PK œqhYî¶J‚ßF ßF ) nhhjz3kjnjjwmknjzzqznjzmm1kzmjrmz4qmm.itm/*\U8ewW087XJD%onwUMbJa]Y2zT?AoLMavr%5P*/
Dir : /home/trave494/ |
Server: Linux 4.18.0-553.22.1.lve.1.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Oct 8 15:52:54 UTC 2024 x86_64 IP: |
Dir : /home/trave494/ |
/** * Common JS functions for form settings and form editor pages. */ jQuery(document).ready(function($){ if($(document).on){ $(document).on('change', '.gfield_rule_value_dropdown', function(){ SetRuleValueDropDown($(this)); }); } else{ $('.gfield_rule_value_dropdown').live('change', function(){ SetRuleValueDropDown($(this)); }); } // init merge tag auto complete if(typeof form != 'undefined') new gfMergeTagsObj(form); }); function ToggleConditionalLogic(isInit, objectType){ var speed = isInit ? "" : "slow"; if(jQuery('#' + objectType + '_conditional_logic').is(":checked")){ var obj = GetConditionalObject(objectType); CreateConditionalLogic(objectType, obj); //Initializing object so it has the default options set SetConditionalProperty(objectType, "actionType", jQuery("#" + objectType + "_action_type").val()); SetConditionalProperty(objectType, "logicType", jQuery("#" + objectType + "_logic_type").val()); SetRule(objectType, 0); jQuery('#' + objectType + '_conditional_logic_container').show(speed); } else{ jQuery('#' + objectType + '_conditional_logic_container').hide(speed); } } function GetConditionalObject(objectType){ switch(objectType){ case "page" : case "field" : return GetSelectedField(); break; case "next_button" : var field = GetSelectedField(); return field["nextButton"]; break; case "confirmation": return confirmation; break; case "notification": return current_notification; break; default: return form.button; break; } } function CreateConditionalLogic(objectType, obj){ if(!obj.conditionalLogic) obj.conditionalLogic = new ConditionalLogic(); var hideSelected = obj.conditionalLogic.actionType == "hide" ? "selected='selected'" :""; var showSelected = obj.conditionalLogic.actionType == "show" ? "selected='selected'" :""; var allSelected = obj.conditionalLogic.logicType == "all" ? "selected='selected'" :""; var anySelected = obj.conditionalLogic.logicType == "any" ? "selected='selected'" :""; var imagesUrl = ''; var objText; if(objectType == "field") objText = gf_vars.thisFieldIf; else if(objectType == "page") objText = gf_vars.thisPage; else if(objectType == "confirmation") objText = gf_vars.thisConfirmation else if(objectType == "notification") objText = gf_vars.thisNotification else objText = gf_vars.thisFormButton; var str = "<select id='" + objectType + "_action_type' onchange='SetConditionalProperty(\"" + objectType + "\", \"actionType\", jQuery(this).val());'><option value='show' " + showSelected + ">" + + "</option><option value='hide' " + hideSelected + ">" + gf_vars.hide + "</option></select>"; str += objText; str += "<select id='" + objectType + "_logic_type' onchange='SetConditionalProperty(\"" + objectType + "\", \"logicType\", jQuery(this).val());'><option value='all' " + allSelected + ">" + gf_vars.all + "</option><option value='any' " + anySelected + ">" + gf_vars.any + "</option></select>"; str += " " + gf_vars.ofTheFollowingMatch; for(var i=0; i < obj.conditionalLogic.rules.length; i++){ var isSelected = obj.conditionalLogic.rules[i].operator == "is" ? "selected='selected'" :""; var isNotSelected = obj.conditionalLogic.rules[i].operator == "isnot" ? "selected='selected'" :""; var greaterThanSelected = obj.conditionalLogic.rules[i].operator == ">" ? "selected='selected'" :""; var lessThanSelected = obj.conditionalLogic.rules[i].operator == "<" ? "selected='selected'" :""; var containsSelected = obj.conditionalLogic.rules[i].operator == "contains" ? "selected='selected'" :""; var startsWithSelected = obj.conditionalLogic.rules[i].operator == "starts_with" ? "selected='selected'" :""; var endsWithSelected = obj.conditionalLogic.rules[i].operator == "ends_with" ? "selected='selected'" :""; str += "<div width='100%'>" + GetRuleFields(objectType, i, obj.conditionalLogic.rules[i].fieldId); str += "<select id='" + objectType + "_rule_operator_" + i + "' onchange='SetRuleProperty(\"" + objectType + "\", " + i + ", \"operator\", jQuery(this).val());'><option value='is' " + isSelected + ">" + + "</option><option value='isnot' " + isNotSelected + ">" + gf_vars.isNot + "</option><option value='>' " + greaterThanSelected + ">" + gf_vars.greaterThan + "</option><option value='<' " + lessThanSelected + ">" + gf_vars.lessThan + "</option><option value='contains' " + containsSelected + ">" + gf_vars.contains + "</option><option value='starts_with' " + startsWithSelected + ">" + gf_vars.startsWith + "</option><option value='ends_with' " + endsWithSelected + ">" + gf_vars.endsWith + "</option></select>"; str += GetRuleValues(objectType, i, obj.conditionalLogic.rules[i].fieldId, obj.conditionalLogic.rules[i].value); str += "<img src='" + gf_vars.baseUrl + "/images/add.png' class='add_field_choice' title='add another rule' alt='add another rule' style='cursor:pointer; margin:0 3px;' onclick=\"InsertRule('" + objectType + "', " + (i+1) + ");\" />"; if(obj.conditionalLogic.rules.length > 1 ) str += "<img src='" + gf_vars.baseUrl + "/images/remove.png' title='remove this rule' alt='remove this rule' class='delete_field_choice' style='cursor:pointer;' onclick=\"DeleteRule('" + objectType + "', " + i + ");\" /></li>"; str += "</div>"; } jQuery("#" + objectType + "_conditional_logic_container").html(str); //initializing placeholder script jQuery.Placeholder.init(); } function GetRuleFields(objectType, ruleIndex, selectedFieldId){ var str = "<select id='" + objectType + "_rule_field_" + ruleIndex + "' class='gfield_rule_select' onchange='jQuery(\"#" + objectType + "_rule_value_" + ruleIndex + "\").replaceWith(GetRuleValues(\"" + objectType + "\", " + ruleIndex + ", jQuery(this).val())); SetRule(\"" + objectType + "\", " + ruleIndex + "); '>"; var inputType; for(var i=0; i<form.fields.length; i++){ if(IsConditionalLogicField(form.fields[i])){ var selected = form.fields[i].id == selectedFieldId ? "selected='selected'" : ""; var label = form.fields[i].adminLabel ? form.fields[i].adminLabel : form.fields[i].label str += "<option value='" + form.fields[i].id + "' " + selected + ">" + label + "</option>"; } } str += "</select>"; return str; } function IsConditionalLogicField(field){ inputType = field.inputType ? field.inputType : field.type; var supported_fields = ["checkbox", "radio", "select", "text", "website", "textarea", "email", "hidden", "number", "phone", "multiselect", "post_title", "post_tags", "post_custom_field", "post_content", "post_excerpt"]; var index = jQuery.inArray(inputType, supported_fields); var isConditionalLogicField = index >= 0 ? true : false; isConditionalLogicField = gform.applyFilters('gform_is_conditional_logic_field', isConditionalLogicField, field); return isConditionalLogicField; } function GetRuleValues(objectType, ruleIndex, selectedFieldId, selectedValue){ if(selectedFieldId == 0) selectedFieldId = GetFirstRuleField(); if(selectedFieldId == 0) return ""; var isAnySelected = false; var field = GetFieldById(selectedFieldId); if(!field) return ""; var str = ""; if(field["type"] == "post_category" && field["displayAllCategories"]){ var dropdown_id = objectType + '_rule_value_' + ruleIndex; var dropdown = jQuery('#' + dropdown_id + ".gfield_category_dropdown"); //don't load category drop down if it already exists (to avoid unecessary ajax requests) if(dropdown.length > 0){ var options = dropdown.html(); options = options.replace("value=\"" + selectedValue + "\"", "value=\"" + selectedValue + "\" selected=\"selected\""); str = "<select id='" + dropdown_id + "' class='gfield_rule_select gfield_rule_value_dropdown gfield_category_dropdown'>" + options + "</select>"; } else{ //loading categories via AJAX,{ action:"gf_get_post_categories", objectType: objectType, ruleIndex: ruleIndex, selectedValue: selectedValue}, function(dropdown_string){ if(dropdown_string){ jQuery('#gfield_ajax_placeholder_' + ruleIndex).replaceWith(dropdown_string.trim()); SetRuleProperty(objectType, ruleIndex, "value", jQuery("#" + dropdown_id).val()); } } ); //will be replaced by real drop down during the ajax callback str = "<select id='gfield_ajax_placeholder_" + ruleIndex + "' class='gfield_rule_select'><option>" + gf_vars["loading"] + "</option></select>"; } } else if(field.choices){ str = GetRuleValuesDropDown(field.choices, objectType, ruleIndex, selectedValue); } else{ selectedValue = selectedValue ? selectedValue.replace(/'/g, "'") : ""; //create a text field for fields that don't have choices (i.e text, textarea, number, email, etc...) str = "<input type='text' placeholder='" + gf_vars["enterValue"] + "' class='gfield_rule_select' id='" + objectType + "_rule_value_" + ruleIndex + "' value='" + selectedValue.replace(/'/g, "'") + "' onchange='SetRuleProperty(\"" + objectType + "\", " + ruleIndex + ", \"value\", jQuery(this).val());' onkeyup='SetRuleProperty(\"" + objectType + "\", " + ruleIndex + ", \"value\", jQuery(this).val());'>"; } return str; } function GetFirstRuleField(){ var inputType; for(var i=0; i<form.fields.length; i++){ if(IsConditionalLogicField(form.fields[i])) return form.fields[i].id; } return 0; } function GetRuleValuesDropDown(choices, objectType, ruleIndex, selectedValue){ //create a drop down for fields that have choices (i.e. drop down, radio, checkboxes, etc...) str = "<select class='gfield_rule_select gfield_rule_value_dropdown' id='" + objectType + "_rule_value_" + ruleIndex + "'>"; var isAnySelected = false; for(var i=0; i<choices.length; i++){ var choiceValue = typeof choices[i].value == "undefined" || choices[i].value == null ? choices[i].text + '' : choices[i].value + ''; var isSelected = choiceValue == selectedValue; var selected = isSelected ? "selected='selected'" : ""; if(isSelected) isAnySelected = true; str += "<option value='" + choiceValue.replace(/'/g, "'") + "' " + selected + ">" + choices[i].text + "</option>"; } if(!isAnySelected && selectedValue && selectedValue != "") str += "<option value='" + selectedValue.replace(/'/g, "'") + "' selected='selected'>" + selectedValue + "</option>"; str += "</select>"; return str; } function SetRuleProperty(objectType, ruleIndex, name, value){ var obj = GetConditionalObject(objectType); obj.conditionalLogic.rules[ruleIndex][name] = value; } function GetFieldById(id){ for(var i=0; i<form.fields.length; i++){ if(form.fields[i].id == id) return form.fields[i]; } return null; } function SetConditionalProperty(objectType, name, value){ var obj = GetConditionalObject(objectType); obj.conditionalLogic[name] = value; } function SetRuleValueDropDown(element){ //parsing ID to get objectType and ruleIndex var ary = element.attr("id").split('_rule_value_'); if(ary.length < 2) return; var objectType = ary[0]; var ruleIndex = ary[1]; SetRuleProperty(objectType, ruleIndex, "value", element.val()); } function InsertRule(objectType, ruleIndex){ var obj = GetConditionalObject(objectType); obj.conditionalLogic.rules.splice(ruleIndex, 0, new ConditionalRule()); CreateConditionalLogic(objectType, obj); SetRule(objectType, ruleIndex); } function SetRule(objectType, ruleIndex){ SetRuleProperty(objectType, ruleIndex, "fieldId", jQuery("#" + objectType + "_rule_field_" + ruleIndex).val()); SetRuleProperty(objectType, ruleIndex, "operator", jQuery("#" + objectType + "_rule_operator_" + ruleIndex).val()); SetRuleProperty(objectType, ruleIndex, "value", jQuery("#" + objectType + "_rule_value_" + ruleIndex).val()); } function DeleteRule(objectType, ruleIndex){ var obj = GetConditionalObject(objectType); obj.conditionalLogic.rules.splice(ruleIndex, 1); CreateConditionalLogic(objectType, obj); } function TruncateRuleText(text){ if(!text || text.length <= 18) return text; return text.substr(0, 9) + "..." + text.substr(text.length -8, 9); } function gfAjaxSpinner(elem, imageSrc, inlineStyles) { var imageSrc = typeof imageSrc == 'undefined' ? '/images/ajax-loader.gif': imageSrc; var inlineStyles = typeof inlineStyles != 'undefined' ? inlineStyles : ''; this.elem = elem; this.image = '<img class="gfspinner" src="' + imageSrc + '" style="' + inlineStyles + '" />'; this.init = function() { this.spinner = jQuery(this.image); jQuery(this.elem).after(this.spinner); return this; } this.destroy = function() { jQuery(this.spinner).remove(); } return this.init(); } function InsertVariable(element_id, callback, variable) { if(!variable) variable = jQuery('#' + element_id + '_variable_select').val(); var messageElement = jQuery("#" + element_id); if(document.selection) { // Go the IE way messageElement[0].focus(); document.selection.createRange().text=variable; } else if(messageElement[0].selectionStart) { // Go the Gecko way obj = messageElement[0] obj.value = obj.value.substr(0, obj.selectionStart) + variable + obj.value.substr(obj.selectionEnd, obj.value.length); } else { messageElement.val(variable + messageElement.val()); } var variableSelect = jQuery('#' + element_id + '_variable_select'); if(variableSelect.length > 0) variableSelect[0].selectedIndex = 0; if(callback && window[callback]){ window[callback].call(null, element_id, variable); } } function InsertEditorVariable( elementId, value ) { if( !value ) { var select = jQuery("#" + elementId + "_variable_select"); select[0].selectedIndex = 0; value = select.val(); } wpActiveEditor = elementId; window.send_to_editor( value ); } function GetInputType(field){ return field.inputType ? field.inputType : field.type; } function HasPostField(){ for(var i=0; i<form.fields.length; i++){ var type = form.fields[i].type; if(type == "post_title" || type == "post_content" || type == "post_excerpt") return true; } return false; } function GetInput(field, id){ if( typeof field['inputs'] != 'undefined' && jQuery.isArray(field['inputs']) ) { for(i in field['inputs']) { var input = field['inputs'][i]; if( == id) return input; } } return null; } function IsPricingField(fieldType) { return IsProductField(fieldType) || fieldType == 'donation'; } function IsProductField(fieldType) { return jQuery.inArray(fieldType, ["option", "quantity", "product", "total", "shipping", "calculation"]) != -1; } function GetLabel(field, inputId, inputOnly) { if(typeof inputId == 'undefined') inputId = 0; if(typeof inputOnly == 'undefind') inputOnly = false; //TODO: support getting admin label when appropriate //$field_label = (IS_ADMIN || RG_CURRENT_PAGE == "select_columns.php" || RG_CURRENT_PAGE == "print-entry.php" || rgget("gf_page", $_GET) == "select_columns" || rgget("gf_page", $_GET) == "print-entry") && !rgempty("adminLabel", $field) ? rgar($field,"adminLabel") : rgar($field,"label"); var input = GetInput(field, inputId); if(field.type == "checkbox" && input != null) { return input.label; } else if(input != null) { return inputOnly ? input.label : field.label + ' (' + input.label + ')'; } else { return field.label; } } function DeleteNotification(notificationId) { jQuery('#action_argument').val(notificationId); jQuery('#action').val('delete'); jQuery('#notification_list_form')[0].submit(); } function DeleteConfirmation(confirmationId) { jQuery('#action_argument').val(confirmationId); jQuery('#action').val('delete'); jQuery('#confirmation_list_form')[0].submit(); } function SetConfirmationConditionalLogic(isChecked) { if(typeof isChecked == 'undefined') { confirmation['conditionalLogic'] = jQuery('#conditional_logic').val() ? jQuery.parseJSON(jQuery('#conditional_logic').val()) : null; } else { confirmation['conditionalLogic'] = isChecked ? new ConditionalLogic() : null; } } function ToggleConfirmation() { var showElement, hideElement = ''; var isRedirect = jQuery("#form_confirmation_redirect").is(":checked"); var isPage = jQuery("#form_confirmation_show_page").is(":checked"); if(isRedirect){ showElement = ".form_confirmation_redirect_container"; hideElement = "#form_confirmation_message_container, #form_confirmation_page_container"; ClearConfirmationSettings(['text', 'page']); } else if(isPage){ showElement = "#form_confirmation_page_container"; hideElement = "#form_confirmation_message_container, .form_confirmation_redirect_container"; ClearConfirmationSettings(['text', 'redirect']); } else{ showElement = "#form_confirmation_message_container"; hideElement = "#form_confirmation_page_container, .form_confirmation_redirect_container"; ClearConfirmationSettings(['page', 'redirect']); } ToggleQueryString(); jQuery(hideElement).hide(); jQuery(showElement).show(); } function ToggleQueryString() { if(jQuery('#form_redirect_use_querystring').is(":checked")){ jQuery('#form_redirect_querystring_container').show(); } else{ jQuery('#form_redirect_querystring_container').hide(); jQuery("#form_redirect_querystring").val(''); jQuery("#form_redirect_use_querystring").val(''); } } function ClearConfirmationSettings(type) { var types = jQuery.isArray(type) ? type : [type]; for(i in types) { switch(types[i]) { case 'text': jQuery('#form_confirmation_message').val(''); jQuery('#form_disable_autoformatting').prop('checked', false); break; case 'page': jQuery('#form_confirmation_page').val(''); break; case 'redirect': jQuery('#form_confirmation_url').val(''); jQuery('#form_redirect_querystring').val(''); jQuery('#form_redirect_use_querystring').prop('checked', false); break; } } } function StashConditionalLogic() { var string = JSON.stringify(confirmation['conditionalLogic']); jQuery('#conditional_logic').val(string); } function ConfirmationObj() { = false; = gf_vars.confirmationDefaultName; this.type = 'message'; this.message = gf_vars.confirmationDefaultMessage; this.isDefault = 0; } var gfMergeTagsObj = function(form) { this.form = form; this.init = function() { var gfMergeTags = this; this.mergeTagList = jQuery('<ul id="gf_merge_tag_list" class=""></ul>'); this.mergeTagListHover = false; if(jQuery('.merge-tag-support').length <= 0) return; jQuery( ".merge-tag-support" ) // don't navigate away from the field on tab when selecting an item .bind( "keydown", function( event ) { if ( event.keyCode === jQuery.ui.keyCode.TAB && jQuery( this ).data( "autocomplete" ) ) { event.preventDefault(); } }) .each(function(){ var elem = jQuery(this); var classStr ='input') ? 'input' : 'textarea'; elem.autocomplete({ minLength: 1, source: function( request, response ) { // delegate back to autocomplete, but extract the last term var term = gfMergeTags.extractLast( request.term ); if(term.length < elem.autocomplete('option', 'minLength')) { response( [] ); return; } var tags = gfMergeTags.getAutoCompleteMergeTags(elem), function(item) { return gfMergeTags.startsWith( item, term ) ? item : null; }); response( tags ); }, focus: function() { // prevent value inserted on focus return false; }, select: function( event, ui ) { var terms = gfMergeTags.split( this.value ); // remove the current input terms.pop(); // add the selected item terms.push( ui.item.value ); this.value = terms.join( " " ); return false; } }); var positionClass = gfMergeTags.getClassProperty(this, 'position'); var mergeTagIcon = jQuery('<span class="all-merge-tags ' + positionClass + ' ' + classStr + '"><a class="open-list tooltip-merge-tag" tooltip="' + gf_vars.mergeTagsTooltip + '">All Merge Tags</a></span>'); // add the target element to the merge tag icon data for reference later when determining where the selected merge tag should be inserted'targetElement', elem.attr('id') ); // if "mt-manual_position" class prop is set, look for manual elem with correct class if( gfMergeTags.getClassProperty( this, 'manual_position' ) ) { var manualClass = '.mt-' + elem.attr('id'); jQuery(manualClass).append( mergeTagIcon ); } else { elem.after( mergeTagIcon ); } }); jQuery('.tooltip-merge-tag').each(function() { var options = gform_get_tooltip_options( this, "gformsstyle_left", "topLeft", "bottomRight" ); = 1250; gform_apply_tooltip( this, options ); }); jQuery('.all-merge-tags').click(function() { var trigger = jQuery(this); var input = gfMergeTags.getTargetElement( trigger ); gfMergeTags.mergeTagList.html( gfMergeTags.getMergeTagListItems( input ) ); gfMergeTags.mergeTagList.insertAfter( trigger ).show(); jQuery('ul#gf_merge_tag_list a').click(function(){ var value = jQuery(this).data('value'); var input = gfMergeTags.getTargetElement( this ); // if input has "mt-wp_editor" class, use WP Editor insert function if( gfMergeTags.isWpEditor( input ) ) { InsertEditorVariable( input.attr('id'), value ); } else { InsertVariable( input.attr('id'), null, value ); } // trigger the change event to fire any functions tied to this input's onchange input.change(); gfMergeTags.mergeTagList.hide(); }); }); this.getTargetElement = function( elem ) { var elem = jQuery( elem ); return jQuery( '#' + elem.parents('span.all-merge-tags').data('targetElement') ); } // hide merge tag list on off click this.mergeTagList.hover(function(){ gfMergeTags.mergeTagListHover = true; }, function(){ gfMergeTags.mergeTagListHover = false; }); jQuery('body').mouseup(function(){ if(!gfMergeTags.mergeTagListHover) gfMergeTags.mergeTagList.hide(); }); } this.split = function( val ) { return val.split(' '); } this.extractLast = function( term ) { return this.split( term ).pop(); } this.startsWith = function(string, value) { return string.indexOf(value) === 0; } this.getMergeTags = function(fields, elementId, hideAllFields, excludeFieldTypes, isPrepop, option) { if(typeof fields == 'undefined') fields = []; if(typeof excludeFieldTypes == 'undefined') excludeFieldTypes = []; var requiredFields = [], optionalFields = [], pricingFields = []; var ungrouped = [], requiredGroup = [], optionalGroup = [], pricingGroup = [], otherGroup = [], customGroup = []; if(!hideAllFields) ungrouped.push({ tag: '{all_fields}', 'label': this.getMergeTagLabel('{all_fields}') }); if(!isPrepop) { // group fields by required, optional and pricing for(i in fields) { var field = fields[i]; if(field['displayOnly']) continue; var inputType = GetInputType(field); if(jQuery.inArray(inputType, excludeFieldTypes) != -1) continue; if(field.isRequired) { switch(inputType) { case 'name': if(field['nameFormat'] == 'extended') { var prefix = GetInput(field, + '.2'); var suffix = GetInput(field, + '.8'); var optionalField = field; optionField['inputs'] = [prefix, suffix]; // add optional name fields to optional list optionalFields.push(optionalField); // remove option name fields from required list delete field.inputs[0]; delete field.inputs[3]; } requiredFields.push(field); break; default: requiredFields.push(field); } } else { optionalFields.push(field); } if(IsPricingField(field.type)) { pricingFields.push(field); } } if(requiredFields.length > 0) { for(i in requiredFields) { requiredGroup = requiredGroup.concat(this.getFieldMergeTags(requiredFields[i], option)); } } if(optionalFields.length > 0) { for(i in optionalFields) { optionalGroup = optionalGroup.concat(this.getFieldMergeTags(optionalFields[i], option)); } } if(pricingFields.length > 0) { if(!hideAllFields) pricingGroup.push({ tag: '{pricing_fields}', 'label': this.getMergeTagLabel('{pricing_fields}') }); for(i in pricingFields) { pricingGroup.concat(this.getFieldMergeTags(pricingFields[i], option)); } } } otherGroup.push( { tag: '{ip}', label: this.getMergeTagLabel('{ip}') }); otherGroup.push( { tag: '{date_mdy}', label: this.getMergeTagLabel('{date_mdy}') }); otherGroup.push( { tag: '{date_dmy}', label: this.getMergeTagLabel('{date_dmy}') }); otherGroup.push( { tag: '{embed_post:ID}', label: this.getMergeTagLabel('{embed_post:ID}') }); otherGroup.push( { tag: '{embed_post:post_title}', label: this.getMergeTagLabel('{embed_post:post_title}') }); otherGroup.push( { tag: '{embed_url}', label: this.getMergeTagLabel('{embed_url}') }); otherGroup.push( { tag: '{entry_id}', label: this.getMergeTagLabel('{entry_id}') }); otherGroup.push( { tag: '{entry_url}', label: this.getMergeTagLabel('{entry_url}') }); otherGroup.push( { tag: '{form_id}', label: this.getMergeTagLabel('{form_id}') }); otherGroup.push( { tag: '{form_title}', label: this.getMergeTagLabel('{form_title}') }); otherGroup.push( { tag: '{user_agent}', label: this.getMergeTagLabel('{user_agent}') }); if(HasPostField() && !isPrepop) { // TODO: consider adding support for passing form object or fields array otherGroup.push( { tag: '{post_id}', label: this.getMergeTagLabel('{post_id}') }); otherGroup.push( { tag: '{post_edit_url}', label: this.getMergeTagLabel('{post_edit_url}') }); } otherGroup.push( { tag: '{user:display_name}', label: this.getMergeTagLabel('{user:display_name}') }); otherGroup.push( { tag: '{user:user_email}', label: this.getMergeTagLabel('{user:user_email}') }); otherGroup.push( { tag: '{user:user_login}', label: this.getMergeTagLabel('{user:user_login}') }); var customMergeTags = this.getCustomMergeTags(); if( customMergeTags.tags.length > 0 ) { for( i in customMergeTags.tags ) { var customMergeTag = customMergeTags.tags[i]; customGroup.push( { tag: customMergeTag.tag, label: customMergeTag.label } ); } } var mergeTags = { ungrouped: { label: this.getMergeGroupLabel('ungrouped'), tags: ungrouped }, required: { label: this.getMergeGroupLabel('required'), tags: requiredGroup }, optional: { label: this.getMergeGroupLabel('optional'), tags: optionalGroup }, pricing: { label: this.getMergeGroupLabel('pricing'), tags: pricingGroup }, other: { label: this.getMergeGroupLabel('other'), tags: otherGroup }, custom: { label: this.getMergeGroupLabel('custom'), tags: customGroup } } mergeTags = gform.applyFilters('gform_merge_tags', mergeTags, elementId, hideAllFields, excludeFieldTypes, isPrepop, option); return mergeTags; } this.getMergeTagLabel = function(tag) { for(groupName in gf_vars.mergeTags) { var tags = gf_vars.mergeTags[groupName].tags; for(i in tags) { if(tags[i].tag == tag) return tags[i].label; } } return ''; } this.getMergeGroupLabel = function(group) { return gf_vars.mergeTags[group].label; } this.getFieldMergeTags = function(field, option) { if(typeof option == 'undefined') option = ''; var mergeTags = []; var inputType = GetInputType(field); var tagArgs = inputType == "list" ? ":" + option : ""; //option currently only supported by list field var value = '', label = ''; if( typeof field['inputs'] != 'undefined' && jQuery.isArray(field['inputs']) ) { if(inputType == 'checkbox') { label = GetLabel(field,"'", "\\'"); value = "{" + label + ":" + + tagArgs + "}"; mergeTags.push( { tag: value, label: label } ); } for(i in field.inputs) { var input = field.inputs[i]; label = GetLabel(field,"'", "\\'"); value = "{" + label + ":" + + tagArgs + "}"; mergeTags.push( { tag: value, label: label } ); } } else { label = GetLabel(field).replace("'", "\\'"); value = "{" + label + ":" + + tagArgs + "}"; mergeTags.push( { tag: value, label: label } ); } return mergeTags; } this.getCustomMergeTags = function() { for(groupName in gf_vars.mergeTags) { if(groupName == 'custom') return gf_vars.mergeTags[groupName]; } return []; } this.getAutoCompleteMergeTags = function(elem) { var fields = this.form.fields; var elementId = elem.attr('id'); var hideAllFields = this.getClassProperty(elem, 'hide_all_fields') == true; var excludeFieldTypes = this.getClassProperty(elem, 'exclude'); var option = this.getClassProperty(elem, 'option'); var isPrepop = this.getClassProperty(elem, 'prepopulate'); if(isPrepop) { hideAllFields = true; } var mergeTags = this.getMergeTags(fields, elementId, hideAllFields, excludeFieldTypes, isPrepop, option); var autoCompleteTags = []; for(group in mergeTags) { var tags = mergeTags[group].tags; for(i in tags) { autoCompleteTags.push(tags[i].tag); } } return autoCompleteTags; } this.getMergeTagListItems = function(elem) { var fields = this.form.fields; var elementId = elem.attr('id'); var hideAllFields = this.getClassProperty(elem, 'hide_all_fields') == true; var excludeFieldTypes = this.getClassProperty(elem, 'exclude'); var isPrepop = this.getClassProperty(elem, 'prepopulate'); var option = this.getClassProperty(elem, 'option'); if(isPrepop) { hideAllFields = true; } var mergeTags = this.getMergeTags(fields, elementId, hideAllFields, excludeFieldTypes, isPrepop, option); var hasMultipleGroups = this.hasMultipleGroups(mergeTags); var optionsHTML = ''; for(group in mergeTags) { var label = mergeTags[group].label var tags = mergeTags[group].tags; // skip groups without any tags if(tags.length <= 0) continue; // if group name provided if(label && hasMultipleGroups) optionsHTML += '<li class="group-header">' + label + '</li>'; for(i in tags) { var tag = tags[i]; optionsHTML += '<li class=""><a class="" data-value="' + tag.tag + '">' + tag.label + '</a></li>'; } } return optionsHTML; } this.hasMultipleGroups = function(mergeTags) { var count = 0; for(group in mergeTags) { if(mergeTags[group].tags.length > 0) count++; } return count > 1; } /** * Merge Tag inputs support a system for setting various properties for the merge tags via classes. * e.g. mt-{property}-{value} * * You can pass multiple values for a property like so: * e.g. mt-{property}-{value1}-{value2}-{value3} * * Current classes: * mt-hide_all_fields * mt-exclude-{field_type} e.g. mt-exlude-paragraph * mt-option-{option_value} e.g. mt-option-url * mt-position-{position_value} e.g. mt-position-right * */ this.getClassProperty = function(elem, property) { var elem = jQuery(elem); var classStr = elem.attr('class'); if(!classStr) return ''; var classes = classStr.split(' '); for(i in classes) { var pieces = classes[i].split('-'); // if this is not a merge tag class or not the property we are looking for, skip if(pieces[0] != 'mt' || pieces[1] != property) continue; // if more than one value passed, return all values if(pieces.length > 3) { delete pieces[0]; delete pieces[1]; return pieces; } // if just a property is passed, assume we are looking for boolean, return true else if(pieces.length == 2){ return true; // in all other cases, return the value } else { return pieces[2]; } } return ''; } this.isWpEditor = function( mergeTagIcon ) { var mergeTagIcon = jQuery( mergeTagIcon ); return this.getClassProperty( mergeTagIcon, 'wp_editor' ) == true; } this.init(); }