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Dir : /home/trave494/ |
Server: Linux 4.18.0-553.22.1.lve.1.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Oct 8 15:52:54 UTC 2024 x86_64 IP: |
Dir : /home/trave494/ |
<?php use Gravity_Forms\Gravity_Forms\Settings\Settings; use \Gravity_Forms\Gravity_Forms\License; class_exists( 'GFForms' ) || die(); /** * Class GFSettings * * Generates the Gravity Forms settings page */ class GFSettings { /** * Stores the current instance of the Settings renderer. * * @since 2.5 * * @var false|Settings */ private static $_settings_renderer = false; /** * Settings pages associated with add-ons * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @var array $addon_pages */ public static $addon_pages = array(); /** * Used to hold the addon that has been uninstalled. * * @since 2.5 * * @var string $uninstalled_addon */ private static $uninstalled_addon; /** * Adds a settings page to the Gravity Forms settings. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @uses GFSettings::$addon_pages * * @param string|array $name The settings page slug. * @param string|array $handler The callback function to run for this settings page. * @param string $icon_path The path to the icon for the settings tab. @deprecated */ public static function add_settings_page( $name, $handler, $icon_path = '' ) { if ( ! empty( $icon_path ) ) { _deprecated_argument( __METHOD__, '2.5', '$icon_path has been deprecated in favor of passing a dashicons string via $name[\'icon\']' ); } $title = ''; $icon = 'gform-icon--cog'; // if name is an array, assume that an array of args is passed if ( is_array( $name ) ) { /** * @var string $name * @var string $title * @var string $tab_label * @var string|array $handler * @var string $icon */ extract( wp_parse_args( $name, array( 'name' => '', 'title' => '', 'tab_label' => '', 'handler' => false, 'icon' => 'gform-icon--cog', ) ) ); } if ( ! isset( $tab_label ) || ! $tab_label ) { $tab_label = $name; } /** * Adds additional actions after settings pages are registered. * * @since Unknown * * @param string|array $handler The callback function being run. */ add_action( 'gform_settings_' . str_replace( ' ', '_', $name ), $handler ); self::$addon_pages[ $name ] = array( 'name' => $name, 'title' => $title, 'tab_label' => $tab_label, 'icon' => $icon ); } /** * Determines the content displayed on the Gravity Forms settings page. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @uses GFSettings::get_subview() * @uses GFSettings::gravityforms_settings_page() * @uses GFSettings::settings_uninstall_page() * @uses GFSettings::page_header() * @uses GFSettings::page_footer() * * @return void */ public static function settings_page() { $subview = self::get_subview(); switch ( $subview ) { case 'settings': self::gravityforms_settings_page(); break; case 'recaptcha': self::recaptcha_page(); break; case 'uninstall': self::settings_uninstall_page(); break; default: self::page_header(); /** * Fires in the settings page depending on which page of the settings page you are in (the Subview). * * @since Unknown * * @param mixed $subview The sub-section of the main Form's settings */ do_action( 'gform_settings_' . str_replace( ' ', '_', $subview ) ); self::page_footer(); } } /** * Displays the Gravity Forms uninstall page. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @used-by GFSettings::settings_page() * @uses GFSettings::page_header() * @uses GFCommon::current_user_can_any() * @uses GFFormsModel::drop_tables() * @uses GFCommon::delete_directory() * @uses GFFormsModel::get_upload_root() * @uses GFCommon::current_user_can_any() * @uses GFSettings::page_footer() */ public static function settings_uninstall_page() { self::page_header( __( 'Uninstall Gravity Forms', 'gravityforms' ), '' ); if ( isset( $_POST['uninstall'] ) ) { check_admin_referer( 'gform_uninstall', 'gform_uninstall_nonce' ); if ( ! GFCommon::current_user_can_uninstall() ) { die( esc_html__( "You don't have adequate permission to uninstall Gravity Forms.", 'gravityforms' ) ); } // Removing background tasks. $processors = array( GFForms::$background_upgrader, gf_feed_processor() ); /** @var GF_Background_Process $processor The background task processor. */ foreach ( $processors as $processor ) { $processor->clear_scheduled_events(); $processor->clear_queue( true ); $processor->unlock_process(); } // Removing cron task wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'gravityforms_cron' ); // Dropping all tables RGFormsModel::drop_tables(); // Removing options delete_option( 'rg_form_version' ); delete_option( 'rg_gforms_disable_css' ); delete_option( 'rg_gforms_enable_html5' ); delete_option( 'rg_gforms_captcha_public_key' ); delete_option( 'rg_gforms_captcha_private_key' ); delete_option( 'rg_gforms_captcha_type' ); delete_option( 'rg_gforms_message' ); delete_option( 'rg_gforms_currency' ); delete_option( 'rg_gforms_enable_akismet' ); delete_option( 'gf_dismissed_upgrades' ); delete_option( 'gf_db_version' ); delete_option( 'gf_previous_db_version' ); delete_option( 'gf_upgrade_lock' ); delete_option( 'gf_submissions_block' ); delete_option( 'gf_imported_file' ); delete_option( 'gf_imported_theme_file' ); delete_option( 'gf_rest_api_db_version' ); delete_option( 'gform_api_count' ); delete_option( 'gform_email_count' ); delete_option( 'gform_enable_toolbar_menu' ); delete_option( 'gform_enable_logging' ); delete_option( 'gform_pending_installation' ); delete_option( 'gform_version_info' ); delete_option( 'gform_enable_noconflict' ); delete_option( 'gform_enable_background_updates' ); delete_option( 'gform_sticky_admin_messages' ); delete_option( 'gform_upgrade_status' ); delete_option( 'gform_custom_choices' ); delete_option( 'gform_recaptcha_keys_status' ); delete_option( 'gform_upload_page_slug' ); delete_option( 'gravityformsaddon_gravityformswebapi_version' ); delete_option( 'gravityformsaddon_gravityformswebapi_settings' ); // Removes license key GFFormsModel::save_key( '' ); // Removing gravity forms upload folder GFCommon::delete_directory( RGFormsModel::get_upload_root() ); // Delete Logging settings and logging files gf_logging()->delete_settings(); gf_logging()->delete_log_files(); // Deactivating plugin $plugin = 'gravityforms/gravityforms.php'; deactivate_plugins( $plugin ); update_option( 'recently_activated', array( $plugin => time() ) + (array) get_option( 'recently_activated' ) ); ?> <div class="updated fade gf-notice notice-success"><?php echo sprintf( esc_html__( 'Gravity Forms has been successfully uninstalled. It can be re-activated from the %splugins page%s.', 'gravityforms' ), "<a href='plugins.php'>", '</a>' ) ?></div> <?php return; } self::uninstall_addon_message(); ?> <div class="gform-settings-panel"> <header class="gform-settings-panel__header"> <h4 class="gform-settings-panel__title"><?php esc_html_e( 'Uninstall Gravity Forms', 'gravityforms' ); ?></h4> </header> <div class="gform-settings-panel__content"> <p class="alert error"> <?php esc_html_e('This operation deletes ALL Gravity Forms settings. If you continue, you will NOT be able to retrieve these settings.', 'gravityforms'); ?> </p> <form action="" method="post"> <?php if ( GFCommon::current_user_can_uninstall() ) { wp_nonce_field( 'gform_uninstall', 'gform_uninstall_nonce' ); $uninstall_button = sprintf( '<input type="submit" name="uninstall" class="button red" value="%1$s" onclick="return confirm( \'%2$s\' );" onkeypress="return confirm( \'%2$s\' );" />', esc_attr__( 'Uninstall Gravity Forms', 'gravityforms' ), esc_js( __( "Warning! ALL Gravity Forms data, including form entries will be deleted. This cannot be undone. 'OK' to delete, 'Cancel' to stop", 'gravityforms' ) ) ); /** * Allows for the modification of the Gravity Forms uninstall button. * * @since Unknown * * @param string $uninstall_button The HTML of the uninstall button. */ echo apply_filters( 'gform_uninstall_button', $uninstall_button ); } ?> </form> </div> </div> <?php self::uninstall_addons(); self::page_footer(); } /** * Returns an array of installed addons and handles uninstallation from the settings page. * * @since 2.5 * @return array * */ private static function uninstall_addons() { $installed_addons = GFAddOn::get_registered_addons(); // Uninstall the addon and remove it from the list of installed addons on page reload. if ( rgpost( 'uninstall_addon' ) ) { check_admin_referer( 'uninstall', 'gf_addon_uninstall' ); foreach ( $installed_addons as $key => $addon ) { $addon = call_user_func( array( $addon, 'get_instance' ) ); $title = $addon->get_short_title(); if ( $_POST['addon'] == $title ) { unset( $installed_addons[ $key ] ); $addon->uninstall_addon(); return GFAddOn::addons_for_uninstall( $installed_addons ); } } } GFAddOn::addons_for_uninstall( $installed_addons ); } /** * Renders the uninstall message when an addon is uninstalled. * * @since 2.5 * */ private static function uninstall_addon_message() { if ( isset( self::$uninstalled_addon ) ) { ?> <div class="alert success"><?php echo sprintf( esc_html__( '%s uninstalled. It can be re-activated from the %splugins page%s.', 'gravityforms' ), self::$uninstalled_addon ,"<a href='plugins.php'>", '</a>' ) ?></div> <?php } } // # PLUGIN SETTINGS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Displays the main Gravity Forms settings page. * * @since Unknown * @access public * @global $wpdb */ public static function gravityforms_settings_page() { if ( ! GFCommon::ensure_wp_version() ) { return; } self::page_header(); wp_enqueue_style( 'gform_admin' ); // Initialize Settings renderer. if ( ! self::get_settings_renderer() ) { self::initialize_plugin_settings(); } self::get_settings_renderer()->render(); self::page_footer(); } /** * Prepare Plugin Settings fields. * * @since 2.5 * * @return array */ private static function plugin_settings_fields() { // Prepare currency options. $currency_options = array( array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'Select a Currency', 'gravityforms' ), 'value' => '', ), ); foreach ( RGCurrency::get_currencies() as $code => $currency ) { $currency_options[] = array( 'label' => esc_html( $currency['name'] ), 'value' => $code ); } return array( array( 'title' => esc_html__( 'Support License Key', 'gravityforms' ), 'class' => 'gform-settings-panel--full', 'description' => esc_html__( 'A valid license key is required for access to automatic plugin upgrades and product support.', 'gravityforms' ), 'fields' => array( array( 'name' => 'license_key', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Paste Your License Key Here', 'gravityforms' ), 'type' => 'text', 'input_type' => 'password', 'callback' => array( 'GFSettings', 'license_key_render_callback' ), 'class' => 'gform-admin-input', 'validation_callback' => array( 'GFSettings', 'license_key_validation_callback' ), 'after_input' => function () { $version_info = GFCommon::get_version_info( false ); $license_key = GFCommon::get_key(); $license_key_alert = ''; if ( $version_info['is_valid_key'] ) { $license_key_alert = sprintf( '<div class="alert gforms_note_success">%s</div>', esc_html__( 'Your support license key has been successfully validated.', 'gravityforms' ) ); } else if ( ! $version_info['is_valid_key'] && ! empty( $license_key ) ) { $license_key_alert = sprintf( '<div class="alert gforms_note_error">%s</div>', esc_html__( 'The provided license key is invalid.', 'gravityforms' ) ); } return $license_key_alert; }, 'feedback_callback' => function () { $version_info = GFCommon::get_version_info( false ); $license_key = GFCommon::get_key(); if ( ! rgempty( 'is_error', $version_info ) ) { return false; } else if ( rgar( $version_info, 'is_valid_key' ) ) { return true; } else if ( ! empty( $license_key ) ) { return false; } return null; }, ), ), ), array( 'id' => 'section_default_css', 'title' => esc_html__( 'Output Default CSS', 'gravityforms' ), 'description' => esc_html__( 'Enable this option to output the default form CSS. Disable it if you plan to create your own CSS in a child theme.', 'gravityforms' ), 'class' => 'gform-settings-panel--half', 'fields' => array( array( 'name' => 'disable_css', 'type' => 'toggle', 'toggle_label' => esc_html__( 'Disable CSS', 'gravityforms' ), ), ), ), array( 'id' => 'section_currency', 'title' => esc_html__( 'Default Currency', 'gravityforms' ), 'class' => 'gform-settings-panel--half', 'fields' => array( array( 'name' => 'currency', 'description' => esc_html__( 'Select the default currency for your forms. This is used for product fields, credit card fields and others.', 'gravityforms' ), 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => $currency_options, 'enhanced_ui' => true, 'after_select' => self::currency_message_callback(), ), ), ), array( 'id' => 'section_enable_logging', 'title' => esc_html__( 'Logging', 'gravityforms' ), 'description' => esc_html__( 'Enable if you would like logging within Gravity Forms. Logging allows you to easily debug the inner workings of Gravity Forms to solve any possible issues. ', 'gravityforms' ), 'class' => 'gform-settings-panel--half', 'fields' => array( array( 'name' => 'enable_logging', 'type' => 'toggle', 'toggle_label' => esc_html__( 'Enable Logging', 'gravityforms' ), ), ), ), array( 'id' => 'section_enable_toolbar', 'title' => esc_html__( 'Toolbar Menu', 'gravityforms' ), 'description' => esc_html__( 'Enable to display the forms menu in the WordPress top toolbar. The forms menu will display the ten forms recently opened in the form editor.', 'gravityforms' ), 'class' => 'gform-settings-panel--half', 'fields' => array( array( 'name' => 'enable_toolbar', 'type' => 'toggle', 'toggle_label' => esc_html__( 'Enable Toolbar Menu', 'gravityforms' ), ), ), ), array( 'id' => 'section_enable_background_updates', 'title' => esc_html__( 'Automatic Background Updates', 'gravityforms' ), 'description' => esc_html__( 'Enable to allow Gravity Forms to download and install bug fixes and security updates automatically in the background. Requires a valid license key.', 'gravityforms' ), 'class' => 'gform-settings-panel--half', 'fields' => array( array( 'name' => 'enable_background_updates', 'type' => 'toggle', 'toggle_label' => esc_html__( 'Enable Automatic Background Updates', 'gravityforms' ), ), ), ), array( 'id' => 'section_conflict_mode', 'title' => esc_html__( 'No Conflict Mode', 'gravityforms' ), 'description' => esc_html__( 'Enable to prevent extraneous scripts and styles from being printed on a Gravity Forms admin pages, reducing conflicts with other plugins and themes.', 'gravityforms' ), 'class' => 'gform-settings-panel--half', 'fields' => array( array( 'name' => 'enable_noconflict', 'type' => 'toggle', 'toggle_label' => esc_html__( 'No Conflict Mode', 'gravityforms' ), ), ), ), array( 'id' => 'section_enable_akismet', 'title' => esc_html__( 'Akismet Integration', 'gravityforms' ), 'description' => esc_html__( 'Protect your form entries from spam using Akismet.', 'gravityforms' ), 'class' => 'gform-settings-panel--half', 'dependency' => array( 'GFCommon', 'has_akismet' ), 'fields' => array( array( 'name' => 'enable_akismet', 'type' => 'toggle', 'toggle_label' => esc_html__( 'Enable Akismet Integration', 'gravityforms' ), 'default_value' => true, ), ), ), array( 'id' => 'section_enable_html5', 'title' => esc_html__( 'Output HTML5', 'gravityforms' ), 'description' => esc_html__( 'Gravity Forms outputs HTML5 form fields by default. Disable this option if you would like to prevent the plugin from outputting HTML5 form fields.', 'gravityforms' ), 'class' => 'gform-settings-panel--half', 'default_value' => true, 'fields' => array( array( 'name' => 'enable_html5', 'type' => 'toggle', 'toggle_label' => esc_html__( 'Output HTML5', 'gravityforms' ), ), ), ), ); } /** * Callback to output any additional markup after the currency select markup. * * @since 2.5 * * @return false|string */ public static function currency_message_callback() { // Start output buffer to capture any echoed output. ob_start(); /** * Allows third-party code to add a message after the Currency setting markup. * * @since Unknown * @since 2.5 - Moved to currency message callback. * * @param string The default message. */ do_action( 'gform_currency_setting_message', '' ); $output = ob_get_clean(); // Message was echoed, return it. if ( ! empty( $output ) ) { return $output; } return ''; } /** * Render the License Key Field as a callback. * * Callback is used so that the gform_settings_key_field filter can be retained. * * @since 2.5 * * @param object $field The Field Object for the rendered input. * * @return string */ public static function license_key_render_callback( $field ) { $html = apply_filters( 'gform_settings_key_field', $field->markup() ); return $html; } /** * Custom validation callback for the License Key Field. * * Callback is used so that we can skip validation if the License Key field is null. * * @since 2.5 * * @param object $field The Field Object for the rendered input. * @param mixed $value The current posted field value. * * @return void */ public static function license_key_validation_callback( $field, $value ) { if ( is_null( $value ) ) { return; } $field->do_validation( $value ); } /** * Initialize Plugin Settings fields renderer. * * @since 2.5 */ public static function initialize_plugin_settings() { require_once( GFCommon::get_base_path() . '/tooltips.php' ); $initial_values = array( 'license_key' => GFCommon::get_key(), 'currency' => GFCommon::get_currency(), 'disable_css' => ! (bool) get_option( 'rg_gforms_disable_css' ), 'enable_html5' => (bool) get_option( 'rg_gforms_enable_html5', false ), 'enable_noconflict' => (bool) get_option( 'gform_enable_noconflict' ), 'enable_akismet' => (bool) get_option( 'rg_gforms_enable_akismet', true ), 'enable_background_updates' => (bool) get_option( 'gform_enable_background_updates' ), 'enable_toolbar' => (bool) get_option( 'gform_enable_toolbar_menu' ), 'enable_logging' => (bool) get_option( 'gform_enable_logging' ), ); $renderer = new Settings( array( 'fields' => self::plugin_settings_fields(), 'header' => array( 'icon' => 'fa fa-gear', 'title' => esc_html__( 'Settings: General', 'gravityforms' ), ), 'input_name_prefix' => '_gform_setting', 'capability' => 'gravityforms_edit_settings', 'initial_values' => $initial_values, 'save_callback' => function( $values ) { // License key. if ( isset( $_POST['_gform_setting_license_key'] ) ) { GFFormsModel::save_key( rgar( $values, 'license_key' ) ); } GFCommon::cache_remote_message(); // Disable CSS. update_option( 'rg_gforms_disable_css', ! (bool) rgar( $values, 'disable_css' ) ); // Enable HTML5. $html5_value = (bool) rgar( $values, 'enable_html5' ) ? 1 : 0; update_option( 'rg_gforms_enable_html5', $html5_value ); // Enable No-Conflict. update_option( 'gform_enable_noconflict', (bool) rgar( $values, 'enable_noconflict' ) ); // Enable Akismet. update_option( 'rg_gforms_enable_akismet', (bool) rgar( $values, 'enable_akismet' ) ); // Currency. update_option( 'rg_gforms_currency', rgar( $values, 'currency' ) ); // Background updates. update_option( 'gform_enable_background_updates', (bool) rgar( $values, 'enable_background_updates' ) ); // Toolbar. update_option( 'gform_enable_toolbar_menu', (bool) rgar( $values, 'enable_toolbar' ) ); // Logging. if ( (bool) rgar( $values, 'enable_logging' ) ) { GFSettings::enable_logging(); } else { GFSettings::disable_logging(); } }, 'after_fields' => function() { ?> <div id='gform_upgrade_license' style="display:none;"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery( document ).ready( function () { jQuery.ajax( { url: ajaxurl, method: 'POST', data: { action: 'gf_upgrade_license', gf_upgrade_license: "<?php echo wp_create_nonce( 'gf_upgrade_license' ) ?>", }, success: function ( data ) { if ( data.trim().length > 0 ) { jQuery( "#gform_upgrade_license" ).replaceWith( data ); } } }, ); } ); </script> <?php }, ) ); self::set_settings_renderer( $renderer ); // Process save callback. if ( self::get_settings_renderer()->is_save_postback() ) { self::get_settings_renderer()->process_postback(); } } // # reCAPTCHA SETTINGS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Display reCAPTCHA Settings page. * * @since 2.5 */ private static function recaptcha_page() { if ( ! GFCommon::ensure_wp_version() ) { return; } self::page_header(); wp_enqueue_style( 'gform_admin' ); // Initialize Settings renderer. if ( ! self::get_settings_renderer() ) { self::initialize_recaptcha_settings(); } self::get_settings_renderer()->render(); self::page_footer(); } /** * Initialize reCAPTCHA Settings renderer. * * @since 2.5 */ public static function initialize_recaptcha_settings() { require_once( GFCommon::get_base_path() . '/tooltips.php' ); $renderer = new Settings( array( 'fields' => array( array( 'id' => 'recpatcha', 'title' => esc_html__( 'reCAPTCHA Settings', 'gravityforms' ), 'description' => sprintf( '%s <strong>%s</strong> %s <a href="" target="_blank">%s</a>', esc_html__( 'Gravity Forms integrates with reCAPTCHA, a free CAPTCHA service that uses an advanced risk analysis engine and adaptive challenges to keep automated software from engaging in abusive activities on your site. ', 'gravityforms' ), esc_html__( 'Please note, only v2 keys are supported and checkbox keys are not compatible with invisible reCAPTCHA.', 'gravityforms' ), esc_html__( 'These settings are required only if you decide to use the reCAPTCHA field.', 'gravityforms' ), esc_html__( 'Read more about reCAPTCHA.', 'gravityforms' ) ), 'class' => 'gform-settings-panel--full', 'fields' => array( array( 'name' => 'public_key', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Site Key', 'gravityforms' ), 'tooltip' => gform_tooltip( 'settings_recaptcha_public', null, true ), 'type' => 'text', 'feedback_callback' => function( $value ) { $key_status = get_option( 'gform_recaptcha_keys_status', null ); return is_null( $key_status ) ? ( rgblank( $value ) ? null : false ) : (bool) $key_status; }, ), array( 'name' => 'private_key', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Secret Key', 'gravityforms' ), 'tooltip' => gform_tooltip( 'settings_recaptcha_private', null, true ), 'type' => 'text', 'feedback_callback' => function( $value ) { $key_status = get_option( 'gform_recaptcha_keys_status', null ); return is_null( $key_status ) ? ( rgblank( $value ) ? null : false ) : (bool) $key_status; }, ), array( 'name' => 'type', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Type', 'gravityforms' ), 'tooltip' => gform_tooltip( 'settings_recaptcha_type', null, true ), 'type' => 'radio', 'horizontal' => true, 'default_value' => 'checkbox', 'choices' => array( array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'Checkbox', 'gravityforms' ), 'value' => 'checkbox', ), array( 'label' => esc_html__( 'Invisible', 'gravityforms' ), 'value' => 'invisible', ), ), ), array( 'name' => 'reset', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Validate Keys', 'gravityforms' ), 'type' => 'recaptcha_reset', 'callback' => array( 'GFSettings', 'settings_field_recaptcha_reset' ), 'hidden' => true, 'validation_callback' => function( $field, $value ) { // If reCAPTCHA key is empty, exit. if ( rgblank( $value ) ) { return; } $values = GFSettings::get_settings_renderer()->get_posted_values(); // Get public, private keys, API response. $public_key = rgar( $values, 'public_key' ); $private_key = rgar( $values, 'private_key' ); $response = rgpost( 'g-recaptcha-response' ); // If keys and response are provided, verify and save. if ( $public_key && $private_key && $response ) { // Log public, private keys, API response. GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): reCAPTCHA Site Key:' . print_r( $public_key, true ) ); GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): reCAPTCHA Secret Key:' . print_r( $private_key, true ) ); GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): reCAPTCHA Response:' . print_r( $response, true ) ); // Verify response. $recaptcha = new GF_Field_CAPTCHA(); $recaptcha_response = $recaptcha->verify_recaptcha_response( $response, $private_key ); // Log verification response. GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): reCAPTCHA verification response:' . print_r( $recaptcha_response, true ) ); // If response is false, return validation error. if ( $recaptcha_response === false ) { $field->set_error( __( 'reCAPTCHA keys are invalid.', 'gravityforms' ) ); } // Save status. update_option( 'gform_recaptcha_keys_status', $recaptcha_response ); } else { // Delete existing status. delete_option( 'gform_recaptcha_keys_status' ); } } ), ), ), ), 'save_button' => array( 'messages' => array( 'save' => esc_html__( 'Settings updated.', 'gravityforms' ), 'error' => __( 'reCAPTCHA keys are invalid.', 'gravityforms' ), ), ), 'input_name_prefix' => '_gform_setting', 'capability' => 'gravityforms_edit_settings', 'initial_values' => array( 'public_key' => get_option( 'rg_gforms_captcha_public_key' ), 'private_key' => get_option( 'rg_gforms_captcha_private_key' ), 'type' => get_option( 'rg_gforms_captcha_type' ), ), 'save_callback' => function( $values ) { // reCAPTCHA. update_option( 'rg_gforms_captcha_public_key', rgar( $values, 'public_key' ) ); update_option( 'rg_gforms_captcha_private_key', rgar( $values, 'private_key' ) ); update_option( 'rg_gforms_captcha_type', rgar( $values, 'type' ) ); }, 'after_fields' => function() { echo '<script src="" async defer></script>'; printf( '<script type="text/javascript" src="%s"></script>', GFCommon::get_base_url() . '/js/plugin_settings.js' ); }, ) ); self::set_settings_renderer( $renderer ); // Process save callback. if ( self::get_settings_renderer()->is_save_postback() ) { self::get_settings_renderer()->process_postback(); } } /** * Renders a reCAPTCHA verification field. * * @since 2.5 * * @param array $props Field properties. * @param bool $echo Output the field markup directly. * * @return string */ public static function settings_field_recaptcha_reset( $props = array(), $echo = true ) { // Add setup message. $html = sprintf( '<p id="gforms_checkbox_recaptcha_message" style="margin-bottom:10px;">%s</p>', esc_html__( 'Please complete the reCAPTCHA widget to validate your reCAPTCHA keys:', 'gravityforms' ) ); // Add reCAPTCHA container, reset input. $html .= '<div id="recaptcha"></div>'; $html .= sprintf( '<input type="hidden" name="%s_%s" />', esc_attr( self::get_settings_renderer()->get_input_name_prefix() ), esc_attr( $props['name'] ) ); return $html; } // # SETTINGS RENDERER --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Gets the current instance of Settings handling settings rendering. * * @since 2.5 * * @return false|Settings */ private static function get_settings_renderer() { return self::$_settings_renderer; } /** * Sets the current instance of Settings handling settings rendering. * * @since 2.5 * * @param Settings $renderer Settings renderer. * * @return bool|WP_Error */ private static function set_settings_renderer( $renderer ) { // Ensure renderer is an instance of Settings if ( ! is_a( $renderer, 'Gravity_Forms\Gravity_Forms\Settings\Settings' ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'Renderer must be an instance of Gravity_Forms\Gravity_Forms\Settings\Settings.' ); } self::$_settings_renderer = $renderer; return true; } /** * Handles license upgrades from the Settings page. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @uses GFCommon::get_key() * @uses GFCommon::post_to_manager() * * @return void */ public static function upgrade_license() { $key = GFCommon::get_key(); $body = "key=$key"; $options = array( 'method' => 'POST', 'timeout' => 3, 'body' => $body ); $options['headers'] = array( 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=' . get_option( 'blog_charset' ), 'Content-Length' => strlen( $body ), 'User-Agent' => 'WordPress/' . get_bloginfo( 'version' ), 'Referer' => get_bloginfo( 'url' ), ); $raw_response = GFCommon::post_to_manager( 'api.php', 'op=upgrade_message&key=' . GFCommon::get_key(), $options ); if ( is_wp_error( $raw_response ) || 200 != $raw_response['response']['code'] ) { $message = ''; } else { $message = $raw_response['body']; } // Validating that message is a valid Gravity Form message. If message is invalid, don't display anything. if ( substr( $message, 0, 10 ) != '<!--GFM-->' ) { $message = ''; } echo $message; exit; } /** * Outputs the settings page header. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @uses SCRIPT_DEBUG * @uses GFSettings::get_subview() * @uses GFSettings::$addon_pages * @uses GFCommon::get_browser_class() * @uses GFCommon::display_dismissible_message() * * @param string $title Optional. The page title to be used. Defaults to an empty string. * @param string $message Optional. The message to display in the header. Defaults to empty string. * * @return void */ public static function page_header( $title = '', $message = '' ) { // Print admin styles. wp_print_styles( array( 'jquery-ui-styles', 'gform_admin', 'gform_settings' ) ); $current_tab = self::get_subview(); // Build left side options, always have GF Settings first and Uninstall last, put add-ons in the middle. $setting_tabs = array( '10' => array( 'name' => 'settings', 'label' => __( 'Settings', 'gravityforms' ), 'icon' => 'gform-icon--cog' ), '11' => array( 'name' => 'recaptcha', 'label' => __( 'reCAPTCHA', 'gravityforms' ), 'icon' => 'gform-icon--recaptcha' ), ); // Remove an addon from the sidebar if it is uninstalled from the main uninstall page. if ( rgpost( 'uninstall_addon' ) ) { check_admin_referer( 'uninstall', 'gf_addon_uninstall' ); foreach ( self::$addon_pages as $key => $addon ) { if ( $_POST['addon'] == $addon['tab_label'] ) { unset( self::$addon_pages[ $key ] ); break; } } // Set the uninstalled addon variable to display a success message. self::$uninstalled_addon = $_POST['addon']; } if ( ! empty( self::$addon_pages ) ) { $sorted_addons = self::$addon_pages; asort( $sorted_addons ); // Add add-ons to menu foreach ( $sorted_addons as $sorted_addon ) { $setting_tabs[] = array( 'name' => urlencode( $sorted_addon['name'] ), 'label' => esc_html( $sorted_addon['tab_label'] ), 'title' => esc_html( rgar( $sorted_addon, 'title' ) ), 'icon' => rgar( $sorted_addon, 'icon', 'gform-icon--cog' ), ); } } // Prevent Uninstall tab from being added for users that don't have gravityforms_uninstall capability. if ( GFCommon::current_user_can_uninstall() ) { $setting_tabs[] = array( 'name' => 'uninstall', 'label' => __( 'Uninstall', 'gravityforms' ), 'icon' => 'gform-icon--trash' ); } /** * Filters the Settings menu tabs. * * @since Unknown * * @param array $setting_tabs The settings tab names and labels. */ $setting_tabs = apply_filters( 'gform_settings_menu', $setting_tabs ); ksort( $setting_tabs, SORT_NUMERIC ); // Kind of boring having to pass the title, optionally get it from the settings tab if ( ! $title ) { foreach ( $setting_tabs as $tab ) { if ( $tab['name'] == urlencode( $current_tab ) ) { $title = ! empty( $tab['title'] ) ? $tab['title'] : $tab['label']; } } } ?> <div class="<?php echo GFCommon::get_browser_class() ?>"> <?php self::page_header_bar(); echo GFCommon::get_remote_message(); GFCommon::notices_section(); ?> <?php if ( $message ) { ?> <div id="message" class="updated"><p><?php echo $message; ?></p></div> <?php } ?> <div class="gform-settings__wrapper"> <?php GFCommon::display_dismissible_message(); ?> <nav class="gform-settings__navigation"> <?php foreach ( $setting_tabs as $tab ) { // Prepare tab URL. $url = add_query_arg( array( 'subview' => $tab['name'] ), admin_url( 'admin.php?page=gf_settings' ) ); // Get tab icon. $icon_markup = GFCommon::get_icon_markup( $tab, 'gform-icon--cog' ); printf( '<a href="%s"%s><span class="icon">%s</span> <span class="label">%s</span></a>', esc_url( $url ), $current_tab === $tab['name'] ? ' class="active"' : '', $icon_markup, esc_html( $tab['label'] ) ); } ?> </nav> <div class="gform-settings__content" id="tab_<?php echo esc_attr( $current_tab ); ?>"> <?php } /** * Outputs the Settings header bar. * * @since 2.5 */ public static function page_header_bar() { ?> <div class="wrap <?php echo GFCommon::get_browser_class(); ?>"> <?php GFCommon::gf_header(); } /** * Outputs the Settings page footer. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @return void */ public static function page_footer() { ?> </div> <!-- / gform-settings__content --> </div> <!-- / gform-settings__wrapper --> </div> <!-- / wrap --> <?php } /** * Gets the Settings page subview based on the query string. * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @return string The subview. */ public static function get_subview() { // Default to subview, if no subview provided support $subview = rgget( 'subview' ) ? rgget( 'subview' ) : rgget( 'addon' ); if ( ! $subview ) { $subview = 'settings'; } return $subview; } /** * Handles the enabling/disabling of the Akismet Integration setting * * Called from GFSettings::gravityforms_settings_page * * @since Unknown * @access public * * @used-by GFSettings::gravityforms_settings_page() * * @return string $akismet_setting '1' if turning on, '2' if turning off. */ public static function get_posted_akismet_setting() { $akismet_setting = rgpost( 'gforms_enable_akismet' ); if( $akismet_setting ) { $akismet_setting = '1'; } elseif( $akismet_setting === false ) { $akismet_setting = false; } else { $akismet_setting = '0'; } return $akismet_setting; } /** * Enable the GFLogging class. * * @since * * @return bool */ public static function enable_logging() { // Update option. $enabled = update_option( 'gform_enable_logging', true ); // Prepare settings page, enable logging. if ( function_exists( 'gf_logging' ) ) { // Add settings page. self::add_settings_page( array( 'name' => gf_logging()->get_slug(), 'tab_label' => gf_logging()->get_short_title(), 'title' => gf_logging()->plugin_settings_title(), 'handler' => array( gf_logging(), 'plugin_settings_page' ), 'icon' => gf_logging()->get_menu_icon(), ), null, null ); // Enabling all loggers by default gf_logging()->enable_all_loggers(); } return $enabled; } /** * Disable the GFLogging class. * * @since * * @return bool */ public static function disable_logging() { // Update option. $disabled = update_option( 'gform_enable_logging', false ); // Remove settings page, log files. if ( function_exists( 'gf_logging' ) ) { unset( self::$addon_pages[ gf_logging()->get_slug() ] ); gf_logging()->delete_log_files(); } return $disabled; } }