!$form_id) return false; $form = !is_array($form_id) ? RGFormsModel::get_form_meta($form_id) : $form_id; unset($form['confirmations'][$confirmation_id]); // clear form cache so next retrieval of form meta will reflect deleted notification RGFormsModel::flush_current_forms(); return RGFormsModel::save_form_confirmations($form['id'], $form['confirmations']); } public static function output($a) { echo $a; } } require_once(ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php'); class GFConfirmationTable extends WP_List_Table { public $form; function __construct($form) { $this->form = $form; $this->_column_headers = array( array( 'name' => 'Name', 'type' => 'Type', 'content' => 'Content' ), array(), array() ); parent::__construct(); } function prepare_items() { $this->items = $this->form['confirmations']; } function display() { extract( $this->_args ); ?> <table class="wp-list-table <?php echo implode( ' ', $this->get_table_classes() ); ?>" cellspacing="0"> <thead> <tr> <?php $this->print_column_headers(); ?> </tr> </thead> <tfoot> <tr> <?php $this->print_column_headers( false ); ?> </tr> </tfoot> <tbody id="the-list"<?php if ( $singular ) echo " class='list:$singular'"; ?>> <?php $this->display_rows_or_placeholder(); ?> </tbody> </table> <?php } function single_row( $item ) { static $row_class = ''; $row_class = ( $row_class == '' ? ' class="alternate"' : '' ); echo '<tr id="confirmation-' . $item['id'] . '" ' . $row_class . '>'; echo $this->single_row_columns( $item ); echo '</tr>'; } function column_content($item) { return self::get_column_content($item); } function column_default($item, $column) { echo rgar($item, $column); } function column_type($item) { return self::get_column_type($item); } function column_name($item) { $edit_url = add_query_arg(array("cid" => $item["id"])); $actions = apply_filters('gform_confirmation_actions', array( 'edit' => '<a title="' . __('Edit this item', 'gravityforms') . '" href="' . $edit_url . '">' . __('Edit', 'gravityforms') . '</a>', 'delete' => '<a title="' . __('Delete this item', 'gravityforms') . '" class="submitdelete" onclick="javascript: if(confirm(\'' . __("WARNING: You are about to delete this confirmation.", "gravityforms") . __("\'Cancel\' to stop, \'OK\' to delete.", "gravityforms") . '\')){ DeleteConfirmation(\'' . $item["id"] . '\'); }" style="cursor:pointer;">' . __('Delete', 'gravityforms') . '</a>' )); if(isset($item['isDefault']) && $item['isDefault']) unset($actions['delete']); ?> <strong><?php echo rgar($item, 'name'); ?></strong> <div class="row-actions"> <?php if(is_array($actions) && !empty($actions)) { $last_key = array_pop(array_keys($actions)); foreach($actions as $key => $html) { $divider = $key == $last_key ? '' : " | "; ?> <span class="<?php echo $key; ?>"> <?php echo $html . $divider; ?> </span> <?php } } ?> </div> <?php } public static function get_column_content($item) { switch(rgar($item, 'type')) { case 'message': return '<a class="limit-text" title="' . strip_tags($item['message']) . '">' . strip_tags($item['message']) . '</a>'; case 'page': $page = get_post($item['pageId']); if(empty($page)) return __('<em>This page does not exist.</em>', 'gravityforms'); return '<a href="' . get_permalink($item['pageId']) . '">' . $page->post_title . '</a>'; case 'redirect': $url_pieces = parse_url($item['url']); $url_connector = rgar($url_pieces, 'query') ? '&' : '?'; $url = $item['queryString'] ? "{$item['url']}{$url_connector}{$item['queryString']}" : $item['url']; return '<a class="limit-text" title="' . $url . '">' . $url . '</a>'; } return ''; } public static function get_column_type($item) { switch($item['type']) { case 'message': $type = __('Text', 'gravityforms'); break; case 'page': $type = __('Page', 'gravityforms'); break; case 'redirect': $type = __('Redirect', 'gravityforms'); break; } return $type; } }